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Посольство России в Непале / Embassy of the Russian Federation in Nepal 🇷🇺🇳🇵

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⚡️ Issue #3 of the Bulletin on our activities of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova to protect children during a special military operation (SMO) is available now in English on the official website of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Right. The document contains information about activities of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the realization of the rights and interests of minors affected by the military actions. The activities of the Commissioner are aimed at guaranteeing state protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, the realization and observance of the rights and legitimate interests of children by state bodies, local government bodies, and officials. ✅ The Commissioner promotes: • restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of children; • improving legislation in the Russian Federation concerning the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children; • international cooperation in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of children; • improving the forms and methods of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of children. Another important area we are leading on the order of Russia's President Vladimir Putin is the reunification of children with their relatives in Ukraine, Russia and other countries. In total, we have already succeeded in reuniting 70 children with 52 families in Ukraine, not counting those children whose parents from Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kharkov regions and other territories in the fall of 2022 were sent by their own decision to the health camps in the Russian south and were unable to pick them up in time. Also, nine children were reunited with five families in Russia. ***
It doesn’t matter where or in what status a child is in Russia, in an orphanage, in a foster family, whether he or she has Russian citizenship or not. If he has a parent with full parental rights, the family has every opportunity to be reunited.
The Commissioner’s Office promptly assists all legal representatives of children. Such work has been done since the beginning of the SMO and is of an individual nature. ☝️ Since the beginning of the SMO, representatives of Ukrainian authorities have not officially contacted the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights. It should be noted that Maria Lvova-Belova is open to interaction with the Ukrainian side, and if official requests were received, they would be considered. Over time, a working channel of communication has developed between the Commissioner’s Office and Ukraine for the exchange of information, verification of data, and coordination of the reunification process. Work through this channel is regular and constructive. 📘 Read more about humanitarian projects and children's stories in the bulletin. * The first Bulletin was presented on April 4, 2023. * The second one — on October 13, 2023.
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⚡️The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine (Report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) ❗️ This report continues the Ministry's efforts to draw the attention of the international community to the grave human rights situation in Ukraine. Right from the outset it should be noted that the human rights situation in Ukraine has been steadily deteriorating over recent years. It is quite clear by now that Ukraine is ruled by an openly Nazi regime committing countless gross and systematic violations of human rights in all spheres of public life. <...> Kiev's Nazi approaches are being fully realized with regard to Ukraine's Russian-speaking population. Ukraine has banned everything Russian (language, culture, education, printed matter and media). In the sphere of education, the process of derussification has reached its climax: 👎 Teaching in and study of Russian at schools is prohibited; 👎 All literature pieces of Russian and Soviet (except for Ukrainian) authors have been removed from the school literature programme; 👎 Books in Russian are withdrawn from libraries.; 👎 Schoolchildren and teachers are forbidden even to speak Russian not only in class, but also during personal communication at break; 👎 The government in Kiev not only supports but also authorizes attacks on churches of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. ❌ However, all these blatant human rights violations committed by Kiev are brushed under the rug or covered up by most Western NGOs and international human rights mechanisms. <...> ☝️ As regards the situation in Ukraine, at this point we can say that by its actions Kiev only confirms a total lack of independence and shows itself to be a "puppet regime", carrying out the instructions of external handlers to create a Russophobic project entitled "Anti-Russia" out of its own country. Read in full
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❗️На официальном сайте Уполномоченного при Президенте Российской Федерации по правам ребёнка размещён третий выпуск бюллетеня «Деятельность Уполномоченного при Президенте Российской Федерации по правам ребенка Марии Львовой-Беловой по защите детей во время специальной военной операции». В документе собрана актуальная информация об усилиях института уполномоченных по правам ребёнка и Марии Львовой-Беловой по оказанию помощи детям во время специальной военной операции: 🔹 обновлена информация о помощи детям и семьям в новых регионах России; 🔹 описаны изменения в гуманитарной работе по воссоединению детей с семьями; 🔹 показана типология случаев воссоединения; 🔹 дополнен раздел о сотрудничестве с международными организациями, иностранными партнёрами. Бюллетень также включает два приложения с краткими историями воссоединения девяти детей с близкими в России и семидесяти детей с близкими на Украине и в других странах. ***
💬 В начале апреля 2022 года в сотрудничестве с АНО «Русская гуманитарная миссия» и другими партнёрами дан старт гуманитарной акции Уполномоченного «Детям – в руки». В 2024 году поступило 460 обращений, адресную помощь получили 1490 детей. В рамках акции уже организовано 28 гуманитарных конвоев, адресную помощь получили более 16 тыс. человек. Всего доставлено более 250 тонн помощи.
