
Sizning foydalanuvchi tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun cookie-lardan foydalanamiz. Barchasini qabul qiling», bosing, cookie-lardan foydalanilishiga rozilik bildirishingiz talab qilinadi.


LeEgna / ለእኛ

Local and Global Opportunities for Ethiopians 🇪🇹 @leegna ✔️ Trainings and Conferences ✔️ Job and Volunteer Opportunities ✔️ Events ✔️ Scholarships ✔️ Fellowships ✔️ Travel Opportunities and More Feedback: @Meronhmhs @Topis_T [email protected]

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5 628
-124 soatlar
+327 kunlar
+11730 kunlar

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Taglar buluti
Ma'lumot yo'q
Muammo bormi? Iltimos, sahifani yangilang yoki bizning qo'llab-quvvatlash boshqaruvchimizga murojaat qiling>.
Kirish va chiqish esdaliklari
Obunachilarni jalb qilish
Ma'lumot yo'q
Muammo bormi? Iltimos, sahifani yangilang yoki bizning qo'llab-quvvatlash boshqaruvchimizga murojaat qiling>.
Kanal postlari
30 kun ichida

We are looking for ⛰️ adventure and mountain lovers Come and touch Highlanders  life on to the mount mogle Reservation 0912795277 (@Te1egsam) / 0965176349 (@abena89) on telegram


Job Title: Marketing Assistant and Video Host


Dashboard Management: Maintain and update the company's dashboard for accurate data representation.

Customer Service: Address customer inquiries and resolve complaints via various communication channels.

Auction Coordination: Organize and manage company auction events.

Corporate Relations Management: Manage partnership and grants with corporate partners.

Content Creation for Videos: Create and manage video content for marketing purposes.

TikTok Video Hosting:Host and present engaging TikTok videos, develop creative content to attract followers, and interact with the audience through comments and live sessions to build community.
Job Title: Marketing Assistant and Video Host Responsibilities Dashboard Management: Maintain and update the company's dashboard for accurate data representation. Customer Service: Address customer inquiries and resolve complaints via various communication channels. Auction Coordination: Organize and manage company auction events. Corporate Relations Management: Manage partnership and grants with corporate partners. Content Creation for Videos: Create and manage video content for marketing purposes. TikTok Video Hosting:Host and present engaging TikTok videos, develop creative content to attract followers, and interact with the audience through comments and live sessions to build community.
🌟 Transform Your Mind & Body with Yoga with Kat! 🌟

🧘‍♀️ Ready to unwind, stretch, and rejuvenate? Join Kat for a calming yet energizing yoga session every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM (1:00 PM LT)!

💪 Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, you'll find peace, flexibility, and strength on the mat.

✨ Why Yoga with Kat?

Perfect blend of relaxation and challenge
Focus on breath, body, and balance
All levels welcome!
Don’t miss out – let’s flow together! 🧘‍♀️💫
Register @khulservice or call us 0932333382 for more information 

Khul World 
Human Possibilities!!
🌟 Transform Your Mind & Body with Yoga with Kat! 🌟 🧘‍♀️ Ready to unwind, stretch, and rejuvenate? Join Kat for a calming yet energizing yoga session every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 PM (1:00 PM LT)! 💪 Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned yogi, you'll find peace, flexibility, and strength on the mat. ✨ Why Yoga with Kat? Perfect blend of relaxation and challenge Focus on breath, body, and balance All levels welcome! Don’t miss out – let’s flow together! 🧘‍♀️💫 Register @khulservice or call us 0932333382 for more information Khul World Human Possibilities!! @KhulWorld
Fendika Rebirth - Art Exhibition

📅   Dec 9, 2024 - Jan 10, 2025
📍   Hyatt Regency | Meskel Square 
⏱️   5pm
💵   Free

To get more info about the event click here
For a better experience Get our app from the Google Play Store Download Link

