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Russian Embassy in Nigeria

🇷🇺 Официальный новостной канал Посольства России в Нигерии 🇳🇬 Official channel for Embassy of Russia in Nigeria

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PRESS RELEASE BY THE RUSSIAN EMBASSY IN NIGERIA ON THE COMMENTARY BY THE UKRAINIAN AMBASSADOR TO NIGERIA, PUBLISHED IN "THE GUARDIAN" The Russian Embassy in Nigeria has taken note of the commentary by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Nigeria, published in "The Guardian" on July 11 of this year, which, as usual, distorts the facts and maliciously misleads readers. We would like to clarify the situation and present an accurate picture of the events to the media and the public. On July 8, the Russian Armed Forces launched a combined strike involving long-range high-precision weapons systems against Ukrainian military facilities in retaliation for repeated attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to damage our country’s economic enterprises. The facilities include the Artyom and Antonov plants and the Luch Design Bureau in Kiev; the Dnepr and Yuzhmash plants in Dnepropetrovsk, the Heavy-Duty Machine-Building Plant in Kramatorsk; warehouses with Western weaponry and military equipment at the ArcelorMittal Iron and Steel Works in Krivoy Rog, as well as other facilities. Military targets were precisely and professionally destroyed; no strikes were made on civilian infrastructure. As has often been the case with the Ukrainian air defence system, its missiles veered off course and hit residential buildings and social facilities. The same happened this time, when a Western-made NASAMS missile hit a building at the Okhmatdet Hospital for Children in Kiev. Nevertheless, frenzied and deceitful Ukrainian officials, including the Ukrainian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Kholostenko, immediately started blaming Russia for deliberately killing children. Once again, we have to remind and underscore that it is pro-Bandera supporters who are intentionally deploying air defence systems in residential areas, using civilians as a “human shield”. Mr. Kholostenko's reluctance to tell the truth does not surprise us at all, but it is crucial to convey the truth to the public in Nigeria. Therefore, we once again remind everyone who is truly responsible for the deaths of innocent children and who directly and indirectly contributes to it. On June 23, the Kiev regime, with support from the United States and its satellites, committed yet another heinous terrorist crime against civilians in Russia by firing missiles at Sevastopol. For their terrorist attack, they specifically chose a day – Holy Trinity Sunday – a very important holy day of the Russian Orthodox Church. More than one hundred and fifty people were wounded or killed, including little kids. The attackers intentionally used US ATACMS operational missiles with cluster warheads for greater kill ability. There is no doubt that the United States were involved in this ominous crime. Washington and its satellites have created and nurtured the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. They are using their Ukrainian puppets to wage a war against Russia and kill Russian civilians, including with the use of cluster munitions, one of the most terrible types of inhumane weapons, prohibited by the international law. Massacres and mass killings of civilians has already become a notorious style of warfare for Ukrainian army as well as for the US and NATO forces. The Western officials thus far continue to criminally hush up the Zelensky regime’s barbarous actions and welcome such outrageous statements as one by the Ukraine’s Ambassador. Once again, we strongly condemn such inhumane and cynical manipulations of facts by Ukrainian diplomats like Mr. Kholostenko, as well as the encouraging position of their Western puppet masters, who undoubtedly set the agenda for the Ukrainian Embassy in Nigeria as well as for all its Embassies all over the world.
