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Repost from MJC Teaser
ACHIEVING YOUR 2024 GOALS Hurdle  3   🚩 Godliness “Pursue … godliness” (1 Timothy 6:11). Pursuing godliness means being fully devoted to God, bearing God’s likeness, and even “being like God”. Pursuing this virtue brings blessings both in this life and in life after death (1 Timothy 4:8). Of course, we humans can never copy God’s attributes of omniscience, omnipresence, and so on. We are not little gods. But we should reflect the Lord’s character. He wants us to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). Therefore, we should deeply desire to have our character transformed by the Holy Spirit, so that we will “be like God”. The Lord describes Himself as “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6). People who are filled with His Spirit, are characterized by “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). Do you see the similarities?!Pursuing godliness also implies that we search our lives for things that don’t please God. We must seek to identify the sins remaining in our thoughts, words and deeds, and turn away from them. This process is called “sanctification”, and will make us increasingly holy. Does your character reflect God? Romans 8 : 29 - 30 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Be a complete woman
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Is that how you people start the year?
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Repost from MJC Teaser
ACHIEVING YOUR 2024 GOALS Hurdle  2 🚩 Righteousness “Pursue righteousness” (1 Timothy 6:11). The first goal that a man or woman of God should pursue, is righteousness. But before you roll up your sleeves and start pursuing this virtue, take a minute to read what the Bible says: “None is righteous, no not one” (Romans 3:10). So, does God ask the impossible of us?. When we humans were first created, we were able to live righteous lives. But since our hearts have been affected by sin, we can’t please God anymore: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). No matter how hard we try, we can’t live righteously anymore. Our efforts are doomed to fail. However, the good news is that Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death pays for our sins and makes us right with God again, through faith in Him. Jesus even says that He has not come to earth for people who think they are already righteous, but to save sinners. If we believe in Him and surrender to Him, He cleanses our hearts and enables us to pursue righteousness. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5). But if His Spirit lives in us, our lives will bear the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Have you accepted God’s gift of righteousness for yourself? Mark 2 : 15 - 17 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Repost from MJC Teaser
ACHIEVING YOUR 2024 GOALS Hurdle  1 🚩 What Determines Your Life Goals? “But as for you, O man of God…” (1 Timothy 6:11). The apostle Paul has written a letter to Timothy, his “true child in the faith”, whom he had commissioned to serve, teach and lead the church in Ephesus. This letter is full of advice and encouragement. In chapter 6, Paul writes about people who are “depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain” (1 Timothy 6:5). Their desire to become rich causes much harm to the church and to themselves. They even wander away from the faith since their hearts are filled with their “senseless and harmful desires”. After this description, Paul addresses Timothy directly: “But as for you, O man of God…”. Timothy is a child of God, he has devoted his whole life to the Lord, and this should determine his life goals. He should seek the kingdom of God, and all other things will be  given as well. He should “discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). Being a child of God has radical consequences for your life goals. Are you a child of God? Are your deepest desires aimed at His glory? Luke 12 : 22 - 31 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Repost from MJC Teaser
VANITY Trajectory 4 🎈 The Relationship Ladder Meaningful relationships help people navigate life’s realities, such as oppression, envy, and selfishness. King Solomon was grieved to see lives controlled by oppression, envy, and selfishness. God never intended for humanity to live in such a bleak way. However, relationships can be mutually beneficial when people recognize opportunities to help, encourage, and protect each other. Goals are more easily achieved as people genuinely care for one another and work together. The benefits of friendship can make all the difference when facing the hardships and disappointments that are a natural part of living in a broken world. Life is hard, and at times it can be unfair. Every day, you pass desperate people in need of help and encouragement. How can God use you to help others who are hurting? What God-given ability could you use to benefit them? Romans 12:4-5 explains the relationship believers should have as we work together in the body of Christ. Because we need one another, we should apply this principle to everything we do. Stop now and write down the names of those God is prompting you to contact; then pray for them. Your encouragement could make a huge difference in their world. Ecclesiastes 5 : 1 - 7 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Repost from MJC Teaser
VANITY Trajectory 3 🎈 Life Happens God, in His sovereign design, has appointed a time for everything under Heaven. He has also placed in each person’s heart a desire for eternity. God is in control, and His purposes will be accomplished. God’s perfect timing gives order and stability to what would be chaos otherwise. People have the opportunity to enjoy each day and rise above every challenge because of God’s blessings and sovereignty. Since God created humanity with His eternal purpose in mind, the deepest human longings can never be completely satisfied by mere earthly experiences. It is only fitting to worship and reverence God as He reveals the eternal purposes behind life’s daily activities. Life happens. Some things you expect, but others come without warning. God, however, knows and sees everything from beginning to end. He can use each event in your life for His divine purposes, no matter how those circumstances may make you feel. What is your first course of action when you are surrounded by chaos? Do you immediately turn to the One who made you, loves you, and sent His Son to die for you? Today, determine to trust the Lord to bring order to your life and bring awareness of His eternal purposes. As you do, a new sense of moment-by-moment worship will emerge. Ecclesiastes 4 : 1 - 16 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Repost from MJC Teaser
VANITY Trajectory 2 🚩 The Discovery Solomon observed that pleasures, possessions, wisdom, and hard work are futile without God. True wisdom, knowledge, and joy come only from the hand of God. And what does it mean? Solomon had everything that anyone could ever hope to have. Yet when he considered it all, he realized that his fate would be the same as that of a foolish man. Death would come to both, and all he had worked for would be left behind. Without God, a person has only the satisfaction of the immediate moment, and even that holds no lasting value. However, God gives those who live to please Him satisfaction in their work because it is accompanied by wisdom, knowledge, and joy. When work has an eternal purpose, it gives lasting satisfaction. Only what is done for and through God provides meaning. What things have you been working hard to possess and enjoy? From what are you trying to gain satisfaction: the perfect career, a dream home, or a big bank account? Contentment based on such things rises and falls as possessions and accomplishments come and go. Complete satisfaction results from desiring the same things God desires and living to please Him (Psalm 37:4). What personal desire needs to bend to God’s desires? What pursuit is He prompting you to stop? Our society may tell you to live for the moment, but the wisdom of God urges us to live for eternity. Ecclesiastes 2 : 1 - 26 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Repost from MJC Teaser
VANITY Trajectory 1 👣 Peeping Through Life's Gate Solomon, son of David and king over Israel, had gained more knowledge than all before him. He found everything meaningless and futile, chasing after the wind. But what does it mean? God had given Solomon unmatched wisdom, knowledge, and wealth. Yet as he reflected on nature, past generations, and human effort in general, he found no meaning in any of it. Ecclesiastes was written near the end of Solomon’s life. Everything that once seemed important is now described as “chasing after the wind.” He realized that everything in life is endless repetition. What has already happened will happen again and will one day be forgotten. Since life’s meaning cannot be found in any effort of humanity, its true meaning must be found elsewhere. Think about trying to catch the wind. It is as futile as children trying to catch their shadow – a meaningless task that can never be completed. Yet how many times do we “chase the wind” as adults? “If I get that promotion, I can spend more time with the family.” Or, “When I pay off this debt, I’ll have money to help others.” What are you chasing right now? Whatever you try to do in your strength and effort will ultimately be meaningless. Determine today to live for Christ. It’s only then that you’ll find life’s true meaning and purpose. Ecclesiastes 1 : 1 - 18 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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Message for women
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