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Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History

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E. Michael Jones (2000). Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.
Religious artist Ron van Zyl from South Africa has based his sculptures and paintings on visions and revelations he has seen. He urges people to overcome lower emotions. He explains that every person is born with a conscience, irrespective of their religious, that the Biblical instruction of "guard your heart" translates correctly to "guard your conscience", that "sin" is the process of overriding the conscience over some lower desire, which results in man distancing from God.
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The 1976 "First Annual Report on International Population Policy" by the US State Department confirmed the goal of implementing global population control. It emphasized the need to re-educate people at home to accept family planning initiatives (Similar to the proposals of Ehrlich in 1968), with white Americans being the main losers of population growth. The report stated the first targeted countries like Brazil, Turkey, and Egypt and estimated project funding. If birth control and population reduction is truly a natural and obvious development, then it leaves the question what the motive was to keep this document was confidential until 2003. Additionally, it raises the question of why the US was selected to govern world population policies.
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The "Rivers of Blood" speech was made by British Member of Parliament (MP) Enoch Powell on 20 April 1968 explaining that Britain was committing national suicide. Powell became the regular target communist propaganda.
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The British politician Enoch Powell was the U.K Man of the Year according to the "The Year Book 1969", he predicted that the communist driven immigration into the UK will eventually result in bloodshed, and 74% of the British population agreed with him at the time.
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Quotes a news article "What is independence?" published in The Sydney Monitor (1833).
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Psychologist and author of "What is Reality," Elenko Angelov, proposes a hypothesis: the current education system is designed to prioritize the logical function of the mind (in the left hemisphere), and suppressing creativity and independence. He says, "When you are overloaded with so much unnecessary knowledge, facts, information, assumptions, indoctrinations, social-political, including 'political correctness,' then the right hemisphere crashes, it breaks... In the right hemisphere, according to empirical evidence, is where your creativity and your thoughts of independence are."
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According to psychologist Elenko Angelov, the 90% of people who do a job without any joy are producing the stress hormone cortisol which is associated with degradation of the mind and body. He urges people spend time in activities and work which brings them joy instead.
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The Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.222 was a light armored vehicle manufactured in the Third Reich and used in early military campaigns, including in the Balkans and North Africa. In 1939, it was also exported to Nationalist China. Chiang Kai-Shek had a strong association with Germany, evident in the German training received by parts of his army. However, China's success against the Japanese army led Japan to seek a formal alliance with Germany. When this alliance was established, China sided with the Allies. The photo depicts a variety of weapons mounted on the Sd.Kfz.222 by the Chinese army.
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A British cartoon about Antarctica "The International Geophysical Year" (1957).
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From the Twitter post of V. A. Istarkov on the Second World War, "The peoples of 50 nationalities fought against the communist contagion on Hitler's side. There were even Jews among them who hated Jewish communism - there were many such exceptions among Jews - about 100,000. All those who considered themselves RUSSIANS and not Soviets fought on Hitler's side against the Communist occupiers. There were about 2 million such real heroes. Hitler would have crushed Stalin like a bug, but the Zionist Roosevelt dragged the United States into the war on Stalin's side and Hitler lost the war of resources. Among the Russian anti-communist leaders were: Krasnov P.N., Shkuro A.G., Kaminsky B.S., Vlasov A.A., Domanov T.N., Helmut von Pannwitz, Pavlov S.V. and others. Eternal memory to the Russian heroes!"
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From the Twitter post of the author "The World Health Organization (WHO) has made a great breakthrough in medicine by coming up with the diagnosis: "asymptomatic COVID patient". Now any healthy person can be called an asymptomatic patient, dangerous to society and fully distinguished by a poisonous vaccine, all the way to the crematorium."
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The Russian book by V.A. Istarkhov "The falsity of set theory: Left mathematics, left logic and left physics in comparison with right science" examines how communist comrades disfigure mathematics, logic and physics. The book investigated the major theories of swindlers like Kantor, Hilbert, Peano, Zermelo, Russell and Godel who used complexity and riddles to puzzle the readers out of their common sense. The book finds that the theorems of Cantor, the main god of the theory of sets, and Gedel are false. It took the great left-wing formalizer Bertrand Russell used 2,000 pages in "The Principles of Mathematics" to prove that 1 + 1 = 2, only at page 762. The author does not forget to notice how their religion and general worldview had a profound influence which on the formation of their theories. The book should be interesting to anyone who wants to know what is happening in official science and what is being "taught" to us and our children.
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The 5 pointed star symbolism in the vision of John of Kronstadt "I then saw a group of people, both old and young, all of whom were terribly dressed, and who were raising a large, five pointed star. On each corner were twelve demons and in the middle was satan himself with terrifying horns and a straw head. He emitted a noxious foam onto the people while pronouncing these words, "Arise you accursed ones with the seal of ..." Suddenly many demons appeared with branding irons and on all the people they placed the seal on their lips, above the elbow and on their right hands. I asked the Elder, "What is the meaning of this?" He responded, "This is the mark of the Antichrist!" I made the sign of the cross... Finally, I saw the cupola of Jerusalem. Above it was a star. Within the church millions of people thronged and still many more were trying to enter. I wanted to make the sign of the cross, but the Elder grabbed my hand and said, "Here is the abomination of desolation!" (John of Kronstadt, 1901)
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A 1970 saying women will only be liberated if they help to bring in communism and socialism. It appears in this pamphlet that the real motive behind mobilization of women was to lure them to form armed Red Brigades in the West.
