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Alexander Dugin

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Appellandoci quindi a questa Unità di discernimento, di intenti e di azione, a quel mito della Tavola Rotonda che è il solo in grado di realizzare la realtà del Grande Risveglio in noi e nei nostri Popoli contro il Grande Reset. (di René-Henri Manusardi) #ideeazione
Môn thể thao này có nguồn gốc từ thời tiền Thiên chúa giáo và thuộc về văn hóa Hy Lạp cổ đại. Cùng với hệ thống sân khấu, triết học và quản lý thành phố, thể thao và đặc biệt là Thế vận hội Olympic là một trong những nét đặc trưng của nền văn minh Hy Lạp. Trong quá trình đó, nó đã đạt được sự phát triển lớn nhất và hình thành biểu tượng quen thuộc mà chúng ta biết đến ngày nay. 📝 Dịch Bạch Long ✍️ Alexander Dugin 🗣 THỂ THAO HAY TÔN GIÁO?
It is currently difficult to imagine a dialogue on peace, given that the "war party" rules in Ukraine, which seeks, at least in words, to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Lavrov told Sputnik. "Let us hope that sooner or later political forces will appear in Ukraine that care about the interests of the people. In the meantime, there is no other option but to continue the special military operation until its goals are achieved," the foreign minister said. 📌Subscribe to @SputnikInt
スポーツはキリスト教以前に起源を持ち、古代ギリシャ文化に属します。演劇、哲学、ポリス管理システムとともに、スポーツ、特にオリンピックはギリシャ文明の特徴のひとつでした。古代ギリシア文化において、スポーツは最大の発展を遂げ、今日私たちに知られる形となりました。 ギリシャ人のスポーツに対する解釈は、ゲームという考え方に基づいており、競技そのものがゲームと呼ばれたのはそのためです。スポーツと同様に、悲劇や喜劇の創作者である詩人たちが互いに競い合いました。J.ハイジンガがその有名な著書『ホモ・ルーデンス』で示しているように、遊びの概念は文化の根幹と密接に結びついています。ここで重要なのは、対決や競技の観戦における真剣な関わりと(演劇について言うなら)劇作品の制作における真剣な関わり、そしてそのような対決の従来の性質との間に線を引くことです。スポーツと演劇、そしてゲームというものは、距離を前提とします。したがって、オリンピックの後援者のギリシャの神々の中には、戦争の神アレスはいませんでした。これが遊びの意味です。遊びとは戦いであるが、現実的で型にはまったものではなく、一定の批評的一線を越えないものです。演劇がアクションしか描かないように、スポーツも実戦しか描きません。文化は、まさにこの境界を認識することから生まれます。社会がそれに同化するとき、感情、感情、倫理的経験の領域における微妙な区別の能力を獲得します。スポーツや演劇が楽しみをもたらすのは、起こっていることの劇的な性質にもかかわらず、観察者(観客)が起こっている出来事から距離を保っているからに他なりません。この距離感こそが、戦争の真剣さと他のライバル関係のありきたりさを厳密に分けることのできる、一人前の市民を形成するのです。だからこそ、オリンピックの期間中、しばしば戦争状態にあったギリシアの都市国家は休戦(έκεχειρία)を結んだのです。ギリシア人が個々のポリス間の政治的矛盾の向こう側で、自分たちの団結を実感したのは、この競技の瞬間でした。こうして、スポーツにおける異質なものは、距離の正当性を認識することで統合されました。 アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン 「スポーツか宗教か」
🇧🇬 Суверенитет на идеите и война на интелекта За всички е очевидно, че в сегашните условия на дълбоки промени в Русия е необходимо разработването на собствен терминологичен апарат и задълбочена ревизия на огромната маса информация, която се представя под прикритието както на общо съдържание, така и на смислообразуващи категории. Леонид Савин @pogled
Traditionalisten aller Länder, vereinigt euch
Turan era il nome dato all'Asia centrale dai popoli iraniani nell'antichità. Il pan-turanismo mira a unire tutti i popoli turchi e altri popoli altaici in un'unica unità politica e/o culturale sotto il nome di Turan. Questo copre una vasta area che si estende dalla Turchia attraverso il Caucaso, l'Iran nordoccidentale e l'Asia centrale fino al Mar Glaciale Artico. Per alcuni panturanisti, questo comprende anche l'ex Europa sudorientale ottomana e la Crimea, il che indica chiaramente un irredentismo. (di Filip Martens) #ideeazione
Turán era el nombre que los pueblos iranios con el que designaban en la Antigüedad al Asia Central. El panturanismo pretende unir a todos los pueblos túrquicos y altaicos en una unidad política y/o cultural conocida como Turán. ✍️ Filip Martens 🗣 Sobre el panturanismo
Turan was the name given to Central Asia by the Iranian peoples in ancient times. Pan-Turanism aims to unite all Turkic and other Altaic peoples in one political and/or cultural unit under the name Turan. This covers a vast area stretching from Turkey through the Caucasus, northwestern Iran and Central Asia to the Arctic Ocean. For some Pan-Turanists, this also includes former Ottoman Southeastern Europe and Crimea, which clearly points to irredentism. ✍️ Filip Martens 🗣 ON PAN-TURANISM
☀️In Memory of Daria Dugina Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной
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“The Grand Strategy is to transform all humanity into more or less Western society. As Fukuyama has described it: to install everywhere democracy, the market economy and liberalism; to destroy the nation states, races, religions; and to transform humanity into a global world, one world based on the mixture of populations, on purely individual identities, without borders, without differences between civilisations, and all culminating in a post-human future represented by singularity and artificial intelligence, and where technology is destiny. And that is the West’s Grand Strategy. But this Grand Strategy now is encountering a kind of opposition and resistance from everywhere: from Islam in the political way, from Russia in the geopolitical way, from China in its special way of modernisation and liberalisation of the economy and the growth of population, which isn’t compensated by the growth of democratic self-consciousness and so on. So, there are many challenges to this Western Grand Strategy. This Grand Strategy of the West is now confronted with a serious test.” – Alexander Dugin in Nicholas Rooney’s Talking to the Wolf: The Alexander Dugin Interviews (Arktos, 2023) Purchase Talking to the Wolf here:
Putin urged not to forget that key issues for the Russian Federation are now being resolved at the front. Video: TASS/Ruptly
"Look around. Look outside. We in the West have spent now two hundred thirty years deliberately making a world without a soul. Calculating it. Painstakingly sifting out everything that won’t value in gold on the scales. And our prize is that we wake up every morning beaten down and obliterated from the inside-out by this godforsaken landscape of synthetic objects and economically-sized birdcages, and garish, impermanent frivolities, crushed as we are by cities designed for automobiles, not for humans, hurried along on sweltering and ever-widening conveyor belts toward disgusting and lifeless piles of building material which swallow us up and spit us back out — and yet all of it fits nicely in a spreadsheet. All of it produces good returns for someone. It’s economical. We call it “home.” We grew up here, and our parents grew up here. Our children are born here. Against this backdrop we say, on the way to the therapist, how horrible it must have been to spend a day under the court of the Great Khan. What pill could I have even taken for my headache? The West longs for an artist of total and ancient severity to exorcise our so-called institutions of ‘art,’ to liberate them from the throngs of paying customers who fatten them, now to the point of bursting. But more than a sculptor, or a portrait painter, the West is desperate for someone to patron those individuals. For her aristocrats — and beyond that, for a place of such oppressive dignity as to cry out to be inhabited by that work. Where is the city of stone and symbol in which machinery is relegated to the underbelly and to the outskirts; where is her body, the polis, where are her architects? And further still, who among us could even train them up? If there are any living individuals of this sort, they will scarcely be found constructing anything. One would do well to look for them under someone’s heel. Most of them will not even know themselves. In the library, perhaps, or at the drafting table after hours, learning from the works of teachers long-dead for no good reason. Tormented by the fact that their ends appear to be entirely selfish. Teaching themselves things not taught in the schools, and dreaming things hardly permissible in the industry, things which are not acceptable to the slave-drivers of that industry. There are perhaps a handful of such architects alive today, who are known to some degree, but nevermind. The cultures of antiquity which form the Western canon do so because those cultures allowed their sages to educate their artists, and their artists then to dictate terms to their engineers and financiers. For our part, we contribute nothing, because we have allowed our engineers to consume our sages and to educate our artists themselves, and then, we hand them over to the terms dictated by our financiers." excerpt from A Slow Death or, The Silence of the Old World by Alexander J. Ford and Jack R. Parnell NOW AVAILABLE in paperback and ebook from PRAV Publishing:
İran Devrimi'nin entelektüel ataları Ahmed Ferid, Celal El-Ahmed ve Ali Şeriati, Dördüncü Siyaset Teorisi ile birçok ortak noktayı paylaşmaktadır. Martin Heidegger'in ortak entelektüel mirasından yola çıkarak, her ikisi de Batı hegemonyasının bir eleştirisini geliştirir. Birçok durumda, bu İranlı düşünürler tarafından açıklanan fikirler, İran ülkesine özel bir uygulama olsa da, Dördüncü Siyaset Teorisi'ni önceden şekillendirmektedir. İran, Batı liberal hegemonyasına karşı İkinci ve Üçüncü Siyaset Teorilerinin kategorilerinin ötesinde bir entelektüel ve siyasi başkaldırı örneği sunmakla birlikte, bu teorilerden önemli etkiler almış ve onları İran'ın tarihsel özüne özgü bir çerçevede yeniden bağlamsallaştırmıştır. ✍️ Eugene Montsalvat 🗣 DÖRDÜNCÜ SİYASET KURAMININ İRANLI ÖNCÜLERİ
L'entrée en fonction du président Poutine marque une nouvelle étape dans l'histoire de la Russie. Certaines lignes de force des périodes précédentes seront certainement poursuivies. D'autres atteindront un seuil critique. D'autres encore seront renversées. Mais il faut aussi que quelque chose de nouveau apparaisse. ✍️ Alexandre Douguine 🌐 Le virage conservateur global
Las revoluciones de colores Por Aleksandr Duguin Las revoluciones de color siempre son llevadas a cabo por globalistas en interés de Occidente para preservar y fortalecer su hegemonía y socavar la soberanía en los países donde se llevan a cabo. Los partidarios de un mundo multipolar deben aprender a utilizar la indignación del pueblo en el sentido opuesto: derrocar a los gobernantes títeres instalados por los globalistas. Esto es un acto de lucha de liberación. Ahora está claro que los secuaces globalistas no abandonarán el poder por sí solos: en Ucrania hay una dictadura pura; algo similar está sucediendo en Francia, Argentina y otros países que se encuentran bajo el poder directo de estructuras globalistas supranacionales. Es necesario que todos se preparen para tomar medidas radicales para derrocar la dictadura globalista en los países que quieren recuperar su soberanía. Se acerca el momento de los levantamientos populares de liberación a escala global. Sus organizadores, líderes y participantes deben salvaguardar la unidad con otros rebeldes contra la omnipotencia de la Bestia