Telegram | Tiktok | Facebook | Instagram
Fendika Rebirth - Art Exhibition 📅   Dec 9, 2024 - Jan 10, 2025 📍   Hyatt Regency | Meskel Square ⏱️ 5pm 💵   Free #Share To get more info about the event click here For a better experience Get our app from the Google Play Store Download Link Telegram | Tiktok | Facebook | Instagram
ድርጅት : ሜሊስ አለም አቀፍ ፋሽን ላይ የሚሰራ ድርጅትሲሆን ማናጀር ይፈልጋል የስራ መደብ ፡ ማናጀር ቦታ: 22 አደይ አበባ ስታድየም አጠገብ የቅጥር አይነት፡ የሙሉ ጊዜ/ቋሚ የስራ ልምድ : ሁለት አመትና ከዚያ በላይ ተፈላጊ :- በማስተዳደር ጀነራል እውቀት ያለው/ት ደሞዝ ፡- በስምምነት ለማመልከት ቴሌግራም @homedire @leegna
Do you want to HEAL a Physical or Psychological ailment or optimize different areas of your life? Do you know you can feel and scan the energy (Aura) of your self and other just with your hands?

Join us tomorrow afternoon on our FREE Healing camp, as a give back to our community, to learn the science, experiment the practicality and if receive a short healing for a physical or psychological case 

When:Saturday, December 7, 1:00-4:00 PM (7  - 10  LT)  
Where:  Khul Center Location

Spaces are limited, so early reservations are encouraged. To register, please send your full name, phone number, and #FHC to our Telegram line @khulservice or +251932333382.

For Professional healing services click here

Khul World; Human Possibilities 
Khul Wholeness Center
Pranic Healing Ethiopia
Do you want to HEAL a Physical or Psychological ailment or optimize different areas of your life? Do you know you can feel and scan the energy (Aura) of your self and other just with your hands? Join us tomorrow afternoon on our FREE Healing camp, as a give back to our community, to learn the science, experiment the practicality and if receive a short healing for a physical or psychological case When:Saturday, December 7, 1:00-4:00 PM (7 - 10 LT) Where: Khul Center Location Spaces are limited, so early reservations are encouraged. To register, please send your full name, phone number, and #FHC to our Telegram line @khulservice or +251932333382. For Professional healing services click here @Khulworld Khul World; Human Possibilities Khul Wholeness Center Pranic Healing Ethiopia
ስራው የሚመለከታችሁ ከታች ባለው ቴሌግራም አድራሻ ፃፉላቸው 1 )በልብስ ሽያጭ 2)ልብስ ስፌት የስራ ቦታ ወሰን ለስራ ቦታው ቅርብ የሆኑ ደመወዝ በስምምነት Telegram @lelis_Market @leegna
CNC Machine Operator and Designer እንፈልጋለን ብዛት 1 Experience ያለው (ሰርቶ የሚያውቅ both operating and designing ) Aspire, Autocad(Adobe illustrator )የሚችል በር, ፓርትሽን, የተለያዩ ማስታወቂያዎችን, እንዲሁም የተለያዩ ዲዛይኖችን መስራት የሚችል የስራ ቦታ አውቶብስ ተራ @ituvef Telegram lay Apply ያድርጉ @leegna
ማስረጃዎቻችሁን ከታች በተቀመጠው ኢሜል አድራሻ ላኩ ኩባንያ: ኤል- ማርክ የስራ መደቡ መጠሪያ፡ የመኪና ጥገና ቴክኒሻን ቦታ: ሜክሲኮ የቅጥር አይነት፡ የሙሉ ጊዜ/ቋሚ መስፈርቶች፡ በአውቶሞቲቭ ጥገና ወይም ጥገና ከ0-4 ዓመት ልምድ። - መሳሪያዎችን እና መሳሪያዎችን የመጠቀም ብቃት። - የተሽከርካሪዎች ስርዓቶች (ሞተር, ማስተላለፊያ, ብሬክስ, ወዘተ) እውቀት. - ጠንካራ ችግርን የመፍታት ችሎታ - የመንጃ ፍቃድ, በአውቶሞቲቭ አገልግሎት (ASE) ሰርተፍኬት ያለዉ/ያላት ። ደሞዝ ፡- -10,000-30,000 እና ሌሎች ጥቅማ ጥቅሞች። ለማመልከት: [email protected] @leegna
Get ready for an unforgettable evening at the Comedy and Jazz Edition on Sunday, December 8th, at the Marriott Executive Apartment's Ivy_addis. Doors open at 4:00 PM, and the show starts at 6:00 PM. 

