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NEWS ONLINE - الأخبار عبر الإنترنت

অনিশ্চিত পথ চলায় সংকোচহীন ও নির্ভীক। মানুষ মূখ্য, মানুষ বিষয়; মানুষই অনন্ত সম্ভাবনা...।

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An Israeli settler attacks a peace activists' demonstration for Palestinian children in Gaza in the occupied city of Jerusalem.
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🟡 Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Tulkarem: — In response to the massacres committed by the criminal zionist occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip, and in defiance of the threats from the zionist occupation ministers towards our occupied West Bank, our brave fighters succeeded at 3:10 AM today in targeting the "Nitzanei Oz" military checkpoint west of Tulkarem with a heavy barrage of bullets. And it is indeed a jihad of victory or martyrdom. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Tulkarem July 11, 2024
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Israeli settler militias set fire to a shop and attack Palestinian homes in the town of Bizzariya northwest of Nablus.
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Al-Qassam and Al-Quds Brigades: كتائب القسام #شاهد بعد عودتهم من عقدهم القتالية وإنسحاب العدو.. مشاهد من تصدي مجاهدي القسام لجنود وآليات العدو في حي الشجاعية بمدينة غزة #طوفان_الأقصى Al-Qassam Brigades #Watch after their return from their combat mission and the enemy’s withdrawal.. Scenes from the Al-Qassam Mujahideen confronting enemy soldiers and vehicles in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood in Gaza City #Al-Aqsa Flood
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Meta Platforms has decided to end its blanket ban on the word "shaheed" or "martyr" in English after a year-long review by its oversight board, which criticized the company's overly broad approach. This decision follows ongoing criticism, including concerns raised in a 2021 study commissioned by Meta, which highlighted negative impacts on Palestinian and Arabic-speaking users. The oversight board's review, prompted by "shaheed" being the most frequently censored term, found that Meta's rules failed to account for the word's diverse meanings, leading to the removal of non-violence-promoting content. Despite this, Meta continues to remove most politically-related posts by Palestinians at Israel's request, while Israeli users and groups are able to use the platform to incite against Arabs and Palestinians without facing censorship or scrutiny.
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Al-Qassam and Al-Quds Brigades: كتائب القسام #شاهد استهداف جنود وآليات العدو أثناء دخول فريق قتالي للشارع الأول بحي تل السلطان غرب مدينة رفح جنوب القطاع #طوفان_الأقصى Al-Qassam Brigades #Watch the targeting of enemy soldiers and vehicles as a combat team entered the First Street in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Strip. #Al-Aqsa_Flood
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In the midst of a critical need for hygiene materials to address pollution in the Strip, Israel has imposed a ban on the entry of soap and cleaning products to Gaza.
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🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi in his speech today, July 11th, 2024 (4/4): — The Americans, no matter what they do, will not stop us, even if they do much more than what they are doing now, because our stance is principled and part of our religious commitment. The Saudis must stop their unjustifiable course of action, and their talk of being under American pressure is unjustified and unacceptable. Leave us to face America with all its vast capabilities; it has much more than you [Saudi Arabia] do. You will not succeed in stopping our support operations for the Palestinian people, nor in limiting them, and you will not force our people to retreat from their stance, and you will lose. When you involve yourself, you will lose more than the Americans lost, for you have much closer to us that can be targeted and cause you significant harm. We have sent many messages advising the Saudis and warning them to leave us alone in our direct war with the Americans, "israelis," and British. Statements by the Saudi foreign minister and others have deviated significantly and are now echoing the same logic of the "israelis," Americans, and British regarding operations in the Red Sea. Saudi harassment of local banks and companies are unjust and aggressive steps that cannot be accepted or overlooked. The Saudi ban on flights from Sana'a Airport cannot be accepted at all, and the British and Americans are inciting regarding the port. You [Saudi Arabia] are returning matters to a worse level than they were at the peak of escalation. Targeting banks, airports, and the port are all red lines that cannot be accepted. Your aggressive steps are in the context of American orders to serve "israel" and try to force us to retreat from supporting Gaza, which is impossible and further from you than the sun. No American agent will be able to force our dear people, who confirm their principled and faithful stance in their weekly million-strong turnout. Despite every agent, we will continue our support operations for the Palestinian people and strive for greater and stronger efforts. Last week, 270 marches took place in various governorates, especially in Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana'a. The number of mobilized forces ready for combat has reached 372,174 trainees. The enemies want you to retreat from your supportive