globalista y ser solidarios. Los levantamientos de liberación están estallando en Armenia y Argentina; continúan en Francia y pueden estallar en vísperas de las elecciones de EEUU. El mundo multipolar y sus polos principales deben apoyar sin timidez a las fuerzas antiglobalistas; ayudar a cortar de raíz los intentos de revoluciones de color, dondequiera que surjan. En la guerra rigen las leyes de la guerra. Por supuesto, no podemos interferir en territorio enemigo. El enemigo interfirió en nuestros procesos internos, lo hace ahora y seguirá haciéndolo. No puedes defenderte y ya; también tienes que atacar. El Occidente colectivo ha declarado a Rusia como principal enemigo. Es absurdo ignorarlo. Debemos involucrarnos seriamente. Esto significa que debemos brindar apoyo efectivo a todos los movimientos de liberación contra la dictadura de las élites globalistas unipolares. Editorial de Nuestra América. @nuestraamerica #geopolitica
BACK IN STOCK AT ARKTOS Alexander Dugin: Last War of the World-Island: The Geopolitics of Contemporary Russia Alexander Dugin traces the geopolitical development of Russia from its origins in Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire, through the peak of its global influence during the Soviet era, and finally to the current presidency of Vladimir Putin. Dugin sees Russia as the primary geopolitical pole of the land-based civilizations of the world, forever destined to be in conflict with the sea-based civilizations. At one time the pole of the seafaring civilizations was the British Empire; today it is represented by the United States and its NATO allies. Russia can only fulfill its geopolitical mission by remaining in opposition to the sea powers. Today, according to Dugin, this conflict is not only geopolitical in scope, but also ideological: Russia is the primary representative and defender of traditional values and idealism, whereas the West stands for the values of liberalism and the market-driven society. Whereas Russia began to lose sight of its mission during the 1990s and threatened to succumb to domination by the Western powers, Dugin believes that Putin has begun to correct its course and return Russia to her proper place. But the struggle is far from over: while progress has been made, Russia remains torn between its traditional nature and the temptations of globalism and Westernization, and its enemies undermine it at every turn. Dugin makes the case that it is only by remaining true to the Eurasian path that Russia can survive and flourish in any genuine sense – otherwise it will be reduced to a servile and secondary place in the world, and the forces of liberalism will dominate the world, unopposed. Buy it now:
#193 🇺🇸 Emocracia y Ciberespacio | análisis según Leonid Savin Estreno más tarde: 23.00 de Madrid 🇪🇸 18.00 en 🇧🇷🇺🇾🇦🇷 17.00 en 🇨🇺🇩🇴🇵🇷🇻🇪🇧🇴🇵🇾🇨🇱 16.00 en 🇲🇽🇨🇴🇪🇨🇵🇪🇵🇦 15.00 en 🇬🇹🇸🇻🇭🇳🇳🇮🇨🇷 ENLACE:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a reporter in Tashkent on Monday that “Kazakhstan has recently decided to remove [the Taliban] from the list of terrorist organisations. We are going to do this, too. The UN Security Council did not declare the Taliban a terrorist organisation. There are twelve to fifteen specific persons on the list. But the main point is that they are the real power. We, like our allies in Central Asia, care about Afghanistan. This process reflects accepting reality.” 🌐 THE FUTURE OF RUSSIAN-AFGHAN TIES
"La quatrième théorie politique - c'est le projet des meilleurs aspects de l'ordre divin qui peuvent se manifester dans notre monde - du libéralisme nous prenons l'idée de la démocratie (mais pas dans son sens moderne) et de la liberté au sens évolien ; du communisme nous acceptons l'idée de la solidarité, de l'anticapitalisme, de l'anti-individualisme et l'idée du collectivisme ; du fascisme nous prenons le concept de la hiérarchie verticale et la volonté de puissance - le codex héroïque du guerrier indo-européen." — Daria Douguina, interview pour Open Revolt (2013)
La BRI è diventata un “club” rispettabile di banche centrali. Alcuni la definiscono addirittura la “banca delle banche centrali”. Alla BRI sono rappresentate le banche centrali di 55 Paesi, oltre alla Banca Centrale Europea (BCE). La Banca di Russia è diventata membro della BRI nel 1996. Un ruolo particolare nelle attività della BRI è svolto dal Comitato di Basilea per la vigilanza bancaria (BCBS), che fa parte della struttura della BRI e si occupa della regolamentazione bancaria internazionale. Il Comitato funge da forum per la regolamentazione bancaria globale. Se in passato questo forum veniva definito transnazionale, oggi ha tutte le caratteristiche di un forum sovranazionale. (di Valentin Katasonov) #ideeazione
グローバル・タイムズのYang Sheng記者はモスクワでアレクサンドル・ドゥギン氏との、独占インタビューを行いました。ロシアの政治哲学者であり、一部の西側メディアに「プーチンの頭脳」と称されるドゥーギン氏は、プーチン大統領による中国訪問の発表前、中露関係に関する見解や彼の意見に対する中国のネットユーザーからの鋭い批判への応答を語りました。 またインタビューの内容は、いくつかの質問と回答が簡潔明瞭に編集されています。 ドゥーギン氏は中露外交において、象徴的な意味を持つ要素が多いと語ります。この度のプーチン大統領の訪問は、彼の再選と就任後の初めての外国訪問であり、特別な意味を持っています。その背後に多極世界の創造という強い意志が存在します。 🗣 「我々は西側を失ったが、『残り』を発見した」ードゥギン
Trở lại năm 2019, nhà sử học người Mỹ Niall Ferguson đã lưu ý về nước Mỹ rằng 'chúng ta không còn sống trong một nền dân chủ nữa. Chúng ta đang sống trong một xã hội dân chủ, nơi cảm xúc thống trị chứ không phải đa số và cảm xúc quan trọng hơn lý trí. Cảm xúc của bạn càng mạnh mẽ, bạn càng có khả năng khiến bản thân oán giận, bạn càng có nhiều ảnh hưởng. Và đừng bao giờ sử dụng những từ mà biểu tượng cảm xúc thích hợp.' 📝 Dịch Bạch Long ✍️ Leonid Savin 🗣 DÂN CHỦ: THỰC HÀNH THAO TÚNG CẢM XÚC DÂN CHÚNG
