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Postlar arxiv I know you know this, but it’s interesting how WHO covered their own fraudulent pandemic! Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from Dr. Tenpenny
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Dear Lowes, Targets, Kohls, Walmarts, ALDIs, Home Depot’s, Krogers, Jewels & all other stores that have self checkout…. You are heading towards almost exclusively self-checkouts now. The lady/man checking receipts at the exit was stopping everyone. I didn't choose to participate in that nonsense, I had already: 🛒filled my cart 🛒emptied my cart 🛒scanned the items 🛒refilled my cart and so I just skipped the exit line and left. I heard her saying "umm - Excuse me“ as I kept walking and raised the receipt above my head, leaving the store. You can either trust me to do self-checkout, or you can put your cashiers back in place like it used to be. • I'm not interested in proving that I did your job for you. • If you want me to be a cashier with no training then that's your problem not mine. • Keep employing young people and give them job opportunities. YOU DON'T PAY ME TO SCAN MY OWN SHOPPING. YOU DON’T GIVE ME STAFF DISCOUNTS FOR WORKING FOR YOU. Signed ......All of us These are jobs that are needed to have for young and old ….. Copied and pasted, because I agree 100%. SHARE if you agree!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 1 This from three years ago. Remember, those people haven’t changed their minds and decided the government & global partners were right all along. I believe a lot of others have since then realised we’re being lied to. People will be at a range of realisations from down at rabbit hole level 5 to a vague unease that things aren’t what they seem. While things are apparently somewhat stable, I am asking you to continue at least to ask questions of those around you, who are still lolloping around on the surface but no longer light of heart. I hunch that many do know something bad is happening but understandably, prefer to “put it behind them”. It’s your assignment to gently but persistently find ways to prompt their thinking. I’m useless at taking my own advice, so I do know how difficult this is. I think the skill is in asking good, open questions. I’ve read that once an individual realises deep inside that their mental model is at odds with some things they know, cognitive dissonance almost inexorably prompts them to find out more until they arrive at a new accommodation. For example, some move from believing that there’s been a life threatening disaster to realising there wasn’t much of a threat at all. One accommodation is that governments overreacted and greedy drug companies overrode anxious regulators who were under pressure not to be roadblocks. The “mistakes were made” interpretation is very understandable. When they realise that many of the key actors were involved in numerous simulations, the thought surely intrudes that just perhaps the exaggeration was purposeful. It’s a whole level or two of the warren to appreciate that there’s copious evidence of long term planning and that HIV/AIDS has a great deal of commonality in how an entire population was tricked. Anyway, baby steps have a good chance so please maintain your resolve to help others make their way to where you are. I don’t think it would take more than a low % to realise that our government is arraigned against us for it to become all but impossible for them to impose their preferred conditions upon us without outright rebellion. Let’s make the perpetrators unsure that things will go the way they anticipate! Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