💬 С января 2023 года Уполномоченный при Президенте Российской Федерации по правам ребенка и Благотворительный фонд святителя Василия Великого реализуют проект «Счастливое детство». Он предполагает привлечение благотворительных средств и направление их на нужды детских социальных учреждений, а также адресную помощь детям и семьям с детьми в новых регионах России. По итогам реализации проекта «Счастливое детство» в 2023 году была оказана помощь 15 детским организациям и учреждениям на сумму 28,5 млн рублей и более 4000 детей получили адресную поддержку.
📘Подробнее об этих и других гуманитарных проектах читайте в бюллетене. 👉 Первый бюллетень 👉 Второй бюллетень
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🗓 24 июня в Тегеране «на полях» Совещания министров иностранных дел стран-участниц Диалога по сотрудничеству в Азии заместитель Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации А.Ю.Руденко провёл ряд встреч. *** 🇷🇺🇮🇷 Состоялась встреча замминистра иностранных дел России А.Ю.Руденко с и.о. Министра иностранных дел Исламской Республики Иран А.Багери-Кяни. Стороны обменялись мнениями по ключевым вопросам двусторонней и международной повестки дня. Подтверждён обоюдный настрой на дальнейшую активизацию взаимодействия по всем приоритетным направлениям, в том числе связанным с продвижением совместных инфраструктурных проектов в сферах транспорта и энергетики. *** 🇷🇺🇮🇳 Замглавы МИД России А.Ю.Руденко провёл встречу с заместителем Министра иностранных дел Республики Индии Д.Рави. Стороны обменялись мнениями по актуальным вопросам российско-индийского сотрудничества, в том числе в экономической и транспортной областях. Отдельное внимание было уделено взаимодействию в рамках #БРИКС и #ШОС. Подтверждён настрой на дальнейшую интенсификацию двустороннего политического диалога. *** 🇷🇺🇳🇵 Заммининдел России А.Ю.Руденко встретился с Вице-премьером, Министром иностранных дел Непала Н.Каджи Шрестхой. Стороны обсудили актуальные вопросы двустороннего взаимодействия. Подтверждено намерение на уплотнение политического и экономического диалога. *** 🇷🇺🇹🇷 Замминистра иностранных дел России А.Ю.Руденко встретился с заместителем Министра иностранных дел Турции Б.Дураном. Состоялся полезный обмен мнениями и оценками развивающихся процессов в Азиатско-тихоокеанском регионе. По просьбе турецкой стороны проинформировали партнеров об основных итогах визита Президента России В.В.Путина в КНДР и Вьетнам, а также о содержании выдвинутой российским лидером на встрече с руководством МИД России 14 июня инициативы в сфере евразийской безопасности.
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Press conference of M.A. Lvova-Belova, Presidential #Ombudsperson for Children's Rights, on key areas of the international agenda of the Institute of Ombudspersons for Children's Rights, including humanitarian activities in #Africa, #CIS countries, the Republics of #Abkhazia and #SouthOssetia, the #Syrian Arab Republic, as well as on the protection of the rights of children from shelled regions of #Russia and the reunification of minors with their relatives during the special military operation, Moscow, June 20, 2024
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Presidential Ombudsperson for Children's Rights M.A. Lvova-Belova press conference, June 20, 2024

Press conference of M.A. Lvova-Belova, Presidential Ombudsperson for Children's Rights, on key areas of the international agenda of the Institute of Ombudspersons for Children's Rights, including humanitarian activities in Africa, CIS countries, the Republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as on the protection of the rights of children from shelled regions of Russia and the reunification of minors with their relatives during the special military operation, Moscow, June 20, 2024.

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В Посольстве России в Непале по случаю Дня памяти и скорби прошло мероприятие с участием сотрудников дипмиссии и членов семей. В честь погибших была объявлена минута молчания, после чего был продемонстрирован видеоролик, посвященный 22 июня, а также фильм «Брестская крепость». На внешнем стенде и интерактивных экранах была развёрнута фотовыставка о начале Великой Отечественной войны. #ДеньПамятииСкорби #безсрокадавности
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⚡️ Human Rights Situation in Certain Countries (The Joint Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus) The document aims to draw attention to the challenges and threats faced by the contemporary international community in the field of human rights. 👉 Read in full 📄 With regard to the human rights issues raised in the Report, our countries firmly believe that applying the so-called double-standards while assessing certain situations and phenomena remains a major challenge in this field. In this regard, it is very symptomatic that such an approach is increasingly being used by the countries of the collective West to fuel confrontation and exert pressure on sovereign States. <...> We have repeatedly pointed out in international human rights forums and in thematic reports on human rights that a number of countries are openly promoting racist ideas and values, provoking the upsurge of radical nationalism. And this is happening despite the fact that there are legal mechanisms in place within the United Nations, the OSCE and a number of other international organizations aimed at countering the glorification of Nazism, racism, xenophobia and related intolerance. ❗️ However, such connivance is nothing new, especially since Western "model democracies" are no strangers to racist and neo-colonial views – examples abound in our time, and even more so in the history of the twentieth century, and particularly of World War II. Such duplicity of the West was demonstrated by the events of 2022 and its declared "crusade" against the "Russian world". <...> In the emerging new world, which should be based on a fairer system of international relations, the full realization of the principle of the sovereign equality of States and the historical, cultural, religious and national particularities of each country is essential. Only on that basis would the negative effects of colonialism, neo-colonial thinking, racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance be fully eradicated. This would prevent unlawful attempts by certain countries to "bring to heel" the international law system and use its universal human rights mechanisms to suit their own parochial and vested interests. ☝️ The negative examples from both the present and the recent past cited in the Report, which, for the most part, we are all well aware of, are a very strong evidence of the need to mobilize the entire constructive-minded international community to successfully confront these challenges.
