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Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
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But burying the dead is not always possible, per the Zetas ZetaTalk: Rotting Bodies written Sep 2, 2003 Primarily, the large die-off will be in places which are pleasant living now, coastal cities, or river basin cities These cities grew up where commerce was available, and the heavy die-off will be there. Since the waters rise, it will become fish food. In other areas, cities high in the hills, obviously, this will be a reeking mess. Nature takes care of this, in short order, within months, through bacteria and bugs. If you really want to know how to deal with it, get some chickens that eat the bugs and send them out there to fill up, and then you can eat the eggs. Just stay downwind of the stench. This is not exactly socially proper advice, because people want to bury their dead. Most of the dead will be under buildings or trapped under water somewhere. You have to do a mindset to think of the survivors. Think of the living who are feeling pain. Your obligation to the dead is only a ritual you can put aside. AFTERTIME - THE HOURS, MONTHS, AND YEARS AFTER THE POLE SHIFT
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China Corpse Recovery Robot.mp44.56 KB
Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
Earthquake M5.4 - South Sandwich Islands region - Sat, 15 Jun 2024 17:50:41 UTC (18:50 BST) - 1 hour ago more info: via Volcanoes & Earthquakes App -
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5.4 quake South Sandwich Islands region Jun 15, 2024 03:50 pm (GMT -2)

Strong magnitude 5.4 earthquake at 14 km depth - overview: location, magnitude, depth, map, submit or read reports, get more information.

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Un gran socavón se abrió esta semana en el Condado de Hernando, en Florida 🇺🇸 El agujero fué reportado el jueves cerca de Mississippi Kite Ave y Marvelwood Road, en Weeki Wachee.
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Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
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HIGHLY —CLASSIFIED —EMERGENCY PLAN FOR CATACLYSMIC EVENTS "Homeland Terrorism" Preparedness Bill aka, Nibiru Cataclysms Preparedness Plan The Worst of the Cover-Up Earth Changes and the Pole Shift Main Establishment Lies (NEW ZetaTalk)
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Nibiru prep classified.mp43.23 MB
Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
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Statistics showed that Covid-19 was nothing more than the flu and that those countries like Sweden which simply waited until herd immunity became established quickly went back to normal without the need for masks or lockdowns. But Pfizer wanted their profits. Now mask and vax passport demands seem to be a thing of the past, and even workers who had been fired for refusing the vax are being asked to return to their jobs. But the vax industry still wants their profits from their mRNA research. Now a new danger has emerged in plans for livestock feed. Is this safe? The Zetas say “Hell NO”. ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2021: During an ADE invasion of the immune system, eventually, the immune system recovers. Immune cells replicate and a cleanup of virus pieces occurs. The mRNA vaccines slow this process because they generate spike protein pieces. Thus repeated booster shots with the mRNA vaccines perpetuate the ADE reaction. We mentioned early in these discussions that a worry was exhausting the immune system because the mRNA starts a process that does not have an off switch. This has now been well documented. This constant activation of an exhausted immune system can also incite auto-immune reactions. ZetaTalk Warning 4/5/2023: If sheep, pigs, chickens and cows are injected with an mRNA vaccine or fed this as in ingredient in food will this mRNA spike protein transfer to the parts of these animals to be consumed by humans? Yes. A 1999 study showed that even when consumed as food by the livestock, its stomach (peptide) process did not prevent the spread of the mRNA spike proteins, (hybridization). Despite the horror stories from the Covid-19 mRNA vax, where immune systems in humans have plunged and lovers are afraid to hug due to the possible transmission of spike proteins, the pharma industry wants their profits. This trend to use the mRNA methodology in livestock should be aggressively countered. We have suggested that suburban or even urban families keep chicken flocks, which can eat kitchen scraps and free range for insects. Goats likewise can browse on weeds and bushes and give clean milk and meat. This maneuver by the pharma industry should be a wakeup call to those who would be self-sufficient survivors. The time for action is now!
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Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
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Tatishchevsky, Russia A large fire occurred after an explosion on a gas pipeline in the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region. The fire started around 16:00 local time. The cause of the incident is being clarified Emergency services are on site. UPD. According to the Base, the fire is moving towards a residential area. Firefighters are trying to contain the fire. According to the head of the Saratov region, Roman Busargin, the cause of the fire was abnormal heat, which provoked depressurization of the gas pipeline.
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Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
Vina Del Mar, Chile Intense rains that have lashed Chile in recent days have caused a giant sinkhole to open underneath this high-end property in the resort city of Vina del Mar, prompting the evacuation of hundreds of residents. The 13-floor building with 200 apartments worth up to $500,000 each is now sitting atop a hole that is 15 meters (50 ft) long & 30 meters deep, the third such hole that opened here in less than a year. In Aug & Sept last year, 2 landslides undermined the foundations of 3 other buildings: the Kandinsky, Miramar-Renaca & Santorini. Even the coastal road has been cut off due to the broken pavement. Residents of the building that stands below Euromarina II, at sea level, have also had to abandon their homes for fear that it would collapse on them. Experts say the sinkholes are caused by overflowing rainwater collectors.
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Repost from ZetaTalk Followers
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Interesting Times 10 days of Countdown gets us to June 24, then 10 days of Darkness takes us to July 4th! Independence Day! The long-awaited Nibiru Announcement?
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Repost from Intelsky 🚨
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STRANGE Lights have been seen at the Kula Kangri Mountain , Tibet, June 10, 2024 Keep always informed Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫
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Repost from Mundo Ovnis
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Phoenix, USA
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