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More than 300 teachers who do not have a 2nd degree will not be able to teach this year - Jigjiga University
In 2017, more than 300 teachers who have been employed by Jigjiga University and who are more than 5 years old and do not have a 2nd degree. He announced that he has decided not to offer any course during the academic year.
According to Dr. Abdi Ahmed, Vice President of Academic Affairs of the University: Jigjiga University has more than 1,400 teachers; He pointed out that about 800 of them have a second degree. Among the general teachers, about 350 have only a first degree.
The president stated that there are teachers who have completed their 2nd degree studies and are attending; "Some refused to study but continued in the university," he said.
"When 2017 was about to start, we called a meeting of only teachers with first degrees. At first, only 11 teachers came to us. We called a meeting this week to give them a second chance. Out of more than 300 teachers, 48 teachers came."
In this way, the teachers announced that the decision was made to "not offer any course" in the 2017 academic year due to the fact that the teachers did not hold a 2nd degree and did not participate in the meetings called by the university management.
"Since these teachers do not want to learn, we have decided not to teach a single course without a first-degree teacher," they said.
What's ongoing ๐๐๐
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Guutuun isa kunooti๐:
#Beeksisaa haarawwaa guyyaa guyyaan ba'uu odeeffaannoo guutuu waliin argaachuuf liinki armaan gadii cuqaasa.
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Ethiopian Airlines new vacancy announcement
Please ๐๐๐ Waliif qooda
Ethiopian Airlines Group would like to invite qualified applicants for APPRENTICESHIP TRAINEE- INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN and APPRENTICESHIP TRAINEE- INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC positions.
For detail information please visit the below link:
Addis Ababa University
๐ Those who passed the Graduate Admission Test (GAT) are requested to register for day programs (2nd and 3rd degree) as well as evening and distance programs for 2nd degree programs.
Click on the Application Form on the university website https://portal.aau.edu.et and click on Apply for Admission.
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ASTU_Adama science and technology University call students
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Debra Markos University
#Registration date extended to unknown date๐๐๐
Guyyaan galmee Yuunivarsitii Debra Markos yeroo hin beekamnettii darbeera.
AASTU _Addis Ababa science and technology University
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#To whom it may concern
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แแต 01/2017 แ.แ แแซแแแ แฅแซแณแแ
แ แฅแตแจ แฐแ แแฐแ แแ แตแจแต www.aastu.edu.et/Application ONLINE แแแแแฅ แจแแตแฝแ แแแแ แฅแแแแปแแแข
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Debra berhan University
#Registration date extended to unknown date!
Guyyaan galmee Yuunivarsitii Debra berhan yeroo hin beekamnettii darbeera.
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Injibara University
Registration Date Extended ๐
Engineering University
The Registration Date for all 4th Year Regular Students of Injibara University has been postponed to October 14-15/2/2017
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