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D L MacArthur

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"We get to run everything because Holocaust!" We may as well counter that we get to run everything because of the Harrying of the North. (and our reason would be a true story, in that case) Whites so desperately want to be fair. It's an admirable attribute that is being exploited to our ruin. Jew con men have used it to their advantage, now for decades. We were in much better shape when we hated these goblins.
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The Von Wehunt Show on Gab: 'Ahhh that's so thoughtful of you Mr. Trump....Gee…'

The Von Wehunt Show on Gab: 'Ahhh that's so thoughtful of you Mr. Trump....Gee thanks, really nice to know your political base is held in such High Regard....'

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Bianca on Gab: ''

Repost from N/a
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Mourn on the Fourth of July - The Florida League of the South

Independence Day? Every Fourth of July, citizens across the U.S. celebrate the anniversary of ‘The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen

what do you think the world will be like in the new millennium? Wolff: Well, you are a young man, and wish it to be well for you, but for mankind I am not so sure. We National Socialists showed every race on earth a new way of thinking, and living. The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction. I already see Jewish names being predominate again with bankers, head of large companies, lawyers, politicians, and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world. Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors. If Europe can’t arise to recognize this and fight it, then who knows. It will mean admitting the evil Germans were right all along, and Europe must stand together in a Pan European bulwark. We had no right to plunder the other races, and they will not let us forget that, if they are allowed to rise up. They will look upon all European peoples as their enemies; they will not distinguish between English and German for example. England and France have the most to lose, as the Jews and their natural greed made them many enemies abroad. If communism is not checked, it will use its power to also weaken Europe. Good signs are coming from the East Block, as I see cracks forming in the curtain and nationalism is starting to reveal itself again. I believe we were a light in the darkness, a cure for the illnesses of the world, a preview of God’s will and kingdom that will come. Life in NS Germany was so special, and holy, that we fought as a united people, until we could fight no more. Once broken the enemy had their way with us, and many cowards stepped into the void to try to show a different view, but in the end, truth will always find a way to reveal itself. Therefore, I would like to believe that National Socialism showed the world that living by nature’s natural laws is the only way to a truly happy and healthy society where everyone looks out for everyone else, and the state is the vessel of the peoples true will. There was a painting which hung in the House of German Art, which sums up my views. It depicts a holy mountain wrapped in glorious light with the hakenkreuz at its peak as a symbol of our creator, millions of men are streaming towards the mountain, some helping wounded and broken comrades along, , so that they may be judged and receive their destiny. The mountain stands victorious over the earth on this holy day and all enemies have been removed so that the righteous now take dominion over this creation and live forever in peace and happiness. That is my belief, which will someday come to pass. 1981 interview with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff.
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"Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors. If Europe can’t arise to recognize this and fight it, then who knows. It will mean admitting the evil Germans were right all along, and Europe must stand together in a Pan European bulwark." 1981 - Karl Wolf⚡️⚡️
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Adolf Hitler - Blood and Soil
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These 31 Countries Still Don’t Recognize Israel The following states have never recognized and/or had foreign relations with Israel: Afghanistan Algeria Bangladesh Brunei Comoros Djibouti Indonesia Iraq Kuwait Lebanon Libya Malaysia North Korea Pakistan Saudi Arabia Somalia Syria Yemen The following countries did have relations with Israel at one point in the past. (Time period of relations and reason for breaking them off in parenthesis): Belize (1984-2023: Ongoing War) Bolivia (1950–2009; Gaza War) Colombia (1949-2024; Gaza War) Cuba (1950–1973; Yom Kippur War) Iran (1948–1951, 1953–1979; Islamic revolution in Iran) Maldives (1965-1974; unknown) Mali (1960–1973; pressure from neighboring countries) Mauritania (1999-2010; Gaza War) Niger (1960–1973, 1996–2002; Second Intifada) Oman (1996–2000; Second Intifada) Qatar (1996–2009; Gaza War) Tunisia (1996–2000; Second Intifada) Venezuela (1950–2009; Gaza War)
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This was always the plan. An army of Untermensch invaders to use against us.
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