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Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine ... I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily.” Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot. He says, "My liberty was violated when vaccine status discrimination forced me into taking a medical intervention that almost cost me my life. If we do not have the right to decline a known risk of death without facing discrimination or loss of employment, then we are no longer free. I implore the committee to vote yes on HB 319." Ohio House Bill 319, also known as the “Conscientious Right to Refuse Act,” aims to end “no jab, no job” policies for good. The legislation states that businesses, employers, health care providers, and other institutions CANNOT deny or terminate employment, deny services, or otherwise treat individuals differently based on their refusal of any biologic, vaccine, pharmaceutical, or gene-editing technology for reasons of conscience. Ohio needs to get this bill passed. Thank you, Mike, for your testimony. Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon are joining us for The People's Reset: UK in September 2024! They focus on designing homes and communities with fractal geometry in mind! The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for Our Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK We are so excited to bring some of our favorite speakers from our past activations, and highlight amazing speakers from the UK and Europe! Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, Charles Dowding, Nigel Howitt, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here! We'll be highlighting five themes over three days: - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul - Permaculture & Food Independence - Parallel Networks - Empowering Technology - Building Free & Conscious Communities
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💉💊 Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg presents on the current bird flu scare and flu “epidemics” of the past While many of you may be familar with Dr. Wodarg's insights and expert opinion on the COVID restrictions and injections, he has had a diverse and successful career in clinical medicine, public health and German politics. During the swine flu scare, Dr. Wodarg was an early and outspoken critic of the swine flu vaccine, and his opposition was crucial in stopping the vaccination campaign. Watch his full presentation: ⭐️ Join @taylorhudak
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We are so excited to welcome Nigel Howitt to The People's Reset: UK! Nigel will be speaking on Saturday September 28, 2024 as part of the theme Agorism & Parallel Networks! Nigel is a writer, philosopher and lifestyle design pioneer with a special interest in epistemology and thinking skills. Having worked as an airline pilot for 25 years, he retired and began his podcast “Living outside the Matrix” in 2017. Initially focusing on how to maintain health and longevity, his investigations have covered most of the major deceptions of our time. He is currently working on his forthcoming book “The Truth Seekers Guide – fundamentals, principles and method for curious minds”. He is a passionate campaigner for freedom and human flourishment through reasoned argument. Find Nigel's work: Buy Your Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Don't miss out on this life-changing in person experience!
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We are so excited to welcome Charles Dowding to The People's Reset: UK! Charles will be speaking on Friday September 27th as part of the theme Permaculture & Food Independence! Charles started organic and no dig market gardening in 1982, on 1.5 acres./ 6000 m². His successful vegetable growing with fewer weeds enabled new understandings, and Charles has appreciated for a long time the benefits of methods he now shares globally. His first book “Organic Gardening” came out in 2007. Then since launching in 2013 the Charles Dowding YouTube channel, he has become aware of the possibilities in ‘new media’ to inspire and inform. Charles’s most recent book is Compost, out in September 2024 at the same time as his 2025 Calendar of Sowing Dates. He continues to run a 0.4 acre / 1600 m² no dig market garden, at Homeacres UK. Find Charles' work: Buy Your Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Don't miss out on this life-changing in person experience!
