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Biblical Marriage

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WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS TO KNOW PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS 1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you ulcers. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside 2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it. Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special 3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so. A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you 4. Mr. Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well 5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands 6. Mr. Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr. Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process 7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution 8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues 9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities 10. Getting pregnant for a man will not make him serious about you. Men are serious about a woman because they have a personal vision that includes her 11. If you are not a woman who knows herself, relationships and marriages will bring you drama. Your self awareness is your personal responsibility 12. If you do know yourself and you get married to a man who doesn't know himself, he will frustrate you. Be careful in him being lost he doesn't make you lose you. When marriages go bad, the repurcations are heaviest on the woman 13. Just because you have a relationship with God or you marry someone who has a relationship with God does not mean your marriage will work. You two have to learn to relate with each other, not just with God 14. There are good men in this world, just like there are good women in this world. You will not encounter those good men if you keep entertaining the wrong ones and frequenting where the wrong ones dwell 15. During dating, if you want to see the calibre of man you are getting to know, put off sex and see if he will stay, if he is interested for more than just sex. Be careful, some men will tell you all kinds of promises to get you to bed. They are just curious about how sexing you feels like, not interested to grow with you. Once they sex you, the curiosity goes, especially after you get pregnant 16. Relationships/marriages don't always end or struggle because of the man, sometimes you are the problem. Learn to be honest and objective to see your wrong. If you two work together, your love will grow stronger 17. An insecure man will fight everything that is good about you; from your success, your career, your beauty, your personality, your education and he will blame you for his own issues. He is the problem, not you. Don't dim your light for a man whose identity is in darkness 18. If you have a good man, don't exaggerate the wrong he has done today to the point that you forget how good he has been to you. Don't make him feel unappreciated because he didn't do as you wanted him to today. Keep your perspective and don't overreact
19. Don't be that woman who has been so damaged by wrong men that when the good man comes along you push him away 20. Before you go and share your issues with your man to your friends, share them with him. The solution lies between you two. If he is stubborn or you two still disagree, then share with someone he can be accountable to, like a true friend or a counsellor, if it gets worse, involve both your parents 21. Disagreement or a bad day in your relationship or marriage doesn't mean it is breaking apart. Keep calm. Don't panic 22. No matter how much your husband loves you, he might not see your dreams or even support you that much. You have to learn to defend and nurture your dreams even if he doesn't get it 22. Complaining and nagging will never give you the desired results, it will only push your man away from you and make him tolerate you instead of enjoy you. If you want to inspire him to do more for and with you, appreciate him, have pleasant conversations with him, be easy to talk to 23. If you don't learn how to say no, people and the world will use you and dump you 24. Remember, there is more to life than marriage, sex and having children. You are a blessing with so much to accomplish and pursue as an individual 25. Don't be hard on yourself.
A WIFE'S WISDOM 👇 12 RULES TO KEEP YOUR HUSBAND 1). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex. You must give it to him . Sex is very important to Men, 2). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect. 3). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. 4). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. 5). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish. 6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid ,Do your duties. 7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility. 8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him. 9).Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage 10).Don't be too judgemental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife 11).Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband 12).Never challenge your husband in front of children, Wise women don't do that.
“LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP” Long distance relationship can work but it’s not easy. It can be really hard but as long as you both respect each other and have communication and love for one another, it can work. You just need to be committed to it. You have to trust each other. You can not freak out or get jealous or upset when the other says they’re going somewhere or with someone else. You have to be loyal and honest and show them that they can trust you.
