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Mostly, I Write

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Cosa ne penso della nuova serie di Star Wars, The Avolyte, spiegato bene per Fumettologica
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Un modo per spiare il traffico di informazioni del pianeta? Infilare un sondino da qualche parte nelle migliaia di migliaia di chilometri di cavi in fibra ottica sottomarini. A quanto pare sta succedendo. Money quote: "U.S. officials have told companies, including Google and Meta, about their concerns that Chinese companies could threaten the security of U.S.-owned cables, a person familiar with the briefings said. In some cases, the conversations have included discussion of Shanghai-based S.B. Submarine Systems, the person said. Senior Biden administration officials have also received briefings in recent months about the risks posed by Chinese companies, including SBSS, working on repairs to undersea cables, according to the person."
Per chi vuole cambiare lettore di ebook oppure usarne uno nuovo per questa estate, ho testato il Kobo Libra Colour con la penna. Non super economico ma permette di fare un paio di cose interessanti, tipo scrivere e tipo leggere i fumetti a colori
4 ore e 40 minuti di documentario, con diverse interviste mai tradotte prima, sullo sviluppo e la commercializzazione di Sega Rally Championship per Saturn. Devo aggiungere altro?
Quei fantastici test giornalistici che non hanno niente di scientifico ma diventano più popolari dei risultati del telescopio Hubble. Ecco a voi qual è l'intelligenza artificiale discorsiva più affidabile (rullo di tamburi) Money quote: "With the help of Journal newsroom editors and columnists, we crafted a series of prompts to test popular use cases, including coding challenges, health inquiries and money questions. The same people judged the results without knowing which bot said what, rating them on accuracy, helpfulness and overall quality. We then ranked the bots in each category. We also excerpted some of the best and worst responses to prompts, to give a sense of how varied chatbots’ responses can be." Money quote 2: "What did these Olympian challenges tell us? Each chatbot has unique strengths and weaknesses, making them all worth exploring. We saw few outright errors and “hallucinations,” where bots go off on unexpected tangents and completely make things up. The bots provided mostly helpful answers and avoided controversy. The biggest surprise? ChatGPT, despite its big update and massive fame, didn’t lead the pack. Instead, lesser-known Perplexity was our champ. “We optimize for conciseness,” says Dmitry Shevelenko, chief business officer at Perplexity AI. “We tuned our model for conciseness, which forces it to identify the most essential components.”" Archivio:
Le AI possono percepire le emozioni "guardando" il volto delle persone? Microsoft e altri ci stanno provando. E quindi? Molto semplicemente: no, non funziona. Money quote: "In 2019, the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest engaged five senior scientists, including me, to examine the scientific evidence for the idea that people express anger, sadness, fear, happiness, disgust and surprise in universal ways. We came from different fields—psychology, neuroscience, engineering and computer science—and began with opposing views. Yet, after reviewing more than a thousand papers during almost a hundred videoconferences, we reached a consensus: In the real world, an emotion like anger or sadness is a broad category full of variety. People express different emotions with the same facial movements and the same emotion with different facial movements. The variation is meaningfully tied to a person’s situation. In short, we can’t train AI on stereotypes and expect the results to work in real life, no matter how big the data set or sophisticated the algorithm. Shortly after the paper was published, Microsoft retired the emotion AI features of their facial recognition software."
La domanica succedono tante cose. Una di queste è (quasi sempre) Mostly Weekly, la mia newsletter. Tutto sugli effetti collaterali della meritocrazia e le invasioni dei libri orribili
Era uscito per la festa della mamma, ma me l'ero perso. Un bell'articolo per celebrare tutte le madri. Money quote: "I don’t believe in a fixed definition for a “good mother.” Doesn’t it depend a lot on who a kid is and what they need? But I do believe there is something universal about being a good friend. I think it has to do with freely given care and acceptance. So go ahead and “spoil Mom” or whatever, take her to brunch, buy her a candle. But what the day is really about, to me, is the mothering we give one another and how it holds all of us together."