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Is some art subversive? The concept of "Degenerate art", denounced by National Socialists, is called "Revolutionary art" by Communists, who view it as integral of revolutions, seen in feminism, gay liberation, revolutions in the third world, etc. It was not "bad technique," but war of ideas. Picasso was a member of the communist party. Marxists endorsed Surrealism, which was seen as "revolutionary" for combining Freudian theories with Marxist principles, according to the Marxist D. Diamond in 1943. The communist Andrew Hemingway's book, "Artists on the Left: American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926–1956," highlights the subordination of the U.S. Communist movement to the USSR and its influence on artistic endeavors. The period of the 1930s saw US formations of pro-Communist artist organizations like the John Reed Clubs, the Federal Arts Projects, and the Popular Front which promoted "People's Art" with an anti-fascist focus. The US movement has also faced challenges due to factors like McCarthyism.
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"I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati." Letter of George Washington to William Russell, September 28, 1798.
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A photo by Julie Ovgaard of the plaque outside Weishaupt’s former home marks the building as the old Illuminati meeting hall (1782-1785) which also served as the cultural hall for the Synagogue of the Israelites (1907-1938), which was shut down during in Third Reich pogrom in 1938, reopened again in 1946 after the war, and closed in 1952. Weishaupt’s Illuminati group wanted the extermination of Christianity and the leveling of all existing governments.
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I never understood why feminists love to wear flowers in their hair, it always felt jarring to me. But now I realize it's because evil likes to ridicule purity. Because when you think about it, a small girl with a flower in her hair has always been seen as the symbol of utmost feminine innocence and sweetness. Its image used to be seen as the embodiment of the concept of "purity". Now imagine that girl undressing and defiling her own body, acting like a whore, and screeching like a banshee. Could there ever be a worse mockery of the idea of feminine purity? Wouldn't such an act be greatly demoralizing for those who hold "purity" dear? Satan enjoys corrupting that which is good and pure.
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Vladimir Bukovsky had spent 12 years as a prisoner of the Soviet system. In observing the European Union he said, "The Soviet Union was governed by 15 unelected people who appointed each other and were not accountable to anyone. The EU is governed by two dozen people who appoint each other, meet in secret, are not accountable to anyone, and whom we can not sack... We were told that the purpose of the Soviet was to create a new historic entity, "the Soviet People," and that we must forget our nationalities, our ethnic traditions and customs. The same seems to be true of the EU. They don't want you to be British of French. They want you to be a new historic entity, "the Europeans", and to live as a multinational community. After 73 years, the same system resulted in more ethnic conflict than anywhere else in the world... The Soviet Union like the EU, has the seeds of it's own demise. When it collapses, and it will... we will be left with huge economic and ethnic problems."
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Harsch, J. (1988). Why should the US back Jonas Savimbi? Christian Science Monitor.
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Africa Report (1988) Daphne Topouzis Interview with Jonas Savimbi. Jul 1.
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Art handlers at the Schloss Niederschoenhausen storage depot hold a section of Emil Nolde’s confiscated “Das Leben Christi” (1937). The National Socialist regime confiscated the work which portrayed Christ in a dehumanising manner as degenerate art.
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Under communist collectivism, everything is ultimately the property of the state, the photo dated 1932 shows hidden grain is being repossessed from some enemy of the state, who hid food away. After the Bolsheviks destroyed the world's bread basket, Imperial Russia in in 1917, it was only in July 1, 1966, for the first time, that wages were paid in cash in collective farms. Before that, peasants worked for "workdays," essentially as slaves, in exchange for food. Passports and the right to move to another area our of the collectivist farm were only granted to rural residents from 1974. And now you can hear about ice cream for 2 kopecks. One person remembered that their grandparents were shot at because they had gathered a little firewood in the forest during a harsh winter to keep from freezing to death. It turned out, you couldn't even take anything from the forest. Not even damn fallen branches. For stealing the state's property which they worked to produce, a collective farmer could be sentenced to 10 years.
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In 1950, the North Korean communists launched an attack on South Korea, initiating the Korean War. Communists had been attempting to incite racial tensions between black and white populations in South Africa. South African forces, under the Nationalist government at the time, became involved in the conflict. In a clandestine meeting, Britain's High Commissioner Evelyn Baring and South Africa's Minister of Defense Erasmus arranged for a small South African force to join the 1st Commonwealth Division in Korea. This agreement was kept confidential from the public. The image on the left depicts a South African Sabre jet fighter piloted by Rogers in action over North Korea. During the war, pilot Eddie Erasmus (pictured on the right) successfully shot down an enemy Mig-15 aircraft.