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all. Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).” It seems that the dam is truly breaking as this is a powerful statement from somebody with the authority to say it. Watch the full breakdown of this stunning story. - - - - - - Get your hands on Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and 6 other life-saving meds with TWC’s Medical Emergency Kit. This kit treats over 30 common diseases and could potentially save you thousands from an unexpected ER visit. Click the link below to get yours today. Follow @Vigilant_News
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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 26 WATCH: - - - - - - #10 - Mainstream outlet features “excess deaths” and “COVID vaccines” in the same headline. #9 - Trump hater crumbles on air when confronted with one simple question. #8 - Reporter catches Biden campaign in a lie and brings all the receipts. #7 - Ex-CDC director says vaccine mandates were a “terrible idea,” along with a number of other stunning COVID admissions. #6 - Laughter erupts as Dr. Phil stuns Trump critic with one clear fact. #5 - Biden’s allies officially freak out as his mental decline proves to be very real and serious. #4 - Arizona GOP files bombshell lawsuit after discovering up to 1.3 million illegal voters. #3 - Tucker Carlson gives the most reasonable explanation ever on why he chose not to get vaccinated. #2 - Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs gets busted in massive $400,000 bribery scandal. #1 - The World Health Organization warns a “new strain” of bird flu “has jumped” to humans with “potential for high public health impact.” Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. Rima Laibow. - - - - - - BONUS #1 - Court Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions BONUS #2 - Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use BONUS #3 - The Silver Bullet to Losing Weight - - - - - - Share this list on 𝕏 We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it). Follow the people behind the show: • @VigilantFox (Show Writer and Video Editor) • @ZeeeMedia (Host and Show Writer) • @Vigilant_News (Media Network)
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🔴 There are reports coming out in the mainstream media which acknowledge the increase in cancers and even turbo cancers in healthy people with no family history. However, these reports attribute this rise in rare, aggressive cancers to the COVID virus and not the injection. I expect we will see more efforts to incorrectly link the virus to cancer or to other diseases. Meanwhile, oncologists like Dr. William Makis have explained that turbo cancers are caused by the mRNA injections. There are simple tests that can be done using immunohistochemistry to determine if the presence of the spike protein is caused by the vaccine or the virus. It is important now more than ever for all of us to be armed with facts! I encourage everyone to check out this article and excerpt from my interview with Dr. Burkhardt in which he explains, for the layperson, how pathologists test if the spike expression in a patient is from the injection or the virus. 🔗
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🔴 There are reports coming out in the mainstream media which acknowledge the increase in cancers and even turbo cancers in healthy people with no family history. However, these reports attribute this rise in rare, aggressive cancers to the COVID virus and not the injection. I expect we will see more efforts to incorrectly link the virus to cancer. Meanwhile, oncologists like Dr. William Makis have explained that turbo cancers are caused by the mRNA injections. There are simple tests that can be done using immunohistochemistry to determine if the presence of the spike protein is caused by the vaccine or the virus. It is important now more than ever for all of us to be armed with facts! I encourage everyone to check out this article and excerpt from my interview with Dr. Burkhardt in which he explains, for the the layperson, how pathologists test if the spike expression in a patient is from the injection or the virus. 🔗
⚡️PSA: The Next Generation of AI Spam has hit Telegram @takebackourtech 🚫PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE - ALL GROUPS NEED TO SEE THIS ⚠️ The community I belong to is no stranger to spam. The Freedom Cell Network and The Greater Reset have been dealing with Telegram spammers since the very beginning. Due to the Freedom Cell Network being decentralized, the spammers especially loved to traverse the Directory of Freedom Cells to spam hundreds of groups spanning 40 countries. This spam got so bad we had to create a Federated Spam Network to ban the spammers from all of our groups at once. Today on June 6th, the admins of the FC Network are seeing proof of new generative AI spam. They appear in groups and will reply to posts from Telegram channels. They will take common sounding names and their replies will address what was shared in the post. The messages can either validate and agree with the post, OR they can raise fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Already this AI spam operation is being used to try and reduce the impact of in-person events. Our upcoming conference - The People's Reset Conference in the UK received comment replies that were clearly AI, contradicting itself and criticizing the event. Unlike previous spam, this AI is using generative language models. This AI can communicate clearly, express sentiment, and make jokes. Its easy to take these comments as genuine people, although at times they sound unnatural and clumsy. This marks a time where generative AI is now being weaponized, and weaponized first against Freedom groups. This is a public service announcement to any group that would fit into this category: Remain vigilant, press forward in bringing people together. Take action in the face of tyranny. AI is nothing compared to Organic Intelligence. Join us for solutions at The People's Reset in the UK, September 28th, 2024. ✌️ MORE POSTS | 🗯 CHAT GROUP | 📩 NEWSLETTER Follow 🫶 @takebackourtech