L'AI è senziente? Una spiegazione sul perché no, non lo è. Money quote: "If the LLM were to say, “I have a sharp pain in my left big toe,” would we conclude that it had a sharp pain in its left big toe? Of course not, it doesn’t have a left big toe! Just so, when it says that it is hungry, we can in fact be certain that it is not, since it doesn’t have the kind of physiology required for hunger. When humans experience hunger, they are sensing a collection of physiological states—low blood sugar, empty grumbling stomach, and so forth—that an LLM simply doesn’t have, any more than it has a mouth to put food in and a stomach to digest it. The idea that we should take it at its word when it says it is hungry is like saying we should take it at its word if it says it’s speaking to us from the dark side of the moon. We know it’s not, and the LLM’s assertion to the contrary does not change that fact. All sensations—hunger, feeling pain, seeing red, falling in love—are the result of physiological states that an LLM simply doesn’t have. Consequently we know that an LLM cannot have subjective experiences of those states. In other words, it cannot be sentient."
Milano aspira disperatamente a diventare una meta turistica e rompere il triangolo "Roma-Firenze-Venezia". Al tempo stesso, non vuole pagare il prezzo di chi trasforma una città in Disneyland. Money quote: "When Milan’s authorities embarked years ago on plans to promote the city as a buzzy destination by building on its reputation as Italy’s hip fashion and design capital, the resulting noise and rowdy overcrowding were perhaps not quite what they had in mind. Now, after years of complaints and a series of lawsuits, the city has passed an ordinance to strictly limit the sale of takeaway food and beverages after midnight — and not much later on weekends — in “movida” areas, a Spanish term that Italians have adopted to describe outdoor nightlife. It will go into effect next week and be in force until Nov. 11." Archivio: Articolo di Elisabetta Povoledo
Ma i tecno-boss sognano davvero pecore elettriche? - la mia rubrica per Fumettologica
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Aurora è un'azienda americana che vuole trasportare merci su gomma usando camion senza autisti. Volvo è uno dei partner di questa idea. Cosa potrebbe mai andare male? Money quote: "The reveal of the Volvo VNL Autonomous truck comes as Aurora continues to push towards its stated goal to commercialize self-driving trucks by the end of 2024. The company initially plans to carry freight between Dallas and Houston using up to 20 driverless Class 8 trucks — this time with no human behind the wheel. Aurora declined to share whether trucks made by Volvo, or its other partner Paccar, would be in that inaugural driverless fleet."
Un sito che fa fare un viaggio nella storia del Macintosh e del modo con il quale si possono organizzare le informazioni. Usando la metafora del vecchio Finder, c'è da rinfrescarsi gli occhi. È un uso intelligente di un template che fa sentire noi vecchi utenti un po' più a casa. Money quote: "I was inspired by Stuart Brown‘s Retro MacOS Theme, and modified it for my use. Brown’s original design magnifies pixel elements 2x, for a post-modern take on the original look-and-feel. For this project, I wanted to see what the original artwork would look like on a 1:1 scale." Il precedente non più in linea: fatto da
Javascript, il linguaggio che ha praticamente creato un modo per sviluppare applicazioni alternativo a quelli tradizionali, è notoriamente un po' bastardo, almeno rispetto ad altri linguaggi di scripting come Lua (semplice, pulito, potente). Beh, se vi consola, una volta era anche peggio. Money quote: "However, I’m also very fortunate because while there’s been a lot of improvements made to JavaScript since then, the fundamental way the language works is still the same, so having a deeper understanding of the new syntax (sans sugar) is useful when it comes to debugging, working with legacy projects, or digging deeper into lower-level code. I’m also able to better appreciate just how good us JS devs have it these days."
Supplemento culturale della domenica. È uscito il nuovo romanzo di Michael Crichton, che però è morto da 16 anni. Era a metà, poi l'ha finito James Patterson, altro esperto di best seller. Lo stanno pompando tanto, forse non è un capolavoro però (Patterson è uno che tira molto via quando scrive e Crichton invece riscriveva le sue cose più volte, quindi ci sta che sia un mezzo limone). Money quote: "Eruption is based on an unfinished manuscript left by Michael Crichton. The Chicago-born writer, who died of cancer in 2008 at the age of 66, was one of the most successful novelists of all time, selling 200m books, among them titles that became blockbuster franchises, from Jurassic Park to Westworld and ER. The manuscript was discovered by his widow Sherri and has now been completed by the no-less-successful writer James Patterson, renowned for several thriller series of his own, from Alex Cross to Women’s Murder Club. Patterson challenges readers of Eruption to spot where he took over. “There is a definite moment,” he says. “Wonder if your readers can spot it?” Is it when hunky Mac and sexy demolition expert Rebecca Cruz start flirting? “I’m not going to tell you!” snaps Patterson".
