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The word of the Lord shall stand Be not afraid for the Lord is fighting for you. You are special unto God. It is written, "For You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever; and You, Lord, have become their God (II Samuel 7:24). The emphasis is on forever. The covenant of the Lord with your life, family, ministry, business, etc. is forever. Believe in God and you shall be established. In His promises to King David, the Bible says, "“When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom (II Samuel 7:12). The pronouncements of the King shall come to pass🤴 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Sixth Move 🗣 Prayers That Magnify GOD There are two types of people in this world – those who make a mountain out of a molehill and those who challenge the biggest mountains in their lives with a roar of praise and worship. Let’s consider Mary’s story today. Historians say that she would have been 16 years of age when she got pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Back then, Mary being pregnant outside of wedlock could have even put her at risk of being stoned to death. But, amidst the chaos, Mary glorified the Lord. Mary was essentially saying, “I have no clue how I am going to navigate the mess that this season may bring, but I do know that my God is far greater than the tension and turbulence of this season of my life.” Let’s look at 3 reasons that stop us from magnifying God: 🚸 Disbelief: The Children of Israel are a prime example of a life steeped in disbelief. They lived in the constant light of God’s miracle-working power, yet they chose to constantly disbelieve and question Him. Psalms 78:20 NIV says, “True, he struck the rock, and water gushed out, streams flowed abundantly, but can he also give us bread? Can he supply meat for his people?” Whenever we ask the question if God is able to do something, we are choosing to minimize His power and magnify our problem. 🚸Disobedience: Obedience glorifies God, but when we don’t submit to God’s direction and principles, we willfully amplify the problems of our lives. We cannot continue in rebellion and disobedience and expect God to intervene with His glory in our lives. Israel’s constant rebellion not just vexed God, but sold them into the oppression of the enemy. 🚸Dissatisfaction: Grumbling devalues all that God has given us. The Children of Israel heaped a lot of problems on themselves simply because they kept grumbling at the faintest sign of a problem. They never chose to meditate on the wondrous ways that God had come through for them in the past. This eventually turned out to be a roadblock for a whole generation to enter into the promised land. When we choose to magnify the Lord in all circumstances, we amplify His providence, protection, and power over our problems. This is exactly what Mary did. She kept declaring the power of God over her situation. When we magnify God in the midst of our problems, he will bulldoze the seemingly tall mountains of our lives. Luke 1 : 46 - 55 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Sixth Move 🗣 Prayers That Magnify GOD There are two types of people in this world – those who make a mountain out of a molehill and those who challenge the biggest mountains in their lives with a roar of praise and worship. Let’s consider Mary’s story today. Historians say that she would have been 16 years of age when she got pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Back then, Mary being pregnant outside of wedlock could have even put her at risk of being stoned to death. But, amidst the chaos, Mary glorified the Lord. Mary was essentially saying, “I have no clue how I am going to navigate the mess that this season may bring, but I do know that my God is far greater than the tension and turbulence of this season of my life.” Let’s look at 3 reasons that stop us from magnifying God: 🚸 Disbelief: The Children of Israel are a prime example of a life steeped in disbelief. They lived in the constant light of God’s miracle-working power, yet they chose to constantly disbelieve and question Him. Psalms 78:20 NIV says, “True, he struck the rock, and water gushed out, streams flowed abundantly, but can he also give us bread? Can he supply meat for his people?” Whenever we ask the question if God is able to do something, we are choosing to minimize His power and magnify our problem. 🚸Disobedience: Obedience glorifies God, but when we don’t submit to God’s direction and principles, we willfully amplify the problems of our lives. We cannot continue in rebellion and disobedience and expect God to intervene with His glory in our lives. Israel’s constant rebellion not just vexed God, but sold them into the oppression of the enemy. 🚸Dissatisfaction: Grumbling devalues all that God has given us. The Children of Israel heaped a lot of problems on themselves simply because they kept grumbling at the faintest sign of a problem. They never chose to meditate on the wondrous ways that God had come through for them in the past. This eventually turned out to be a roadblock for a whole generation to enter into the promised land. When we choose to magnify the Lord in all circumstances, we amplify His providence, protection, and power over our problems. This is exactly what Mary did. She kept declaring the power of God over her situation. When we magnify God in the midst of our problems, he will bulldoze the seemingly tall mountains of our lives. Luke 1 : 46 - 55 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Fifth Move 🗣 Wildly Authentic It’s time for “real” talk. Why do we often have the impulse to hide things from God? We pay for therapy sessions to talk our minds out, yet we often find it hard to have a heart-to-heart with our Creator, who is intimately aware of our every thought. God is looking for people who will be wildly authentic in their conversations with Him. Let your surrender be real. Let’s consider the story of the prodigal son. When He returned to his Father, his words were heartfelt and sincere: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” When the prodigal son surrendered himself with integrity and sincerity, the Father ran to embrace, adorn and celebrate him. Let your requests be real. David gets super real in his prayer when Absalom chases him. “Arise, O Lord! Rescue me, my God! Slap all my enemies in the face! Shatter the teeth of the wicked!”