Afromile is offering a special 20% discount—tickets are now 400 Birr instead of 500 Birr! Grab your tickets now and join us for a night to remember

Ticket link:

Get ready for an unforgettable evening at the Comedy and Jazz Edition on Sunday, December 8th, at the Marriott Executive Apartment's Ivy_addis. Doors open at 4:00 PM, and the show starts at 6:00 PM. Afromile is offering a special 20% discount—tickets are now 400 Birr instead of 500 Birr! Grab your tickets now and join us for a night to remember Ticket link: @afromile
ሰላም ውድ የስለ እናት  ቤተሰቦች ነገ የት ናችሁ ከዚህ ቀደም በተከታታይ የለቀቅነው ማስታወቂያ ተመልክተውት ይሆን? 
ምናልባት በስራ መብዛት እና በተለያየ ሁኔታ የለቀቅነውን ማስታወቂያ ካልተመለከቱት እናስታውሶ ።
ነገ ማለትም ህዳር 28 ከቀኑ በ9:00 በድርጅታችን ግቢ ውስጥ ምርጥ የቤተሰብ ግዜ (family night ) አብረን እናሳልፋለን። የመግቢያ ትኬቱ እየተሸጠ ይገኛል ወይም በነገው እለት በር ላይ ታገኛላችሁ፤ ነገርግን ያለን ቦታ ውስን በመሆኑ  ፈጠን ብለው በመግዛት ከቤተሰቦ ጋር መጣችሁ የማይረሳ ግዜ ያሳልፉ
በለቱ በሙዚቀኞች ፣ በተለያዬ ጨዋታዎች እና  በምርጥ የፊልም ቆይታ ምሽታችንን እናሳምረዋለን። በ 0940656565 ወይም በ 0921939393 በመደውል ትኬቶችን ማግኝት ትችላላችሁ የትኬት ዋጋ ቀደመው ለሚገዙ 300ብር እና አንድ ደርዘን ደብተር  ሲሆን በእለቱ  በር ላይ ለሚገዙ 600 ብር ይሆናል።

የተሻለ የልጅነት ግዜ ለሁሉም ህፃናት!
ስለ እናት የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት
ሰላም ውድ የስለ እናት ቤተሰቦች ነገ የት ናችሁ ከዚህ ቀደም በተከታታይ የለቀቅነው ማስታወቂያ ተመልክተውት ይሆን? ምናልባት በስራ መብዛት እና በተለያየ ሁኔታ የለቀቅነውን ማስታወቂያ ካልተመለከቱት እናስታውሶ ። ነገ ማለትም ህዳር 28 ከቀኑ በ9:00 በድርጅታችን ግቢ ውስጥ ምርጥ የቤተሰብ ግዜ (family night ) አብረን እናሳልፋለን። የመግቢያ ትኬቱ እየተሸጠ ይገኛል ወይም በነገው እለት በር ላይ ታገኛላችሁ፤ ነገርግን ያለን ቦታ ውስን በመሆኑ ፈጠን ብለው በመግዛት ከቤተሰቦ ጋር መጣችሁ የማይረሳ ግዜ ያሳልፉ በለቱ በሙዚቀኞች ፣ በተለያዬ ጨዋታዎች እና በምርጥ የፊልም ቆይታ ምሽታችንን እናሳምረዋለን። በ 0940656565 ወይም በ 0921939393 በመደውል ትኬቶችን ማግኝት ትችላላችሁ የትኬት ዋጋ ቀደመው ለሚገዙ 300ብር እና አንድ ደርዘን ደብተር ሲሆን በእለቱ በር ላይ ለሚገዙ 600 ብር ይሆናል። የተሻለ የልጅነት ግዜ ለሁሉም ህፃናት! ስለ እናት የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት
Explore your creative potential with a UK University!
Join us during our Creative Economy Week for the UK Study and Funding Opportunities for Creatives webinar, presented in partnership with G3 Africa. Discover study options, funding opportunities, and everything you need to know about pursuing a creative course at a UK university.

