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ደራሲ: ሲድኒ ሺልደን ተርጓሚ: ብስራት እውነቱ የገጽ ብዛት:190 ዘውግ: ልብወለድ #share join @telemondo @telemondo
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"Waan tokko hubattee beektaa? Jette. "Waan akkamii ? Jenaan...takka callisa ishee keessa turte. Ijaan fagoo ilaalti. Quba harka ishee xiqqoo gara ilkaaniitti geessitee ciniinti. Turtee afuura guddaa baafatte. Ijaan nama ishee cinaa jiru dhiiftee gara fuuldura ishee qofa ilaalti. "Yeroo wayii onneen kee guutuu taati. Fedhiin kees qulqulluu ta'a. Sammuun kees ni qophaa'a. Yaadni kees ni haara'a. Maal siin jedhu? Jireenyi kee hundi of kennuu jalqaba. Oggas ni simatta. Gammachuudhaan, jaalalaan fedhii guutuudhaan ofitti amanamummaa cimaadhaan! Sababni isaa yeroo sirriin amma jettee waan amantuuf. Qophii ta'uu keetti waan quufteef. Kunuunsuu akka dandeessuu sirritti waan hubatteef! Sababni isaa, filannoo kee keessaa isa jaalattu , isa si harkisu waan guuteef. Sababni isaa , isa akka lubbuun kee barbaaddu, afuurri kees itti tasgabbaa'u, qalbiin kee itti boqotu ta'ee waan si dhuunfateef. Argitee? Ni simatta. Of kennuuf qophoofta. Hundeerraa jalqabdee keessa keetti waan simatte biqilchuu jalqabda. Onneen si dhahachuu eegalti. Qalbiinis sana barbaaduutti jooruu jalqabdi. Garuu homtuu bakka sana siif hin bu'u, homtuu sana hin filatu. Inni qalbiin kee simatee fedhiin kee guutuu ta'uu deemaadha. Jooraadha. Mul'atee badhaadha. Argamee dhokataadha. Hoo'ee qorraadha. Guddisee si xiqqeessa." Of loluun isaa hagam akka cimu yaadi. Hagam, guyyaa meeqaaf akka of dhamaastu yaadi. Baay'ee nama dadhabsiisa. Yeroo wayii fedhii kee, miira keef waan lubbuun kee simachuu feetu amanuu dhiifta! Gatii simannaa keef, barbaachisummaa kee haalota siif hin hubanne keessatti yoo of hiitu, turee' Wanti sirritti abdachuu jalqabduuf amanuu eegaltu hundi caalaatti akka sirrii hin taanetti jijjiiramuu mala. Hawwiin keessa keetii wal cunqursu martuu dhokatanii badu. Duwwaatti hafta. Ciccitaa miira keetii waliin wal'aansootti deebita. " @Guduunfaakoo
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Authentic living also promotes consistency and reliability, strengthening personal and professional relationships. Taken from "The Power of a Humble Life" by Richard E. Simmons III @Dr_AbdisaEj.