stance for Gaza, to betray the Palestinian people, and to stop the supportive operations. The Saudis want you to watch the tragedy of the Palestinian people and to dance like them, ignoring the cries and groans of the Palestinian people. The Saudis want you to laugh, dance, and be preoccupied with their frivolous parties, dog contests, and electronic games, to stop your weekly marches. The Saudis have received American directives to pursue aggressive steps as a punishment for you; will you accept this? Make the Saudis and the whole world hear the voice of freedom, dignity, courage, and faith in Al-Sabeen Square and all governorates tomorrow. Make the Saudis know that you are still free, proud, and courageous tribes. Let the Saudis hear tomorrow that you are still the people whom the Prophet Muhammad described: "Faith is Yemeni, and wisdom is Yemeni." We have warned the Saudis in your voice so that they do not imagine that the stance is merely media rhetoric and to let them know that we spoke with your voice and directed according to your orientation. Despite every agent's efforts, we are steadfast in our stance and will continue our operations with ballistic and cruise missiles, drones, and the Toofan boat as long as the "israeli" aggression continues. Your million-strong march tomorrow is more important than the past weeks because you are at a crucial juncture in the stance, so declare your sincere position as we have always known from you. Let your march be blessed and successful, expressing dignity, faith-based pride, courage, freedom, and loyalty.
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🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi in his speech today, July 11th, 2024 (3/4): — This week's operations were carried out with 10 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones. The total number of targeted ships has reached 166 ships associated with the "israelis," Americans, and British since the beginning of operations The movement of ships associated with the Americans and British has declined in recent months, while the enemy "israeli" movement has almost ceased. The decline in ships is not due to a lack of operations, monitoring is ongoing and strong, and the ability to execute is ready and available with God's help. There is no impact on the launch capability or its effectiveness, and the enemy is in a state of clear failure. The echoes of the American aircraft carrier's escape remain significant in American and British circles. The fleeing American aircraft carrier was designed and built, as they say, to fight major powers. Some Americans compared the escape of the "Eisenhower" aircraft carrier to "an elephant fleeing from a mouse." Your elephant did not flee from a mouse but from a lion's den. The Yemeni army and its capabilities are not a mouse but a lion's den facing you and confronting you in the context of your unjust stance supporting the "israeli" enemy Americans describe the escape of the American aircraft carrier as an unprecedented event in the history of wars, creating new history. Americans say, "The aircraft carrier was prepared to fight major powers, but it ended up fighting a losing battle against a land guerrilla group with no naval power." They are astonished. The "israeli" enemy speaks with astonishment and fear about the massive deadly military capabilities possessed by the Yemeni army, surpassing all the technologies the enemies have. The "israeli" National Security Institute confirms in its study that Yemen possesses weapons capable of carrying out deadly attacks. The "israeli" National Security Institute's study confirms that "israel" has suffered significant economic losses due to the Red Sea attacks, most notably the cessation of activity at the "Eilat" port. The "israeli" National Security Institute's study notes that the cessation of activity at the "Eilat" port has led to a decrease in trade between "Israel" and world countries. The Americans continue their attempts to stop our operations, but to no avail. The Americans carried out 8 raids this week in Hodeidah and Hajjah, with a total of 570 air and naval bombardments since the first of Rajab. The American-British aggression has resulted in 57 martyrs and 87 injured in the battle of "Promised Conquest and Sacred Jihad." The Americans sought, after realizing the futility of their operations, to entrap the Saudis into unprecedented economic aggression and escalation. Our warning to the Saudis at the beginning of the new Hijri year is a serious warning in every sense of the word Regardless of the Saudi escalation and its consequences, it will never affect our firm and principled stance in supporting the Palestinian people. Our operations will continue and persist no matter the pressures, against ships associated with the "israelis," Americans, and British. We reassure our brothers in Gaza, the Palestinian people, and all free people of the nation and the world that the Saudis will never succeed no matter what they do. Nothing will divert us from the priority of supporting the Palestinian people, regardless of the consequences or steps. We consider any actions or practical steps in confronting Saudi aggression in the economic field or otherwise as part of the battle to support Gaza and not separate from it at all. The Americans want us to stop supporting Gaza, to allow "israeli" ships to pass through the Red Sea, and to stop all forms of support operations. The Saudis are working in the American direction to stop our support operations, which is a case of extreme stupidity in every sense of the word.