Letture per la domenica. Una storia del mondo anglosassone che nel sud dell'Europa non è stata neanche intravista sia perché precedente alla guerra sia perché tagliata su quel pubblico: cento libri di 100 pagine ciascuno che spiegava tutto, dalla monogamia alla religione e alla scienza, passando per società e cultura. È iniziato con "Daedalus, or Science and the Future" ed è andato avanti con la collana "To-day and To-morrow". Money quote: "Following Daedalus's success, its publisher Kegan Paul ended up publishing more than 100 additional volumes about the future of anything and everything, in a series called "To-day and To-morrow". Running until the early 1930s, an array of writers, thinkers and intellectuals imagined the future of science and technology, but also so much else: women, religion, clothes, family, humour, justice, censorship, leisure, sleep, alcohol and even swearing. Anything that seemed to have a future was eligible. On the 100-year-anniversary of Haldane's Daedalus, what can we learn from his influential work, as well as the ambitious To-day and To-morrow series that it inspired?"
Non sapevo neanche che questa collezione esistesse, figuriamoci che fosse gratuita e open. Sono icone per il web (ma non solo) molto belle, se piace lo stile. Money quote: "Welcome to Hugeicons React Icons, your premier destination for free React icons. Our expansive collection features over 3,800 stroke React icons, available at no charge and crafted to meet a diverse array of design requirements. These icons are perfect for devs and designers seeking top-quality, customizable options for enhancing their digital product. Hugeicons Pro is trusted and utilized by thousands of designers, devs, and content creators for unlimited personal and commercial projects, establishing it as one of the most versatile and user-friendly React icons libraries in the market." Qui il sito del progetto
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Un resoconto del Guardian sulla prima conferenza dedicata allo AI Warfare. Lo Schmidt citato è Eric Schmidt, ex ceo di Google (nonché prima cofondatore di Sun) e adesso lobbysta per la corsa ai cyberamarmenti intelligenti. Quello che emerge è uno di quegli articoli da ritagliare e conservare, per ritrovare tra qualche anno le conseguenze di quanto qui scritto. Money quote: "Swarms of people migrated across the hall to see the main panel, where Karp and Schmidt spoke alongside the CIA deputy director, David Cohen, and Mark Milley, who retired in September as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, where he advised Joe Biden and other top officials on war matters. When Schmidt tried to introduce himself, his microphone didn’t work, so Cohen lent him his own. “It’s always great when the CIA helps you out,” Schmidt joked. This was about as light as things got for the next 90 minutes."
Nelle stories Instagram del mio account (@gianlucaneri) sta andando avanti ormai da tempo un torneo tra le migliori serie tv. L’elenco dei titoli partecipanti è stato ottenuto dando in pasto a ChatGPT vari articoli (soprattutto stranieri) contenenti classifiche delle migliori serie degli ultimi anni. Siamo partiti da 64 titoli. Ora siamo ai quarti di finale e ne sono rimasti 8. Questo è il thread per commentare (durante e dopo) il risultato di Modern Family vs. Scrubs (si vota qui:
Non stanno "barando" solo gli studenti, che copiano a man bassa e si fanno fare compiti, tesine ed esami dall'AI. Adesso salta fuori che anche gli insegnanti non sono da meno. Fantastico. Money quote: "Teachers are turning to AI tools and platforms — such as ChatGPT, Writable, Grammarly and EssayGrader — to assist with grading papers, writing feedback, developing lesson plans and creating assignments. They’re also using the burgeoning tools to create quizzes, polls, videos and interactives to up the ante” for what’s expected in the classroom."
Liberation in occasione degli ottanta anni dallo sbarco in Normandia racconta la storia del reportage radiofonico che si è dato per perso per quarant'anni. Money quote: "A l'occasion du 80e anniversaire du Débarquement, «Libération» raconte l'histoire d'un reportage audio réalisé le 6 juin 1944. L'enregistrement, perdu durant des années, a été retrouvé dans une cave en 1994."
Signore e signori, ecco a voi "Landing". Meglio di Pinterest, meglio di Instagram. E molto più camp. Money quote: "One site capitalizing on both Pinterest's popularity and faults that has exploded with its unfaithful is Landing. Landing’s creators even acknowledge the comparisons to Pinterest on their website, “Many Landing creators are active Pinterest users, and many of the creators on Landing actually discovered Landing through Pinterest!” It was when I was scrolling through Instagram for more inspiration for my invitation that I came across an ad for Landing, pitching itself as my new “creative escape”. I signed up for the app and a bright, oxidized yellow landing page greeted me as I searched disco on their main page. I was able to collect over a dozen images that I then assembled into my disco invitation."