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Mexico’s Health Secretary Denies Death of Resident Due to Bird Flu 🇲🇽@COVID19Up: Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer on Thursday (June 6) denied an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that a man’s death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu that had never before been found in a human. During a morning briefing, Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s announcement and assured that the 59-year-old man, who was reported to have died from the A(H5N2) strain of avian influenza, “died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.” Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO’s announcement with caution because it is "not accurate." "I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case," he said. On Wednesday (June 5), the WHO announced that a resident of Mexico became the world’s first person to die from a bird flu strain not previously detected in humans. According to WHO, the man had numerous underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks before developing acute symptoms. Source:
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Joe Rogan DESTROYS Fauci After Blaming Unvaxed for 300K Deaths Tony Fauci recently said the unvaccinated were “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths” in America. Well, Joe Rogan now has some words for Mr. Fauci. “Hey, man, you made it, first of all. Don’t blame us. First of all, you made it. You f*cking made it. You funded it. You were a part of the research.” This is what psychopaths like Fauci do. They always point the finger of blame at someone else. So it comes as no surprise that Fauci also threw his senior adviser, Dr. David Morens, under the bus after damning emails surfaced. “Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.” Full Episode: More Stories on @Vigilant_News: Dr. Fauci Caught in Massive COVID Conspiracy Joe Rogan Drops Bad News for Democrats Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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👀 Former CDC Director Confirms What RFK Jr & Rand Paul Have Been Saying for Years About Dr. Fauci "People don't know this but in 2002/2003 the mission of biodefense that we had in our nation, which was in the US army in Fort Detrick, was transferred to NIH under the direction of Tony Fauci. So he got somewhere like $40 billion to basically manage our biodefense program...I do disagree with Tony pretty aggressively in his testimony with Rand Paul when he says that he's never done gain of function research." Full interview: ➡️@ChiefNerd
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FLCCC Alliance Announces Launch of New Independent Medical Journal 🇺🇸@COVID19Up: The FLCCC Alliance has announced the launch of a new medical journal, the Journal of the FLCCC Alliance. The medical journal will publish crucial scientific research and insights from leading experts worldwide, and cover critical, often-under-reported topics of growing concern in the medical community. This new multispecialty medical journal will advance unbiased, high-quality medical knowledge and evidence-based resources. Notably, the Journal of the FLCCC Alliance will not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies or governmental agencies. In an era where impartiality in medical publications is often clouded by significant bias and conflicts of interest, the Journal of the FLCCC Alliance will stand as an ethical force of independence and objectivity—uninfluenced by corporate interests or public health agency agendas. Led by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Joseph Varon, with the support of co-founder and FLCCC senior fellow Dr. Umberto Meduri, this quarterly publication, which will initially be introduced in a digital form, will serve as a beacon for medical and scientific research professionals. Full story: 👇
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🚩 Former CDC Director Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation' "There was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work." "Two thirds of the people that I'm seeing infected in Maryland have been vaccinated." "If you came down and visited me and interviewed my'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine." "The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein." "When I give you an mRNA vaccine...I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it...You may make it for a week...You may make it for a month." Full interview: ➡️@ChiefNerd
