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The Course of Empire (Uncensored)

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This is why you never hear them thanking the Allies for saving them (based on the current, accepted narrative of the war) and are more likely to condemn the white Allies as virtually as bad as the Nazis, simply because they’re white. No special day of thanksgiving for us where Jews will laud our people’s heroism is fighting their oppressor, because in their mind no one ever cared about them or helped them, no matter how many million may have died in a war such as this. Something to point out to philosemitic Normie Cons whenever possible: when are the Jews going to thank us? They never will.
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Joel Davis

Netanyahu says no one came to aid of the Jews during the so called "holocaust" - like dude the entire world basically formed an alliance against Germany and then defeated them in the biggest war in human history wtf are you on about? The only way the view that the Jews saved themselves makes any sense would be if the implication is that these allies were coerced by a Jewish conspiracy into doing so. And therefore that WWII was not an American/Soviet victory over Germany, but a Jewish one. Big think.

Even with the massive amount of foreign aid they get, they’re still heading toward a softer version of TND.
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Demographics Now and Then

The capital of Mozambique is already at replacement level TFR. This is happening to all of sub Saharan Africa. The continent will be at or below replacement by 2060.

I’m surprised he didn’t mention the Holocaust here as well.
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Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸

Even North Korea doesn’t come off this deranged.

This is likely what most philosemitic conservatives focus on, that amazing 5% that are “on our side” while blithely ignoring the other 95% who are liberal/left and often very openly hate us. They explain it away as “those are just liberals like any other, nothing to do with them being g Jewish.” Really? Even blacks have more people who would be on our side than this. No other race/ethnicity are so profoundly subversive.
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Regarding Jared Taylor's hope that "many more Jews realize they've been backing the wrong horse and throw in with White gentiles to reestablish the values of the West" : Judging by the above statistics, I'd guess that no more than 5% of Jews will join Team White.

Much as with E. Michael Jones’ weakness regarding race realism, Taylor’s weakness is the Jews, but at least he does acknowledge there are serious issues with them. Jones is completely oblivious, or maybe just obstinate, in his refusal to see race and believing it just to be a category of the mind; as long as everyone’s a Catholic is all that matters to him. Meanwhile, Taylor is far too optimistic about Jews. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re both Boomers and have a harder time breaking from the post war narrative, but they definitely have these glaring weaknesses that people need to be aware of.
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Jared Taylor on the Jewish Question: This is a reasonable take from Jared but his hope that Jews as a collective will join Team White is overly optimistic. I think secular Jews will eventually assimilate with Whites due to outbreeding, but the majority will retain ultra-libtard beliefs and some vague Jewish identity. The more ethnocentric religious Jews and Zionists will maintain their distinct ethnic identity and most likely flee to Israel if things get too bad in the West. I think Team White will attract, at most, a small minority of sensible Jews with "far-right" beliefs. I think most will be secular, have at least two White grandparents, and minimal attachment to Jewish culture.

I can’t wait for him to discuss the masturbation machines they used to torture them to death. 😬
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Hey Buddy

Holocaust Lore #02: Roller coasters

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Kind of a “whatcha doin there, rabbi?” situation.
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So, Israel was paying people to call and make bomb threats on their own people? @LeighStew

Imagine being as retarded as Cheong and Berry isn’t really any better, though he thinks he’s being clever.
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The Commissioner (Blue Check University)

But of course Cheong was the first reply lmao

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Hard to be loyal when your government is so compromised and controlled. This goes for other countries too.
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Corey J. Mahler

No American owes any loyalty to the United States. ✠

Japan in the midst of a population decline is seeing real estate prices plummet. this is what happens when you don't flood millions of browns into your nation. Life will become affordable again for families.
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