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How to remove salts from joints ✅ All harmful substances are gradually deposited in the joints, and this brings unpleasant sensations. You just need to deal with this problem in time to avoid complications. What you will need for this: ▫️ Βake 5 g of bay leaves, put in 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. ▫️ Pour into a thermos and leave for 3 to 4 hours, then strain. You need to drink it within 12 hours. The procedure should be performed for 3 days in a row and repeated in a week. Join us now:
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Best Herbs for each organ. For Pancreas Foods for general health of pancreas. Bitter gourd, baked sweet potato, turmeric root, green veggie - kale, bakchoy, lettuce, purple skin fruits, cruciferous veggies, reishi mushrooms, garlic, ginger. Top Herbs for type 2 Diabetes to manage without allopathic drugs. Ginseng Korean, indian kino, gymnema, insulin plant, lagerstroemia. Join us now:
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💡Over 93% of Dental Patients Don't Know This ✅️ ✅️
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Why I don't buy OREOS. Join us now:
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Your eyes need Sun! 'Strengthen your eyesight! INCREASE EYESIGHT ☀️ WITH SUNSHINE ☀️ Join us now:
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Hydration helps make new brain cells! 8 glasses of water plus celtic salt helps make new brain cells. Join us now:
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✅ What are the benefits of dill seeds? High blood pressure will return to normal. Constipation and stomach pain will disappear. Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a teapot and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Wrap the kettle in a towel for 40 minutes. The resulting medicine should be drunk 3 sips 7 times a day. Be sure to drink them with meals. The course of treatment is a week. Then the infusion can be used for 2-3 days every month. Join us now:
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✅ What are the benefits of dill seeds? High blood pressure will return to normal. Constipation and stomach pain will disappear. Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a teapot and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Wrap the kettle in a towel for 40 minutes. The resulting medicine should be drunk 3 sips 7 times a day. Be sure to drink them with meals. The course of treatment is a week. Then the infusion can be used for 2-3 days every month. Join us now:
⚠️ Watch the video!! This is important to know for everyone! Your own all-natural antibiotic Subscribe to the "Holistic Harmony" channel, we will show you all the most important things about health. These are the recipes that everyone should know: ► How to whiten your teeth at home [instructions] ► Cleansing the liver and losing weight [read]. ► How to bring down a fever and cure a cough in one evening? ► Homemade broth that kills 97.88% or cancer cells! [recipe]. ► How to restore your eyesight at home [2 exercises]. This is not all you will learn after subscribing. ⚠️Subscribe while it's free! ➡️ ➡️ ❗️ If you want to live, take responsibility for your health now with Holistic Harmony🌿🌸
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5 BEST DRINKS FOR A HEALTHY BODY 🍏1. With apple and cinnamon. Very finely chop one apple and pour 500 ml of hot water, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cool and drink during the day. The combination of apples and ground cinnamon will help normalize metabolism and cleanse the digestive tract. 🍋2. Based on lemon juice, ginger and honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 200 ml of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey, a pinch of ground ginger. Take on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. This will help to cleanse the digestive system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and give a charge of vital energy. 🥦3. Vegetable juice. Prepare freshly squeezed juice from 1 beetroot, 2 apples and 4 celery stalks, take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day (morning and evening) half an hour before meals. 🥕4. Health cocktail. Prepare freshly squeezed juices from 1 orange, 1 lemon and 1 carrot, mix with 100 ml of mineral water. Drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. This cocktail is an excellent remedy for fatigue. 🥒5. With cucumber and celery. Chop 1 cucumber and 1 celery root, add 300 ml of water. Drink throughout the day. This drink is ideal for fasting days.
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How to heal your eyesight. Join us now:
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Some of the many benefits of castor oil Also helps getting rid of cataracts and heals eyesight Join us now:
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NEW KILLER INSECT 😰 If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, humans are infected with a virus that...