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David James Rodriguez is joining us for The People's Reset: UK in September 2024! The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for Our Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK We are so excited to bring some of our favorite speakers from our past activations, and highlight amazing speakers from the UK and Europe! David Rodriguez will be joining us from California! He is an inspiring, empowering speaker you won't want to miss! Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here! We'll be highlighting five themes over three days: - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul - Permaculture & Food Independence - Parallel Networks - Take Back Our Tech - Building Free & Conscious Communities
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Mexico Death Linked to Bird Flu Not Previously Seen in Humans 🇲🇽@COVID19Up: A strain of bird flu not previously detected in humans claimed the life of a person in Mexico, the World Health Organization said Wednesday (June 5). It was the first confirmed human case of a strain of bird flu known as H5N2, which differs from the variety driving cases in U.S. cattle. The risk posed by this virus to the general population is currently low, WHO said, noting that H5N2 viruses have previously been reported in poultry in Mexico. A 59-year-old with no previous exposure to poultry or other animals died on April 24, about one week after developing a fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea and general discomfort. The patient had multiple underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks for other reasons before acute symptoms began, according to WHO. The health agency said it's not been possible to establish whether this human case is related to the recent poultry outbreaks. Source:
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Fauci Put on Notice, Told to Preserve Records for Major Free Speech Lawsuit 🇺🇸@COVID19Up: The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) non-profit has sent a letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci and several medical and other US officials, as well as to Google, making sure they are formally notified of their obligations to preserve communications records. The records in question are relevant to a major First Amendment case alleging collusion between the government and tech companies, Murthy v. Missouri (formerly Missouri v. Biden), which is currently in the US Supreme Court. The NCLA letter specified that the request pertains to all documents and electronically stored information, under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34. Those named in the letter are former chief medical adviser to President Biden Dr. Anthony Fauci, his colleague from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (that Fauci headed during the pandemic) Dr. David Morens, Adam Kirschner of the US State Department, and Google General Counsel Halimah DeLaine Prado, among others. The letter recalled that Fauci is a defendant in the landmark First Amendment case, alleging that he and other government officials named in Murthy v. Missouri—including the president himself—engaged in unconstitutional censorship of social media around Covid issues such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccines. NCLA has joined the plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri and is now in that capacity requesting that Fauci, Morens, and others preserve all documents, including drafts and copies, and paper files maintained by their staff that are relevant to the case. Full story: 👇
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FDA Vaccine Advisers Vote Unanimously in Favor of Updated COVID-19 Shot for Fall 🇺🇸💉@COVID19Up: Another new version of the COVID-19 vaccine will probably be coming this fall. The US Food and Drug Administration’s committee of independent advisers voted unanimously Wednesday (June 6) to recommend that the agency tell vaccine manufacturers to update the COVID-19 shots so they will be "more effective" against the JN.1 lineage of SARS-CoV-2. The committee voted on the question, “For the 2024-2025 Formula of COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S., does the committee recommend a monovalent JN.1-lineage vaccine composition?” All 16 of the advisers voted “yes.” The decision now goes to the full FDA. Source:
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'FLCCC Alliance Announces Launch of New Independent Medical Journal' - Read full press release: This new multispecialty medical journal will advance unbiased, high-quality medical knowledge and evidence-based resources. Notably, the Journal of the FLCCC Alliance will not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies or governmental agencies. Led by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Joe Varon, with the support of co-founder and FLCCC senior fellow Dr. Umberto Meduri, this quarterly publication, which will initially be introduced in a digital form, will serve as a beacon for medical and scientific research professionals. FLCCC is calling upon medical and scientific experts for immediate submissions to [email protected]
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NEW Interview on TLAV with Ryan: The Summit Of The Future & The Shell Game Of Authoritarian Control Joining me today is TLAV writer Derrick Broze, here to discuss the Summit Of The Future, why this is important, and how it might be an alternative pathway for the Pandemic Accord, that is far more subtle and surreptitious, while we are being told it has stalled. We also discuss his recent article on Bethany Christian Services and some alarming reports from parents who have utilized their services, as well as a couple of Derrick’s interactions at the Libertarian Convention that highlight some important truths.