PRESSEMITTEILUNG Am Europäischen Gerichtshof behängende Prozesse offenbaren den erschreckend totalitären Kurs der Europäischen Union Laut Gericht der EU (der Bericht erstattender Richter war viele Jahre in höchstrangigem Dienst der gegnerischen Prozesspartei sprich der EU- Kommission) können die Mitgliedsstaaten experimentelle auf Gentechnik beruhende Substanzen auch mit Zwangsmaßnahmen von den Ärzten zur Anwendung bringen lassen! Die EU ist auf dem Weg in den menschenverachtenden Totalitarismus   In zwei am Europäischen Gerichtshof behängenden Prozessen (C-139/24 P und C-148/24 P) geht es um die Verletzung folgender, für einen demokratischen Rechtsstaat wesentliche Grundwerte: - Unabhängigkeit und Unparteilichkeit der Richter an der Gerichten der EU  - Grundrecht der EU-Bürger auf effektiven Rechtsschutz  - Verbot pharmakologischer Experimente am Menschen ohne dessen informierte und freiwillige Einwilligung 👇👇👇
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GLENN BECK: “Where do you stand on the WEF, the World Economic Forum?” ROBERT KENNEDY JR: “It is like we shouldn’t be paying any attention. It’s a billionaire’s boys club that’s arranging the world to shift wealth upward and to clamp down totalitarian controls on everybody else. And now, they got the capacity to do it. They got all these countries running around doing what they tell them to do. It’s astonishing to me that these people go to Davos in their private jets, and they’re able to tell these world leaders how to govern us in ways that eradicate our constitutional and civil rights and constantly shifting wealth upward.” Full Interview: More Stories on @Vigilant_News: Gov. DeSantis Issues Stark Warning to Hamas Demonstrators RFK Jr. Reveals What the NIH Isn’t Telling You About Mass Shootings Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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CRIZE PROVOCATE TOT DE “EI” SI DACA S-A PRODUS CONTAMINAREA, DELIBERAT, DUPA PASTEURIZARE? Urme ale virusului H5N1 au fost detectate în SUA în lapte de vacă pasteurizat, au anunţat marţi autorităţile americane, adăugând că este puţin probabil, totuşi, să existe un risc pentru sănătatea umană, relatează AFP. În urma unei vaste verificări naţionale, particule virale au fost descoperite în "lapte provenit de la animalele afectate, în sistemul de prelucrare şi la raft", a anunţat într-un comunicat de presă, Administraţia americană pentru Alimente şi Medicamente (FDA). Cu toate acestea, "chiar dacă un virus este detectat în laptele crud, este de aşteptat în general ca pasteurizarea să elimine agenţii patogeni până la un nivel care nu prezintă un risc pentru sănătatea consumatorilor", a explicat FDA. La începutul lunii aprilie, un focar de gripă aviară înalt patogenă A (H5N1) s-a răspândit în efectivele de vaci de lapte din ţară şi a infectat o persoană, care a prezentat simptome uşoare. (SPS) VORBA CEEA, TOATĂ LUMEA DE ABIA AȘTEAPTĂ SĂ FIE-NCHISĂ DIN NOU LA COTEȚ DIN MOTIVE DE PLANDEMIE CU MUCI ȘI FEBRĂ!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from Vigilant News
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Unexpected Move Puts Country With ‘Abysmal’ Record In Charge of New Task It’s been said that we live in a clown world, a statement that is repeatedly validated as true. The most recent, and perhaps most striking, example of this is the news that a Saudi Arabian ambassador has been elected as Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women, a decision that was met with no resistance from the other members of the UN. That’s right. The same global powers that try to virtue signal about a variety of social issues just put in power one of the most gender-restrictive regimes in the world. Hillel Neuer, an international human rights lawyer, highlighted the paradoxical situation we are currently facing: Champions of the UN in 2024: 🇨🇳 China sits on the UN Human Rights Council 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia chairs the UN Women’s Rights Commission 🇮🇷 Islamic Republic of Iran chairs the UN Disarmament Commission It seems that there is no limit to insanity these days. - - - - - It is said that an ounce of gold bought 350 loaves of bread in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who died in 562 BC. The same ounce of gold buys 350 loaves of bread today. Invest in precious metals today with guidance from Allegiance Gold: Follow @Vigilant_News
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🇨🇳 A red sun unexpectedly emerged in the sky above Harbin, China.