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Lessons From "The Power of a Humble Life" by Richard E. Simmons III 1. True Strength Lies in Humility Humility is often misunderstood as a sign of weakness or lack of confidence. However, Simmons argues that true humility requires significant inner strength. It takes courage to acknowledge one’s flaws, seek feedback, and admit mistakes. By doing so, individuals can grow and improve continuously. This perspective challenges the conventional notion of strength, shifting the focus from external displays of power to internal resilience and self-improvement. 2. The Importance of Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the foundation of humility. It involves an honest and thorough understanding of one’s character, emotions, and motivations. Simmons highlights that self-awareness allows individuals to recognize their strengths and weaknesses without self-deception or denial. This clarity helps in setting realistic goals, making better decisions, and engaging in more meaningful self-reflection. It also encourages continuous personal development and a deeper understanding of how one’s actions impact others. 3. Building Strong Relationships Humility is crucial for building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. It fosters empathy, as humble individuals are more likely to listen actively and understand the perspectives of others. This creates a foundation of mutual respect and trust. Humility also discourages arrogance and selfishness, promoting a more cooperative and supportive dynamic in personal and professional relationships. Simmons emphasizes that humility leads to deeper, more authentic connections, as people feel valued and understood. 4. Effective Leadership Humble leadership is characterized by a servant-leadership approach, where the leader prioritizes the needs and development of their team. Simmons argues that humble leaders are more approachable, willing to admit their mistakes, and open to new ideas. This fosters a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Employees are more likely to feel valued and motivated, leading to higher levels of engagement and productivity. Humility in leadership also sets a positive example, encouraging similar behavior throughout the organization. 5. Resilience in Adversity Humility equips individuals with the resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges. By accepting that failure is a part of the learning process, humble individuals can bounce back from setbacks more effectively. They are less likely to be discouraged by obstacles, viewing them instead as opportunities for growth. Simmons highlights that humility encourages a growth mindset, where difficulties are seen as temporary and surmountable with effort and persistence. 6. Fostering Gratitude A humble perspective naturally leads to a sense of gratitude. Recognizing that one’s achievements are often the result of collective effort, rather than solely personal endeavor, cultivates appreciation for the contributions of others. Simmons suggests that gratitude enhances well-being and satisfaction, as individuals become more aware of and thankful for the positive aspects of their lives. This attitude of gratitude can improve mental health and foster a more positive outlook on life. 7. Encouraging Innovation and Creativity Humility opens the door to innovation and creativity by fostering an environment where diverse ideas and perspectives are valued. Humble individuals acknowledge that they do not have all the answers and are more willing to seek input from others. This openness encourages creative problem-solving and the exploration of new approaches. Simmons emphasizes that humility allows for greater intellectual curiosity and flexibility, essential traits for innovation in any field. 8. Living Authentically Living a humble life means embracing authenticity and integrity. Humble individuals are true to themselves and their values, avoiding pretense and hypocrisy. Simmons highlights that this authenticity builds trust and respect, both internally and externally.
