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Elvis W.

Graphic & Web Designer, content creator & tutor

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After every session that we have, click on the button labelled 'Mark as complete' and don't click on complete course as you'll not be able to restart again.
For those who missed out, we have allocated 100 more slots. Click on the same link to enroll.
Hello members, for all those enrolled into the freelancing workshop, here is your first lesson as promised:
Here are some of the best platforms to learn cyber security: 1. Coursera 2. edX 3. Udemy 4. Cybrary 5. Khan Academy 6. Pluralsight 7. SANS Institute 8. LinkedIn Learning 9. TryHackMe 10. Hack The Box 11. Cisco Networking Academy 12. SecurityTube 13. OpenSecurityTraining 14. MIT OpenCourseWare 15. YouTube (Channels like Computerphile, LiveOverflow)
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To get started in Cyber Security, one needs to learn the following: 1. Basic Computer Skills 2. Networking Fundamentals 3. Operating Systems (Windows, Linux) 4. Cyber Security Concepts and Terminology 5. Scripting and Programming Languages (Python, Bash) 6. Threats and Vulnerabilities 7. Cryptography Basics 8. Firewalls and Network Security 9. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems 10. Security Policies and Procedures 11. Incident Response and Handling 12. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 13. Security Tools (e.g., Wireshark, Metasploit) 14. Compliance and Legal Issues 15. Continuous Learning and Staying Updated
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Cyber security is the practice of protecting computers, servers, networks, and data from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and damage. It involves using technology, processes, and practices to keep information safe and ensure systems operate correctly.
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Quitting porn can have several positive benefits for individuals. Here are some reasons why someone might consider quitting porn: 1. Improved Mental Health: Reducing or eliminating porn consumption can lead to better mental health, including decreased anxiety and depression. 2. Better Relationships: Quitting porn can improve intimacy and connection in romantic relationships by fostering more genuine interactions and reducing unrealistic expectations. 3. Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Without the distraction of porn, individuals may find they have better concentration and increased productivity in their personal and professional lives. 4. Increased Self-Esteem: Overcoming a dependency on porn can boost self-esteem and confidence.
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5. Healthier Sexual Functioning: Quitting porn can help address issues like erectile dysfunction and improve overall sexual satisfaction. 6. More Time for Positive Activities: Reducing time spent on porn can free up time for hobbies, socializing, and other fulfilling activities. 7. Avoiding Negative Effects on Brain: Excessive porn consumption can lead to changes in brain structure and function; quitting can help prevent or reverse these changes. 8. Better Control Over Impulses: Quitting porn can improve self-control and reduce impulsive behavior. 9. Positive Role Modeling: For those with children or younger individuals in their lives, quitting porn can set a positive example. 10. Alignment with Personal Values: Quitting porn can help individuals align their behavior with their personal values and beliefs.
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Beginner Web Designer Rate Card Website Design Services Basic Package • Single Page Website: KES 15,000 • Small Business Website (up to 5 pages): KES 30,000 • Personal Blog Setup: KES 20,000 Standard Package • Corporate Website (up to 10 pages): KES 50,000 • E-commerce Website: KES 70,000 • Portfolio Website: KES 40,000 Advanced Package • Custom Design & Development: KES 80,000 • Large Business Website (10+ pages): KES 100,000 • Membership/Subscription Website: KES 90,000 Additional Services • Website Maintenance: KES 5,000 per month • Content Updates: KES 3,000 per update • SEO Optimization: KES 10,000 • Custom Graphics Design: KES 5,000 • Website Hosting Setup: KES 5,000 • Domain Registration: KES 2,000
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Our first reading class on Freelancing is going to be shared today. Instructions on how to access the lesson will be shared here.
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Our first reading class on Freelancing is going to be shared today. Instructions on how to access the lesson will be shared here.
6. Use Productivity Tools: Install productivity apps that block social media during work hours. 7. Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness or meditation to improve focus and reduce dependency. 8. Social Media Detox: Take regular breaks from social media for a few days or weeks. 9. Set Clear Goals: Define specific goals for social media use, like networking or learning, to avoid aimless browsing. 10. Monitor Usage: Track your social media usage to identify patterns and areas for improvement. 11. Limit Device Use: Keep your phone away during meals, meetings, and before bedtime. 12. Create No-Phone Zones: Designate certain areas, like the bedroom or dining room, as no-phone zones. 13. Engage in Face-to-Face Interaction: Spend more time with friends and family in person. 14. Seek Support: Join support groups or seek professional help if the addiction is severe. 15. Replace Scrolling with Reading: Read books, articles, or other educational content instead of scrolling through social media feeds.