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The economist credited by the American school of economics for the recovery from the Great Depression is the socialist sodomite and pedophile Maynard Keynes. Keynes kept coded sex diaries which included underage boys and moved in gangs of "intellectual" gays such as Wittgenstein. Keynes' promoted a socialist paradise based on paper money from wrong theories of employment, money, and interest. Keynes was affiliated with Harry Dexter White, a US Treasury secretary and a KGB agent, who helped the creation of the International Monetary Fund and removal of the gold standard as well as with many gay "intellectuals". Like Keynes, White's the false notion that the creation of credit by the banking system allows "investment" and positive spending to take place is based on debt slavery instead of a savings surplus as traditionally taught. Keynes and White worked as a close-knit team to create the foundations of a new globalist economic order.
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The Manifesto For Abolition of Interest Slavery by Godfried Feder (1919).
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Starting in 1932, Germany saw an economic miracle: the elimination of unemployment, better working conditions, the rebuilding of a powerful German industry which produced locally made, high quality and affordable goods. Germany became the envy of the world. It was a bitter harvest to international bankers and communists who had buried Germany in violence and interest slavery. The blueprint came from German engineer and economic nationalist Gottfried Feder. Unlike communist land grabs, his plan gave fair compensation for land requisitioned from non-nationals, outlawing economic exploitation, and control of interest rates which had skyrocketed prices. Feder mobilized a workforce from the unemployed masses through economic conscription. The teams built factories, and some became the staff of the factories they built. Feder's solution led to an economic miracle that is intentionally avoided by today's school of economics, who instead praise the debt-investment models of the gay socialist economist Maynard Keynes.
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The video contains selected quotes from Drangov's "Remember the War," translated in gratitude by the Telegram Channel "Българска Идентичност". The book "Remember the War" contains the leadership lessons from Colonel Boris Drangov who died in action during 1917 in the First World War. Drangov's timeless idealism of self-denial is among the best which Europe has seen in the past, and lacking today. He believed that, "The salvation of the individual is in the salvation of society. If all of society dies, what do you have to live for?”
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In 1940, National Socialist Germany banned various occult practices, including astrology, which were directly linked to the Kabbalah and Chaldean magic invocations. Heinrich Himmler stated that this was to prevent the German population from being exposed to occultism. However, Allied media portrayed this as anti-German propaganda.
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Among the many abominable practices for which witches were historically burned was sex magic.
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Among the many abominable practices for which witches were historically burned was sex magic.
E. Michael Jones (2000). Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.
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Libido_Dominandi_Sexual_Liberation_&_Political_Control_E_Michael.pdf2.48 MB
3 2👏 1🙏 1
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Religious artist Ron van Zyl from South Africa has based his sculptures and paintings on visions and revelations he has seen. He urges people to overcome lower emotions. He explains that every person is born with a conscience, irrespective of their religious, that the Biblical instruction of "guard your heart" translates correctly to "guard your conscience", that "sin" is the process of overriding the conscience over some lower desire, which results in man distancing from God.
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First Annual Report on International Population Policy 1976.pdf7.09 MB
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The 1976 "First Annual Report on International Population Policy" by the US State Department confirmed the goal of implementing global population control. It emphasized the need to re-educate people at home to accept family planning initiatives (Similar to the proposals of Ehrlich in 1968), with white Americans being the main losers of population growth. The report stated the first targeted countries like Brazil, Turkey, and Egypt and estimated project funding. If birth control and population reduction is truly a natural and obvious development, then it leaves the question what the motive was to keep this document was confidential until 2003. Additionally, it raises the question of why the US was selected to govern world population policies.
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The "Rivers of Blood" speech was made by British Member of Parliament (MP) Enoch Powell on 20 April 1968 explaining that Britain was committing national suicide. Powell became the regular target communist propaganda.
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The British politician Enoch Powell was the U.K Man of the Year according to the "The Year Book 1969", he predicted that the communist driven immigration into the UK will eventually result in bloodshed, and 74% of the British population agreed with him at the time.
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Quotes a news article "What is independence?" published in The Sydney Monitor (1833).
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👍 5
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Psychologist and author of "What is Reality," Elenko Angelov, proposes a hypothesis: the current education system is designed to prioritize the logical function of the mind (in the left hemisphere), and suppressing creativity and independence. He says, "When you are overloaded with so much unnecessary knowledge, facts, information, assumptions, indoctrinations, social-political, including 'political correctness,' then the right hemisphere crashes, it breaks... In the right hemisphere, according to empirical evidence, is where your creativity and your thoughts of independence are."
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Elenko Angelov education (English)(2).mp419.51 MB
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According to psychologist Elenko Angelov, the 90% of people who do a job without any joy are producing the stress hormone cortisol which is associated with degradation of the mind and body. He urges people spend time in activities and work which brings them joy instead.
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5.94 MB
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The Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.222 was a light armored vehicle manufactured in the Third Reich and used in early military campaigns, including in the Balkans and North Africa. In 1939, it was also exported to Nationalist China. Chiang Kai-Shek had a strong association with Germany, evident in the German training received by parts of his army. However, China's success against the Japanese army led Japan to seek a formal alliance with Germany. When this alliance was established, China sided with the Allies. The photo depicts a variety of weapons mounted on the Sd.Kfz.222 by the Chinese army.
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