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🎙 Russia's President Vladimir Putin addressed the Plenary Session of the 10th #BRICS Parliamentary Forum (July 11, St Petersburg) 💬 President Vladimir Putin: The theme of this forum — The Role of Parliaments in Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security — is extremely important. It speaks for itself, highlighting the nature of the fundamental global transformations underway today. Your open discussions, the face-to-face conversations between legislators representing their voters fully align with the principles that underpin BRICS philosophy. These include consideration of each other’s interests, reliance on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty of nations and their right to determine their own development trajectories. <...> 🌐 We understand very well that formation of a world order that reflects the real balance of forces and the new geopolitical, economic and demographic reality is a complicated and, unfortunately, even painful process – mainly because the efforts of the BRICS members and other developing countries are facing fierce resistance from the ruling elites of the so-called “golden billion” states. Acting contrary to historical logic and often to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own nations, they seek to cement a certain order based on their own so-called rules that nobody has ever seen, discussed or adopted. These rules are written or corrected every time anew, to suit every specific situation and in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and arrogated the right to dictate their will to others. This is classical colonialism at its best, a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law and monopolise the ultimate truth – and this monopoly is destructive. The pressure on those who have their own stance is growing. Contrary to the principles of international law, they are using force and coercion, unilateral sanctions, selective application of trade rules, and blackmail. We have seen attempts to restrict direct contacts between lawmakers, which goes against the principle of free interparliamentary cooperation and the sovereign right of official representatives of every state to protect their national interests. That is why today the significance and relevance of collective work by people’s representatives on the constructive agenda of our association are rising dramatically. 🇷🇺 Let me remind you that the main goal of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship this year is to create the most favourable conditions for consistent development of all its members. I am convinced that, by acting together in unity, we will be able to fulfill our countries’ potential in the economy, investment, technology, and human capital; to strengthen the positive impact of BRICS on global developments and make the world safer and more harmonious. Read in full
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#Opinion by Ambassador Gennady Gatilov ▪️ We took note of the comments made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, and his Office regarding the recent tragedy at the Okhmatdet Hospital for Children in Kiev. ▪️ Once again, we witness the "lightning-fast reaction" of the main UN human rights advocate when it concerns events in Ukraine and an opportunity to baselessly accuse our country. This always happens instantaneously, without waiting for even a preliminary investigation of the incident. However, when it comes to civilian casualties in Sevastopol, Belgorod and other Russian cities, as well as in the much-suffering Gaza, Mr. Türk and his Office prefer to remain silent or respond with meaningless “formal replies”. ▪️ If the High Commissioner is so eager to discuss the topic of fulfilling international obligations, Mr. Türk could thoroughly explain to the Kiev regime, to which he is so attentive, the inadmissibility of using civilian populations and infrastructure as "human shields". Furthermore, he should more frequently remind Kiev of the inadmissibility of placing military objects in densely populated areas. This also applies to Ukrainian air defense systems, the negligent and unprofessional work of which has repeatedly led to tragic consequences for civilians, and this time, to a large number of victims at Okhmatdet. ▪️ It is, of course, doubtful that the criminal Zelenskiy regime, which has deprived Ukrainians of virtually all rights and freedoms, is capable of listening to common sense.
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🎙 Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s answer to a media question regarding the joint statement by the US and Germany on ground-based shorter-range and intermediate-range missiles ❓ Question: Could you comment on the US-Germany statement on their intention to start stationing US ground-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in Germany in 2026? 💬 Sergey Ryabkov: This is yet another tangible proof of the extremely destabilising policy of the United States in the field of “post-INF Treaty,” as President of Russia Vladimir Putin recently stressed at the start of a meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council on this pressing matter. In particular, the President noted that, after Washington deliberately destroyed the INF Treaty, Americans clearly stated their intention to station arms earlier prohibited under the treaty, in different regions of the world. With unquestioning support of their allies, they have entered an active phase of their plans now. As we have repeatedly warned, the actions of the US and its satellites that create additional missile threats to Russia will not go without due response on our part. This is why in the new circumstances, President Vladimir Putin openly and directly spoke about the importance of carefully reconsidering Russia’s unilateral moratorium on deploying ground-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and on our potential steps. The US-Germany statement on their intention to start stationing US ground-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles in Europe in the near future is a deplorable fact as it will have destructive consequences for regional security and strategic stability. But it was expected. ☝️ Competent Russian agencies started their work on developing compensatory countermeasures well in advance and continue this work systematically. Public statements on specific parameters of our country’s response to this “post-INF” escalation will follow as the leadership takes respective decisions.