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The People's Reset is coming to the UK for the first time in September 2024! The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for Our Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK We are so excited to bring some of our favorite speakers from our past activations, and highlight amazing speakers from the UK and Europe! Please enjoy this message from two of our speakers, Yoshi and Pola Pantera! They are bringing their wisdom from Ecuador! Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th. Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here! We'll be highlighting five themes over three days: - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul - Permaculture & Food Independence - Parallel Networks - Take Back Our Tech - Building Free & Conscious Communities
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Dr. Deborah Birx Admits There Was an Effort to Squash COVID Lab Leak Theory 🇺🇸@COVID19Up: Dr. Deborah Birx, a former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump, told CNN on Tuesday (June 4) that there was an effort to squash scientists suggesting the COVID-19 virus started in a lab in Wuhan, China. "I think early on, people did take very definitive sides, and it did divide along party lines, and we're still suffering from that four years later," Birx told CNN's Kasie Hunt, who asked if there was any substance to the argument that the lab leak theory was suppressed. "I do think it happened. If you look at what people said about Bob Redfield and how they disparaged him as a scientist because he wanted to bring forward the lab leak potential," the former top medical official said. Redfield, a former director of the CDC, suggested early on that the COVID-19 pandemic started in a lab, which was widely dismissed by the media and other prominent health officials. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, denied during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Monday (June 3) that he suppressed the theory. Birx told Hunt on Tuesday, "And I think the reason he felt he [Redfield] needed to bring it forward to push, was to push against this, ‘it had to be this way.’ Because we didn‘t know, and we knew we would never know. I mean, we knew as SARS that China was not transparent. We knew with the second SARS, China was not transparent, so we were not going to get an answer, but that shouldn‘t have held us back 4.5 years later from both ensuring that we protect against lab leaks and we protect that public." She added that lab leaks "definitely" happen and noted, "people got infected with HIV in the lab." Source:👇
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COVID Vaccines May Have Helped Fuel Rise in Excess Deaths - The Telegraph 💉@COVID19Up: Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well. “Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.” They added: “During the pandemic, it was emphasised by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply.” Full story:👇
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Dr. Vinay Prasad on Regulatory Capture at the FDA & How Vaccine Mandates Led to ‘Net Harm’ “Is the [FDA’s] real motivation to regulate these drug products in a way that’s best for the American people, or is their real motivation an audition to some way work across the table and take that bureaucratic technical expertise and sell it to the companies — to create the hurdles they themselves know how to jump over and sell that expertise to the companies later.” Full video: ➡️@ChiefNerd
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Damning New Report Finds U.S. Funded COVID Lab Leak in China 🇺🇸🇨🇳@COVID19Up: A damning new report found that the COVID-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese lab—and that the US bears responsibility for pumping tens of millions of dollars into high-risk research on extremely infectious viruses at a facility with weak safety protocols. The analysis by Alina Chan, a Harvard and MIT molecular biologist, was published as a guest essay in the New York Times, a publication which was for a long time skeptical and dismissive of the lab leak theory. It comes as Dr. Anthony Fauci faces a grilling before a House panel on Monday (June 3) over his backing for the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Chan—who has long advocated more study of the “lab leak theory”—said that until recently, “reflexive partisan politics have derailed the search for truth” in getting to the bottom of the pandemic’s origin. Sources: 👇
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Fauci Now Says the NIH Was Funding Viral Research But It Did Not Lead to the COVID Pandemic "The viruses that were funded by the NIH phylogenetically could not be the precursor of SARS-COV-2" ➡️@ChiefNerd
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"I Was Wrong": ESPN's Stephen A. Smith Apologizes to NBA Superstar Kyrie Irving Years After Criticizing Him for Not Taking COVID Vaccine 🇺🇸💉🏀@COVID19Up: ESPN’s flagship broadcaster Stephen A. Smith issued an apology to Dallas Mavericks guard Kyrie Irving in a YouTube video Wednesday (May 29) after previously criticizing him for not taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Stephen A. referenced Inside The NBA broadcaster Kenny “The Jet” Smith, who revealed a private conversation between himself and Stephen A. during a Tuesday (May 28) night TNT broadcast. The Jet opened up about the conversation, in which he scolded Stephen A. for criticizing Irving, reminding him that Irving comes from the same community as Stephen A. and that the pair shared many mentors. “When Kenny Smith brought that story up yesterday, it reminded me of the role that I play, the responsibility I have,” Stephen A. said Wednesday. “I pride myself on being man enough to acknowledge when I’m wrong if I think I’m wrong because I think it’s rare. But I was wrong,” he admitted. Source:
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🚨 NEW: Jim Jordan is STUNNED when Fauci claims he did NOTHING to downplay the lab leak theory. Fauci says he “kept an open mind” to the theory “throughout the entire process.” JORDAN: “Do you agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?” FAUCI: “Not on my part.” JORDAN: “Really?” FAUCI: “Really.” JORDAN: “Wow. I think most of the country finds that amazing.” FAUCI: “But look at the facts. I’ve kept an open mind throughout the entire process.” Watch Hearing + More Clips: Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci blames the unvaccinated for being “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country [USA].” He cited the work of Peter Hotez, the vaccinologist who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr., to make this claim. “Some have done studies. Peter Hotez has done an analysis of this and shows that in people who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons, probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.” Watch Live + More Clips: Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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‼️ Maintaining Objectivity and Integrity In A Corrupt System A presentation by Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond Ryan discusses the the state of the media, including new and social media, Twitter (now "X") under the ownership of Elon Musk, new mainstream alternative media (MAM), censorship and how to see through the information manipulation. ⚡️ Full video:
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🔴 Better Way Today is LIVE NOW with Kristina Morros from FLCCC! Join us as Francesca Havens and Kristina discuss the FLCCC's new brain and mental health guide. Watch live: Follow: ➡️@WCH_org 📧 NEWSLETTER | 🌳 LINKTREE 🌐
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🔥 Rep. John Joyce Rips Fauci for Trying to Scapegoat the CDC for Social Distancing Rules Which 'Just Sort of Appeared' "This six foot rule crippled businesses. It allowed students to stay at home and not learn. Americans suffered, and that suffering continues because the fracture of trust in American scientists continues to this day. Did you not feel an obligation for something that 'just sort of appeared' not to go back to the CDC and say, 'Let's base this on what we know?'" ➡️@ChiefNerd
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🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci DEFENDS every single bad COVID policy he pushed. “Vaccines save lives.” Dr. Fauci still defends: • Business closures • Church closures • School closures • Stay-at-home orders • Mask mandates for adults • Mask mandates for children • Mask mandates for children under five in the face of no scientific evidence for doing so • Vaccine mandates for employees, students, and military, despite failure to stop transmission Watch Live: Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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🚩 Dr. Christine Stabell Benn Shares the Alarming Results of Her New Study Showing COVID mRNA Vaccines Can Negatively Affect the Innate Immune System for Months "In the follow-up period we saw that there was a 3x higher risk of having a lower respiratory tract infection, meaning a bronchitis, pneumonia, in the children who were randomized to mRNA vaccines vs those who were randomized to placebo and that was statistically significant...It does suggest that the mRNA vaccines behave like the non-live vaccines and at least for a period after vaccination increase the recipient's risk of other infections...So basically the mRNA vaccine for a period of up to 6 months, that's as far that it has been studied, make the innate immune system lazier. It doesn't respond as vigorously when it's stimulated with other pathogens." Full video: ➡️@ChiefNerd
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🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci breaks down into tears discussing personal death threats. He says, “Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.” REP DINGELL: How do you feel? FAUCI: “Terrible.” REP DINGELL: “Do you continue to receive threats today?” FAUCI: “Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.” Watch Live: Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Dr. Fauci Just Threw Dr. David Morens Under the Bus! "...Dr David Morens, who has the title of Senior Advisor to the NIAID Director, and who recently began has been investigated for conduct unbecoming a government official. Naturally, given his title, a connection is made to me. With respect to his recent testimony before this subcommittee, I knew nothing of Dr Moren's actions regarding Dr.Daszak Ecohealth or his emails. It is important to point out for the record that despite his title, and even though he was helpful to me in writing scientific papers, Dr Morens was not an advisor to me on institute policy or other substantive issues. At NIAID, we had weekly executive committee meetings of the institute leadership and daily morning meetings of my immediate staff. And to the best of my recollection, he attended neither of these."
