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Repost from Intenscent
Assalamu alaykum, Everyone should join the channel @niyso_eng and pay attention to the posts there, perhaps repost. Same username on Twitter as well. There are not many groups out there with the correct aqeedah. So give your support to those who try to implement it as the governing creed of Chechnya, in sha Allah.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from BAQO Media
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Vakha Arsanov, vice president of the Aslan Maskhadov government of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, talking about Shaykh Fathi, the head of the Islamic Jamaat, at his funeral in 1997.
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Shaykh Fathi on how to get rid of the Russians and the never ending conflict with them.
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Repost from NIYSO [ENG]
It is interesting that when one tries to establish a secular form of governance on a territory, no one inquires about the knowledge that population has regarding secularism. The people aren’t taught about, nor explained what it entails. The secular system is simply established by force, presenting the population with something that has been decided beforehand without their assistance nor approval. They haven’t been prepared for it and no surveys were done to see whether people are ready to follow secular laws and live in a secular state and society. Moreover, there is a handy legal clause which states that “Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility for your (in)actions” And even if you establish democracy in a state whose population lived in an authoritarian system before, you’ll see it will adapt fairly quickly and function normally. This is because most people have the need to be controlled by someone “above” them. This is the case for their behaviour, everyday life and even the way they think. Russia for example, established Russian laws in the occupied Caucasus which are still in effect. And people live by them. If others conquer the Caucasus, establishing their own laws among us, what do you think will happen as a result? At first there will be some resistance, but then the majority will accept the new order, just as they accepted the Russian order before. Because once again, most people do not resist the system, they adapt to it. Just take a look at what happened to Germany and Japan before and after WW2 and how quickly and drastically their societies changed. Neither the Germans, nor the Japanese of today, are comparable to their ancestors after they lost and their regimes were changed. But for whatever reason, problems always arise when it comes to our readiness for Sharia. As soon a Muslim declares the need to live according to Sharia, a bunch of pseudo intellectuals appear out of nowhere with their sophisticated arguments. “Are people really ready to live according to Sharia? Who will follow this Sharia? Are the people ready for it?” According to their logic, Sharia is the only system of governance for which people have to be fully prepared. What type of preparation is this you ask? One where every Muslim in a certain area should become sinless, ideal and deeply knowledgeable about the religion first. And the most amazing thing is that this preparation should be carried out, in their opinion, whilst people live in a secular system, which encourages what is forbidden and prohibits what is allowed. This is without any doubt an impossible requirement as anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows. Because even with the establishment of Sharia there will be sins and mistakes. This is evident from the fact that the Sharia, just as any other set of laws, prescribes punishments for injustice. Let's take North Korea as an example for the authoritarian country with minimal freedoms for the population. Will any intelligent democrat from a Western country say: “Ordinary North Koreans, living in an authoritarian system, should practice democracy, and when they, being under an oppressive authoritarian system, all become democrats, then we will help them establish democracy”? No, because even to you and me this sounds like outright nonsense. But surprisingly, there are Muslims who demand that other Muslims strengthen themselves in Islam, whilst living in a secular state filled with degeneracy, easy access to sins and a government actively working to turn Muslims away from Islam, before establishing sharia. Let's also say that tomorrow the United States invades North Korea and overthrows the ruling regime. What will they do next? Will they say, "Well, the North Koreans aren't ready for democracy yet, so we'll find them a new dictator to lead them while they prepare for democracy"? No, they will immediately install their own system, which after a natural transitional period, will be accepted by the majority.
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Repost from أرشيف
"Start and end your Du’a with Salah on the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, and find a spot in between to make Salah on the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Abu Sulaymaan ad-Daraani said a beautiful statement. He said: 'Start your Du’a with Salah on the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and end it with Salah on the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.' Why? Look at how amazing his statement was. He said: 'Because the Salah on the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is automatically accepted, and the Most Generous Allah is not going to accept the beginning and the end and leave out the middle.'" - Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظه الله in Gems of Ramadan
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Repost from Digital library
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“Наши предки были людьми, вселяющими ужас в сердца неверных из числа джинов и людей. А чем помог этой религии ты? Станцевал Лезгинку у кремля? На что может надеяться многострадальная Умма мусульман с токой молодёжью.” “Our ancestors were people who struck terror into the hearts of the disbelievers among the jinn and people. How have you helped this religion? By dancing Lezginka at Kremlin? What can the long-suffering Ummah of Muslims hope for with this kind of youth.”
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
There might be some truth to the claim that our people lacked proper Islamic knowledge back then, but their hearts were pure and they acted upon that little knowledge they had - unlike us today.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
One of my absolute favorite videos. It is truly so heartwarming to see video tapes from back then that clearly documents our nation’s love for this Dīn and the Shariah of Allāh ‎سبحانه و تعالى. It fills your heart with hope.
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.