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Questions and Concerns re THE CHOSEN. These are the words of Dallas Jenkins, creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, quoted from a podcast interview with All In at LDSLiving, July 2020 (link below): ā€œSo I can honestly say, itā€™s been one of the top three most fascinating and beautiful things about this project ā€“ itā€™s been my growing brother and sisterhood with people of the LDS community that I never wouldā€™ve known otherwise and I learned so much about your faith tradition and realizing, gosh, for all the stuff that maybe we donā€™t see eye to eye onā€¦that all happened, thatā€™s all based on stuff that happened after Jesus was here. The stories of Jesus we do agree on, and we love the same Jesus. Thatā€™s not something you often hearā€¦sometimes itā€™s like, oh they believe in a different Jesus than we do. No, itā€™s the same, I mean Iā€™ll sink or swim on that statement. I know thatā€™s controversial and I donā€™t mind getting criticized at all for the show, and I donā€™t mind being called a blasphemer, I donā€™t like it when my friends are. I made it very clear that if I go down, Iā€™m going down protecting my friends and my brothers and sisters and so I donā€™t deny we have a lot of theological differences but we love the same Jesus.ā€  ******************* This is one of many times Mr. Jenkins has stated that Mormonism, Catholicism, and Christianity have only minor theological differences. He calls them ā€œdifferent perspectivesā€ that are ā€œexciting to explore, not dangerousā€. He says we all believe in (or that we all love) the same Jesus. But do we? Both the LDS church and Catholics believe in a combination of works and faith. Mormons believe that God attained His supreme status by righteous works and that Jesus is a created being and not equal to God. ...the differences between the true Christian faith and the Mormon and Catholic faiths are essential, gospel issues and not simply theological differences we can brush over. And the bottom line is this: If Dallas Jenkins believes what heā€™s saying then he doesnā€™t understand the true Gospel. The Gospel that says thereā€™s only one way. The Gospel that says we are forgiven on the merit of Christ alone and not of anything we can do. The one and only Gospel that is founded on the belief that Jesus is God incarnate. These insightful excerpts are from the article, "The Chosen, Is It Biblical?": *** Link to entire podcast interview and transcript with Dallas Jenkins:
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The Chosen: Is It Biblical?

A few years ago a series about the Bible came on the scene called ā€œThe Chosenā€ and quickly became extremely popular. They even had a Christmas special this past year that many Christianā€¦

Repost fromĀ PeterSweden
Climate change is a scam to transfer wealth from you - To the elites. Just look at the Netherlands where they are essentially taking about SEIZING/forcing farmers to sell their land to the state under the excuse of climate goals.
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Repost fromĀ We Are Change Orlando
When they refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room, I bring an elephant! Those negatively affected by the V are being ignored and it is time to give them a voice. We brought a handful of V injured individuals to tell their story in front of the Mayor and county commissioners. Video testimonies coming soon! šŸ˜ Orange County Board of County Commissioners Meeting 11/15/22
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Repost fromĀ Dr. Peter McCullough
Australia recommends against fifth vaccine dose as fresh COVID-19 wave builds. Took way too long to toss in the towel on failed injections. Time to set doctors free and let them treat risk patients with any and all available medications. # courageousdiscourse Join šŸ‘‰ @PeterMcCullough
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Australia recommends against fifth vaccine dose as fresh COVID wave builds

Australian health authorities have recommended against getting a fifth COVID-19 vaccine shot, even as they urged those eligible to sign up for their remaining booster doses as the country's latest COVID wave grows rapidly.

ā€œIt is well established that vaccination leads to fever. Fever leads to acetaminophen use.ā€ ā€” James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. #TheDefender
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Moms Were Right: Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Can Cause ADHD, Autism

There are major lawsuits against the manufacturers of acetaminophen for compensation for the cost of neurodevelopmental disorders that follow due to its use during pregnancy.

Repost fromĀ N/a
Repost fromĀ PeterSweden
Let me expose what the climate scam is actually all about. It is a wealth transfer from you - to the global elite.
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Just got an email about this event coming up with Del Bigtree. They even have a private dinner option. Share with friends
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