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Orthodox Reflections

Reflections on contemporary issues in Orthodox Christianity

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New Orthodox missions are springing up all over that are almost entirely comprised of adult converts with their children. However, the majority of Orthodox parishes are still mixed between adult converts, immigrants, “ethnic cradles”, and the maturing group of “non-ethnic” cradles (a group that not too long ago didn’t really exist). In such mixed settings, some conflicts between groups exist that are troubling enough that we are wise to spend time understanding where all sides are coming from. It is particularly important to understand how things have changed over the course of just a few decades for those raised in the Orthodox Faith.
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Cradle Orthodox Life Has Changed Dramatically in Just a Few Decades - Orthodox Reflections

Sometimes we need to take stock of just how much Orthodoxy in America has changed within the lifetimes of our "cradles". From an immigrant faith with mainstream moral and ethical beliefs, shifts in American culture have turned Orthodoxy into more and more of an outlier, putting the Church in the middle of conflicts we never sought out, but now cannot avoid.

👍 9🤔 4 1
There seems to be quite a fair amount of cultural tone-deafness and historical ignorance amidst the episcopacy of the various Orthodox jurisdictions in the United States. Abp. Elpidophoros of the Greek Archdiocese of America epitomizes this in his 2023 Thanksgiving Encyclical. A mistake is made right in the opening line: ‘Our National Day of Thanksgiving arrives in a time when the world is in turmoil, and “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6) cast a pall over the global community.’ The encyclical is clearly based on the ignorant assumption that all 50 American States, spread across more than an entire continent and belonging to unique regional cultures, are somehow ‘one’ and, thus, our ‘national day’ is one. Closely tied to that concept of ‘oneness’ is the concept of ‘indivisibility’. Anyone who has read more than the simplified comic book version of U.S. history (to use Dr. Clyde Wilson’s words) will understand that the United States are not now, and have never been, ‘one nation indivisible’.
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👍 7
It’s the holidays again. Time for family, friends, parties, eating too much, presents, decorations, sappy TV specials, and much, much more! But most of all, it is time for many Orthodox Christians in America to indulge in one of our favorite past times – complaining about “American” culture. Or, to be honest, the lack thereof.
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👍 6
The generic, consumeristic American culture is childish and unserious at best and demonic at worst. A look at what passes for holy days/holidays gives solid confirmation to this claim.
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The Holiest Days on Americanism’s Calendar - Orthodox Reflections

American holidays tend to be superficial and uninspiring. We Orthodox have much to teach our fellow Americans this time of year.

👍 12👎 2
Rabbinic Judaism is an explicit denial of Christ as the promised Messiah. It is incompatible with Christianity on that basis alone. Rabbinic Jews still await their messiah, whom Christians assert not only has already come, but Who is God Incarnate. While we could stop there, there is much more to consider such as the impact of Zionism. Rabbinic Judaism, founded after Orthodox Christianity, is not even the same religion as it was a mere 100 years ago. Since its founding in 1897, the Zionist movement within Judaism has gone from a fringe idea, heavily opposed by rabbis as being a repudiation of God (who alone could re-found Israel, perhaps via the coming of the Messiah), to practically taking over the religion. The current War in Gaza has exposed the depths of religious fervor that Zionism now commands among what appears to be the vast majority of global Jews. (There are still Anti-Zionist Jews, more on that later.)
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👍 20🔥 3🏆 3
Shooting up a hospital full of sick patients as an individual is morally wrong. Putting on a uniform and obeying an order to drop a bomb on that same hospital is equally morally wrong. Distance and the use of technology do not magically change murder into warfare. If we want to live as Christians, die as Christians, and enjoy eternal life with Christ, then we must wage war as Christians. We must demand that same moral behavior out of any nation we support in any conflict. To do otherwise is to immeasurably harm our own souls. We can gain some further insight into the Orthodox teaching on war from the War and Peace section of document The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church
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🔥 10 1
MAGA Mike Johnson won’t be able to ‘save America’ from his new perch in Congress. For the America they are trying to save was doomed from the beginning. Any people that places the freedom of the individual as the cornerstone of their societal foundation is doomed to failure, as the centrifugal forces such a principle unleashes tear apart all meaningful ties between people and generations.
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America Isn’t Dying: It’s Already Dead - Orthodox Reflections

How does one build a healthy society with no basis but fictitious Enlightenment constructs? Even worse, how does getting back to the precepts that already failed make anything better?

🔥 15
The Ukrainian parliament has actually passed the first reading of a law to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This is unacceptable, and Americans are the only people who have any leverage at all. Speak up!
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Responding to Ukraine Banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Orthodox Reflections

How should Orthodox and other concerned American Christians react to the law 8371 banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Archbishop Peter of Chicago has asked us to step up and demand accountability from our elected readers.

👍 9🙏 5
We have been given an ultimatum. Either we support the Israeli National Security State, or we support the terrorist organization Hamas. As an Orthodox Christian, I completely reject this immoral choice. I support neither of these two terror-based organizations. I support Christ, the Prince of Peace, and wish to stay as far away from other people’s wars as possible. At the same time, I support the Palestinian people who have suffered so much since 1948, particularly the Christians among them. Below are four reasons why this is where I stand.
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4 Reasons to Support Palestinians, But Not Zionists or Hamas - Orthodox Reflections

Orthodox Christians worship the Prince of Peace. The conflict in Gaza pits two sides that both intentionally target civilians, with Orthodox Christians stuck in the middle. You can support Palestinians while rejecting the Zionists and Hamas.

🙏 24🕊 3👍 1👎 1
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