. Sometimes, the intentions of our hearts are widely different from what we voice out in prayer. Our hearts rage with anger, while we try to speak words of grace in our prayer. In these circumstances, we tend to forget that God can see beyond the facade of our niceties. When faced with difficult situations and troublesome people, it is important to acknowledge the warring emotions of our heart before God and thereafter ask God for grace to navigate the turbulence in a manner that’s fitting for a believer. Let your love be real. When we come to express our love to God, we tend to copy others. Don’t copy and praise. We see a picture of real love towards God manifest in Luke 7:38 NIV: “She began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” Words of love don’t mean anything if they don’t translate to action. In your prayer life, stay wild in your expression of love towards God. Matthew 6:5 MSG says it this way: “And when you come before God, don’t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for fifteen minutes of fame! Do you think God sits in a box seat?” God wants us to keep it real. John 15 : 11 - 25 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Forth Move 🗣 Outrageous Miracles It may sound wild to give thanks in all circumstances while living in this “I’m-not-impressed-by-anything” generation. In today’s world, where arrogance and self-centeredness have taken center stage, a prayer of thanksgiving deeply touches the heart of God. Giving thanks promotes a lifestyle of humility and reinforces our trust in God and His power. In contrast, a heart that is void of gratitude festers with bitterness and self-obsession and is manifested by a tongue that is constantly complaining. 🕴When we keep giving thanks for that which we cannot see, God brings it into manifestation. One of the greatest recorded encounters of Jesus’ power was Lazarus being raised from the dead. At the face of the gravest of situations, Jesus’ prayer was nothing like summoning thunder and lightning. In contrast, He simply started by giving thanks to the Father while Lazarus was dead and buried with no sign of life. The prayer of gratitude was the roar that manifested the rumble of life in Lazarus’ grave. 🧍‍♂Life can sometimes get overwhelming. When the tasks ahead of us seem daunting and draining, a prayer of thanksgiving can usher us into a higher level of strength and endurance. The last supper was a dress rehearsal of all that was going to happen to Jesus in just a few hours. Yet, Jesus started serving the meal by giving thanks to the Father. Even amidst His agony, Jesus gave thanks because He knew the power that emanated from thanksgiving. 🧍‍♀A prayer of thanksgiving is one that acts as a great multiplier. When Jesus had to feed thousands of people with meager resources, the only prayer that He offered was a prayer of thanksgiving. This was enough to bring overflow and abundance into the situation. When we are wild enough to say thanks for the little things, God honors us with abundance. God’s wild ones are known to be outrageously thankful. If you are faced with adversity, just remember, Until God opens the next door, you’ve got to praise Him in the hallway.. John 11 : 1 - 44 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Third Move 🗣 Giant Prayers Our prayers are often, a product of our limiting life experiences. In contrast to this, God expects us to pray His size and not our size. When our prayer is bigger than us, God’s answer will exceed even that big, wild, and audacious prayer. The incident of Jesus feeding the 5000 offers us life lessons on God-sized prayer. Every problem is an invitation for a wild God-sized prayer. Each of our problems can be viewed as seeds for great miracles in our lives if we choose to water them with God-sized prayers. The disciples looked at the hungry masses and panicked because of their lack of resources. But God looks at every weakness and inadequacy as an opportunity to reveal His greatest glory. Today, if you are faced with lack or inadequacy, you are God’s perfect candidate for a miracle. Jesus knew about the situation way before the apostles mentioned it to Him, but He waited for them to bring the matter to His notice. In this incident, the disciples made three mistakes. They delayed in bringing the problem to Jesus. They tried to send the hungry masses away and thereby evade the problem. They worried about the humongous amount of resources required to meet the need. While they were busy worrying, procrastinating, and brainstorming, Jesus was patiently waiting for them to bring the problem to Him. Philip said to Jesus, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” This was Philip operating from his own experience and knowledge. Many times, when we operate in our own worldly wisdom, we focus on the impossibility of the situation and forget about God’s glorious power that was manifest in the past. God loves it when we do not lean on our own understanding and trust him like a child. Jesus lifted the little food in His hands and offered thanks to the Father. This act of gratitude unleashed the riches of God’s glory. Our gratitude has the power to open doors to miracles. Praying God size does not make sense, it makes miracles. God specializes in things that are humanly impossible. John 6 : 1 - 15 NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS Second Move 🗣 Unprecedented Miracles We’ve all read about the first miracle of Jesus a million times. Jesus was invited with His disciples to a wedding at Cana. As a result of some miscalculation by the hosts, the wine ran out. This twist in the wedding feast at Cana would have had a very damaging end, if not for the wild prayer of Mary. If Mary had not taken this to Jesus, the wedding would have just ended with a lot of disgruntled guests and embarrassed family members. But Mary’s wild prayer catapulted the situation, into a marriage feast wherein an unprecedented, history-making miracle happened. Here are some takeaways from Mary’s wild prayer: 🚷 Stop being critical and take it to Jesus. We must stop analyzing the “why’s” and the “how’s” of our situation. Mary could have played the blame game, or she could have gossiped about the situation from the sidelines. Yet, she wisely just took it to Jesus. ✅ Wild prayers must be followed by wild obedience. Filling water in the six water jars didn’t make any sense. But, if wild prayers must be answered, God may ask us to take some wild steps. In these situations, obeying God may look wild and irrational, but it is a sure shot path to answered prayers. ✝️ Wild prayers should be followed by Wild faith. The water in the jars had not yet been turned into wine when Jesus asked the servants to serve the wine to the Master of Ceremonies. Many times, God expects us to step out in faith, without heeding to the “what-ifs” that our minds throw at us. God can do unprecedented miracles only when we follow God with wild faith. 