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How to control social media addiction: 1. Set Time Limits: Use apps or phone settings to limit daily social media usage. 2. Schedule Specific Times: Designate specific times of the day for checking social media. 3. Turn Off Notifications: Disable notifications to reduce the urge to check social media frequently. 4. Find Alternative Activities: Engage in hobbies, exercise, or other activities to fill time. 5. Delete Unnecessary Apps: Remove social media apps that are not essential.
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Passive income is money you earn regularly without actively working for it. Example: Imagine you own a small apartment in Nairobi. You rent it out for KES 30,000 per month. After setting it up, you don't need to work daily for that money; the rent keeps coming in every month. This rent is an example of passive income because it's money you earn with minimal effort once the initial setup is done. Example 2: You create a YouTube channel where you post videos about cooking Kenyan recipes. After building a substantial number of subscribers and views, you start earning money from ads displayed on your videos through YouTube's AdSense program. This ad revenue is passive income because once the videos are created and uploaded, you continue to earn money from them as people watch, without having to create new content every day.
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Bad Habits and Their Replacements 1. Too Much Social Media → Read a Book 2. Smoking → Exercise 3. No Exercise → Daily Walks 4. Staying Up Late → Set Bedtime 5. Eating Junk Food → Healthy foods 6. Negative Self-Talk → Positive Thoughts 7. Overspending → Stick to Budget 8. Poor Posture → Sit Up Straight 9. Overworking → Take Breaks 10. Multitasking → Single Task Focus 11. Impulse Buying → Make a List 12. Mindless Eating → Fast 13. Excessive TV → Hobby Time
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Bad Habits and Their Replacements 1. Procrastination → Plan Tasks 2. Skipping Breakfast → Eat Breakfast 3. Too Much Social Media → Read a Book 4. Smoking → Exercise 5. No Exercise → Daily Walks 6. Staying Up Late → Set Bedtime 7. Eating Junk Food → Healthy Snacks 8. Negative Self-Talk → Positive Thoughts 9. Overspending → Stick to Budget 10. Poor Posture → Sit Up Straight 11. Overworking → Take Breaks 12. Multitasking → Single Task Focus 13. Impulse Buying → Make a List 14. Mindless Eating → Eat Mindfully 15. Excessive TV → Hobby Time
If you are a beginner social media manager, here is a simple rate card to guide you: Basic Package • Social Media Posting: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 posts) • Social Media Monitoring: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Content Scheduling: KES 2,500 per week (up to 10 posts) Standard Package • Social Media Posting & Monitoring: KES 5,500 per week (up to 10 posts and 10 hours monitoring) • Engagement & Community Management: KES 4,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Basic Graphic Design for Posts: KES 4,500 per week (up to 5 graphics) Premium Package • Comprehensive Social Media Management: KES 8,000 per week (up to 15 posts, monitoring, and engagement) • Content Creation & Curation: KES 6,000 per week (up to 5 pieces of content) • Monthly Analytics Report: KES 2,000 per report Add-On Services • Additional Posts: KES 300 per post • Extra Graphic Designs: KES 500 per graphic • Ad Campaign Management: KES 4,000 per week (up to 5 hours) Note: • Weekly rates are based on specific tasks and hours. • Custom packages can be tailored to client needs. • Rates can be adjusted based on additional hours or specific client requirements.
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5 things about Money that we were never taught in school 1. You should not save your money in a bank 2. It's not how much you earn that matters. It's how much you earn and keep that matters. 3. You should save money before you spend. If you don't prioritize savings, you may never save at all. 4. The only way to know whether you stick to your budget is by tracking your expenses. 5. You should ensure that you invest your money in avenues with greater returns than the inflation rate and currency depreciation rate to preserve your purchasing power.
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In case you missed a slot, 150 more slots are available. When we get to 500, we will close the doors.
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How many people also want to join the Freelancing Workshop? Comment.
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Our target of 250 students has been met. Our sessions on freelancing can begin earlier.
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Hello members. Use this link to enroll into the online freelancing workshop. Click on 'Continue with Google' to login or create an account. Only 250 slots are available.
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The details to sign up for the workshop will be made available tonight. A link will be shared and only the first 250 students will have access to the sessions.
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We are starting next week.