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The People’s Reset is the world’s collective response to WEF’s Initiative: The Great Reset. Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th. The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for Our Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK We're coming to the U.K. following five life-changing events in the U.S. and Mexico since 2020. Act fast! Only a few Super Early Bird tickets remain and once they're gone, they're gone! Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here! We'll be highlighting five themes over three days: - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul - Permaculture & Food Independence - Parallel Networks - Take Back Our Tech - Building Free & Conscious Communities Book now: 🎟
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🔴 LIVE: Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies Before Coronavirus Select Subcommittee Get your popcorn ready. Follow @Vigilant_News
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Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine ... I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily.” Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot. He says, "My liberty was violated when vaccine status discrimination forced me into taking a medical intervention that almost cost me my life. If we do not have the right to decline a known risk of death without facing discrimination or loss of employment, then we are no longer free. I implore the committee to vote yes on HB 319." Ohio House Bill 319, also known as the “Conscientious Right to Refuse Act,” aims to end “no jab, no job” policies for good. The legislation states that businesses, employers, health care providers, and other institutions CANNOT deny or terminate employment, deny services, or otherwise treat individuals differently based on their refusal of any biologic, vaccine, pharmaceutical, or gene-editing technology for reasons of conscience. Ohio needs to get this bill passed. Thank you, Mike, for your testimony. Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon are joining us for The People's Reset: UK in September 2024! They focus on designing homes and communities with fractal geometry in mind! The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for Our Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK We are so excited to bring some of our favorite speakers from our past activations, and highlight amazing speakers from the UK and Europe! Get Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Our current speaker lineup includes Dan Astin-Gregory, Miriam Gomez, Hakeem Anwar, David Rodriguez, Emma Sron, Yoshi and Pola Pantera, Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon, Charles Dowding, Nigel Howitt, and Derrick Broze. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements! If you want to nominate someone for a speaker, click here! We'll be highlighting five themes over three days: - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul - Permaculture & Food Independence - Parallel Networks - Empowering Technology - Building Free & Conscious Communities
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Repost from Taylor Hudak Media
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💉💊 Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg presents on the current bird flu scare and flu “epidemics” of the past While many of you may be familar with Dr. Wodarg's insights and expert opinion on the COVID restrictions and injections, he has had a diverse and successful career in clinical medicine, public health and German politics. During the swine flu scare, Dr. Wodarg was an early and outspoken critic of the swine flu vaccine, and his opposition was crucial in stopping the vaccination campaign. Watch his full presentation: ⭐️ Join @taylorhudak
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We are so excited to welcome Nigel Howitt to The People's Reset: UK! Nigel will be speaking on Saturday September 28, 2024 as part of the theme Agorism & Parallel Networks! Nigel is a writer, philosopher and lifestyle design pioneer with a special interest in epistemology and thinking skills. Having worked as an airline pilot for 25 years, he retired and began his podcast “Living outside the Matrix” in 2017. Initially focusing on how to maintain health and longevity, his investigations have covered most of the major deceptions of our time. He is currently working on his forthcoming book “The Truth Seekers Guide – fundamentals, principles and method for curious minds”. He is a passionate campaigner for freedom and human flourishment through reasoned argument. Find Nigel's work: Buy Your Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Don't miss out on this life-changing in person experience!
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We are so excited to welcome Charles Dowding to The People's Reset: UK! Charles will be speaking on Friday September 27th as part of the theme Permaculture & Food Independence! Charles started organic and no dig market gardening in 1982, on 1.5 acres./ 6000 m². His successful vegetable growing with fewer weeds enabled new understandings, and Charles has appreciated for a long time the benefits of methods he now shares globally. His first book “Organic Gardening” came out in 2007. Then since launching in 2013 the Charles Dowding YouTube channel, he has become aware of the possibilities in ‘new media’ to inspire and inform. Charles’s most recent book is Compost, out in September 2024 at the same time as his 2025 Calendar of Sowing Dates. He continues to run a 0.4 acre / 1600 m² no dig market garden, at Homeacres UK. Find Charles' work: Buy Your Early Bird Tickets for only £250 through June 30th! Don't miss out on this life-changing in person experience!