THE 12 RULES THAT WILL BETTER YOUR MARRIAGE How can two walk together unless they agree? The truth is, that many marriages get ruined because of misunderstandings. Misunderstandings are brought about by a lack of agreement on how to handle the issues that affect each marriage. Failing to agree will lead to the husband and wife interpreting things differently leading to feelings of hurt, insensitivity, rejection, intolerance and indifference. Agree with your spouse on the do's and don'ts. Have these rules. 1. SEX RULES Agree that you can have sex in whichever way and position, but also agree on what you will not try out. For example; no anal sex, no masturbation when you have each other, no pornography use, no inflicting pain or no making love when she is on monthly periods and if he is horny then, how will she pleasure him? Each couple is different. Agree on what are the limits 2. PHONE RULES Agree on how to handle the phone. For example, no chatting with others past 11pm for that is an intimate time, no secrecy, no need to walk away when someone calls, inform your spouse about who has called 3. MONEY RULES Agree on how to use money. Will you have a joint bank account? What percentage can each use without the requirement of notifying the other? Who pays for what bills? Saving. Investing. No giving money to in-laws without joint consent 4. COMING HOME RULES What should you do in case you're coming home late? Make a phone call? How late is too late to come home? Your spouse doesn't mind you coming home late as long as it is agreed. Marriage is not about selfish you but you two as partners 5. SOCIAL RULES Agree you will make an effort to introduce each other to your friends. Agree on how close friends of the opposite gender can get. Agree on which friends to keep. Agree on how often friends can visit. Your home shouldn't be invaded by friends. There needs to be boundaries 6. INFORMATION RULES Agree to notify each other where you are, even if with just a simple text. Agree on the need to tell each other your individual schedule for the day. Keep your spouse in the know 7. TEMPER RULES Agree on what to do when you both get mad at each other. Do you give yourself space? Withdraw for some minutes? Do you deal with the issue quickly? No going to sleep mad at each other. Conflict resolution 8. CHORE RULES Agree on who does what in the house. This will prevent any of you from feeling like they are doing too much 9. SOCIAL MEDIA RULES Agree on the dos and don'ts of social media. For example, no being Facebook friends with your ex, no commenting suggestively on other people's posts, no indecent behaviour, no airing domestic issues on social media 10. WORK RULES Agree on limits of work. For example, no coming home with work, what to do when your careers conflict? What to do when you have different working hours? When to take leave or off days? 11. PARENTHOOD RULES Agree on how to discipline the children, who does what, who goes for Parents' days in school, do you take turns? What kind of food will the children eat? 12. INDIVIDUAL SPACE RULES Agree that sometimes each of you will want some alone time, to work or to meditate or just relax. Agree on how to notify your spouse when you want a few minutes to yourself. Your spouse will give you room if you need it Agreeing on these key issues brings about order, peace and unity; both of you will know how to navigate and behave. If your marriage is chaotic because of lack of order. It's not too late to have a conversation leading to an agreement on these issues. Make your marriage simple
Men settle where there is peace, women bring peace where they are treated well. It takes effort from both sides to make it work.
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“SECRET OF HAPPY HOME” 30 POINTS I WILL TELL MY DAUGHTER BEFORE SENDING HER OFF 1) No man is perfect 2) Men are like children. So be like his mother. 3) Hear quickly; talk slowly. 4) Never compete with a man. 5) Never try to be equal with him. 6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong. 7) Don't be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind. 😎 You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn't necessary. 9) Always be honest as a wife. 10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission. 11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows. 12) Don't let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand. 13) Try to make a budget together. 14) Be his adviser, not a critiser. 15) Don't ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband. 16) Learn good things from your mother. 17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband. 18) Learn to smile at your husband. 19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him. 20) Don't let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean "eat" and "eat". 21) When your husband becomes angry, stop talking. 22) Keep the bedroom clean always. 23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that. 24) Be a clean woman. 25) Look romantic. 26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister. 27) Treat his relatives as you would treat yours. 28) Oftentimes ask how his relatives are doing. 29) Go for prayer together. 30) Never compare your husband or your house to someone else's. please guys should i increase the volume 🙄 ALWAYS APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE 👌
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WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HUSBAND DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU 1. CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE No matter how sexy you are or dress, if you have a bad attitude, your husband will struggle to desire you. If you are ever complaining, negative, bitter, cold; he will keep off 2. CHECK HIS STRESS LEVELS Sex starts in the mind. When a man is mentally strained, his penis will struggle to erect. Worry and desire don't mix 3. CHECK YOUR HYGIENE Your husband might want to do stuff to your body but if you don't keep clean or take showers, he might find it difficult to do more than just penetration 4. CHECK HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH PORN A husband who is addicted to porn or masturbation will rarely make sexual advances on you, you will be in competition with the fantasies in his mind and on his phone, not to mention his hand. If he is addicted, don't judge him; support him to break the habit 5. CHECK YOUR TONE The wife's tone can easily turn off a man. A wife's tone can even make a husband keep coming home late, not because he is cheating but because her tone is