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Atlas, La mia recensione per Fumettologica.
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Volete fare quella salsa al formaggio perfetta per i vostri taco o qualsiasi altra porcheria vogliate consumare? Liquida ma compatta, solida ma cremosa? Insomma, una vera schifezza? Basta un Alka-Seltzer e lo spirito dei pionieri del piccolo chimico (o essere americani) Money quote: "What if I told you that there's a way to make a cheese sauce as smooth and creamy as a jar of Velveeta from just about any melting cheese with nothing more than a single innocuous ingredient that is possibly already in your medicine cabinet. That's right: no emulsifying salts that require a special order, no futzing with cornstarch and evaporated milk, and no floury roux. The secret ingredient is Aspirin-Free Alka-Seltzer and today is the day that I reveal its cheese-sauce-making superpower to the world. It's been hiding in plain sight all along, each tablet formulated with a few basic ingredients that drive a chemical reaction that, yes, can treat indigestion, but—as will be clear once you understand the science—are just as good at making the elusive perfect cheese sauce for nachos and mac and cheese."
Craig Mod si è convertito all'eBook ultra-leggero (e costoso) per le sue camminate: il BOOX Palma. Dimensioni di un telefono con lo schermo da 6,13 pollici, solo WiFi, schermo eInk, sistema operativo Android (quindi con l'app funziona anche da Kindle), tantissima batteria e 400 euro se lo comprate online. Perché? Perché Amazon (e Rakuten-Kobo) hanno castrato gli eBook reader stoppandone lo sviluppo e l'evoluzione. Invece, altri modi di concepire questo tipo di dispositivi è possibile. Money quote: "BOOX has a rather confusing lineup, but the two devices I grabbed are the BOOX Palma and the BOOX Tab Mini C. If I had to recommend one, it would be the Palma. It’s just too delightful to have a smartphone-sized E Ink device purely for reading joy and reading joy only. The Palma is ethereally light (167 grams by my scale), and yet feels well-made. I shove it in pockets and bags and never worry about it. (Mine came with a free case that felt so terrible I threw it away; and anyway, it’s nice unsheathed, nimble in hand.) The battery easily lasts … a week? (at least a few days) … despite reading on it for hours each day."
Ho scoperto una fantastica, piccola rivista che si mette in tasca se vi piace far flanella nelle città del mondo e che mi piace tanto perché non è una guida. La metto nel pacchetto delle riviste che compro e leggo. Si chiama "Desiderd Landscapes", l'ha creata una architetta greca, Natassa Pappa, che è una persona estremamente curiosa e gentile. Fa la rivista, un po' di merchandising, visite guidate ad Atene e altri posti che poi sono delle camminate, e vive a una velocità molto diversa. Qui di seguito, oltre a una intervista, il link anche a un altro paio di storie e ovviamente al loro sito. Se lei riesce a vivere facendo davvero tutto questo che segue, è un genio. Money quote: "On my right side, there is a console with four drawers including everything I need for distribution: folders, wrapping paper, stamps, scissors, tape, etc. Almost next to it, there is a bookshelf as a mini version of the warehouse, hosting all the products available on our e-shop. Across from my desk, there is my small collection of guidebooks found on flea markets and my trips abroad. This is where I go when I need inspiration for the magazine. Or, I go to the reading room, right behind me, where I keep favorite books and magazines. In the middle of my office room, there is a pole, for my dance breaks. (told you: ‘modular, to fit any creative process’)"
Lo sapete: siamo a domenica, c'è Mostly Weekly, la mia newsletter gratuita. Con un sonetto di Pier Paolo Pasolini, tra le altre cose (il numero 15, per essere precisi). Enjoy
Il sommario, qui sotto nel money quote, dice tutto. La domanda rimane: come possiamo fare a rendere più informate le persone? Forse rendendo meno ignoranti i gioranlisti? Buona lettura... Money quote: "A huge proportion of tech journalism is characterized by scandals, sensationalism, and shoddy research. Can we fix it?" Money quote: "There is great technology journalism being done today, but it tends to appear in specialist publications that cater to tech-savvy audiences. If we want a well-informed public, we need to figure out how to raise the quality of journalism consumed by ordinary people — those who lack the expertise and financial means to identify and subscribe to specialist publications."