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🇾🇪 Ansarallah Commander Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr El-Din Al-Houthi in his speech today, July 11th, 2024 (2/4): — The Palestinian people's front is at the heart of the battle and the major and heated front, with no one outbidding it. Support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq are extremely important and have imposed a new equation in this stage of the struggle with the enemy. There has never been such Arab military support for the Palestinian people and their fighters as there is now in the support fronts Some Arab regimes have a clear stance supporting the "israeli" enemy, with their media directed against the Palestinian people and resistance movements. Some regimes have entered into partnerships and programs with the "israeli" enemy aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause. The support fronts are in complete coordination with the Palestinian brothers and seek to escalate further. The stance of all support fronts is aligned and directed as a full support stance for the Palestinian people and their resistance. The decision in negotiations and what is decided therein is for the Palestinian people and their resistance, led by Hamas. The role of the support fronts is in complete support and endorsement of the Palestinian stance and standing with it in support of this just cause. Our support continues steadfastly without intervening in the details of the negotiations; the decision here is for the Palestinian people and their resistance, led by Hamas. Hezbollah's front has detained 100,000 officers and soldiers, destroyed "israeli" enemy sites in northern Palestine, and expelled tens of thousands of settlers from settlement outposts. One of Hezbollah's notable operations this week was targeting the "israeli" reconnaissance center on Mount Hermon for the first time since the October 1973 war. The Islamic resistance front in Iraq executed three operations against vital and sensitive targets of the zionist enemy this week. The joint operations between the Islamic resistance and the Yemeni army led to the European animal organization's announcement of a drone attack on a livestock transport ship to Haifa in the Mediterranean. The European animal organization announced the suspension of all its shipments until operations in the Mediterranean cease, which is an important development. The UN's ReliefWeb site reported that the joint operations have indeed affected shipping movements in the eastern Mediterranean. The chemical and oil products tanker "Waler" turned off its automatic identification system while in waters around Haifa to hide its course. Statements from international and official bodies testify to the impact of joint operations. The impact of joint operations will grow and strengthen by the grace of God until it becomes a major pressure factor in the Mediterranean. One of the most important operations on the Yemen front this week was the targeting of an American ship northeast of Socotra Island. The targeting of the American ship raised fears and concerns among the enemies, considering it one of the farthest attacks east of the Arabian Sea so far. The Americans considered the targeting of one of their ships in the far east of the Arabian Sea as a worrisome expansion in the area of threat. Britain announced the withdrawal of its last warship from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden after facing the greatest aerial threat to the Royal Navy in modern times. The British Navy announced that its last ship was hit by a fast missile from Yemen, which it could not intercept. Those who mocked the announcement of the Hatem missile should listen to the confessions and statements of their American and "israeli" masters. Confessions, statements, and comments from American and British military experts testify that the missiles are hypersonic. The Americans, British, and before them, the "israelis" realized they are facing a threat they cannot confront. The very fast and hypersonic deadly missiles are what terrified and frightened even the American aircraft carrier.
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