unwelcoming. Does your husband enjoy your company or do you expect him to love your presence even when you are harsh to him? If he won't enjoy your presence, he won't desire you 6. CHECK YOUR PAST RESPONSE TO HIS ADVANCES Many wives turn down the husband's advances then expect he will easily come back when she eventually wants pleasure. Men get tired too. The more you poor cold water on his advances, the more you push him away 7. CHECK IF YOU PRAISE ANOTHER MAN MORE THAN HIM If you are ever praising your pastor, ex, father, brother, boss, favourite celebrity or another woman's husband whilst you belittle him; you will bruise his ego. Men make love with their ego. Bruise his ego and you will discourage his fire for you 8. CHECK HOW YOU TREAT HIM IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE If you disrespect him or talk down at him in front of others or the children, he will let you be. A man who feels respected and admired gets turned on easily 9. CHECK HIS FINANCIAL ISSUES Find out if he is going through financial challenges or fears, this hinders a man's libido. Financial comfort leads to more sexual hunger. Show him you understand his effort 10. CHECK IF THERE IS A MAN YOU ARE ENTERTAINING If you are chatting with or flirting with another man, you will easily kill your husband's desire. Men don't like to share or to know the wife is turning on another man. Show him you are faithful and he comes first 11. CHECK YOUR EXCUSES If you keep lying that you are sick, on your periods or tired to avoid your husband, he will soon find out and switch off. Once he switches off, it will be difficult to get his hunger for you back. Don't make excuses. Be honest, be real 12. CHECK YOUR FALSE ACCUSATIONS Nothing hurts and turns off a man like being faithful yet the wife accuses him of cheating. Stop jumping into conclusions based on your fears and insecurities 13. CHECK IF YOU SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD If he tries to resolve issues with you but you keep bringing them up, he will be put off. He will see you and think "Here we go again", making him turn the bedroom to nothing more than the place he sleeps but finds no peace. Men make love when there is peace # Remember Love is Natural ❣️ Class dismissed
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WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS TO KNOW PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS 1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you ulcers. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside 2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it. Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special 3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so. A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you 4. Mr. Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well 5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands 6. Mr. Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr. Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process 7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution 8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues 9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities 10. Getting pregnant for a man will not make him serious about you. Men are serious about a woman because they have a personal vision that includes her 11. If you are not a woman who knows herself, relationships and marriages will bring you drama. Your self awareness is your personal responsibility 12. If you do know yourself and you get married to a man who doesn't know himself, he will frustrate you. Be careful in him being lost he doesn't make you lose you. When marriages go bad, the repurcations are heaviest on the woman 13. Just because you have a relationship with God or you marry someone who has a relationship with God does not mean your marriage will work. You two have to learn to relate with each other, not just with God 14. There are good men in this world, just like there are good women in this world. You will not encounter those good men if you keep entertaining the wrong ones and frequenting where the wrong ones dwell 15. During dating, if you want to see the calibre of man you are getting to know, put off sex and see if he will stay, if he is interested for more than just sex. Be careful, some men will tell you all kinds of promises to get you to bed. They are just curious about how sexing you feels like, not interested to grow with you. Once they sex you, the curiosity goes, especially after you get pregnant 16. Relationships/marriages don't always end or struggle because of the man, sometimes you are the problem. Learn to be honest and objective to see your wrong. If you two work together, your love will grow stronger 17. An insecure man will fight everything that is good about you; from your success, your career, your beauty, your personality, your education and he will blame you for his own issues. He is the problem, not you. Don't dim your light for a man whose identity is in darkness 18. If you have a good man, don't exaggerate the wrong he has done today to the point that you forget how good he has been to you. Don't make him feel unappreciated because he didn't do as you wanted him to today. Keep your perspective and don't overreact
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19. Don't be that woman who has been so damaged by wrong men that when the good man comes along you push him away 20. Before you go and share your issues with your man to your friends, share them with him. The solution lies between you two. If he is stubborn or you two still disagree, then share with someone he can be accountable to, like a true friend or a counsellor, if it gets worse, involve both your parents 21. Disagreement or a bad day in your relationship or marriage doesn't mean it is breaking apart. Keep calm. Don't panic 22. No matter how much your husband loves you, he might not see your dreams or even support you that much. You have to learn to defend and nurture your dreams even if he doesn't get it 22. Complaining and nagging will never give you the desired results, it will only push your man away from you and make him tolerate you instead of enjoy you. If you want to inspire him to do more for and with you, appreciate him, have pleasant conversations with him, be easy to talk to 23. If you don't learn how to say no, people and the world will use you and dump you 24. Remember, there is more to life than marriage, sex and having children. You are a blessing with so much to accomplish and pursue as an individual 25. Don't be hard on yourself.
