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"Those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and go about the earth spreading mischief -indeed their recompense is that they either be done to death, or be crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off from the opposite sides or be banished from the land. Such shall be their degradation in this world; and a mighty chastisement lies in store for them in the World to Come" [Qur'an 5:33]
Intelligence agencies buying out Imams and preachers. Muhammad ibn Muneer (runs a masjid in NY), was approached by the feds after returning from his studies in Yemen. They had been keeping watch of him during his time in Yemen, and didn't waste anytime trying to buy him out. He isn't a "jihadi" nor is he a madkhali, more like somewhere in between, madkhali-leaning in some issues, sururi-leaning in others. The important thing is to understand is that he isn't considered "extreme", and was immediately approached for that reason. He didn't take the offer, but it does leave a lot to wonder about: — How many other "salafis" (madkhalis) studying abroad have been approached by the FBI? — How many of those approached accepted the offer? And how many rejected it? — How much Islamic information and lessons has been tampered with by intelligence agencies? After thinking about all of this, it should become clear that many of the madakhila are working with secular disbelieving governments. Especially SPUBS.
"Oh we can't do this anymore, teenagers today aren't mature like they used to be" Maturity isn't a magical thing that's bestowed on people, it's cultivated by giving someone roles and responsibility. Every time age is used as an excuse to bar or exempt people from responsibility, it further contributes to the stunting of their development. Marriage is a particularly egregious example, since not only does not getting married stunt your children mentally, it also leaves the door wide open for zina for absolutely no reason. These same people will turn around and say that the solution to the zina epidemic is to basically keep your children prisoners and isolate them from the opposite gender until they're 30, which is absurd, does not work, has nothing to do with the religion and will severely stunt your children's social development. Even if you accomplished this impossible feat, these people's urges don't simply disappear and they will start projecting them onto their family members or their own gender, and this is a known phenomenon.
Some thoughts on how to deal with sins Never look at all the good you have done to minimize the evil you are about to do. This is a kind of arrogance and a trick of shaytan. If you have recently done something evil, do more good deeds to earn forgiveness while the motivation is still in your heart. If you cannot stop a particular sin, stop the sins that are near it, because this will increase you in strength.
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If a Muqallid says, “A new Muslim or anyone that is not a scholar is not allowed to read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim or any book of Hadith!” It is said to the Muqallid: You have contradicted, as there is no difference among any of you that everyone is allowed to read the Qur’an. While there are abrogations in the Qur’an, Mutashabihat, Khusus of ‘Umum orders in different places of the Qur’an, there are Mujmal verses which require a Mubayyan and words that require dictionaries and knowledge of grammar. If anyone comes across that which they do not know, whether they are new to Islam or knowledgable and whether it is from the Qur’an or the Sunnah they are obliged to inquire the people knowledgable of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Ahl ul-Dhikr) as Allah ordered: “So ask Ahl ul-Dhikr if you do not know” [16:43]. If the Muqallid says, “Many of you do not know all defects of the Ahadith you use, so you fell into Taqlid!” The answer: If that is according to you is Taqlid, then none of your scholars from the begin to the last are Mujtahidin as none of them discuss the defects of narrations in detail in any of their Fiqh books, not even the most advanced ones among them. And most of you claim that Ijtihad is obligatory in matters of Aqidah as Taqlid is not allowed in it, while none of you can ever clarify the defects of the narrations you do not use in Aqidah or the authenticity of the narrations which you do use. Ijtihad is instead obligatory according to the ability of anyone, a new Muslim and the knowledgable. If there is a new Muslim that does not understand what weak and authentic narrations are, he only asks regarding the issue he must know, to the scholar that knows Hadith after he answered, “Is this from the words of the Prophet or anyone other than him?” He is only burdened further once he fully understands it afterwards he inquires what exactly its defects are as he understands it.
