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Orthodox art,quotes and videos. Everyone is welcome! This channel was established with the purpose of evangelising people in the West and elsewhere to Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

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The Megami Tensei video games give us a glimpse of the mindset of the Elite and the direction they wish to take humanity. Putting large numbers of us under demonic control via technology, promoting Gnosticism and Mother Earth worship, implanting blasphemous thoughts about God-murder and absolute human autonomy in our minds – that games featuring such themes as these have sold tens of millions of copies shows us clearly the spiritual state of the world (or, more accurately, the state of the wealthy, technologically advanced, Westernized countries where this sort of media is regularly consumed).
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Mainstreaming the Demonic: Megami Tensei’s Un-Orthodox Programming - Orthodox Reflections

Science fiction, gaming, and technology mainstream the Global Elite's vision of demonic control via Gnosticism and absolute human autonomy.

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На данашњи дан, врши се литургијски спомен Светог Јустина Ћелијског, великог светила православне Истине, чудотворца, веродостојног тумача Србског завета и богословског путоказа у временима духовне смутње. Свети Јустин је значајан и као разобличитељ духа савремене Европе, који је прецизно описао генезу пада западног човека. Такође, Свети Јустин је био заговорник органског погледа на друштво, које је назвао и светосавском философијом друштва, насупрот либерал-демократском индивидуализму или тоталитарном колективизму који унификује и нивелише личности. Житије и дело Светог Јустина, јасно и недвосмислено поручују србском роду, којим путем треба ходити, а које странпутице избегавати. Преподобни оче Јустине, моли Бога за свој род србски! Подвиг и борба!
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A person of the modern age as an egoist and narcissist, in all his pride, thinks that he is fearless, the strongest, the smartest, the most resourceful, the most capable, so successful and good that he doesn't even need anyone anymore... And he thinks that he is not afraid of anything, that he is not afraid of death or suffering... But when suffering, pain and temptation occur, it turns out that the modern person's idea of ​​himself was just a pure delusion. Such a person, in difficult moments when he needs to show endurance and courage, without much struggle enters weakness, pessimism, defeatism (surrender), sinks into a sea of ​​emotions, anger, sadness, remorse (but not repentance), impiety, idolatry (depression). , perhaps even a tendency towards self-destruction. How does an experienced Orthodox person act in the same difficult moments? He remembers the spiritual struggle (between good and evil), he knows he has to endure, he remembers his weakness and sinfulness - that's why he prayerfully asks for help from God (who may not provide help and comfort at the same second, but is all-seeing and benevolent), acts thoughtfully and hold on bravely until the storm passes. When a modern person and an Orthodox person are compared, then it becomes clear who has it easier. A modern person enjoys the comforts and pleasures of this world, he does not even think about renouncing his passionate (sinful) way of life, that is why he is weak. The Orthodox paradoxically gains strength from fasting, prayer, liturgy and repentance; although he is aware that he is weak and sinful, he grows stronger, reaches new heights, pushes in the right direction, follows the path of Christ of salvation. Such a man stands eternally ready for new struggles, suffering, difficulty, temptations, and without a trace of fear he calmly continues his modest life. "Let the fight be unceasing, let the impossible be" — Bishop Njegoš - Gorski Vijenac
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Repost from N/a
One who is converted to Orthodoxy straight from ‘rock’ culture, and in general anyone who thinks he can combine Orthodoxy with that kind of culture — has much suffering to go through and a difficult road in life before he can become a truly serious Orthodox Christian who is capable of handing on his faith to others… + Blessed Seraphim of Platina
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3😍 1
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King of the Anglo-Saxons: Life and Legacy of St. Alfred the Great (Sponsored Stream)

#Logos #England #Christianity Major thank you to Attila for sponsoring this stream. In it I go over the life and legacy of St. Alfred the Great. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. God bless Superchat Here

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Repost from Orthodox Faith
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☦️ St. Paisios the Athonite St Paisios books and icons
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Happy Fathers Day to the Heavenly Father, King of Kings, King of Glory.
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25. The self-controlled refrain from gluttony ; those who have renounced possessions, from greed ; the tranquil , from loquacity ; the pure, from self-indulgence ; the modest, from unchastity ; the self-dependent, from avarice ; the gentle, from agitation ; the humble, from self-esteem ; the obedient, from quarrelling ; the self-critical , from hypocrisy. Similarly, those who pray are protected from despair; the poor, from having many possessions ; confessors of the faith, from its denial ; martyrs, from idolatry. Do you see how every virtue that is performed even to the point of death is nothing other than refraining from sin ? Now to refrain from sin is a work within our own natural powers, but not something that buys us the kingdom. 26. While man can scarcely keep what belongs to him by nature, Christ gives the grace of sonship through the Cross. 27. Certain commandments are specific, and others are comprehensive. Thus Christ enjoins us specifically to 'share with him who has none' (Luke 3: 11) ; and He gives us a comprehensive command to forsake all that we have (cf. Luke 14: 33) #Mark_the_Ascetic #philokalia
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