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🎙 Из выступления Постоянного представителя В.А.Небензи на заседании Совета Безопасности ООН по Украине 🎦 Видео выступления 🎬 Трансляция всего заседания 💬 В Секретариат вчера поступило письмо постоянного представителя Украины с просьбой предоставить ей право выступить на данном заседании. Мало того, что в отличие от всех остальных заявок, включая Польшу и ЕС, оно составлено с грубым нарушением сложившейся практики и не адресовано Председателю Совета Безопасности, оно даже не содержит базовых протокольных формул, принятых в дипломатической практике. ❗ Правила одинаковы для всех, это обеспечивает функционирование СБ ООН на протяжении почти 80 лет. ☝️ Мы, тем не менее, допускаем, в отсутствие возражений других членов Совета, Украину к участию в сегодняшнем заседании, но только с учетом того, что просьбу об этом выдвинул член СБ – США. Сожалеем, что Украина не способна действовать самостоятельно даже в таком, по сути, чисто процедурном вопросе как участие в заседании СБ ООН, и даже в этом ею вынуждены руководить ее спонсоры. <...> 💬 Правда, как известно, наших западных коллег не интересует и они в лучших традициях провокации в Буче или госпиталем в Мариуполе, пытались выдать желаемое за действительное, осуждая якобы «целенаправленный удар ВКС России по детскому медицинскому учреждению». Лукавство подобной тактики видно невооруженным глазом, и это сразу же подметили сами украинцы, благо видеозаписи попадания по больничному комплексу быстро появились в интернете и перечеркнули все потуги киевских и западных пропагандистов. ☝️ Ракеты ПВО ВСУ часто сбиваются с пути. Таких трагедий было множество до этого, и Банковая постоянно врала людям, что это русские бьют специально в жилые дома. Банковой необходимо постоянно подогревать ненависть в массах и обосновывать продолжение войны вот такими «искусственными трагедиями». Трагедия с попаданием ракеты ПВО в детский госпиталь произошла ровно накануне Саммита НАТО. Причем это уже третий саммит НАТО с начала СВО, и схожие ситуации возникали перед каждым из них. И во всех случаях эти ситуации максимально обыгрывались главарем киевской клики для того, чтобы выклянчить новое оружие для Украины. ⁉️ Как так получается, что украинская ПВО пропускает все пять ударов по заводу, но четко бьет по детской больнице? ❌ Нет сомнений, что руководство Украины будет использовать сегодняшнюю ситуацию как повод для дальнейшего игнорирования запроса в украинском обществе, да и со стороны всего Мирового большинства, на поиск мирного решения украинского кризиса. Оно и понятно, ведь при таком сценарии исчезнет необходимость продления военного положения, а это повлечет необходимость проведения выборов. Этого утратившая легитимность киевская клика боится больше всего, осознавая крайне негативное отношение населения к себе. 🤝 Ценим инициативы всех государств, которые нацелены на истинное прекращение огня и учет наших законных озабоченностей, а не направлены на продвижение пропагандистских «пустышек» типа псевдомирной конференции в Швейцарии. 📍 Нью-Йорк, 9 июля 2024 г.
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⚡Видео выступления Постоянного представителя В.А.Небензи на заседании Совета Безопасности ООН по Украине 📍Нью-Йорк, 9 июля 2024 г.