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A WIFE'S WISDOM 👇 12 RULES TO KEEP YOUR HUSBAND 1). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex. You must give it to him . Sex is very important to Men, 2). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect. 3). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. 4). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. 5). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish. 6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid ,Do your duties. 7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility. 8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him. 9).Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage 10).Don't be too judgemental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife 11).Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband 12).Never challenge your husband in front of children, Wise women don't do that.
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“LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP” Long distance relationship can work but it’s not easy. It can be really hard but as long as you both respect each other and have communication and love for one another, it can work. You just need to be committed to it. You have to trust each other. You can not freak out or get jealous or upset when the other says they’re going somewhere or with someone else. You have to be loyal and honest and show them that they can trust you.
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👍 11
THE 12 RULES THAT WILL BETTER YOUR MARRIAGE How can two walk together unless they agree? The truth is, that many marriages get ruined because of misunderstandings. Misunderstandings are brought about by a lack of agreement on how to handle the issues that affect each marriage. Failing to agree will lead to the husband and wife interpreting things differently leading to feelings of hurt, insensitivity, rejection, intolerance and indifference. Agree with your spouse on the do's and don'ts. Have these rules. 1. SEX RULES Agree that you can have sex in whichever way and position, but also agree on what you will not try out. For example; no anal sex, no masturbation when you have each other, no pornography use, no inflicting pain or no making love when she is on monthly periods and if he is horny then, how will she pleasure him? Each couple is different. Agree on what are the limits 2. PHONE RULES Agree on how to handle the phone. For example, no chatting with others past 11pm for that is an intimate time, no secrecy, no need to walk away when someone calls, inform your spouse about who has called 3. MONEY RULES Agree on how to use money. Will you have a joint bank account? What percentage can each use without the requirement of notifying the other? Who pays for what bills? Saving. Investing. No giving money to in-laws without joint consent 4. COMING HOME RULES What should you do in case you're coming home late? Make a phone call? How late is too late to come home? Your spouse doesn't mind you coming home late as long as it is agreed. Marriage is not about selfish you but you two as partners 5. SOCIAL RULES Agree you will make an effort to introduce each other to your friends. Agree on how close friends of the opposite gender can get. Agree on which friends to keep. Agree on how often friends can visit. Your home shouldn't be invaded by friends. There needs to be boundaries 6. INFORMATION RULES Agree to notify each other where you are, even if with just a simple text. Agree on the need to tell each other your individual schedule for the day. Keep your spouse in the know 7. TEMPER RULES Agree on what to do when you both get mad at each other. Do you give yourself space? Withdraw for some minutes? Do you deal with the issue quickly? No going to sleep mad at each other. Conflict resolution 8. CHORE RULES Agree on who does what in the house. This will prevent any of you from feeling like they are doing too much 9. SOCIAL MEDIA RULES Agree on the dos and don'ts of social media. For example, no being Facebook friends with your ex, no commenting suggestively on other people's posts, no indecent behaviour, no airing domestic issues on social media 10. WORK RULES Agree on limits of work. For example, no coming home with work, what to do when your careers conflict? What to do when you have different working hours? When to take leave or off days? 11. PARENTHOOD RULES Agree on how to discipline the children, who does what, who goes for Parents' days in school, do you take turns? What kind of food will the children eat? 12. INDIVIDUAL SPACE RULES Agree that sometimes each of you will want some alone time, to work or to meditate or just relax. Agree on how to notify your spouse when you want a few minutes to yourself. Your spouse will give you room if you need it Agreeing on these key issues brings about order, peace and unity; both of you will know how to navigate and behave. If your marriage is chaotic because of lack of order. It's not too late to have a conversation leading to an agreement on these issues. Make your marriage simple
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Men settle where there is peace, women bring peace where they are treated well. It takes effort from both sides to make it work.
