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Everyone always says, "Buy Gold and Silver." They never talk about the different types. I discuss the types in my latest article.
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When you see reports of record heat in Phoenix, please remember that the official temperatures are taken from a thermometer that is at Desert Sky International Airport. I'm sure that the heat retained by the tarmac doesn't influence the readings.
I'm seeing more people wearing masks again, even with the 110°F + heat. All I can do is shake my head.
Had a very long day at work today so that's why I haven't been posting today. I'm in the process of writing on an article and will be releasing it as soon as possible. I'm also getting caught up on all the news for today and will likely be more active this weekend.
Russia is making moves to strength alliances and build new ones. Ducks are lining up for the east.
They took down the article. I don't know why but it was about the decoupling of Saudi Oil and the US Dollar. The Saudis can now sell oil in any currency and they are also new members to BRICS.
My purpose on Earth is to serve God. What is yours?
Listening now to Dr. David Martin talk on InfoWars. He's talking about the Covid Scamdemic and more.
Many of you in the channel who either know me in real life or who have been here awhile, know that I am a true believer in the principles upon which this Republic was founded. You know that I don't sugar coat things. I don't care if I lose followers or subscribers for telling the truth. Truth doesn't care how it is interpreted. It just is. Dishonest people hide the truth or lie about it. Those who do that are being used by an evil spiritual force. That evil is defeated through Divine Love. As God's children, we can channel this love and destroy evil. Love is our greatest weapon. Here's the truth: we're under attack. War is being waged against us. We, the children of God, are being leveraged by Satan in a War against God. We need to recognize that we are in a war. There are spiritual components and Earthly components to the war. The higher order spiritual components can be won through knowledge about our True Nature as Divinely created beings and through prayer. The Earthly component can be won by coming together and using that knowledge to love one another and to trust one another. By working together we can oust the puppets of evil from the seats of power and we can remove the evil force directing them. I take this seriously because I want a future for all of my progeny and future descendants. Evil seeks a nonhuman intelligence for the future.  We can stop that from happening, right now. We have to actively work to these ends. Day in and day out until we have won. It is tiring. It is work. It takes patience and stamina. It requires constant focus. It requires constant attention. It takes time. It takes money. It takes continued, relentless effort. The Americans who fought and bled during the Revolutionary War are inspiring to me because they never gave up, despite losing battle after battle. The war dragged on and on for 8 years. It's a good thing that God is capable of supplying everything we need to win this. God is the source of everything we need and God will supply it. All we have to do is ask for it and use it. Ask. If you don't get it right away, ask again. Keep asking until you get it. Don't stop. Pray for all the evil to be removed from our lives. That's the spiritual component. The earthly component is similar. Pray and ask for discernment. Ask God for the knowledge and Truth you need to navigate the future. Let Him guide your decisions. If the path forward isn't clear but He's telling you to go that way, have the faith of a mustard seed to go forward down that path. He will provide you everything you need for the journey. It might be that you end up as a poll watcher. It might be that you end up as a precinct committeeman. It might be that you stock up on food and water. You won't know how important the role is you are to play until the right moment and every role in this war is important. My only ask of you is to join me in this war and to fight beside me. I know that together we can win. #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall #WWG1WGA
Attacking the world's religions has rendered populations without morals, ethics, or the ability to decipher right from wrong.
Love is our greatest strength. It conquers all evil of every kind. Love is the ultimate and it originates in Divine Mind. Love others and be loved.
Thomas Jefferson said, “When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils  but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Let’s pray for leaders who are willing to remove the corruption instead of drawing in any new evils.
Media files
More battery Powered cars means less taxes on fuel. Welcome the new tax. It's always about power and control.
If you're not registered to vote, now is the time. Consider this your reminder.
So I sowed more carrots this evening because a lot of the seed I put into this planter didn't germinate. Sometimes this happens when the seeds are old or if they aren't stored correctly. Something I learned long ago is that seeds should not be stored in the refrigerator. If you run into this problem, where you've planted seeds but they don't sprout, don't give up. The answer is to sow more and keep watering until you have a breakthrough.
One of the greatest thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment, Cesare Beccaria, wrote a treatise entitled, "On Crimes and Punishment." In this writing, Beccaria argues why the use of weapons for self-defense is important to the preservation of one's life. It's definitely worth reading. On Crimes and Punishments
If you're interested in getting body armor, then check out the sale Spartan Armor is having today. This company is located in Tucson, AZ and I have toured the manufacturing facility. It is top notch.
Media files
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
Sometimes, trolling is the only way...
NEW - U.S. House passes $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act, including an amendment to automatically register all U.S. males aged 18-26 for a potential draft. @disclosetv
So this is an interesting development.