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Repost from Russia Beyond
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Kamchatka, the land of fire Video by: Soloshchenko.Travel 🔔 Russia Beyond
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✈️ В МВД России напомнили, что в течение 6 месяцев после изменения персональных данных загранпаспорт становится недействительным. ☝🏻Если планируется выезд за рубеж, необходимо заблаговременно обратиться в МВД России для оформления паспорта на новые установочные данные. 📍В каких ещё случаях загранпаспорт может быть признан недействительным? 📍Как въехать в Россию, если загранпаспорт недействителен и на руках нет действительного внутреннего паспорта? #паспорта
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Через 6 мес. после изменения персональных данных загранпаспорт становится недействительным

В МВД напомнили, что выезд из РФ и въезд в страну граждане осуществляют по действительным заграничным паспортам

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🎙 Russia's FM Sergey Lavrov comment on the outcomes of the Russia-India summit. 📍 Moscow, July 9 💬 Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi’s state visit to the Russian Federation at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin has come to an end. Yesterday, the leaders spent a lot of time together in an informal atmosphere and discussed almost every item on the agenda. Today, this time with the participation of the delegations, they reviewed in detail the entire range of bilateral issues. We have ambitious plans. A lot has been accomplished, and an excellent foundation has been created. During the ceremony of awarding Narendra Modi with an Order of St Andrew the Apostle, the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of India outlined the key areas of interaction and underscored the commitment to deepen it across all spheres without exception, including the economy and the political dialogue, and humanitarian, cultural, sports, and educational ties, as well as military and military-technical cooperation. Our relations can be described as a “particularly privileged strategic partnership,” a term that is codified in the Russian-Indian documents and accurately describes the ties between our countries which go deep in history. At a time when India was fighting for independence, the Soviet Union was among the first to recognise a new, young state with a deep, long, millennia-long history and civilisation. During today’s talks, in addition to the bilateral goals (that have already been accepted for execution) which were outlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, there was an exchange of views on the international situation, primarily in the context of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship. India supported the programme that we are in the process of implementing. Mr Modi said he was pleased to accept President Putin’s invitation to take part in the BRICS summit in Kazan in October 2024. The situation and prospects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation were discussed in detail. The parties reiterated that this format was a top priority for Moscow and New Delhi. The participants discussed cooperation in the G20, where Brazil currently holds chairmanship, and India performed these functions in 2023. They discussed how at the G20 summit in New Delhi the Indian presidency with the support of Russia, China and other Global Majority countries prevented the Ukrainianisation of the G20 agenda, which the United States and its allies insistently sought to achieve. The New Delhi Declaration provides an objective geopolitical overview with account taken of all factors and with the emphasis on the fact that any conflict that in one way or another affects the global economy as well as unilateral sanctions should be considered in a balanced manner, not to the detriment of the basic G20 agenda which focuses on working out arrangements to promote the global economy and the monetary system, and to prevent crises in these critically important areas. 🇺🇳 We discussed interaction in the United Nations. India is one of the most active UN members. Our positions in the UN overlap. <...> Russia has reiterated its position in favour of supporting India’s candidacy for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council in case a decision to this effect is made in principle, which requires a substantial majority, almost a unanimous vote of the UN General Assembly members. This work takes an effort, and the dialogue has been going on for a long while. Our position in favour of the candidacies of India, Brazil and the African group remains unchanged. We believe the West should not be accorded additional seats, either permanent, or non-permanent. It is over-represented in this key body as it is. The visit confirmed the commitment of the Leaders of both countries on comprehensive promotion of the particularly privileged strategic partnership. Specific goals have been outlined, and we will provide updates about the efforts to fulfil them.
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, on an official visit to Russia, held talks in the Grand Kremlin Palace. 💬 Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, this is your first official visit after your reappointment following parliamentary elections. I would like to congratulate you on this once again. Our countries have long-time friendship and good relations that have evolved over the decades. This year, we are marking the 77th Anniversary of diplomatic relations. Today, our relations have the status of a specially privileged strategic partnership. We are in permanent contact, and we prioritise the development of trade and economic ties. Certainly, their development meets the interests of the people of India and the peoples of the Russian Federation. 📈 Last year, our trade soared by 60 percent and even more, by 66 percent; it increased by an additional 20 percent in the first quarter of 2024. 🌐 We cooperate closely on the international arena, including at international organisations, primarily the #UN and such associations as the #SCO and #BRICS. Yesterday, we had an opportunity to discuss virtually all practical issues in an informal setting. I am grateful to you for devoting attention to the most acute issues and for trying to find some options for resolving the Ukraine crisis, primarily by peaceful methods. Mr Prime Minister, we will be delighted to see you in Kazan this autumn at the upcoming BRICS Summit. At the end of my opening remarks, I would like to wish you new successes in facilitating the development of the Indian state. You and I know each other for a long time, and I know that your entire life is devoted to implementing the idea of strengthening the Indian state and improving the life of the people of India. Read in full #RussiaIndia
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