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NEW KILLER INSECT 😰 If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, humans are infected with a virus that...
Interesting idea on how to set up a chicken coop 🐔🐣 Join us:💡Amazing Facts 💡
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👋 Is your hair thinning or falling out, causing you sleepless nights? Are you spending a fortune trying to combat this? Here's a cost-effective hair care solution that doesn't rely on harmful chemicals. ⚡Ferritin - a vital protein that your body uses to store iron. Without enough ferritin, your body can't store iron, leading to hair loss. 🍄 Method of Use : - Incorporate foods that boost ferritin production into your diet, such as blackstrap molasses, liver, and spirulina. - Pair these ferritin-boosting foods with Vitamin C-rich foods for optimal absorption. 🌠 Celebrities have discovered the power of ferritin. Stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, who had low ferritin levels, improved her hair quality just by addressing her ferritin deficiency. 🌟Alternative : - Marine collagen Enhances hair strength, promotes growth, and improves scalp health. - Biotin: Encourages hair growth, increases thickness, and fortifies hair shafts. Subscribe: Natural Remedies ✅️
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How to Flush Your Liver With Olive Oil & Lemon Juice Olive oil and lemons are healthy in so many ways, and the research shows that they can help heal an ailing liver or keep a healthy liver at top performance. Why not add a little extra of one or both to keep your liver in good working condition? Here’s how... Lemon & Olive Oil Liver Cleanse Ingredients: • Juice of 1/2 small lemon • 1 – 2 tablespoons cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil Directions: Mix the ingredients in a small glass and consume daily for best results. Join us now:
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Iron Deficiency Tips Join us now:
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How To Survive Without Electricity For The Rest Of Your Life Join us now:
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PAPAYA: Did You Know 👉🏻Colon cleansing, high enzyme 👉🏻Anti-parasitic 👉🏻Anti-inflammatory 👉🏻Anti-aging 👉🏻Anti-radiation - Fermented papaya 👉🏻Anti-bloating 👉🏻Good for ulcers 👉🏻Highly alkaline, high copper 👉🏻Sunburns - Mix I tsp papaya with 1 tsp honey. Leave 20 min & rinse. 👉🏻More Vitamin C than orange PAPAYA & its seeds are incredibly healthy. We had no idea how magical it is. Join us now:
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Even Cereal is a weapon... Cereal is poison and has many killer ingredients including a degreaser called trisodium phosphate. I still am curious how this stuff is still on the shelves? Join us now:
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What can help with neuropathy? Join us now:
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⚠️Grey hair will disappear forever in just 4 minutes. Modern medicine does not spare anyone. They just don't care about us. They only want profit. On the "Health Time💚" channel, Dr. Jennifer will show you all the most important things about health. These are the recipes that everyone should know: ► How the Japanese solved the problem of cancer: foods that will not leave it a chance [full list] ► How to whiten your teeth at home [instructions] ► Cleansing the liver and losing weight [read]. ► How to bring down a fever and cure a cough in one evening? ► Neck and head pain will stop forever [two simple exercises]. ► How to restore your eyesight at home [2 exercises]. This is not all you will learn after subscribing. ❗️ If you want to live, take responsibility for your health now with Health Time💚
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Foods you can grow from scraps Join us now:
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CHIA SEEDS ARE PACKED WITH NUTRITION • 15 x more magnesium than broccoli • 8 x more omega 3 than wild salmon • 7 x more vitamin c than oranges • 5 x more calcium than milk CHIA SEED FACTS. • Remedy for brain fog • Help deduce cravings for carbs, chocolate & salty foods • 2 x the Protein in any other seed or grain • Contains Boron which aids absorption • Higher Fiber content than oatmeal • 2 x the amount of Potassium as banana • 3 the Antioxidants strength of blueberries • 3 x more Iron than spinach • Contain essential Fatty Acids like omega 3 and 6 in high amounts • High source of vitamin C, K, E, B9 Sometimes we need gentle reminders of how beneficial some foods are. CHIA SEEDS are jam packed with nutrition. Follow me: Dr. Alan Mandell✅️
