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Telegram Anti-Semitic List

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The owner of @grouphelpbot is a gay from Italy. Bots have never been trustworthy, be careful with the presence of bots in private groups. @Calsibot is a much more reliable option than this @grouphelpbot. If possible, try to get an open source bot and run it from a computer in your own home.
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⚠️ Warning: Violation Content Detected Attention all members of "Biblioteca Do Goku CHAT" This is an automated message from the moderation bot. Upon analyzing the messages within this group, our system has found content that includes antisemitic language and hate speech, which is a direct violation of GroupHelp rules and Telegram's Terms of Service. Consequences: We take such violations very seriously. As a result of this detection, the following actions will be taken: * Information Gathering: All relevant messages and data regarding the violation will be collected and logged. * Reporting: This information will be submitted to Telegram Support and potentially to Pavel Durov for further review and action. * Potential Bans: Users found responsible for posting antisemitic content may be subject to temporary or permanent bans from the telegram, depending on the severity of the violation. Zero Tolerance Policy: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards hate speech and discrimination of any kind. Telegram should be a suitable environment for all types of people, regardless of their ethnicity or religion. We encourage all members to review the GroupHelp bot rules and Telegram Terms of Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
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Terms of Service

By signing up for Telegram, you accept our Privacy Policy and agree not to: Use our service to send spam or scam users.…

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🥴 2
Attention all group members: This is an message from our team. After a meticulous analysis of the situation, we have taken action and suspended the responsible account(s) for violating our group ethics. We want to underline that our group advocates for the rights and freedoms of the community. We stand committed to maintaining an inclusive environment, where everyone can freely express themselves without encountering hate speech or discrimination. It's because of this advocacy, that any form of hate speech, including the antisemitic language detected, is seen as not just a violation of our group's principles, but also a direct affront to the values we hold. Our group is a place of respect and open discussion, and discrimination of any form will not be tolerated. To ensure this, we have put in place strong measures. We appreciate your understanding, and if you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us. Remember, it's our core belief that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Thank you for making this a welcoming space for all.
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🤔 3🥴 2
Attention all group members, After conducting a thorough secondary examination of the conversations within this group, we have discovered multiple instances of violations against Telegram's Terms of Service, and the rules of our bot, GroupHelp. These violations include elements of misogyny, denial of scientifically proven facts, misleading information about vaccines, extremist ideologies such as "MGTOW", "INCEL", "KKK", hate messages towards minority groups, and promotion of violence towards the black, LGBTQ+ communities, and women. All offending messages have been thoroughly inspected, concealed, and forwarded to our senior management and Brazilian authorities. The concerned users' IP addresses, IMEI numbers, and phone numbers have also been shared with these authorities to further the ongoing investigation. In order to create a safe and non-extremist environment, the following accounts will be subjected to a temporary suspension lasting 1 year, effected within the next 72 hours: 1. @MouraSojouner - ID: 2076180267 2. Caio - ID: 6979455081 3. @acidnoralkaline - ID: 1531178458 4. @Guedes708 - ID: 1578688076 5. @krzfshy11 - ID: 5161343823 6. @maxtrafegopago - ID: 914638648 7. @russ0z - ID: 1378349249 8. @Fingcz - ID: 928773887 9. Lord C. - ID: 1367064818 10. 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐎𝐒 - ID: 1138221478 11. @allansanttoss - ID: 6375106099 12. @Dinizxz - ID: 1411693197 13. @CALCITRO - ID: 6450736268 14. @Ronaldo9122 - ID: 1457420187 Users who continue their contentious behaviours after their suspension will face a permanent ban. On a different note, our moderation team has conclusively detected contents that promotes firearms, encourages terrorism, and endorses illegal activities that pose a severe threat to human life: 1. @ak47nazi - ID: 1753472388 (Message dated 09/23/2023) 2. @stardustkkk - ID: 1955890794 (Message dated 10/12/2023) 3. @roladuura - ID: 819538034 (Message dated 03/02/2024) For these serious violations, the problematic accounts have been immediately banned from the platform. In response to prevailing security risks and potential for terrorist attacks, any adjustment to the group is completely restricted until the group is fully inspected. We are striving to maintain a civil and respectful community here. Your compliance with our community guidelines is paramount. For any queries or disputes, please contact our support team.
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📑 German police has charged someone with “using anti-constitutional and terrorist symbols” for posting “From RISA (chicken shop) to the Spree (river), Palestine will be free” on Instagram - By James Jackson on X
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"I have like two-thirds of my friends are Jewish. I have twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends. I'm like Jewish by association, I'm aspirationally Jewish" - Elon Musk
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Elon Musk visits Auschwitz, says he is 'aspirationally Jewish'

 Elon Musk, who has been accused of allowing antisemitic messages on his social media platform, X, visited the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp on Monday, saying afterward that the tragedy of the Holocaust “hits you much more in the heart when you see it in person.”Follow Is

🤮 8🤡 1
Telegram Removed from App Store in China According to Bloomberg, the App Store has removed Telegram from its platform in China at the request of authorities. In addition, Threads, WhatsApp, and Signal were also removed. Previously, Chinese authorities required developers to register in order for their apps to remain on the domestic market. #China
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🤮 2🤬 1
Repost from Du Rove's Channel
9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Telegram reached 900 million monthly users. Half of these 900 millions users open Telegram daily. According to DataAI, Telegram is the 🚩th most used and 🚩th most downloaded app in the world. What’s more — Telegram was cash flow positive in the 1st quarter of 2024 and is on track to become profitable this year. This solidifies our position as an independent company that puts its users first. When we started developing Telegram 12 years ago, we believed that people are inherently smart. And smart people will always choose the freedom and quality of Telegram over the restrictions and mediocrity of legacy apps. It seems we were right. We’ve always believed in you. Thank you for believing in us too🙏
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