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Ḥasan al-Baṣrī رحمه الله said: “Some people have modesty in their clothes but arrogance in their hearts.” ‎● [التواضع والخمول ص ٩٠]
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I can never understand why some random guy from London is willing to die defending Muhammad bin Salman's honor. Like, it makes sense for Saudi nationalists, but why is this random south asian or north african living in Europe getting involved in it? I really don't understand. Instead of calling towards tawhid, understanding la ilaha ila Allah, or actually following the sunnah, they base their entire da'wah on defending the rulers, even when fawzan and al-madkhali have made takfir on other "muslim" rulers. Some of them have reached a level of irja' and hizbiyyah, that Saleh al-Fawzan is actually much better than them (even with the rulers). it's foolish. Even laughable. The only reason why they've got so many followers, is because they take advantage of the ignorance of the general Muslims. Especially those who live in the west, who're desperate for any "traditional" or "strict" voices they can listen to. Madkhalis essentially larp as being students of knowledge, when in reality all their doing is repeating a few phrases that they've heard online. A random guy grows a beard, shortens his thobe above his ankles, starts saying "يعني" "طيب" "لكن" every 3-4 seconds, and talks about "following the kibar akhee" — then people think of him as some big shaykh. How incredibly sad it is that people can be fooled this easily. Not to mention that intelligence agencies constantly fund and promote such people, and SPUBS ("salafi" publications) has been very open about working with governments against Muslims. They've established many mosques, events, networks, websites, and so on. I say: we need to do the same (not working with governments, obviously. just needed to clarify). In order to give da'wah effeciently, we need to establish ourselves some how. Maybe it can't be done in real life, due to feds and their spies, but online is more than doable. We just need to figure out a way to break into the mainstream and build a following. The problem is here that we grow our accounts to 2-4k followers, and we always end up getting banned. So be patient, and keep working to spread the da'wah of truth. In sha Allah, one day we will see the madakhila, sururiyyah, ikhwan, and neo-jahmiyyah seethe with rage.
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السلام عليكم There is no benefit in constantly bringing up topics that result in useless fitnah. For example, the way a lot of brothers constantly argue and debate whether a certain scholar is an apostate or not. And this argument goes on for days and days, with no benefit coming out of it at all. Likewise, arguing about the madhahib or the leaders of the madhahib. What good comes as a result of this? Nothing. Only wasted time.
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It’s getting pretty shameful how some people are employing scammer like and/or sleazy business tactics, in order to create an artificial need, and/or market around their Deen-related product or service (that they’re selling). For example, some people start answering very simple questions, in a “controversial/edgy” way, in order generate traffic and buzz to their page. Before they answer the question, they shamelessly plug their Deen related product/course that they’re selling. Similarly, some may spend months trying to artificially trash certain products or courses (maybe even justifiably so) — only to suddenly “have the solution,” for the low price of $/month. This is not to say or argue that charging money for Deen related services is “Haram,” per se — rather, it’s to emphatically say that such approach is not the Manhaj of the Messengers or Prophets عليهم الصلاة والسلام, and those who are propped up (or prop themselves up), are held to a much higher standard than us laymen. This is a Manhaj in which many have sacrificed for, some more than others obviously — but one thing it is not, is a niche “market” for you to exploit and profit off of monetarily (with relation to the teaching the Deen). Further, you are judged by what you’re DOING (present tense), not what you’ve done or stances you’ve taken (past tense). How many brothers who preceded many of us in Goodness and Effort, only to experience hardship and then spew idiocy and misguidance afterwards, may Allah return them to their upstanding ways, and make us and keep us firm upon Tawheed, and the correct methodology in all affairs of this Pure Deen. Ameen.
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My book regarding the Falsehood of Qiyas is finished الحمد لله تعالى ! This Book contains all arguments used by all of the Dhahiriyyah, before and after Ibn Hazm, and more. It answers every single thing and more than what Ahl ul-Qiyas have used as evidence, an answer for Al-Baji, Ibn Sam’ani, Ibn Qudamah, Abu Bakr Al-Razi Al-Jassas, Al-Tufi, Ibn Rajab, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Al-Ghazali, Yusuf Ibn Abd Al-Rahman, Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Shinqiti, Ibn Uthaymin, Abu ’Ubayd and many others. In no Usul ul-Fiqh book from any Madhab will you find the validity of Qiyas discussed to this extent
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"I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "Who ever is pleased that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be pro longed, then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin."" [Bukhari 5985]