How to whiten your teeth and not harm them ⠀ 🦷 This method helps with almost any gum disease, and at the same time almost instantly whitens teeth, dissolves tartar, and heals small wounds in the mouth. from periodontal disease, gum disease, blackness at the roots of the teeth, tartar and any painful condition in the mouth. ⠀ You need to make a simple paste: Add 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy) and a few drops of lemon to 0.5 tsp. baking soda. Dip a toothbrush into the paste and rub the teeth and gums inside and out with this paste. Lemon neutralizes soda and gives freshness, soda cleans teeth from plaque, and peroxide disinfects and whitens. ⠀ Join us:
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Tired of the sniffles and sinus struggles? Dive into our reel as we unravel the holistic wonders—discover how to naturally treat these annoyances and reclaim your well-being! Ingredients: Pineapple Skin 4 cups of water 1 tsp of cayenne pepper 1 tbsp of honey Instructions: Wash pineapple skin properly and boil pineapple skin in about 4 cups of water. Add 1 tsp of cayenne pepper and 1 tbsp of honey (when cooled). Join us now:
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UNUSUAL USES FOR BAKING SODA • Clean your tubs, tile and sinks • Clean dirt & residue on fruit & veggies • Absorbs radiation • Absorbs heavy metals • Alkalizes the body • Natural toothpaste • Freshen your mouth • Facial scrub and body exfoliant • Non toxic deodorant • Treat insect bites & itchy skin • Make a hand cleanser and softener • Wash your dishes • Clean floors • Clean furniture • Clean shower curtains • Clean baby clothes • Clean cloth diapers • Clean batteries • Clean cars • Freshen linens • Treat colds and the flu • Deodorize stinky feet • Clean brushes and combs • Make a bath soak • Soothe your feet 💚FRUIT / VEGGIE WASH RECIPE 500 ml filtered water (fluoride free) 1 tbsp baking soda 3 tbsp vinegar • Mix in a 500 ml spray bottle and spray fruit and veggies then rinse. Join us now:
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Two of the best ways to clear a stuffy nose. These two techniques use the pressure of massage to bring blood to the sinuses to relieve pressure and congestion! Join us now:
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FACT: Tinnitus is KILLING your brain🧠 Top Harvard MDs reveal: "You have 14 days to fix your tinnitus, or it's too late." Because studies show that tinnitus is like a ticking bomb... That could lead to severe brain damage, hearing loss, dementia... And even WIPE AWAY 1% of your memory every month that passes. 🟢Good news is, a US brain surgeon discovered a new 7-second "tinnitus switch". It ENDS tinnitus for good... It repairs the damage done to your brain… And it works ALL THE TIMES: ➡️ Switch OFF your tinnitus in 7 seconds. The full explanatory video is now available. This is important for everyone to know! ✅ ✅
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🚭💙 Quit Smoking & Boost Heart Health Tips! 💪🌟 1️⃣ Set a Quit Date: Choose a meaningful date to start your smoke-free journey. 2️⃣ Build Support: Share your goal with friends and family for encouragement. 3️⃣ Seek Professional Help: Consult healthcare pros or join cessation programs. 4️⃣ Identify Triggers: Find healthier ways to cope with smoking triggers. 5️⃣ Stay Active: Exercise boosts mood, manages stress, and distracts from cravings. 6️⃣ Reward Yourself: Celebrate smoke-free milestones with special treats. 7️⃣ Healthy Snacking: Combat cravings with nutritious snacks like fruits and nuts. Positive Effects on Heart: - Improved Blood Circulation: Reduces heart disease risk. - Lower Blood Pressure: Eases heart burden. Every smoke-free day is a win for your heart and well-being! Join us now:
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NEW KILLER INSECT 😰 If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, humans are infected with a virus that...