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👍 8
“SECRET OF HAPPY HOME” 30 POINTS I WILL TELL MY DAUGHTER BEFORE SENDING HER OFF 1) No man is perfect 2) Men are like children. So be like his mother. 3) Hear quickly; talk slowly. 4) Never compete with a man. 5) Never try to be equal with him. 6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong. 7) Don't be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind. 😎 You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn't necessary. 9) Always be honest as a wife. 10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission. 11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows. 12) Don't let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand. 13) Try to make a budget together. 14) Be his adviser, not a critiser. 15) Don't ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband. 16) Learn good things from your mother. 17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband. 18) Learn to smile at your husband. 19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him. 20) Don't let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean "eat" and "eat". 21) When your husband becomes angry, stop talking. 22) Keep the bedroom clean always. 23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that. 24) Be a clean woman. 25) Look romantic. 26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister. 27) Treat his relatives as you would treat yours. 28) Oftentimes ask how his relatives are doing. 29) Go for prayer together. 30) Never compare your husband or your house to someone else's. please guys should i increase the volume 🙄 ALWAYS APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE 👌
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👍 22 4👏 3
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👍 1
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HUSBAND DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU 1. CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE No matter how sexy you are or dress, if you have a bad attitude, your husband will struggle to desire you. If you are ever complaining, negative, bitter, cold; he will keep off 2. CHECK HIS STRESS LEVELS Sex starts in the mind. When a man is mentally strained, his penis will struggle to erect. Worry and desire don't mix 3. CHECK YOUR HYGIENE Your husband might want to do stuff to your body but if you don't keep clean or take showers, he might find it difficult to do more than just penetration 4. CHECK HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH PORN A husband who is addicted to porn or masturbation will rarely make sexual advances on you, you will be in competition with the fantasies in his mind and on his phone, not to mention his hand. If he is addicted, don't judge him; support him to break the habit 5. CHECK YOUR TONE The wife's tone can easily turn off a man. A wife's tone can even make a husband keep coming home late, not because he is cheating but because her tone is unwelcoming. Does your husband enjoy your company or do you expect him to love your presence even when you are harsh to him? If he won't enjoy your presence, he won't desire you 6. CHECK YOUR PAST RESPONSE TO HIS ADVANCES Many wives turn down the husband's advances then expect he will easily come back when she eventually wants pleasure. Men get tired too. The more you poor cold water on his advances, the more you push him away 7. CHECK IF YOU PRAISE ANOTHER MAN MORE THAN HIM If you are ever praising your pastor, ex, father, brother, boss, favourite celebrity or another woman's husband whilst you belittle him; you will bruise his ego. Men make love with their ego. Bruise his ego and you will discourage his fire for you 8. CHECK HOW YOU TREAT HIM IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE If you disrespect him or talk down at him in front of others or the children, he will let you be. A man who feels respected and admired gets turned on easily 9. CHECK HIS FINANCIAL ISSUES Find out if he is going through financial challenges or fears, this hinders a man's libido. Financial comfort leads to more sexual hunger. Show him you understand his effort 10. CHECK IF THERE IS A MAN YOU ARE ENTERTAINING If you are chatting with or flirting with another man, you will easily kill your husband's desire. Men don't like to share or to know the wife is turning on another man. Show him you are faithful and he comes first 11. CHECK YOUR EXCUSES If you keep lying that you are sick, on your periods or tired to avoid your husband, he will soon find out and switch off. Once he switches off, it will be difficult to get his hunger for you back. Don't make excuses. Be honest, be real 12. CHECK YOUR FALSE ACCUSATIONS Nothing hurts and turns off a man like being faithful yet the wife accuses him of cheating. Stop jumping into conclusions based on your fears and insecurities 13. CHECK IF YOU SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD If he tries to resolve issues with you but you keep bringing them up, he will be put off. He will see you and think "Here we go again", making him turn the bedroom to nothing more than the place he sleeps but finds no peace. Men make love when there is peace # Remember Love is Natural ❣️ Class dismissed
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