09 December 2024 | 4 pm - 6 pm GMT
Register Online:

For additional information:

Don't miss this chance to turn your passion into a profession!

#creativeconomyweekgh #creativeeconomyweek #creativeeconomy #UKStudy #StudyUK
Explore your creative potential with a UK University! Join us during our Creative Economy Week for the UK Study and Funding Opportunities for Creatives webinar, presented in partnership with G3 Africa. Discover study options, funding opportunities, and everything you need to know about pursuing a creative course at a UK university. 09 December 2024 | 4 pm - 6 pm GMT Register Online: For additional information: Don't miss this chance to turn your passion into a profession! #creativeconomyweekgh #creativeeconomyweek #creativeeconomy #UKStudy #StudyUK #BritishCouncil
Bloom Women’s Space offers a 2-week beginner virtual assistant training program for women in Ethiopia, priced at 1,000 ETB. The course covers lead generation, appointment setting, client management, CV renovation, and live cold-calling training. 

Participants receive a free certificate upon completion. For more details, call 0945366465 or contact @BloomCustomerSupport on Telegram

Bloom Women’s Space offers a 2-week beginner virtual assistant training program for women in Ethiopia, priced at 1,000 ETB. The course covers lead generation, appointment setting, client management, CV renovation, and live cold-calling training. Participants receive a free certificate upon completion. For more details, call 0945366465 or contact @BloomCustomerSupport on Telegram @linkupaddis
Alliance Ethio-Française is hosting a Christmas movie screening just for kids titled "Kina & Yuk: Renards de la Banquise," narrated by Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse on 7 December 2024 at 2 PM. 
Have a Christmas spirit-filled saturdya afternoon, Don't miss out!

Alliance Ethio-Française is hosting a Christmas movie screening just for kids titled "Kina & Yuk: Renards de la Banquise," narrated by Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse on 7 December 2024 at 2 PM. Have a Christmas spirit-filled saturdya afternoon, Don't miss out! @linkupaddis
Join us on our upcoming Webinar!

📢 Webinar Alert: The Biggest Challenges in the Feminist Movement in Ethiopia

🗓 Date: December 7, 2024
🕒 Time: 2 PM
📍 Venue: Teams/Zoom

Join the Federation of African Law Students - Ethiopia Chapter in collaboration with the Network of Female Law Students and Legal Professionals for an insightful discussion on the barriers to gender equality in Ethiopia.

✨ What to Expect:
• Insights into societal, legal, and institutional challenges.
• The role of youth activism and grassroots movements.
• Addressing intersectionality in the feminist movement.
• Collaborative strategies for change.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with thought leaders and advocates on shaping a more equitable future.