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How did Imam Bukhari die?! Imam al-Bukhari was subjected to severe persecution at the end of his life from the rulers of Islamic cities in the eastern Islamic world. Specifically, Nishapur, Bukhara, and Samarkand. For many reasons, including: _ His refusal to teach their children in their palaces. He used to say: Knowledge is given and not taken to the door. _Some people envied his fame and biography. And other reasons. When Al-Bukhari reached the age of 62, he received orders from the ruler of Nishapur to leave the city and that he was not wanted. So he migrated from there until he reached his hometown of Bukhara. People greeted him at the gates of the city and sprinkled money and sugar on him. People, students of knowledge, and hadith scholars gathered around him until they abandoned the gatherings of other hadith scholars, which caused some people to become jealous of him. But soon the ruler of Bukhara became angry with his fame, and messages also arrived from the ruler of Nishapur stating the need to expel the Imam from Bukhara as well, as he had previously been expelled from Nishapur. The envoy of the city’s governor arrived at Al-Bukhari’s house urgently asking him to leave the city...and the orders were to “now” leave the city. To the point that the Imam did not have time to collect his books and arrange them.. So he left the city and stayed on its outskirts in his tent for three days, adjusting his books and arranging them, but he did not know where he was going?! Then Al-Bukhari moved towards the city of Samarkand... but he did not enter the city itself, but rather headed towards a village called Kharatnak to be a guest of his relatives there. Accompanied by Ibrahim bin Maqil. It did not take long for the guards to arrive at the doors of the house where the Imam stayed... Their orders from the ruler of Samarkand this time are that Imam Bukhari must leave the areas of Samarkand and its villages. This was the night of Eid al-Fitr. But the orders were for him to go out “now” and not after the Eid... so the Imam feared that he would cause any harm to his relatives who had honored him... So Ibrahim bin Maqil arranged the books for him on top of his first animal and prepared the second for the imam to ride on. Then Ibn Maqil returned home and began to bring out Al-Bukhari while he was angry with him... and they were walking towards the riding animal... After about 20 steps... Imam Al-Bukhari felt more and more tired, so he asked Ibn Maqil to give him a few minutes to rest. Imam Al-Bukhari sat next to the road.. Then he fell asleep. And it was only a matter of minutes.. When Ibn Maqil wanted to wake up the Imam, he found that his soul had flowed to God... May God have mercy on him. Imam Bukhari died on the side of the road on the night of Eid al-Fitr, Shawwal 1, 256 AH... He was expelled from one city, another, and a third, and he was over 62 years old. Today people do not know the names of the rulers of Nasapur, Bukhara, and Samarkand...but everyone knows Imam Bukhari. May God have mercy on Imam Bukhari and raise his rank in the ranks of the Prophets, martyrs and righteous people. Biographies of Noble Figures, p. 468, Part 12 📖 Whoever reads this post, do not let it stand there. Share the post seeking the face of God Almighty so that it reaches the largest possible number of people as a favor and not a command.... May God’s blessings be upon the most noble of creation, our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
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"Those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and go about the earth spreading mischief -indeed their recompense is that they either be done to death, or be crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off from the opposite sides or be banished from the land. Such shall be their degradation in this world; and a mighty chastisement lies in store for them in the World to Come" [Qur'an 5:33]
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Surah Al-Ma'idah - 33 -

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their ha...

❤‍🔥 16 5
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Intelligence agencies buying out Imams and preachers. Muhammad ibn Muneer (runs a masjid in NY), was approached by the feds after returning from his studies in Yemen. They had been keeping watch of him during his time in Yemen, and didn't waste anytime trying to buy him out. He isn't a "jihadi" nor is he a madkhali, more like somewhere in between, madkhali-leaning in some issues, sururi-leaning in others. The important thing is to understand is that he isn't considered "extreme", and was immediately approached for that reason. He didn't take the offer, but it does leave a lot to wonder about: — How many other "salafis" (madkhalis) studying abroad have been approached by the FBI? — How many of those approached accepted the offer? And how many rejected it? — How much Islamic information and lessons has been tampered with by intelligence agencies? After thinking about all of this, it should become clear that many of the madakhila are working with secular disbelieving governments. Especially SPUBS.
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Freemixing Is NOT Haram | Islam vs Your Culture, Fears & Feelings

In this halaqa, Sheikh Ilyas delves into the concept of freemixing in Islam and clarifies this controversial issue. Many people have minted their fatwas from their stomachs and claimed that freemixing is haram (forbidden), and they claim that thier fatwa is from Islam. However, through thorough referencing reliable and authentic sources (Quran and Sunnah), we reveal that there is no evidence in Islamic scriptures to support the idea of freemixing being haram. Instead, it is a concept fabricated by those who follow their cultural, customs and those who follow their desires rather than authentic Islamic teachings. Join us as we uncover the truth and debunk the myth of freemixing in Islam. #islam #dhahiri #Freemixing #islamicteachings #ibnhazm #authenticity #quran #hadith #haram #halal #religion #islam #sunnah #quranandsunnah #hanafi #salaf

💔 9💊 3
"Oh we can't do this anymore, teenagers today aren't mature like they used to be" Maturity isn't a magical thing that's bestowed on people, it's cultivated by giving someone roles and responsibility. Every time age is used as an excuse to bar or exempt people from responsibility, it further contributes to the stunting of their development. Marriage is a particularly egregious example, since not only does not getting married stunt your children mentally, it also leaves the door wide open for zina for absolutely no reason. These same people will turn around and say that the solution to the zina epidemic is to basically keep your children prisoners and isolate them from the opposite gender until they're 30, which is absurd, does not work, has nothing to do with the religion and will severely stunt your children's social development. Even if you accomplished this impossible feat, these people's urges don't simply disappear and they will start projecting them onto their family members or their own gender, and this is a known phenomenon.