Alexander Dugin on Christianity and Neo-Platonism — Michael Millerman What is the relationship between Christianity and Neo-Platonism? In this video, I go over Alexander Dugin's 10 Theses on the topic from ch. 6 of Political Platonism.
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Sport or Religion? Alexander Dugin discusses whether pagan-rooted sport is compatible with Christianity. Read the essay here:
Dugin: Rozumiem Polaków O całym szeregu kwestii, w tym tych o Polsce, która to wg polskojęzycznych mediów dla dzisiejszego gościa "nie ma prawa istnieć", z prof. Aleksandrem Duginem rozmawia Mateusz Piskorski.
El historiador estadounidense Niall Ferguson señaló sobre Estados Unidos en 2019 que «ya no vivimos en una democracia. Vivimos en una sociedad democrática donde gobierna la emoción, no la mayoría, y los sentimientos importan más que la razón. Cuanto más fuertes sean tus sentimientos, cuanto mejor sepas conducirte a la indignación, más influencia tendrás. Y nunca utilices palabras donde valgan emoticonos». ✍️ Leonid Savin 🗣 EMOCRACIA: LA NUEVA ARMA DE DESTRUCCIÓN MASIVA DEL SIGLO XXI
Le débat Carlson/Douguine - Terre et Peuple - Résistance Identitaire Européenne
🇷🇺Putin on the possibility of armed conflict with Europe: Constant escalation could lead to serious consequences. If those serious consequences come in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our strategic arms parity? It's hard to say. Do they want a global conflict? I think they wanted to negotiate in the strategic arms sphere. Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. @Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
🇷🇺Putin on the consequences of possible strikes by Western weapons against Russia for NATO countries: The task [for the strikes] is being prepared not by Ukrainian servicemen, but by representatives of NATO countries. Well, representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, especially in small countries, they should be aware of what they are playing with. They should remember that this is usually a country with a small territory and a very dense population. They should keep this factor in mind before they talk about striking deep into Russian territory. These are serious things, and we are watching this very closely. Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. @Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
☀️In Memory of Daria Dugina Памяти Даши Платоновой-Дугиной
Nel mondo ci sono solo due forze in lotta tra loro: la Tradizione e la Postmodernità. Il campo della Tradizione comprende tutte le civiltà e le culture che riconoscono la sovranità e l'identità. Le loro contraddizioni reciproche sono secondarie. Il campo postmoderno è l'Occidente collettivo e le sue marionette, le reti liberali e di sinistra in tutto il mondo. Qui l'identità, i valori tradizionali, la cultura e la sovranità sono esplicitamente e rigidamente negati. Il campo postmoderno è in guerra con il campo della Tradizione in tutto il mondo. L'Ucraina, il Medio Oriente, Gaza, Taiwan e via via tutti gli altri. Per il campo postmoderno, il tradizionalista Modi è inaccettabile quanto Putin, Xi Jinping, Orban, Fitzo o Ivanishvili. Il postmoderno cancella le civiltà e ridicolizza le culture tradizionali: la storia è sostituita da una grottesca narrazione arbitraria, l'essere umano è sostituito da una macchina dei desideri o da un'intelligenza artificiale. È la guerra più importante della storia del mondo, che una delle parti in conflitto cerca di abolire. Una divisione così radicale dell'umanità in due campi non è mai avvenuta prima. Non può che essere così alla vigilia del Giudizio Universale. Aleksandr Dugin Seguici su #ideeazione
La « tâche » formulée par Odoevsky et Venevitinov, et plus largement par le cercle des nemultis russes, de créer une philosophie véritablement russe est devenue une tâche qui s'est étendue sur deux siècles. Les premiers à réagir furent les slavophiles, également issus de ce cercle. Plus tard, les eurasianistes ont développé leurs activités dans la même veine, et après une autre étape - les néo-eurasianistes de la fin du 20ème siècle, et enfin, cette « commande » a été prise comme un impératif dans « Noomakhia » et nos autres travaux axés sur l'exploration de la possibilité d'une philosophie authentiquement russe. ✍️ Alexandre Douguine 🌐 Alexey Khomyakov: le choix de la lumière
Der Amtsantritt von Präsident Putin markiert eine neue Etappe in der Geschichte Russlands. Einige der Linien früherer Perioden werden sicherlich fortgesetzt werden. Einige werden eine kritische Schwelle erreichen. Einige werden rückgängig gemacht werden. Aber es muss auch etwas Neues kommen. ✍️ Alexander Dugin 🗣 Globale konservative Wende
Repost from Idee&Azione
Appellandoci quindi a questa Unità di discernimento, di intenti e di azione, a quel mito della Tavola Rotonda che è il solo in grado di realizzare la realtà del Grande Risveglio in noi e nei nostri Popoli contro il Grande Reset. (di René-Henri Manusardi) #ideeazione
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Il Grande Risveglio è lottare per il Bene della Causa 