🔗 Register here: []
Join us on our upcoming Webinar! 📢 Webinar Alert: The Biggest Challenges in the Feminist Movement in Ethiopia 🗓 Date: December 7, 2024 🕒 Time: 2 PM 📍 Venue: Teams/Zoom Join the Federation of African Law Students - Ethiopia Chapter in collaboration with the Network of Female Law Students and Legal Professionals for an insightful discussion on the barriers to gender equality in Ethiopia. ✨ What to Expect: • Insights into societal, legal, and institutional challenges. • The role of youth activism and grassroots movements. • Addressing intersectionality in the feminist movement. • Collaborative strategies for change. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with thought leaders and advocates on shaping a more equitable future. 🔗 Register here: []
Urgent vacancy East Africa Lion Brand Manufacturing S.C looking highly qualified applicants for the following vacant positions. Therefore, I would like to inform to you that the applicant who can met the minimum requirements described as follow as; Job Position: Sales Operations Supervisor No. of required; 1 Employment type; permanent Salary: Negotiable Duty station: Dukem Job summery The Sales Operations Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the sales support team, ensuring smooth processes and optimal performance. This role requires coordinating with sales teams, analyzing data, managing administrative tasks, and driving improvements in sales productivity. Key Responsibilities: Team Management: Supervise and lead the sales operations team, providing guidance, training, and performance evaluations. Process Optimization: Develop, implement, and refine sales processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Data Management & Reporting: Analyze sales data to identify trends, track key performance metrics, and generate reports for management. Sales Support: Provide administrative support to the sales team, including order processing, and handling customer inquiries. Collaboration: Work closely with sales, marketing, finance, and other departments to align operations and support business objectives. Compliance & Documentation: Ensure all sales operations comply with company policies and regulations, maintaining accurate records and documentation. Problem Solving: Address operational issues and develop solutions to enhance the sales process. Forecasting & Planning: Assist in sales forecasting and budgeting to support strategic decision-making. Qualifications and Requirements: Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management, economics, Business Administration, other related field. Experience: Minimum of 4-7 years of experience in sales operations or a related role, with at least 2-4 years in a supervisory capacity. Skills: Strong leadership and team management skills. Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities and sales analytics tools. Analytical mindset with strong problem-solving skills. Ability to manage multiple priorities and work under pressure. Solid understanding of sales processes and best practices. Detail-oriented with excellent organizational skills. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in the FMCG industry is highly preferable Knowledge of compliance and regulatory requirements in sales operations. How to Apply: Interested candidates are invited to submit the documents to [email protected] or [email protected] @leegna
Educational Volunteers Needed! Do you have just 2 hours per week to volunteer? You can join us in person or online! What’s in it for you? A certificate of participation. An allowance to support your transport or internet needs. What will you do? Tutoring and Mentorship: Support students in public schools across Addis Ababa. Educational Material Preparation: Create engaging and effective study materials online. We’re looking for 2,000+ volunteers to make a real difference in education! To apply fill out this form: Deadline to apply: Tuesday, December 6, 2024. Join us and help shape the future of students!
🎓 Students, Have You Registered Yet? Arifpay 3.0 is just around the corner, bringing exciting opportunities and much more! 

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative event.
📅 Date: December 12, 2024
📍 Venue: National Theater of Ethiopia
🎟 RSVP now and secure your spot for an unforgettable experience!
🎓 Students, Have You Registered Yet? Arifpay 3.0 is just around the corner, bringing exciting opportunities and much more! Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative event. 📅 Date: December 12, 2024 📍 Venue: National Theater of Ethiopia 🎟 RSVP now and secure your spot for an unforgettable experience!
🚀 Calling All Startups!

Are you an innovative entrepreneur or a bold founder looking to showcase your venture? COSMOPOLIS invites YOU to shine at our debut event on November 30th at De Leopol Hotel!

Be part of a groundbreaking day of innovation, networking, and opportunity where startups, creatives, and changemakers come together to celebrate the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of Addis Ababa.

📩 Apply Now! Limited slots available—don’t miss out. Apply here

For inquiries:
DM us or call 0925934490 or 0941130946 for more details.

✨ What We’re Looking For:
✅ Startups with innovative solutions
✅ Tech-driven products & services
✅ Creative business ideas
✅ Visionary entrepreneurs
🚀 Calling All Startups! Are you an innovative entrepreneur or a bold founder looking to showcase your venture? COSMOPOLIS invites YOU to shine at our debut event on November 30th at De Leopol Hotel! Be part of a groundbreaking day of innovation, networking, and opportunity where startups, creatives, and changemakers come together to celebrate the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of Addis Ababa. 📩 Apply Now! Limited slots available—don’t miss out. Apply here For inquiries: DM us or call 0925934490 or 0941130946 for more details. ✨ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Startups with innovative solutions ✅ Tech-driven products & services ✅ Creative business ideas ✅ Visionary entrepreneurs

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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.