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History Clearinghouse 📜

Real history has been subverted & hidden. This channel features articles & sources that right the wrongs. The ancients & their descendants fought & lived, fought & died Wishing you well in this day Reclaim the world they left you, help spread the word

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THE GERMAN PEOPLE THEMSELVES WERE THE TARGET & A CLOSER LOOK AT THE JEWISH WAR ON GERMANY PARTS 1-3 (Charles Giuliani | truthhertzradio | 2024-05-27) GERMANY MUST PERISH - (((Theodore Kaufman))) (1941) OTHER LOSSES (James Bacque | 2015) HELLSTORM: The Death Of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 (Thomas Goodrich | 2010) PDF HELLSTORM | The Biggest Cover-Up In History (Kyle Hunt | 2015) ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ ᛏ @AmalekInternationalChatV3 @AmalekInternationalChatV2 (🍎Banned)
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1. The German People Themselves Were the Target_720_31.mp496.24 MB
A Closer Look at the Jewish War on Germany Part 1_720_31.mp481.69 MB
A Closer Look at the Jewish War on Germany Part 2_720_31.mp483.06 MB
A Closer Look at the Jewish War on Germany Part 3_720_31.mp483.57 MB
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Repost from History of Marxism
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Schwerer Gustav was the largest-calibre rifled weapon ever used in combat, and in terms of overall weight, the heaviest mobile artillery piece ever built. It fired the heaviest shells of any artillery piece. It was surpassed in calibre only by the unused British Mallet's Mortar and the American Little David bomb-testing mortar—both at 36 inches (91.5 cm)—but was the only one of the three to be used in combat. It was developed in the late 1930s in Germany as siege artillery for the explicit purpose of destroying the main forts of the French Maginot Line, the strongest fortifications in existence at the time.
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Repost from Justice Report
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According to a new poll, a majority of White Americans support preserving the history and legacy of the Confederate South. Only three in ten Americans (28%) believe Confederate monuments should be removed, and only 9% believe they should be destroyed altogether. 📁 Read Here For more #Politics, subscribe to @justicereport Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab
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“I do not believe that Europeans, upon learning that they are in danger, will allow themselves to be displaced. The past has shown that historic awakenings occur very slowly, but once they have begun, nothing can stop them.” - Dominique Venner (h/t)
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Repost from Based Depot
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12.84 MB
Repost from History of Marxism
The communist take over of Latvia, from the book "Latvia Year of Horror" which they never published in western countries. They emptied the prisons and turned the inmates into NKVD agents and hunted down the old police force, they also outlawed Latvian traditions such as folk songs etc. As well as any kind of nationalism. You'll never see a film about this atrocity in Hollywood for obvious reasons. They took the exact same steps in almost every other eastern bloc country they took over as well. Take the time to examine everyone of these photos, it's identical to what they're trying right now in the US and Western Europe.
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On 30 August 1939, in an act of great statesmanship, Hitler again offered to the Polish government the Marienwerder proposals. The four main proposals were as follows: 1. Retention of the existing 1919 borders as determined by the Treaty of Versailles. 2. The return of Danzig (pop. 370,000) to Germany which was 97% German. 3. Construction of a 60 mile (96 km) autobahn and rail link connecting West and East. Prussia, from Schönlanke to Marienwerder. 4. An exchange of German and Polish populations. On the orders of the international bankers, the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Edward Wood Halifax, strongly advised the Polish government not to negotiate. This is how and why World War II was started and disposes of the canard of German culpability. From 1939 onwards, although Germany made at least 28 known attempts at peace without conditions, they were all refused. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for the people of Europe and indeed the world. In Europe this enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the Rothschild controlled European Central Bank on 1 June 1998 and the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999.
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Germany is accused of starting the war, by invading Poland who was not a threat to Germany. Can you comment? Wolff: You must always ask the question “why”, why did we attack Poland, why were people killed, why were there camps, and why did we come up against such resistance. We attacked Poland because Poland put us in a position that we had to protect our people who were left in Poland after Versailles, they were being persecuted and Poland refused to take action. They were a weak-minded state that was being pressured by England to fight us; all we wanted was a land bridge to East Prussia, and freedom for our people living in Poland. The Führer said he regarded Poland as a friendly state until England got involved, telling Poland to not work out anything with Germany as we cannot be trusted. Those in our government who had ties to Poland tried everything to get the leaders to listen to us, and give us concessions, as we were offering Poland concessions. These requests were met with contempt and bravado. Attacks on our frontier by bands of criminals were not investigated by Poland, and brushed off. Even to the point of claiming we were making this up. We could have allowed this to go on, and waited Poland out until they came to their senses, however the plight of Germans in Poland could not wait, as horror stories started coming from refugees seeking the protection of the Reich. There was hardly a crime in attacking Poland; any nation faced with the same scenario would have acted as we did. Of course, the Allies use this as the excuse for their war, but other forces were driving them, and Poland was the excuse they needed. I want to add we treated Poland very well after the surrender, we sent in the RAD and Red Cross to help them rebuild. Something not acknowledged today, we only wanted vindication, not conquest. The fact that millions of Poles volunteered to serve in the armed forces, including the SS, came to Germany to work for good pay, and worked with us in every way shows we were not out to destroy the Polish people. The uprisings were more a result of allied agents encouraging the Poles with false promises more than Polish resentment of us. I should also like to say that England declared war on us, solely under the reasoning that we invaded a country they were protecting, however when Russia invaded, they were silent and did nothing. It proves to me that the Führer was right in that England and France wanted a war with Germany, and only Germany, in spite of the numerous treaties they claimed to honor. If people would only have been able to listen and judge for themselves who was the aggressor, without all the propaganda the Allies were using against us, then there never would have been a war. 1981 interview with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff.
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Byzantine Constantinople Before It Was Istanbul
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