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Repost from Vigilant News
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all. Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).” It seems that the dam is truly breaking as this is a powerful statement from somebody with the authority to say it. Watch the full breakdown of this stunning story. - - - - - - Get your hands on Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and 6 other life-saving meds with TWC’s Medical Emergency Kit. This kit treats over 30 common diseases and could potentially save you thousands from an unexpected ER visit. Click the link below to get yours today. Follow @Vigilant_News
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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 26 WATCH: - - - - - - #10 - Mainstream outlet features “excess deaths” and “COVID vaccines” in the same headline. #9 - Trump hater crumbles on air when confronted with one simple question. #8 - Reporter catches Biden campaign in a lie and brings all the receipts. #7 - Ex-CDC director says vaccine mandates were a “terrible idea,” along with a number of other stunning COVID admissions. #6 - Laughter erupts as Dr. Phil stuns Trump critic with one clear fact. #5 - Biden’s allies officially freak out as his mental decline proves to be very real and serious. #4 - Arizona GOP files bombshell lawsuit after discovering up to 1.3 million illegal voters. #3 - Tucker Carlson gives the most reasonable explanation ever on why he chose not to get vaccinated. #2 - Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs gets busted in massive $400,000 bribery scandal. #1 - The World Health Organization warns a “new strain” of bird flu “has jumped” to humans with “potential for high public health impact.” Plus, an exclusive interview with Dr. Rima Laibow. - - - - - - BONUS #1 - Court Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions BONUS #2 - Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use BONUS #3 - The Silver Bullet to Losing Weight - - - - - - Share this list on 𝕏 We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it). Follow the people behind the show: • @VigilantFox (Show Writer and Video Editor) • @ZeeeMedia (Host and Show Writer) • @Vigilant_News (Media Network)
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Repost from Taylor Hudak Media
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🔴 There are reports coming out in the mainstream media which acknowledge the increase in cancers and even turbo cancers in healthy people with no family history. However, these reports attribute this rise in rare, aggressive cancers to the COVID virus and not the injection. I expect we will see more efforts to incorrectly link the virus to cancer or to other diseases. Meanwhile, oncologists like Dr. William Makis have explained that turbo cancers are caused by the mRNA injections. There are simple tests that can be done using immunohistochemistry to determine if the presence of the spike protein is caused by the vaccine or the virus. It is important now more than ever for all of us to be armed with facts! I encourage everyone to check out this article and excerpt from my interview with Dr. Burkhardt in which he explains, for the layperson, how pathologists test if the spike expression in a patient is from the injection or the virus. 🔗
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Repost from Taylor Hudak Media
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🔴 There are reports coming out in the mainstream media which acknowledge the increase in cancers and even turbo cancers in healthy people with no family history. However, these reports attribute this rise in rare, aggressive cancers to the COVID virus and not the injection. I expect we will see more efforts to incorrectly link the virus to cancer. Meanwhile, oncologists like Dr. William Makis have explained that turbo cancers are caused by the mRNA injections. There are simple tests that can be done using immunohistochemistry to determine if the presence of the spike protein is caused by the vaccine or the virus. It is important now more than ever for all of us to be armed with facts! I encourage everyone to check out this article and excerpt from my interview with Dr. Burkhardt in which he explains, for the the layperson, how pathologists test if the spike expression in a patient is from the injection or the virus. 🔗
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⚡️PSA: The Next Generation of AI Spam has hit Telegram @takebackourtech 🚫PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE - ALL GROUPS NEED TO SEE THIS ⚠️ The community I belong to is no stranger to spam. The Freedom Cell Network and The Greater Reset have been dealing with Telegram spammers since the very beginning. Due to the Freedom Cell Network being decentralized, the spammers especially loved to traverse the Directory of Freedom Cells to spam hundreds of groups spanning 40 countries. This spam got so bad we had to create a Federated Spam Network to ban the spammers from all of our groups at once. Today on June 6th, the admins of the FC Network are seeing proof of new generative AI spam. They appear in groups and will reply to posts from Telegram channels. They will take common sounding names and their replies will address what was shared in the post. The messages can either validate and agree with the post, OR they can raise fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Already this AI spam operation is being used to try and reduce the impact of in-person events. Our upcoming conference - The People's Reset Conference in the UK received comment replies that were clearly AI, contradicting itself and criticizing the event. Unlike previous spam, this AI is using generative language models. This AI can communicate clearly, express sentiment, and make jokes. Its easy to take these comments as genuine people, although at times they sound unnatural and clumsy. This marks a time where generative AI is now being weaponized, and weaponized first against Freedom groups. This is a public service announcement to any group that would fit into this category: Remain vigilant, press forward in bringing people together. Take action in the face of tyranny. AI is nothing compared to Organic Intelligence. Join us for solutions at The People's Reset in the UK, September 28th, 2024. ✌️ MORE POSTS | 🗯 CHAT GROUP | 📩 NEWSLETTER Follow 🫶 @takebackourtech
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