    Lottare per la Causa, combattere all’interno di quella Kulturkampf che in Italia si manifesta come egemonia del Potere, nella quale noi fautori della Quarta Teoria Politica (4TP) stiamo vivendo oggi in totale asimmetria nel nostro Paese occupato, colonizzato e americanizzato dal 1945, e che ci impegna in modo a volte veemente in battaglie quotidiane sotto gli incalzi crudeli del Potere stesso il quale ci ridicolizza, ci mostrifica e ci esternalizza fino a privarci in diversi casi della giusta reputazione…

Repost from N/a
Môn thể thao này có nguồn gốc từ thời tiền Thiên chúa giáo và thuộc về văn hóa Hy Lạp cổ đại. Cùng với hệ thống sân khấu, triết học và quản lý thành phố, thể thao và đặc biệt là Thế vận hội Olympic là một trong những nét đặc trưng của nền văn minh Hy Lạp. Trong quá trình đó, nó đã đạt được sự phát triển lớn nhất và hình thành biểu tượng quen thuộc mà chúng ta biết đến ngày nay. 📝 Dịch Bạch Long ✍️ Alexander Dugin 🗣 THỂ THAO HAY TÔN GIÁO?
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Môn thể thao này có nguồn gốc từ thời tiền Thiên chúa giáo và thuộc về văn hóa Hy Lạp cổ đại. Cùng với hệ thống sân khấu, triết học và quản lý thành phố, thể thao và đặc biệt là Thế vận hội Olympic

