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Tabraze Azam

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

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Alhamdulillah, once again honoured to have completed the teaching of Shaykh Mustafa b. Ahmad al-Asqati’s Kifayat al-Mubtadi today, the blessed day of ‘Ashura’ [and coincidentally—see below—a Tuesday around zuhr time!]. Given the day, the mention of and realignment with the prophetic household was most fitting. “This book is complete, by the grace of Allah—its compiler is Mustafa al-Astaqi al-Hanafi—in front of the resting place of the son of the daughter of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, al-Imam al-Husayn—may Allah, most Exalted and most High, be well-pleased with him—on the blessed Tuesday before zuhr, 8th Jumada al-Ula 1163, from the migration of the one who possesses honour and nobility, Allah bless him and give him peace.”
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LAST CHANCE! TWO DAYS LEFT: UK SUMMER #HANAFI INTENSIVE The registration deadline for this year’s live, on-site intensive is at the end of the day on Thursday 18th July 2024.   Join us next weekend for three full days [Fri 26th July - Sun 28th July] as we cover multiple texts from across the Hanafi scholarly tradition, including: Nur al-Sham‘a fi Bayan Zuhr al-Jumu‘a (A Detailed Analysis of An Issue Pertaining to Friday Prayers), al-Mu‘tamad min al-Mu‘taqad (A Classic Hanafi-Maturidi Primer), and selections from Razi’s Tuhfat al-Muluk (A Reading of the Section on the Lawful & Unlawful). Meals and snacks are included and will be provided and served on-site. The intensive is open to both men and ladies. The texts will be provided as part of the course pack. [25% OFF coupon code for anybody who needs it: 5W9APYZW] REGISTER HERE:
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قال سيدي الولي/ عبد الوهاب الشعراني -قدس الله سره العلي-: «وقد سمعتُ شيخَنا شيخَ الإسلام زكريا الأنصاري -رضي الله عنه- يقول: "إذا أراد الله تعالى أن يُرقي عبدًا من عبيده إلى الدرجات العُلى التي لا يَبلغها بعمل، فرُبما قيَّض له الأعداء؛ فأشاعوا عنه شيئًا من الرذائل في بلده أو إقليمه، حتى لا يكاد أحدٌ من العلماء والصالحين -فضلًا عن غيرهم من السفهاء- يسلم من الوقوع في عِرضه بغير علم، فينقل الله تعالى أعمالهم الصالحة إلى صحيفته؛ فيصبح في ليلة واحدة وهو أكثر الناس عملًا من حيثُ لا يشعر الذين وقعوا في غيبته، وهم مع ذلك يظنون أنهم أحسن حالًا منه» . اهـ. طهارة الجسم والفؤاد من سوء الظن بأحد من العباد
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The study found this was 38% higher on days when England lost a match than on tournament days when England weren’t playing. It was also 26% higher when the team won or when there was a draw.
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World Cup: does domestic abuse spike when England lose?

We take a look at a widely shared figure that there were 38% more reported incidents of domestic abuse when England lost World Cup games.

😢 9😱 4🎉 1
"ثم اعلموا أن من أصول مذهب #أهل_السنة_والجماعة: كفَّ اللسان عن الوقيعة في #الصحابة، وحملَ أمرهم على ما يوجب دفع الطعن والقدح عنهم؛ إذ هم الذين بذلوا أنفسهم وأموالهم، وودّعوا الدعة والراحة، وتحمّلوا المشاقّ العظيمة في نصرة دين الله تعالى، وهم نقَلَة الدين إلى من بعدهم، وهم المكرمون بصحبة خير البشر ونصرته وإيوائه ووقايته بأنفسهم، والجود بمهجهم دونه". سيف الحق أبو المعين النسفي (٥٠٨) #منهجيات
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[THE SCHOLARS OF HANAFISM: 18] QARI’ AL-HIDAYA He started out as a tailor, but after turning to ‘ilm, he quickly became a deeply revered and recognised authority with some naming him the “Abu Hanifa of his time.” He had studied the Hidaya numerous times, and he would respond to fatawa even in the marketplaces, pulling out a pen where needed. #Hanafi #Hanafism #HanafiSchool #HanafiMadhhab #HanafiSanad #Fuqaha #Fiqh #ImamAbuHanifa
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🔥 7 6👍 2
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قال ليَ العلامةُ المربي الشيخ عبدُ الله سراج الدينِ الحلبيُّ رحمه الله تعالى: ‏(طريقُنا هو الصلاةُ على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم) ‏ ثم وجدت نصًّا للإمام عليٍّ زينِ العابدين رضي الله عنه يقول فيه: ‏(علامةُ أهلِ السُّنة كثرةُ الصلاةِ على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم) فاللهم صلِّ على سيدنا محمدٍ وعلى آله وأزواجه وصحبه وسلِّم
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‏من قول الحكماء ‏[ كن مع الحق بالصدق ‏ومع الخلق بالإنصاف ‏ومع النفس بالقهر ‏ومع الكبير بالخدمة ‏ومع الصغير بالشفقة ‏ومع الصديق بالنصيحة ‏ومع العدو بالحلم ‏ومع العالم بالتواضع ‏ومع الجاهل بالصمت. تم]
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Repost from N/a
The esteemed hadith scholar, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah (may Allah have mercy on him) states: "It is unfortunate that many who are affiliated with the scholarly community today, once they have obtained a certificate, achieved a position, or gained prestige, show little enthusiasm for continuing their pursuit of knowledge and expanding it. You see them grow in their status but their knowledge diminishes and shrinks until it almost vanishes. They seek to meet people and do not mind spending an hour, two, or three in empty conversations and trivial talks. Their concern becomes rising in ranks, salaries, and leadership, not in the development, verification, exploration, and deepening of knowledge. Indeed, to Allah we belong."
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😢 14 7👍 6👏 5
قال الإمام أبو حنيفة يومًا لتلميذه داود الطائي عن العلم: أما الآلة فقد أحكمناها. قال داود: وهل بقي شئ؟ قال الإمام: العمل.
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👍 5
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.