Il grande dilemma del nostro tempo sta emergendo: l'aereo inquina. Come fare pace con questa idea e il nostro desiderio (e bisogno) di viaggiare, senza impattare in modo radicale il nostro stile di vita? Money quote: "Et puis derrière les chiffres, il y a les situations humaines : ceux qui ne peuvent pas prendre le train pour aller voir leur famille, ceux qui volent pour le travail, les adeptes du week-end low-cost qui veulent voyager comme avant le Covid, les amateurs de destinations lointaines qui s’arrangent avec leur conscience écologique, ceux qui pensent aux générations futures et se demandent si nos enfants pourront encore découvrir le lointain… Derrière les dilemmes individuels, il y a de vrais enjeux pour l’avenir : développer et rendre accessibles des transports plus sûrs pour l’environnement, repenser le voyage et notre rapport à ce dernier, étudier les solutions technologiques nécessaires, penser à la reconversion des travailleurs de ce secteur, mais surtout maîtriser et réduire ce trafic aérien qui a retrouvé son niveau d’avant la pandémie. Il y a là matière à réflexion. De quoi, au moins, occuper nos pensées le temps d’un long voyage en train."
Una raccolta di detti e massime dal mondo del diritto angloamericano. Non sono brocardi, sono adagi legali di quelli che si raccontano al club per soli avvocati o per soli giudici. Money quotE: "I call it “The Last Resort Rule.” It was taught to me by a great teacher at Columbia Law School named Jerome Michael, who taught a course in appellate advocacy. At the last moment in the last class of the course, when he had taught us everything he knew, he said: “These are my final words on advocacy. If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.”"
Dopo averci danzato attorno per un bel po', finalmente qualcuno mette assieme due concetti chiave della nostra epoca: gli alieni e l'intelligenza artificiale. Cioè l'altra mente oltre alla nostra. Adesso, se ci mettessimo dentro religione e pianeta delle scimmie avremmo praticamente fatto la psicanalisi sociale della razza umana. Money quote: "I’ve wondered about alien minds for a long time—and tried all sorts of ways to imagine what it might be like to see things from their point of view. But in the past I’ve never really had a way to build my intuition about it. That is, until now. So, what’s changed? It’s AI. Because in AI we finally have an accessible form of alien mind."
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Francesco D'Isa riflette su alcuni aspetti dell'intelligenza artificiale partendo da un libro che raccoglie una serie di saggi dello scrittore polacco di fantascienza, Stanislaw Lem. Tutto da leggere. Money quote: "In questo capitolo Lem utilizza la metafora della “scatola nera”, che oggi usiamo più o meno in modo analogo per descrivere dispositivi o sistemi i cui meccanismi interni non sono compresi o osservabili direttamente; ciò che conta sono gli input forniti e gli output ricevuti, senza che vi sia una comprensione completa del processo intermedio. Questa idea è discussa in tempi recenti proprio in merito alle intelligenze artificiali. Anch’esse infatti, soprattutto se costruite con reti neurali profonde, vengono descritte come scatole nere per via della loro opacità. Sono capaci di svolgere compiti complessi che vanno dall’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale alla diagnosi medica, ma i processi esatti tramite i quali giungono alle loro conclusioni rimangono, in molti casi, difficilmente interpretabili persino per i loro creatori."
Le sanzioni del 2019 hanno messo Huawei in una posizione molto scomoda, apparentemente. Ma le aziende, sono resilienti, si ingegnano, non si fanno prendere dalla depressione e dall'apatia. E adesso, con il suo sistema operativo alternativo ad Android, l'azienda cinese sta occupando uno spazio enorme che presto vedremo arrivare (tipo boomerang causato dalle sanzioni) anche da noi. Money quote: "By collaborating with app developers to create HarmonyOS-specific applications and fostering a new generation of programmers skilled in its platform, Huawei is positioning itself as an important player in the operating system landscape. The company has been collaborating with domestic universities since 2021 to train coders in its system. The development could have an outsized effect in further spurring China's tech industry. Huawei estimated that the creation of apps for HarmonyOS will generate at least 3 million jobs. There are currently just over 380,000 HarmonyOS-certified developers. Huawei pledged to train 100,000 developers a month through online videos and other means."