Pomegranate is anti-ageing, helps you prevent and recover from illness, protects against free-radicals, improves inflammation response, highly astringent and will pull mucosa out of the body, electrical, inspires neurological function and so much more. An ancient fruit symbolising abundance and prosperity. Fertility Follow me: Dr. Alan Mandell✅️
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Food sources for Selenium: The most effective nutrition that helps with healing the brain and neurological damage Helps with Alzheimers Parkinsons MS Prions Seizures & epilepsy Damage from 5 G and other harmful frequency damage etc Join us now:
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Research shows that hugging trees reduces levels of cortisol measurable in saliva (a marker of stress) and reduces blood pressure and heart rate. Science behind Hugging a tree leads to a substantial increase in Oxytocin which is the same hormone that your body produces during moments of intimacy or emotional bonding. Join us now:
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🧴 Some health friendly homemade cleaning solutions. Join us now:
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Best homemade remedy for blood deficiency, lack of nutrition and skin glow. When it comes to health, nobody denies that fruits are the main character. That's why in this health tips video, we share with you 4 fruits, that when mixed together, will change your overall health and wellness. Join us now:
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How to remove salts from joints ✅ All harmful substances are gradually deposited in the joints, and this brings unpleasant sensations. You just need to deal with this problem in time to avoid complications. What you will need for this: ▫️ Βake 5 g of bay leaves, put in 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. ▫️ Pour into a thermos and leave for 3 to 4 hours, then strain. You need to drink it within 12 hours. The procedure should be performed for 3 days in a row and repeated in a week. Join us now:
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👍 10 7
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Best Herbs for each organ. For Pancreas Foods for general health of pancreas. Bitter gourd, baked sweet potato, turmeric root, green veggie - kale, bakchoy, lettuce, purple skin fruits, cruciferous veggies, reishi mushrooms, garlic, ginger. Top Herbs for type 2 Diabetes to manage without allopathic drugs. Ginseng Korean, indian kino, gymnema, insulin plant, lagerstroemia. Join us now:
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👍 14 1
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💡Over 93% of Dental Patients Don't Know This ✅️ ✅️
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Why I don't buy OREOS. Join us now:
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Your eyes need Sun! 'Strengthen your eyesight! INCREASE EYESIGHT ☀️ WITH SUNSHINE ☀️ Join us now:
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Hydration helps make new brain cells! 8 glasses of water plus celtic salt helps make new brain cells. Join us now:
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👍 38 13
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✅ What are the benefits of dill seeds? High blood pressure will return to normal. Constipation and stomach pain will disappear. Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a teapot and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Wrap the kettle in a towel for 40 minutes. The resulting medicine should be drunk 3 sips 7 times a day. Be sure to drink them with meals. The course of treatment is a week. Then the infusion can be used for 2-3 days every month. Join us now:
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👍 18 8
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✅ What are the benefits of dill seeds? High blood pressure will return to normal. Constipation and stomach pain will disappear. Pour a tablespoon of dill seeds into a teapot and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Wrap the kettle in a towel for 40 minutes. The resulting medicine should be drunk 3 sips 7 times a day. Be sure to drink them with meals. The course of treatment is a week. Then the infusion can be used for 2-3 days every month. Join us now:
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👍 1
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⚠️ Watch the video!! This is important to know for everyone! Your own all-natural antibiotic Subscribe to the "Holistic Harmony" channel, we will show you all the most important things about health. These are the recipes that everyone should know: ► How to whiten your teeth at home [instructions] ► Cleansing the liver and losing weight [read]. ► How to bring down a fever and cure a cough in one evening? ► Homemade broth that kills 97.88% or cancer cells! [recipe]. ► How to restore your eyesight at home [2 exercises]. This is not all you will learn after subscribing. ⚠️Subscribe while it's free! ➡️ ➡️ ❗️ If you want to live, take responsibility for your health now with Holistic Harmony🌿🌸
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