For the record, I am the guy who did the scientific audio analysis of the Las Vegas mass shooting, revealing there were multiple shooters firing upon the crowd from at least 3 different distances. The irrefutable proof is embedded in the sounds of the gunfire and arriving rounds, in all the videos from that event. All you have to do is understand the speed of sound and the fact that 5.56 rounds travel FASTER than the speed of sound, which means they arrive BEFORE you hear the report of the firearm. By measuring the delay between these two sound events, you can estimate the distance of the shooter. I performed a detailed analysis and found there were shooters placed at 3 different locations (distances), all firing upon the crowd. This is one of the reasons I have been banned from nearly all platforms, because I have scientific audio proof that contradicts the official narrative. In fact, ANY competent sound engineer and math-capable person can arrive at the same conclusion. It's all in the recordings.
The right to exercise free speech is under attack. Period. The End. Love or hate Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Gonzalo Lira, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan - it does not matter. If you don't stand up for the right to speak freely when they're under attack, nobody will be left to stand up for you when it's your turn to go.
Media files
Why is CNN still around? Why is it allowed to exist? Why is it allowed to print lies and slander about individuals? The network is pure propaganda and yet, somebody has yet to sue it out of existence. I wish someone would silence that network with law fare, forever.
The prices for imported goods will go through the roof after the value of the US Dollar reaches reality.. Everything domestically will increase too, but the US does not have the same manufacturing capability it used to have. If there's anything you've been thinking of getting that has to be imported, now is probably a good time to get it. There's no way to predict if it will even be available once world war goes full kinetic. There's a pair of boots I'm eyeballing simply because good shoes that last are not as common and I have to have something for my feet! That's not to say I don't have boots. I do. Even they will wear out eventually. Also, the manufacturing problem we have presents an opportunity for us to bring it back. If we're forced to reset our economy, we'll be able to provide jobs and make things with the label "Made in the USA" again. There's no reason we should be suffering when everything we need is right here.
If the dollar gets unhooked from oil, then things can get real interesting really fast. I was just an infant during the Carter administration, so I don't remember all the shenanigans having to do with gas rationing. I only heard about that when I got older. I heard that was real fun. I have a friend who lives in Phoenix who was recently hit by gas thieves. They siphoned the gas from his vehicle right in his driveway. I guess locking gas caps will be making a comeback. I view current events in the following manner: Yes, things are getting worse but that's because the DS is in control and the corrupt Biden Regime is following it's orders from the top. The people of the U.S. and the world get to see just how bad things can get so that they too can experience the discomfort that results from their apathy and lack of participation. When things get so bad that they can no longer ignore the storm raining hell on their heads, they will be motivated enough to act. I'm talking about the normies. When they finally get around to caring, the change in the world will be epic. We're going to see change like never before and it will be for the better. We just have to survive through this hell and emerge victorious on the other side. Then, we'll see real freedom and liberty. It's going to be glorious and I have all the faith in God that I need to see it happen.
How many people saw this?
All of this noise over the chickens being sick is nonsense. Part of me wants to believe this is a ruse to get rid of part of the food supply so that people are forced to eat other foods that may be poisoned. Another part of me says they're not smart enough for that. Either way, it's bogus. I won't live in fear.
BREAKING! Emergency Situation on the ISS! "hypobaric exposure" to the commander "multiple dps hits" 🔵 Listen Live:
Everyone always says, "Buy Gold and Silver." They never talk about the different types. I discuss the types in my latest article.
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When you see reports of record heat in Phoenix, please remember that the official temperatures are taken from a thermometer that is at Desert Sky International Airport. I'm sure that the heat retained by the tarmac doesn't influence the readings.
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I'm seeing more people wearing masks again, even with the 110°F + heat. All I can do is shake my head.
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Had a very long day at work today so that's why I haven't been posting today. I'm in the process of writing on an article and will be releasing it as soon as possible. I'm also getting caught up on all the news for today and will likely be more active this weekend.
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Russia is making moves to strength alliances and build new ones. Ducks are lining up for the east.
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Defcon Level Threat Monitor

BREAKING: The new comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea pledging assistance in the event of an attack on either country requires each country not taking actions that harm the other's core interests.

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Ecuador Experiences Hours-long Nationwide Power Outage

Ecuador suffered a nationwide blackout for several hours Wednesday as the electrical grid failed, with metro services, road traffic and other critical services crippled.

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They took down the article. I don't know why but it was about the decoupling of Saudi Oil and the US Dollar. The Saudis can now sell oil in any currency and they are also new members to BRICS.
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My purpose on Earth is to serve God. What is yours?
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🙏 9 5
Listening now to Dr. David Martin talk on InfoWars. He's talking about the Covid Scamdemic and more.
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