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О ситуации с правами человека в Соединенных Штатах Америки (доклад Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации)
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🇺🇳 #OTD in 1945, a conference at which the United Nations was established and its Charter approved started in San Francisco. It was attended by 850 delegates from 50 states.   The idea to create an efficient universal security organisation emerged at the early stages of World War II. Its discussion intensified in 1943 against the backdrop of the Red Army’s victories over the Nazis near Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge.   The leading members of the anti-Hitler coalition drafted the foundations and structure of the future UN. The final decision to convene a conference in San Francisco was made at the Yalta meeting of the heads of the Big Three (the USSR, the US and Great Britain). ✍️ Proceeding from the proposals formulated at the Dumbarton Oaks conference in 1944, the delegates agreed on procedural matters and endorsed the main bodies of the UN and the principles of their operation. They also discussed the formation of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court and the UN Secretariat.   The Soviet delegation took a most active part in the work of the conference. It was first headed by People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and later by Soviet Ambassador to the US Andrey Gromyko. Here are the key achievements of Soviet diplomacy in San Francisco:   ✔️ Inclusion into the UN Charter of the provisions on the need to settle and resolve international disputes by peaceful means;   ✔️ The sealing in the Charter of the Security Council voting procedure that was agreed upon at the Yalta conference;   ✔️ The inclusion of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics into the UN founding fathers.   ☝️ The conference in San Francisco demonstrated the unity of the international community after the hard trials of World War II. The decisions adopted at that time laid a foundation for the postwar world order and created an effective mechanism for mutual international deterrence, which has allowed the world to avoid global conflicts for many decades.   #HistoryOfDiplomacy
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⚡️В связи с распространяемыми в сети Интернет публикациями о якобы планируемой приостановке в 2024 году оказания в российских загранучреждениях ряда консульских услуг и подготовке в этой связи некоего «приказа» МИД России сообщаем, что данная информация абсолютно не соответствует действительности и носит откровенно провокационный характер. В своей работе по защите прав и законных интересов российских граждан МИД России и входящие в его систему дипломатические представительства и консульские учреждения традиционно проводят политику информационной открытости, насколько возможно заблаговременно и полно доводя до граждан о планируемых изменениях в действующем законодательстве и правоприменительной практике в консульской и смежных сферах. Намерены придерживаться подобной линии и впредь. ☝️Напоминаем также, что разрабатываемые федеральными органами исполнительной власти проекты нормативных правовых актов, в том числе ведомственных приказов, согласно действующему законодательству подлежат опубликованию на федеральном портале и, таким образом, сведения о них общедоступны.
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⚡️ Talented individuals and socially responsible organizations from around the globe are invited to compete in the #WeAreTogether International Prize. The Prize is a reward for selfless contribution to solving important humanitarian problems and strengthening international humanitarian cooperation. The official theme of the 2024 Prize is Social partnership for Global development. Laureates are selected from 6 regions of the world: • the CIS, • Europe, • the Asia-Pacific region, • the Middle East and North Africa, • North and South America, • Sub-Saharan Africa. Timeline of the Prize: 🗓 until May 20, 2024 – application campaign conculdes 🗓 June 25 – October 20, 2024 – evaluation of applications 🗓 December 5-8, 2024 – award ceremony The winners of the Prize will: ✔️ have a unique opportunity to tell the world about their activities; ✔️ receive financial and expert support from representatives of Russian and international organisations during the year following the announcement of the results. 🌐 Over the past years more than 1300 projects rendering selfless aid from 100 countries have participated in the International Prize. 👉 Learn more
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🇺🇸 American Style of Selling Weapons: Unraveling Pentagon’s Bluff Game The U.S. remains the top military spender in the world, with a spending of $916 billion in 2023 — that is more than top 5 world countries combined, according to SIPRI. America is using its defense budget to stock tensions in regions where it has no locus standi. Below we explain how 👇 Selfish Motive Behind America's Ever-Growing Military Expenditure
🗣 "In the U.S., the majority of politicians and diplomats have grown up in military backgrounds. At one point in time, it was virtually compulsory to be a part of one of the wings of the U.S. military - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. So when they become politicians, these people remain ingrained in the concept - the power of a politician flows from his/her military connections," said IAF veteran Group Captain Uttam Kumar Devnath.
💰 The main aim of these military officials-turned-politicians is to pump in U.S. taxpayers' money into the military-industrial complex, making a fortune on the way. From Korea to Vietnam and Afghanistan, everywhere we see American appetite for conflict, Devnath opined. Selling Weapons the American Way
🇮🇱 "Nonetheless, America's best bluff game can be seen in the Middle East - where it is selling modern military equipment to Islamic nations for protection from an attack from Israel while at the same time supplying tonnes of bombs to the Jewish state," Devnath concluded.
