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Truth Is Hate Speech

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Jewess and her pet gay black man just proving why anti semitism exists.
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9.47 MB
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This is just one of many blunders and race baiting anti White trash from David Lammy, a black London MP. He's a meme himself. Beyond incompetent, so of course he got chosen for Foreign Secretary. At least it'll be entertaining. Labour taking the reins from Conservatives to continue making Britain a laughingstock.
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Repost from
NEW - Victoria Starmer, the new Jewish first lady in the UK, will bring Jewish Shabbat to 10 Downing Street after leftist Labour's landslide victory. @disclosetv
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Victoria Starmer becomes UK's first lady, is Jewish and observes customs

Breaking news from around the world.

You mean the UK is (((America's))) bitch? Surely not.
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"American private equity firms are snapping up mid-sized British companies that no one else is willing to buy. Meanwhile, financial markets commentators are pushing British business owners to sell their companies to America. What we are seeing is the final consolidation of the post-1945 settlement in which Britain agreed to be a subordinate partner to the Americans in everything military and economic. The financialised British economy is being actively weaponised against the country to asset-strip its companies and place them under American ownership."
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"The moral and strategic case for opening doors to Gaza refugees" Letting them go abroad, if they wish, is both a moral imperative and would help Israel defeat Hamas faster and with less harm to innocent people" Ilya Somin is jewish of course, and this is their M.O,  passive aggressive/veiled threats packaged as the moral highground. All to get rid of those pesky Palestinians so they can take that "prime coastal real estate," as Jared Kushner calls it, for jews only. And if only other countries would just fall in line and do their bidding no more "harm to innocent people" would happen. These people are just beyond unscrupulous.
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"A Unesco report...warned that generative AI could be used by bad actors to seed disinformation & antisemitism around the Holocaust" The irony This is the latest attempt to utilise this new technology to continue to brainwash the next generation into believing the lies, see here for holocaust holograms! It's not for everyone, but tech-minded guys could start to harness AI VR & even AR (Augmented Reality, see here for an eg) for our own benefit, getting across actual truths in a similar way. As is said in the video: "The most powerful & effective educational impact is achieved by listening to a survivor in the first person" It's not just WW2, but any area that spotlights our people, telling truths, debunking lies, bigging up their achievements etc, all to counter the obvious lies & propaganda brandished everywhere. Whether we like it or not, we need to carve out our own place in this new technology, otherwise our enemies will own this space & continue to control the narrative.
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5.95 MB
And of course, as conservatives are wont to do, they apologised 🙄
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Warwick University Conservative Society
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2.21 MB
"You can't beat money-power by appealing to people's greed. You have to appeal to their nobler sentiments. Only a movement based on love of duty and willingness to sacrifice can topple an evil, mammonistic regime." "Our problem is not "How do we convince people of the danger of Jewish power?" but rather, "How to we convince people to put duty before rights". How do we convince indeed? When society and govt rewards and applauds greed and selfishness then it'll take something huge and over a long duration, before people shift. When people are financially benefiting from placing invading migrants into their hotel business, they don't care that this negatively impacts local community and exacerbates the demographic replacement of their own people. They're a multi millionaire now so who cares, "look at this tan and mansion in Marbella" 🙄 Then you have self-absorded Love Island types, desperate for attention and status, but eventually evolve into self-prostitution on only fans because "bossgirl 💅🏻" And then the "men" who'd prefer to battle with fellow Europeans over football, instead of fighting against the threat to them and their women/families/children of murdering and rapist migrants currently flooding the country. All these (amongst many others) equates to a vapid, soulless, alienating society that is on a rapid decline of its own making. It isn't sustainable, eventually the shine will dull, and the sickening greed and extreme consumerism will dwindle as harsh reality sets in. Who knows when people will start to shift, but it'll take something huge to shake them out of this greedy, selfish, destructive stupor.
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Gregory Conte

Prussian Socialism Episode 38: The German Mindset vs the English in Werner Sombart's "Traders and Heroes" In "Traders and Heroes" (1915) German economist Werner Sombart argued that the German "heroic" attitude is better than the English "mercantile" way of life. Whereas the merchant asks, "Life, what can you give me?", the hero asks, "What can I give life?". The hero lives for duty, the trader lives for rights and comfort. Is this entirely fair? Are the English really so craven? Hitler did not think so. Several sections of Mein Kampf, while not calling out Sombart by name, are explicit criticisms of his theory. Hitler saw much to admire in the English, and regarded Sombart's views as demoralizing and counter-productive to the German war-effort. So why read Sombart? Gregory Conte argues that Sombart's idea has more relevance today than it did in 1915. "Traders and Heroes" is an excellent summary of the differences between German and Anglo-American thinking. Its usefulness to us today lies in its well-founded…

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