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Repost from ☀️ Dan Diaconu
* VTB Bank din Rusia a obținut la Curtea de Arbitraj de la Sankt Petersburg blocarea activelor Morgan Stanley din Rusia, ca replică la blocarea activelor băncii rusești în SUA. E abia începutul; * Veniturile din petrol și gaze ale Rusiei se vor dubla în aprilie, conform unor calcule efectuate de Reuters. Sancțiunile funcționează! * TikTok semnalează că nu se va lăsa intimidată de legea strâmbă dată de degenerații din Congres și va reacționa la Curtea Supremă de Justiție. Orice om normal realizează că legea promovată de Biden și acoliții săi e profund neconstituțională. Să vedem însă dacă a mai rămas vreun firicel de justiție în SUA. Dacă ne luăm după caricatura de proces intentată lui Trump, e clar că acolo deja e țara nebunilor. * Postul Realitatea TV a primit amendă de la CNA deoarece prin pozițiile adoptate „subminează încrederea în Ucraina și ucraineni”. La ce te poți aștepta de la un tembel precum Mircea Toma? * Tucker Carlson se pronunță clar împotriva „furtului activelor rusești” instrumentat de SUA. Mișcarea transmite un șoc teribil în ceea ce privește încrederea în Occident. * Și, cum suntem la capitolul încredere, un alt eveniment ia fața știrilor. Proprietarul Nord Stream a dat în judecată asigurătorii conductelor(Lloyd's Insurance Company și Arch Insurance) deoarece refuză să plătească asigurarea. Companiile englezești spun că nu plătesc deoarece „exploziile au fost provocate de un guvern în contextul războiului din Ucraina”, iar războiul este o clauză de forță majoră care ar permite neonorarea obligației. Doar că, pentru asta, cele două companii trebuie să demonstreze ceea ce afirmă, anume că un guvern a produs explozia. Iar de-aici începe tangoul. Oricum, din nou, tembelismul occidental se întoarce împotriva sa. Minunat!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 4
Repost from Dr. Tenpenny
Please support Ohio ‘Advocates for Medical Freedom’ (OAMF) in their continuing efforts regarding #HB73 👇
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Repost from LauraAboli
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Repost from LauraAboli
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Dr Charles Hoffe is spot on. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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❗️Joe Rogan’s Tucker Carlson 5 days ago: we’ll have to bomb data centers Theses are simple 💣 - Ted Kaczynski was «probably» right - we will lose control of AI and obey our own creation - all this is bad for people - if AI is a threat to civilization and humans, AI must be destroyed🔥
if its bad for people, we should strangle it in its crib
Via: @neuralpurgatory 🤖
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Repost from LauraAboli
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Repost from Zeee Media 🎙
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WEF graduate Sarah Hanson-Young chiming in, claiming Elon Musk is running an internet dictatorship 😂😂 The projection of the low quality individuals produced by the school of dictatorship at the WEF is insufferable. Footage credit to @Ausvstheagenda Follow @zeeemedia Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
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So many headlines, so much sameness
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💉💉❗️ Serious Safety Signals and Prediction Features Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. - Team Wakefield Facebook
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🇦🇺💉💉🔥Dawn developed an auto immune injury thanks to the jab, and so is now on medication for the rest of her life. #cafelockedout Full Interview
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Prion diseases 🤔 ..must be from hunting, not from 💉💉 and it's so rare....
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram Pandemics aren’t a thing. Anyone trying to frighten you by warning of an imminent pandemic is a fake. I’ve said I’d criticise anyone under this specific circumstance. Don’t beLIEve the pandemic propaganda. Best wishes Mike
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from Dr Roger Hodkinson
🚨 Kids, Vaccines and Autism: Will a New Legal Strategy End the Decades-long Battle for Truth and Justice? The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program denied compensation to 5,000-plus families of children diagnosed with autism after receiving vaccines. 10+ years later, new revelations of fraud in legal proceedings could reopen the possibility for the justice these families say they were denied. ⬇️ Join 👉
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Repost from Dr. Tenpenny
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Dr. Naomi Wolf describes how Big Pharma deceived the world. Will they get away with their crimes?
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Repost from Dr. Tenpenny
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🇬🇷 Orange sky - African dust blanketing Greece
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Repost from Dr Roger Hodkinson
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Chris Whitty:”Data shows it’s good for your UNBORN BABY to get vaccinated” 2021 They pushed these toxic bioweapons on pregnant women, knowing that 82% of women’s suffered a miscarriage in the Pfizer trial 13,344 PRETERM LABOUR / BIRTH DIFFICULTIES / PREMATURE BIRTH: •.5,121 MISCARRIAGE/ STILLBIRTH Reported to VAERS Join 👉
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