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It is currently difficult to imagine a dialogue on peace, given that the "war party" rules in Ukraine, which seeks, at least in words, to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Lavrov told Sputnik.
"Let us hope that sooner or later political forces will appear in Ukraine that care about the interests of the people. In the meantime, there is no other option but to continue the special military operation until its goals are achieved," the foreign minister said.
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Repost from N/a
スポーツはキリスト教以前に起源を持ち、古代ギリシャ文化に属します。演劇、哲学、ポリス管理システムとともに、スポーツ、特にオリンピックはギリシャ文明の特徴のひとつでした。古代ギリシア文化において、スポーツは最大の発展を遂げ、今日私たちに知られる形となりました。 ギリシャ人のスポーツに対する解釈は、ゲームという考え方に基づいており、競技そのものがゲームと呼ばれたのはそのためです。スポーツと同様に、悲劇や喜劇の創作者である詩人たちが互いに競い合いました。J.ハイジンガがその有名な著書『ホモ・ルーデンス』で示しているように、遊びの概念は文化の根幹と密接に結びついています。ここで重要なのは、対決や競技の観戦における真剣な関わりと(演劇について言うなら)劇作品の制作における真剣な関わり、そしてそのような対決の従来の性質との間に線を引くことです。スポーツと演劇、そしてゲームというものは、距離を前提とします。したがって、オリンピックの後援者のギリシャの神々の中には、戦争の神アレスはいませんでした。これが遊びの意味です。遊びとは戦いであるが、現実的で型にはまったものではなく、一定の批評的一線を越えないものです。演劇がアクションしか描かないように、スポーツも実戦しか描きません。文化は、まさにこの境界を認識することから生まれます。社会がそれに同化するとき、感情、感情、倫理的経験の領域における微妙な区別の能力を獲得します。スポーツや演劇が楽しみをもたらすのは、起こっていることの劇的な性質にもかかわらず、観察者(観客)が起こっている出来事から距離を保っているからに他なりません。この距離感こそが、戦争の真剣さと他のライバル関係のありきたりさを厳密に分けることのできる、一人前の市民を形成するのです。だからこそ、オリンピックの期間中、しばしば戦争状態にあったギリシアの都市国家は休戦(έκεχειρία)を結んだのです。ギリシア人が個々のポリス間の政治的矛盾の向こう側で、自分たちの団結を実感したのは、この競技の瞬間でした。こうして、スポーツにおける異質なものは、距離の正当性を認識することで統合されました。 アレクサンドル・ドゥーギン 「スポーツか宗教か」
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🇧🇬 Суверенитет на идеите и война на интелекта За всички е очевидно, че в сегашните условия на дълбоки промени в Русия е необходимо разработването на собствен терминологичен апарат и задълбочена ревизия на огромната маса информация, която се представя под прикритието както на общо съдържание, така и на смислообразуващи категории. Леонид Савин @pogled
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Суверенитет на идеите и война на интелекта