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✍️ 26 апреля в России и за рубежом стартует ежегодная Международная просветительско-патриотическая акция «Диктант Победы». Масштабная проверка на знание истории Великой Отечественной войны пройдёт уже в шестой раз. 🌐 Своё участие в акции подтвердили участники из 58 стран. Написать #ДиктантПобеды 26 апреля смогут также жители Албании, Венгрии, Люксембурга, Нидерландов, Бангладеш, Венесуэлы, Замбии, Катара, Марокко, Никарагуа, Сингапура и Эфиопии. Российские загранучреждения делятся информацией о месте и времени проведения акции: 🇦🇹 В Австрии принять участие в диктанте можно будет 28 апреля в 12:00 в Русском доме в Вене (1040 Wien, Brahmsplatz 8). 🇶🇦 В Катаре мероприятие состоится 26 апреля в 13:30 в Русской школе «Росинка» (The Phoenix Private School Doha). 🏝❄️ На Шпицбергене (Норвегия) акция пройдёт 27 апреля в 18:00 в здании Генконсульства России на Шпицбергене (Longyearbyen P.B. 181 Barentsburg, 9171). ✍️ В Южной Осетии 26 апреля будут работать три площадки: в 13.00 диктант можно будет написать в Юго-Осетинском государственном университете; в 13.20 можно будет присоединиться к учащимся и педагогам СОШ № 6 г. Цхинвала и гимназии «Альбион». Написать диктант можно и онлайн — на сайте диктантпобеды.рф в разделе «Тесты». Онлайн-версия переведена на английский и китайский языки. В Москве диктант пройдёт в том числе и в МГИМО МИД России – 26 апреля в 11:00. #ЗнатьЧтобыПомнить
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🗓 On April 24, the 4th ASEAN-Russia Consultations of the High Representatives for Security Issues were successfully held in Saint Petersburg on the sidelines of the 12th International Meeting of High-Ranking Officials Responsible for Security Matters. 🔹️ The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Nikolai Patrushev 🇷🇺 and Deputy Director General of the General Department of Research and Intelligence, Ministry of National Defence of the Kingdom of Cambodia H.E. Major General Duong Uddam 🇰🇭. 🔹️ High-ranking officials from ASEAN Member States and ASEAN Secretariat attended the meeting. Participants exchanged views on regional security in Asia-Pacific, discussed issues related to the system of strategic stability and arms control. 🔹️ During the meeting Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Nikolai Patrushev 🇷🇺 reaffirmed Russia's commitment to ASEAN centrality in the region and its will to further deepen cooperation with #ASEAN in all dimensions including security. 🔹️This unique ASEAN-Russia platform proved to be an important venue for professional and open dialogue on issues related to regional and global security as well as developing multilateral interaction in combating common challenges and threats. #ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
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🎙 Russia's President Vladimir Putin's address to participants in 12th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues 💬 President Putin: Welcome to St Petersburg for the opening of the 12th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues. During the upcoming plenary sessions, discussions, and roundtables, you will analyse the global landscape, discuss key aspects of global and regional stability, and share perspectives on enhancing responses to the most urgent and perilous contemporary challenges. Undoubtedly, international terrorism remains one of the gravest threats of the 21st century <…> At the same time, the tactics employed by these criminals are becoming increasingly complex and barbaric. Once again, this was demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that took place on March 22 in the Moscow Region. Russia’s intelligence services and law enforcement agencies are investigating and scrutinising every detail of this despicable act, identifying all parties involved, including instigators, sponsors, and orchestrators. None of them should escape just punishment. I know that your meeting will primarily focus on addressing the issue of safeguarding the information space from both external and internal threats. This topic holds importance for all nations, as it significantly contributes to ensuring national security, social stability, and economic development. We strongly advocate for the systematic and concerted efforts of the global community in establishing unified, legally binding norms and principles governing state conduct in the information domain. Undoubtedly, the key factor in strengthening the sovereignty and security of nations lies in safeguarding and protecting traditional spiritual and moral values <…> Russia stands ready for close cooperation with all interested partners to uphold global and regional security and to establish a new multipolar international order that aligns with the interests of the majority of nations. 📄 Full text
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🏅 В преддверии Дня Победы с 20 апреля по 9 мая 2024 года проходит пятый Всероссийский конкурс семейного творчества «Рисуем с детьми Вечный огонь». 🇷🇺 К участию приглашаются семьи с детьми до 18 лет со всей России. ℹ️ Необходимо создать вместе с ребёнком творческую работу, посвящённую Вечному огню, сфотографировать её и выложить в социальной сети «ВКонтакте» с хештегами акции: #Рисуемсмосгазом, #Вечныйогонь, #НародныйФронт. Жюри наградит авторов самых популярных работ, а также участников, продемонстрировавших высокое художественное мастерство. Номинации конкурса: • «Художественное мастерство»: рисунок • «Художественное мастерство»: коллаж • «Художественное мастерство»: поделка • «Художественное мастерство»: компьютерная графика • История одной работы»: видеоролик об истории создания конкурсной работы Проект реализуется в рамках фестиваля юных талантов «Волшебная сила голубого потока – МОСГАЗ зажигает звезды» и акции Народного фронта «Вечный огонь в нашем сердце». 👉 Подробнее о конкурсе #Победа79
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‘বন্ধুত্ব ও পারস্পরিক শ্রদ্ধাবোধ রাশিয়া-বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কের প্রধান ভিত্তি’ #banglanews #news #ekattortv SUBSCRIBE |

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