Due mesi fa Microsoft si preparava a sconfiggere la concorrenza (Apple) con i nuovi chip Qualcomm sui quali far girare Windows. Dove sono finiti? Che risultati hanno raggiunto? Un mistero chiamato Vaporware? Money quote: "After years of failed promises from Qualcomm, Microsoft believes the upcoming Snapdragon X Elite processors will finally offer the performance it has been looking for to push Windows on Arm much more aggressively. Microsoft is now betting big on Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon X Elite processors, which will ship in a variety of Windows laptops this year and Microsoft’s latest consumer-focused Surface hardware. Microsoft is so confident in these new Qualcomm chips that it’s planning a number of demos that will show how these processors will be faster than an M3 MacBook Air for CPU tasks, AI acceleration, and even app emulation. Microsoft claims, in internal documents seen by The Verge, that these new Windows AI PCs will have “faster app emulation than Rosetta 2” — the application compatibility layer that Apple uses on its Apple Silicon Macs to translate apps compiled for 64-bit Intel processors to Apple’s own processors."
Sappiamo che Russia e Cina ovviamente fanno azioni di disinformazione. Ma che la Cina ci investisse così tanto e con così scarsi risultati è molto interessante. E spaventoso. Money quote: ""Spamouflage is like throwing spaghetti at the wall, and they are throwing a lot of spaghetti," says Jack Stubbs, chief information officer at Graphika, a social media analysis company that was among the first to identify the Spamouflage campaign. "The volume and scale of this thing is huge. They're putting out multiple videos and cartoons every day, amplified across different platforms at a global scale. The vast majority of it, for the time being, appears to be something that doesn't stick, but that doesn't mean it won't stick in the future." Since at least 2017, Spamouflage has been ceaselessly spewing out content designed to disrupt major global events, including topics as diverse as the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, the US presidential elections, and Israel and Gaza."
Mostly Apple è il mio “altro” canale. Pochi aggiornamenti, niente link, solo notizie flash su Apple e dintorni (prevalentemente tech). Costa niente ed è carino, per qualcuno anche utile.
Il fascino di una notizia orribile come questa sta nella assurdità del gesto e nella sua elicits: come Filippode, il soldato della battaglia di Maratona. Money quote: "Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary made history by reaching the summit, a courier named Ten Tsewang Sherpa ran 200 miles to Kathmandu to deliver the news. He died a few weeks later. His story has never been told--until now."
Fare il surf tra le piattaforme di streaming - Il mio articolo per Fumettologica su un problema che in molti sentiamo!
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A quanto pare l'uso massivo della ai dentro le app di Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) non sta andando bene. Money quote: "The introduction of Meta AI--a suite of intentional tools designed to make users' lives easier and, more importantly for the company, spending more time with Meta products, is an intentional salvo into a trendy area of emerging technology. If it fails it'll either be because users genuinely do not want to interact with AI where they're seeing friends' baby pictures, or it'll fail because it's made the entire experience kind of crappy and annoying."
Uno sguardo interessante sul modo con il quale funziona la nostra cultura contemporanea oramai filtrata e modellata attraverso gli strumenti di comunicazione digitale (che hanno avuto un impatto simmetricamente a come è successo con stampa, radio, cinema e televisione). Molto interessante. Money quote: "To say that everything is a cult is a bit of an overstatement, but as a general framework for understanding the world at the moment, it is helpful. The way we consume content, the way fandom works, the ways we sort ourselves into tribes and camps online, even the way lots of industries work, including the news business -- it all has shades of culthood. This is easier to see if you set aside the more extreme examples of cults, like the ones that end in mass suicide or shootouts with the ATF, and instead think of cults as movements or institutions that organize themselves around the belief that the mainstream is fundamentally broken."
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Cosa ne penso della nuova serie di Star Wars, The Avolyte, spiegato bene per Fumettologica
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Un modo per spiare il traffico di informazioni del pianeta? Infilare un sondino da qualche parte nelle migliaia di migliaia di chilometri di cavi in fibra ottica sottomarini. A quanto pare sta succedendo. Money quote: "U.S. officials have told companies, including Google and Meta, about their concerns that Chinese companies could threaten the security of U.S.-owned cables, a person familiar with the briefings said. In some cases, the conversations have included discussion of Shanghai-based S.B. Submarine Systems, the person said. Senior Biden administration officials have also received briefings in recent months about the risks posed by Chinese companies, including SBSS, working on repairs to undersea cables, according to the person."
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Exclusive | U.S. Fears Undersea Cables Are Vulnerable to Espionage From Chinese Repair Ships