🫥 When this wild miracle manifests, nobody will know where it came from. We often only focus on how the quality of the wine served the second time was better than that which was served at first. Yet do we realize that Jesus provided about 180 gallons of wine for them? This roughly translates to 900 wine bottles. God gave them more than enough. Are you ready to make some wild prayers today? John 2 : 1 - 12  NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS First Move 🗣 Unprecedented Miracles We’ve all read about the first miracle of Jesus a million times. Jesus was invited with His disciples to a wedding at Cana. As a result of some miscalculation by the hosts, the wine ran out. This twist in the wedding feast at Cana would have had a very damaging end, if not for the wild prayer of Mary. If Mary had not taken this to Jesus, the wedding would have just ended with a lot of disgruntled guests and embarrassed family members. But Mary’s wild prayer catapulted the situation, into a marriage feast wherein an unprecedented, history-making miracle happened. Here are some takeaways from Mary’s wild prayer: 🚷 Stop being critical and take it to Jesus. We must stop analyzing the “why’s” and the “how’s” of our situation. Mary could have played the blame game, or she could have gossiped about the situation from the sidelines. Yet, she wisely just took it to Jesus. ✅ Wild prayers must be followed by wild obedience. Filling water in the six water jars didn’t make any sense. But, if wild prayers must be answered, God may ask us to take some wild steps. In these situations, obeying God may look wild and irrational, but it is a sure shot path to answered prayers. ✝️ Wild prayers should be followed by Wild faith. The water in the jars had not yet been turned into wine when Jesus asked the servants to serve the wine to the Master of Ceremonies. Many times, God expects us to step out in faith, without heeding to the “what-ifs” that our minds throw at us. God can do unprecedented miracles only when we follow God with wild faith. 🫥 When this wild miracle manifests, nobody will know where it came from. We often only focus on how the quality of the wine served the second time was better than that which was served at first. Yet do we realize that Jesus provided about 180 gallons of wine for them? This roughly translates to 900 wine bottles. God gave them more than enough. Are you ready to make some wild prayers today? John 2 : 1 - 12  NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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WILD PRAYERS First Move 🗣 A Man Like Us I have always been intrigued by Elijah. The Bible points to us that Elijah was a man who was just like us. Yet, his larger-than-life example points to us that our prayers have to be wild and audacious. Elijah’s prayer was beyond his personal needs. The sphere of influence of his prayers extended to the entire nation of Israel. His prayers became a doorway of prosperity not just to his life but to his entire nation. So what are wild prayers? Prayers that give earthly license for heavenly interference to accomplish the unimaginable and the unprecedented.  Many times, we are tempted to only take prayer requests that have a precedent in history of being answered. We ask God for the same miracle that has happened in the life of another person. But God waits to propel our situations into ground-breaking, history-making miracles if we have the faith to ask for that which is infinitely above and beyond human reach. What can we pray about? - Everything. A problem that is not prayed about, is a pain that has not been attended to. Prayer is not just talking to God about our needs. We can tell God about everything - our sins, fears, addictions, that deep dirty secret that we have hidden in the very depths of our being and those embarrassing situations. Prayer is talking to God about everything. We can keep telling him about all that is happening in our lives, as it happens. The Bible exhorts us to talk to him incessantly like we would talk to a friend. Instead of taking our problems to people, the police, the bar, the court – we’ve got to take it to God. Struggling with your prayer life? Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you and you will emerge as a stronger and more powerful prayer warrior at the end of your prayer journey. I Kings 18 : 30 - 46  NKJV 🕎 Join us ➣ @Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ  @The_Ministers_of_Jesus_Christ
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ENDURING SPIRITUAL WARFARE Final Realm❗ Keep Praying & Trusting The Lord The Bible tells a story about the disciples praying for a boy to be delivered from demons and they couldn’t bring a breakthrough. Jesus came along and the boy was immediately set free. The disciples had already been used by God to see a breakthrough in other people's lives. What were they failing to do here? Jesus said, "This kind can only come out by prayer." (Mark 9:29). Jesus was teaching them about prevailing prayer. Some things must be prayed through over a period of years. Never lose faith that God can and will move on your behalf. But Jesus was also trying to teach them to take their prayer life to another level. For the spiritual battle you are facing, one of the
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