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Dhugaafi gumaankee golgamee hafus, seenaankee yoomuu darbee jiraata. Yeroo nu bira jirtu garmaammiinkee, yeroo qaamaan nu biraa deemtemmmo hojiifi maqaankee diinaaf sodaa nuyiif immoo galaadha. Haceekoo, yaadatamaa yeroo maraa!❤
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7🥰 2
Repost from ኦሮማይ
📚ርዕስ:- ኦሮማይ 📝ደራሲ:- በዓሉ ግርማ 📜ዘውግ :- ልብ ወለድ 📅ዓ. ም :- 1972 📖የገፅ ብዛት:- 372
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ኦሮማይ በአሉ ግርማ.pdf4.60 MB
Repost from Galaa Sammuu
"Uumaan ni uuma malee uumama hunda kan oolchee bulchu sirna. Sirni xabboo(Indigenous system) marti hariiroo uumamaafi eenyummaa uummataan masakamee diriira waan ta'eef, wiirtuuwwan isaa yoo diigamellee,heeraafi seerri isaanii uummata keessatti hambaa ta'ee hafa. " jedha kitaabni kun. Sirni qirqaabama wantoota hedduu akkaa fi bakka wal unannaan isaanii qajeelutti sirnaa'uun socho'anidha. Sochiifi deemsi sirnaa kun yoo wal maqefi walirraa gore akkasumas yoo wal simatee wal faana deemuu dhabe, sirni walaabuu jeeqamuufi uumamni nagaa dhaba. "Uumamni mul'atuufi hin mul'anne marti, sirna walaabuutiin qajeelfamee jiraata"jedha. Kitaabni kun sirna warri Kuush bar-dhibbeewwan hedduun dura Muuda Mormoriifi Odaa Walaabuu jalatti wiirtuu Muudaafi Bokkuu dhaabbatan, sochii uummanni naannoo ededa laga Mormoriifi Nuubiyaa keessatti taasisan dooyee dhiyeessa. Sochiiwwan qajeelfannaa sirnaa, wiirtuuwwan qaroominaa, baroota sirni warra Kuush bantii guddaarra gahe (golden age), dhufaatii warra biroofi saamamuu sirna warra Gurraachaa sirriitti qaaccessa. ....Barruun kun qe'ee hanga addunyaa maraatti, addunyaa maraa hanga qe'eetti, maalummaa sirnaa, ka'umsaafi gahumsa sirnaa, sirna qabaachuufi dhabuun maal akka fayyaduufi fidu qaaccessa. Sirnoonni siyaasaafi amantii addunyaarratti dhiibbaa gurguddaa uuman akkamiin akka ka'aniifi eessa akka gahan addeessa. Inni biraan, hangaftichi Kuush Oromoon Muuda Mormoriifi Odaa Walaabuu (Nuubiyaa) irraa ka'uun Wiirtuu muudaa Gichee hanga Caffee Dongoraatti...achimmoo hanga ammaatti maal keessa akka darbeefi maal keessa akka jiru, jijijjiiramuufi bittinnaa'uu wiirtuuwwan Muudaafi Bokkuu agarsiisuuf ragaaleen maddoota garagaraafi argaa dhageettii hedduutti dhimma bahameera. Kitaaba kana qorataa seenaa obbo Taliila Bulbula Tulluu tiin barreeffame. Dhugaawwan, dhugeeffannaafi beekumsa argaa-dhageetti hedduu haammatee jira. Gama tokkoon qorattoota dhimma uummata keenyaa qorachuu barbaadaniif xurree saaqa. Gama biraatiin immoo kitaabilee barnootaa dhimma sirna Oromoorratti bahaniif wabii guddaadha. Kitaabni kun waxabajjii 23/2016 Hoteela Internaashinaalii Ililliitti eebbifama. Guyyaa sana beellaam biraa hin qabatinaa, kitaaba kanammoo barbaadaa dubbisaa🙏🥰 Hub: Obbo Taliilaan obbolaa lamaan waa'ee farda 'Siidaa Dabalee' barreessan kan Hachalu Hundessa wabeeffatee gaafa Interview dhumaa dubbate sanadha. Warra gumaata seenaa taasisan, waan uummataa ifatti baasuuf ifaajaa turaniifi jiran keessaa warra tarree duraati.👏👏
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Repost from Barruu Walaabuu
Kitaabni Amala namaafi Icciitii Jaalalaa bareedadha. Kitaabni ‘Ke Falasfa Alem’ jettus ni xiqqaatte malee kitaaba dansaati. Borcoq kan Sibahaat G/Igzaaber garuu hagas mara natti hin tolle. Mata duree 12 of keessaa qabaatus mata duree tokko qofaan jaaladhe. Kitaabileen kiiloo hin qabne warra nu dura og-barruu eegale biras jirti. 👌🏻Walumaa galatti:- Yoona dargaggeessi kun ajandaa namni wayii kaase qoodatee irratti wal dhaba ta’a. Ani hammas Fuu-barruu wajjin hin haraaramne. Miidhamaan Fuul-barruu irraa fudhadhe dagadhus bakkan kufetti hin deebi’u. Karaa gufuun na rukute jiru hin darbu. Lafa saree itti kolaasanidha! Hammas kitaabilee wajjin oolmaa tolfadheen jira. Kitaabota muraasa ilaaleen baatiiwwan boodawwoo dhaamsa siniif dhaama. Kitaabileen karoora dubbisakoo marsaa itti aanuu keessa jiran keessaa QURAANNI isa tokkodha. Kaardii liqeeffatanii yeroo ofii Fuul-barruu irratti gubuurra, kitaaba ergifatanii dubbisuu wayya! Hundi keessanuu nagaa qabaadhaa! #Bilisummaa_Shibbiruu ✍🏻🫡
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