U.S. officials are warning telecommunications companies that undersea cables that ferry internet traffic across the Pacific Ocean could be vulnerable to tampering by Chinese repair ships.

Per chi vuole cambiare lettore di ebook oppure usarne uno nuovo per questa estate, ho testato il Kobo Libra Colour con la penna. Non super economico ma permette di fare un paio di cose interessanti, tipo scrivere e tipo leggere i fumetti a colori
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La prova di Libra Colour, il nuovo lettore di ebook a colori di Kobo

Grazie alla tecnologia E-Ink Kaleido 3 e alla scrittura a mano il dispositivo da sette pollici dell'azienda canadese promette di fare molto, ma non tutto

Repost from Riccardo
4 ore e 40 minuti di documentario, con diverse interviste mai tradotte prima, sullo sviluppo e la commercializzazione di Sega Rally Championship per Saturn. Devo aggiungere altro?
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Sega Rally Championship | PandaMonium Reviews Every U.S. Saturn Game | Episode 33 of 246



This video is four hours and 40 minutes long. At long last, let us sink our teeth into the rich history of an incredible racing game. Featuring a wealth of archived video, translated interviews and original source material, this review aims to tell the story of Sega Rally Championship for the Sega Saturn. Perhaps more amazing than its long lasting impact — is how much soul they managed to pack into a short arcade racer. Huge thanks to Random for creating some original songs, just for this video! You can find the uncut songs here:

A big thank you to SaturnDave for making the thumbnail. Tracklist:

Many of the songs used in this video happen to come from the album Millennialism by NYSE. Please consider buying it:

——————— Welcome to the series where I review every single Sega Saturn game released in North America by order of release date. It is produced in association with SHIRO! Media Group:

I made a spreadsheet with all the games has as American releases, listing them off by order of release date, including sources. All the games are narrowed down to the day they came out in the U.S. Big thanks to Pimpeaux for the years of research help. (Her channel:



00:00:00 Intro 00:08:02 Stage 1 01:10:57 Stage 2 02:58:17 Stage 3 03:49:43 Bonus Stage

🔥 7🥰 1
Quei fantastici test giornalistici che non hanno niente di scientifico ma diventano più popolari dei risultati del telescopio Hubble. Ecco a voi qual è l'intelligenza artificiale discorsiva più affidabile (rullo di tamburi) Money quote: "With the help of Journal newsroom editors and columnists, we crafted a series of prompts to test popular use cases, including coding challenges, health inquiries and money questions. The same people judged the results without knowing which bot said what, rating them on accuracy, helpfulness and overall quality. We then ranked the bots in each category. We also excerpted some of the best and worst responses to prompts, to give a sense of how varied chatbots’ responses can be." Money quote 2: "What did these Olympian challenges tell us? Each chatbot has unique strengths and weaknesses, making them all worth exploring. We saw few outright errors and “hallucinations,” where bots go off on unexpected tangents and completely make things up. The bots provided mostly helpful answers and avoided controversy. The biggest surprise? ChatGPT, despite its big update and massive fame, didn’t lead the pack. Instead, lesser-known Perplexity was our champ. “We optimize for conciseness,” says Dmitry Shevelenko, chief business officer at Perplexity AI. “We tuned our model for conciseness, which forces it to identify the most essential components.”" Archivio:
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The Great AI Challenge: We Test Five Top Bots on Useful, Everyday Skills

We tested OpenAI’s ChatGPT against Microsoft’s Copilot and Google’s Gemini, along with Perplexity and Anthropic’s Claude. Here’s how they ranked.