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Professional Virtual Assistant Rate Card Basic Administrative Tasks • Email Management: KES 10,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Calendar Management: KES 10,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Data Entry: KES 8,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Online Research: KES 10,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • File Organization: KES 8,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Social Media Management • Social Media Posting: KES 12,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Social Media Monitoring: KES 12,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Content Creation: KES 14,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Customer Support • Email Support: KES 10,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Live Chat Support: KES 12,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Phone Support: KES 14,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Content Creation • Blog Writing: KES 20,000 per week (up to 2 articles, up to 1,000 words each) • Graphic Design: KES 14,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Newsletter Creation: KES 14,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Project Management • Project Coordination: KES 14,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Task Management: KES 12,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Travel Arrangements • Flight Booking: KES 10,000 per week (up to 5 bookings) • Hotel Reservations: KES 10,000 per week (up to 5 bookings)
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Weekly Rate Card for Virtual Assistant Services (Beginners) Basic Administrative Tasks • Email Management: KES 2,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • Calendar Management: KES 2,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • Data Entry: KES 2,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Online Research: KES 2,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • File Organization: KES 2,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Social Media Management • Social Media Posting: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Social Media Monitoring: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Content Creation: KES 3,500 per week (up to 10 hours) Customer Support • Email Support: KES 2,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • Live Chat Support: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 hours) • Phone Support: KES 3,500 per week (up to 10 hours) Content Creation • Blog Writing: KES 4,000 per week (up to 2 articles, up to 500 words each) • Graphic Design: KES 3,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • Newsletter Creation: KES 3,500 per week (up to 10 hours) Project Management • Project Coordination: KES 3,500 per week (up to 10 hours) • Task Management: KES 3,000 per week (up to 10 hours) Travel Arrangements • Flight Booking: KES 2,500 per week (up to 5 bookings) • Hotel Reservations: KES 2,500 per week (up to 5 bookings)
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Here are ways to get clients as a virtual assistant: 1. Freelancing Platforms 2. Networking 3. Social Media 4. Referrals 5. Cold Emailing 6. Website and Blog 7. Online Communities 8. Local Business Outreach 9. Content Marketing 10. Job Boards 11. Virtual Assistant Agencies 12. LinkedIn Marketing 13. Offer Free Initial Service 14. Attend Webinars and Workshops 15. Optimize SEO for Your Services
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Here are the skills needed to work as a virtual assistant: 1. Communication Skills 2. Time Management 3. Organizational Skills 4. Technical Proficiency 5. Attention to Detail 6. Problem-Solving 7. Multitasking 8. Customer Service 9. Social Media Management 10. Email Management 11. Calendar Management 12. Data Entry 13. Research Skills 14. Content Creation 15. Project Management
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Here are the various clients that a virtual assistant can work for: 1. Entrepreneurs 2. Small Business Owners 3. Startups 4. Consultants 5. Real Estate Agents 6. Authors and Bloggers 7. E-commerce Businesses 8. Coaches and Trainers 9. Digital Marketers 10. Non-Profit Organizations 11. Event Planners 12. Freelancers 13. Healthcare Professionals 14. Lawyers and Law Firms 15. Financial Advisors
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Roles of a virtual assistant: 1. Email Management 2. Calendar Management 3. Data Entry 4. Social Media Management 5. Customer Support 6. Travel Arrangements 7. Document Preparation 8. Online Research 9. Invoicing and Billing 10. Content Creation 11. Project Management 12. File Organization 13. Transcription Services 14. Personal Tasks 15. Website Maintenance
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A virtual assistant is a professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative support to clients from a remote location. In simple terms, a virtual assistant in Kenya is someone who helps businesses or individuals with tasks like managing emails, scheduling appointments, handling social media, data entry, and other office tasks, all while working from home or any other location with an internet connection. This allows businesses to get support without needing to hire a full-time, in-office employee.
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Stop pulling the Gen Z card. Gen Z is now misbehaving. There are better attributes linked to being Gen Z. Live life. Enjoy. We only live once. When you reach your thirties, I'd like to see you pull that card. We live every day. Being a Gen Z means cherishing the moments you have today and taking advantage of the opportunities around you. We have technological developments meant to better our lives. Gen Zs don't want to work; they want to spend the whole day on TikTok or engaging in frivolous activities. That's not the whole idea. Also, remember, we found this world, and there are rules and norms to live by. Some Gen Zs now want to question everything and preach their new, misguided ideas to everyone, including children. It's absurd. You are Gen Z for a reason, and it's seasonal. Stop pulling out that card.
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Hello members. For those asking on the web design course, we will be having it in September starting the 8th of September 2024. More information will be available here:
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Self-education is the real education. It's you, with your thoughts and abilities. And you have to do it. Embrace self-education. It will save our generation.
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Self-learning is something that could save our generation. Self-education is both hard and easy. You only need a little discipline and consistency. Let's take this scenario as an example: John is a cyber cafe attendant in Kiambu. John wants to level up, but the fees for university are out of reach. So, John decides to take a different route. He uses YouTube to learn programming and development skills when he is free. He also buys courses on Udemy for KES 8,400 and studies in his simple house in Kiambu. Over time, John hones his skills in web development and creates a decent portfolio. He uses LinkedIn to build a personal brand and through it, he lands clients and collaborates with other developers. Eventually, John quits his job to fully focus on honing his skills. That is the power of self-education, ladies and gentlemen. You don't need expensive programs to become good in your career.