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💊 22 5💯 4💔 2
Some thoughts on how to deal with sins Never look at all the good you have done to minimize the evil you are about to do. This is a kind of arrogance and a trick of shaytan. If you have recently done something evil, do more good deeds to earn forgiveness while the motivation is still in your heart. If you cannot stop a particular sin, stop the sins that are near it, because this will increase you in strength.
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38💔 3
Repost from N/a
If a Muqallid says, “A new Muslim or anyone that is not a scholar is not allowed to read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim or any book of Hadith!” It is said to the Muqallid: You have contradicted, as there is no difference among any of you that everyone is allowed to read the Qur’an. While there are abrogations in the Qur’an, Mutashabihat, Khusus of ‘Umum orders in different places of the Qur’an, there are Mujmal verses which require a Mubayyan and words that require dictionaries and knowledge of grammar. If anyone comes across that which they do not know, whether they are new to Islam or knowledgable and whether it is from the Qur’an or the Sunnah they are obliged to inquire the people knowledgable of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Ahl ul-Dhikr) as Allah ordered: “So ask Ahl ul-Dhikr if you do not know” [16:43]. If the Muqallid says, “Many of you do not know all defects of the Ahadith you use, so you fell into Taqlid!” The answer: If that is according to you is Taqlid, then none of your scholars from the begin to the last are Mujtahidin as none of them discuss the defects of narrations in detail in any of their Fiqh books, not even the most advanced ones among them. And most of you claim that Ijtihad is obligatory in matters of Aqidah as Taqlid is not allowed in it, while none of you can ever clarify the defects of the narrations you do not use in Aqidah or the authenticity of the narrations which you do use. Ijtihad is instead obligatory according to the ability of anyone, a new Muslim and the knowledgable. If there is a new Muslim that does not understand what weak and authentic narrations are, he only asks regarding the issue he must know, to the scholar that knows Hadith after he answered, “Is this from the words of the Prophet or anyone other than him?” He is only burdened further once he fully understands it afterwards he inquires what exactly its defects are as he understands it.
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💔 4 3🆒 2💊 2
Repost from Archive of Tawheed
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❤‍🔥 45💯 9
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Tamim_Afghan_Right_now_there_is_freedom_in_Afghanistan,_the_government.mp42.07 MB
❤‍🔥 45 17🔥 3💔 2
Ḥasan al-Baṣrī رحمه الله said: “Some people have modesty in their clothes but arrogance in their hearts.” ‎● [التواضع والخمول ص ٩٠]
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9🔥 7
I can never understand why some random guy from London is willing to die defending Muhammad bin Salman's honor. Like, it makes sense for Saudi nationalists, but why is this random south asian or north african living in Europe getting involved in it? I really don't understand. Instead of calling towards tawhid, understanding la ilaha ila Allah, or actually following the sunnah, they base their entire da'wah on defending the rulers, even when fawzan and al-madkhali have made takfir on other "muslim" rulers. Some of them have reached a level of irja' and hizbiyyah, that Saleh al-Fawzan is actually much better than them (even with the rulers). it's foolish. Even laughable. The only reason why they've got so many followers, is because they take advantage of the ignorance of the general Muslims. Especially those who live in the west, who're desperate for any "traditional" or "strict" voices they can listen to. Madkhalis essentially larp as being students of knowledge, when in reality all their doing is repeating a few phrases that they've heard online. A random guy grows a beard, shortens his thobe above his ankles, starts saying "يعني" "طيب" "لكن" every 3-4 seconds, and talks about "following the kibar akhee" — then people think of him as some big shaykh. How incredibly sad it is that people can be fooled this easily. Not to mention that intelligence agencies constantly fund and promote such people, and SPUBS ("salafi" publications) has been very open about working with governments against Muslims. They've established many mosques, events, networks, websites, and so on. I say: we need to do the same (not working with governments, obviously. just needed to clarify). In order to give da'wah effeciently, we need to establish ourselves some how. Maybe it can't be done in real life, due to feds and their spies, but online is more than doable. We just need to figure out a way to break into the mainstream and build a following. The problem is here that we grow our accounts to 2-4k followers, and we always end up getting banned. So be patient, and keep working to spread the da'wah of truth. In sha Allah, one day we will see the madakhila, sururiyyah, ikhwan, and neo-jahmiyyah seethe with rage.
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💯 32 4🔥 2