Le AI possono percepire le emozioni "guardando" il volto delle persone? Microsoft e altri ci stanno provando. E quindi? Molto semplicemente: no, non funziona. Money quote: "In 2019, the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest engaged five senior scientists, including me, to examine the scientific evidence for the idea that people express anger, sadness, fear, happiness, disgust and surprise in universal ways. We came from different fields—psychology, neuroscience, engineering and computer science—and began with opposing views. Yet, after reviewing more than a thousand papers during almost a hundred videoconferences, we reached a consensus: In the real world, an emotion like anger or sadness is a broad category full of variety. People express different emotions with the same facial movements and the same emotion with different facial movements. The variation is meaningfully tied to a person’s situation. In short, we can’t train AI on stereotypes and expect the results to work in real life, no matter how big the data set or sophisticated the algorithm. Shortly after the paper was published, Microsoft retired the emotion AI features of their facial recognition software."
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Essay | Think AI Can Perceive Emotion? Think Again.

Training algorithms on stereotypical facial expressions is bound to mislead.

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La domanica succedono tante cose. Una di queste è (quasi sempre) Mostly Weekly, la mia newsletter. Tutto sugli effetti collaterali della meritocrazia e le invasioni dei libri orribili
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Era uscito per la festa della mamma, ma me l'ero perso. Un bell'articolo per celebrare tutte le madri. Money quote: "I don’t believe in a fixed definition for a “good mother.” Doesn’t it depend a lot on who a kid is and what they need? But I do believe there is something universal about being a good friend. I think it has to do with freely given care and acceptance. So go ahead and “spoil Mom” or whatever, take her to brunch, buy her a candle. But what the day is really about, to me, is the mothering we give one another and how it holds all of us together."
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On Mother’s Day, We Should Celebrate the Other Moms We Know

Mother’s Day should be about celebrating the mothering that we give and receive from other moms.

L'AI è senziente? Una spiegazione sul perché no, non lo è. Money quote: "If the LLM were to say, “I have a sharp pain in my left big toe,” would we conclude that it had a sharp pain in its left big toe? Of course not, it doesn’t have a left big toe! Just so, when it says that it is hungry, we can in fact be certain that it is not, since it doesn’t have the kind of physiology required for hunger. When humans experience hunger, they are sensing a collection of physiological states—low blood sugar, empty grumbling stomach, and so forth—that an LLM simply doesn’t have, any more than it has a mouth to put food in and a stomach to digest it. The idea that we should take it at its word when it says it is hungry is like saying we should take it at its word if it says it’s speaking to us from the dark side of the moon. We know it’s not, and the LLM’s assertion to the contrary does not change that fact. All sensations—hunger, feeling pain, seeing red, falling in love—are the result of physiological states that an LLM simply doesn’t have. Consequently we know that an LLM cannot have subjective experiences of those states. In other words, it cannot be sentient."
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No, Today’s AI Isn’t Sentient. Here’s How We Know

It is important to understand the profound difference between how humans generate sequences of words and how a large language model does.

Milano aspira disperatamente a diventare una meta turistica e rompere il triangolo "Roma-Firenze-Venezia". Al tempo stesso, non vuole pagare il prezzo di chi trasforma una città in Disneyland. Money quote: "When Milan’s authorities embarked years ago on plans to promote the city as a buzzy destination by building on its reputation as Italy’s hip fashion and design capital, the resulting noise and rowdy overcrowding were perhaps not quite what they had in mind. Now, after years of complaints and a series of lawsuits, the city has passed an ordinance to strictly limit the sale of takeaway food and beverages after midnight — and not much later on weekends — in “movida” areas, a Spanish term that Italians have adopted to describe outdoor nightlife. It will go into effect next week and be in force until Nov. 11." Archivio: Articolo di Elisabetta Povoledo
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What Happens When a Happening Place Becomes Too Hot

City officials worked to make Milan attractive to visitors, but now that some neighborhoods are overwhelmed by rowdy crowds and noise, they’re trying to scale back.