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A university student today can actually be saved. They can be saved from the unemployment crisis. Most university student have a very important asset; Time. You have the time to learn skills. You have the time to perfect on your talents. You have time to make mistakes and learn from them. You have time to get proper mentors. You have time to engage in the self improvement. If you're a young man, in university, forget about women and money and have a purpose. Ladies, you're are your peak between 18 to 24. Make wise decisions at that age. Overall, college and university students have the opportunity to see what is happening around. There are no jobs but there is opportunity. In your own free time learn and hone some skills or even read books. Before leaving university or school, you'll be far much ahead than your fellow mates. Happy Sunday.
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Most guys think I hate Fiverr and Upwork accounts. I do NOT. I hate the idea that you have to always create accounts and buy accounts to make money. I hate the idea that, as Afrikan freelancers, we will be paid way less than freelancers from other countries. I hate the idea of 5 dollar projects being you sustenance. How else can one grow apart from always using Fiverr and Upwork? Can I build my own personal brand and leverage the same. Probably, I will get better pay. Are there clients who might need my services locally? There are guys doing well in these freelancing platforms but a good number are not doing well. What else can be done?
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After every session that we have, click on the button labelled 'Mark as complete' and don't click on complete course as you'll not be able to restart again.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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For those who missed out, we have allocated 100 more slots. Click on the same link to enroll.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hello members, for all those enrolled into the freelancing workshop, here is your first lesson as promised:
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Lesson 1.1: What is Freelancing? - Elvis W Courses

Definition and Overview of Freelancing Freelancing is a type of work where individuals offer their skills and services to clients on a project or task basis, rather than being employed by a single company. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to choose the projects you work on, set your own schedule, and work from […]

Here are some of the best platforms to learn cyber security: 1. Coursera 2. edX 3. Udemy 4. Cybrary 5. Khan Academy 6. Pluralsight 7. SANS Institute 8. LinkedIn Learning 9. TryHackMe 10. Hack The Box 11. Cisco Networking Academy 12. SecurityTube 13. OpenSecurityTraining 14. MIT OpenCourseWare 15. YouTube (Channels like Computerphile, LiveOverflow)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
To get started in Cyber Security, one needs to learn the following: 1. Basic Computer Skills 2. Networking Fundamentals 3. Operating Systems (Windows, Linux) 4. Cyber Security Concepts and Terminology 5. Scripting and Programming Languages (Python, Bash) 6. Threats and Vulnerabilities 7. Cryptography Basics 8. Firewalls and Network Security 9. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems 10. Security Policies and Procedures 11. Incident Response and Handling 12. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 13. Security Tools (e.g., Wireshark, Metasploit) 14. Compliance and Legal Issues 15. Continuous Learning and Staying Updated
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Cyber security is the practice of protecting computers, servers, networks, and data from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and damage. It involves using technology, processes, and practices to keep information safe and ensure systems operate correctly.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Quitting porn can have several positive benefits for individuals. Here are some reasons why someone might consider quitting porn: 1. Improved Mental Health: Reducing or eliminating porn consumption can lead to better mental health, including decreased anxiety and depression. 2. Better Relationships: Quitting porn can improve intimacy and connection in romantic relationships by fostering more genuine interactions and reducing unrealistic expectations. 3. Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Without the distraction of porn, individuals may find they have better concentration and increased productivity in their personal and professional lives. 4. Increased Self-Esteem: Overcoming a dependency on porn can boost self-esteem and confidence.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
5. Healthier Sexual Functioning: Quitting porn can help address issues like erectile dysfunction and improve overall sexual satisfaction. 6. More Time for Positive Activities: Reducing time spent on porn can free up time for hobbies, socializing, and other fulfilling activities. 7. Avoiding Negative Effects on Brain: Excessive porn consumption can lead to changes in brain structure and function; quitting can help prevent or reverse these changes. 8. Better Control Over Impulses: Quitting porn can improve self-control and reduce impulsive behavior. 9. Positive Role Modeling: For those with children or younger individuals in their lives, quitting porn can set a positive example. 10. Alignment with Personal Values: Quitting porn can help individuals align their behavior with their personal values and beliefs.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Beginner Web Designer Rate Card Website Design Services Basic Package • Single Page Website: KES 15,000 • Small Business Website (up to 5 pages): KES 30,000 • Personal Blog Setup: KES 20,000 Standard Package • Corporate Website (up to 10 pages): KES 50,000 • E-commerce Website: KES 70,000 • Portfolio Website: KES 40,000 Advanced Package • Custom Design & Development: KES 80,000 • Large Business Website (10+ pages): KES 100,000 • Membership/Subscription Website: KES 90,000 Additional Services • Website Maintenance: KES 5,000 per month • Content Updates: KES 3,000 per update • SEO Optimization: KES 10,000 • Custom Graphics Design: KES 5,000 • Website Hosting Setup: KES 5,000 • Domain Registration: KES 2,000
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Our first reading class on Freelancing is going to be shared today. Instructions on how to access the lesson will be shared here.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...