/Поглед.инфо/ За всички е очевидно, че в сегашните условия на дълбоки промени в Русия е необходимо разработването на собствен терминологичен апарат и задълбочена ревизия на огромната маса информация, която се представя под прикритието както на общо съдържание, така и на смислообразуващи категории .

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Traditionalisten aller Länder, vereinigt euch
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Traditionalisten aller Länder, vereinigt euch

Der Amtsantritt von Präsident Putin markiert eine neue Etappe in der Geschichte Russlands. Einige Linien aus früheren Perioden werden sich sicherlich fortsetzen. Einige werden eine kritische Schwel…

👍 3
Repost from Idee&Azione
Turan era il nome dato all'Asia centrale dai popoli iraniani nell'antichità. Il pan-turanismo mira a unire tutti i popoli turchi e altri popoli altaici in un'unica unità politica e/o culturale sotto il nome di Turan. Questo copre una vasta area che si estende dalla Turchia attraverso il Caucaso, l'Iran nordoccidentale e l'Asia centrale fino al Mar Glaciale Artico. Per alcuni panturanisti, questo comprende anche l'ex Europa sudorientale ottomana e la Crimea, il che indica chiaramente un irredentismo. (di Filip Martens) #ideeazione
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Sul Panturanismo

Turan era il nome dato all'Asia centrale dai popoli iraniani nell'antichità. Il pan-turanismo mira a unire tutti i popoli turchi e altri popoli altaici in un'unica unità politica e/o culturale sotto il nome di Turan. Questo copre una vasta area che si estende dalla Turchia attraverso il Caucaso, l'Iran nordoccidentale e l'Asia centrale fino al Mar Glaciale Artico. Per alcuni panturanisti, questo comprende anche l'ex Europa sudorientale ottomana e la Crimea, il che indica chiaramente un irredentismo.   Origine…

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Turán era el nombre que los pueblos iranios con el que designaban en la Antigüedad al Asia Central. El panturanismo pretende unir a todos los pueblos túrquicos y altaicos en una unidad política y/o cultural conocida como Turán. ✍️ Filip Martens 🗣 Sobre el panturanismo
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Sobre el panturanismo

Turán era el nombre que los pueblos iranios con el que designaban en la Antigüedad al Asia Central. El panturanismo pretende unir a todos los pueblos túrquicos y altaicos en una unidad política y/o

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Turan was the name given to Central Asia by the Iranian peoples in ancient times. Pan-Turanism aims to unite all Turkic and other Altaic peoples in one political and/or cultural unit under the name Turan. This covers a vast area stretching from Turkey through the Caucasus, northwestern Iran and Central Asia to the Arctic Ocean. For some Pan-Turanists, this also includes former Ottoman Southeastern Europe and Crimea, which clearly points to irredentism. ✍️ Filip Martens 🗣 ON PAN-TURANISM
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On Pan-Turanism

Turan was the name given to Central Asia by the Iranian peoples in ancient times. Pan-Turanism aims to unite all Turkic and other Altaic peoples in one political and/or cultural unit under the name

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