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🎙 Выступление и ответы на вопросы СМИ С.В.Лаврова по итогам совещания министров иностранных дел стран #БРИКС и стран Глобального Юга и Востока (11 июня 2024 года, Нижний Новгород) 💬 Только что завершили работу, которая продолжалась два дня. Вчера встречались участники объединения БРИКС, а сегодня продолжили наши дискуссии с приглашёнными государствами, которые пока в БРИКС не входят. Они выразили устойчивый интерес к тому, чтобы развивать связи с этим объединением. Помимо десяти участников БРИКС сегодня с нами работали ещё 12 стран Глобального большинства, которые представляют Азию, Африку и Латинскую Америку. Обсудили наиболее актуальные международные проблемы и вызовы, стоящие перед всеми странами. Проанализировали текущую международную ситуацию, роль Мирового большинства в формировании международной повестки дня. В рамках дискуссий БРИКС и сегодня с участием приглашённых стран все делегации высказывались за необходимость реформирования существующей системы глобального управления с акцентом на повышение роли стран Глобального Юга. Отмечалась необходимость коллективных усилий в достижении целей устойчивого развития, обеспечении безопасности и экономического роста. Большинство делегаций подчеркнули деструктивный характер эгоистической политики торгового протекционизма, которую проводят США и их союзники. <...> ❗️ Особое внимание все без исключения участники уделили трагической ситуации в секторе Газа, где уже погибло 37 тысяч мирных граждан, около 100 тысяч получили ранения. Там продолжается операция, ежедневно приносящая всё новые и новые жертвы среди невинных людей. Подчеркнули безальтернативность последовательных усилий в поддержку формирования многополярного миропорядка, в основе которого суверенное равенство государств, как того и требует Устав ООН, равноправный, без скрытой повестки дня, межгосударственный диалог с целью поиска коллективных ответов для стоящих перед миром задач и проблем. <...> По итогам заседания БРИКС, которое состоялось вчера, принято ёмкое развёрнутое совместное заявление, в котором отражены подходы стран объединения по актуальным вопросам международной повестки дня, в духе оценок, изложенных мной выше. 🤝 Работа уже в расширенном составе (этим весьма удовлетворён) шла слаженно. Все ориентировались на консенсус даже по наиболее сложным вопросам, которые отражены в тексте. Читать полностью
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the meeting of Foreign Ministers from BRICS and Global South and Global East countries (Nizhny Novgorod, June 11, 2024) 💬 We have just completed our two-day programme. Yesterday, we worked with the #BRICS countries, and continued our discussions today with the invited countries which have yet to join BRICS. They expressed their firm commitment to forging closer ties with this association. Apart from the ten BRICS countries, another 12 nations of the Global Majority representing Asia, Africa and Latin America joined us today. We discussed the most pressing and relevant international issues and challenges which all countries face today, as well as the present-day international environment and the role the Global Majority plays in shaping the global agenda. During the BRICS segment of our meeting and today, in the presence of the invited countries, all delegations spoke out in favour of reforming the existing global governance framework by focusing on enabling the Global South to play a bigger role in it. We noted the need to undertake collective efforts in order to achieve the sustainable development goals, ensure security and foster economic growth. Most of the delegations emphasised the destructive nature of protectionism in trade. The US and its allies have been sticking to this destructive policy. <...> ❗️ All meeting participants without exception paid special attention to the developments in the Gaza Strip where the death toll stands at 37,000, while about 100,000 people were wounded. The military operation continues there, resulting in more and more casualties among innocent people. We emphasised that there is no alternative to undertaking consistent efforts designed to support the emergence of a multipolar world order based on the sovereign equality of states as set forth in the UN Charter, as well as an equitable interstate dialogue free from any hidden agendas and aimed at coming up with collective solutions for addressing the objectives and issues the world faces today. <...> Following the BRICS meeting held yesterday, we have adopted an in-depth and explicit Joint Statement, which reflects the group countries’ stands on current international issues in the spirit of the assessments I have mentioned here. 🤝 It is highly satisfying that our work in the expanded format went smoothly. All participants tried to reach consensus even on the most complicated issues reflected in the text. Read in full
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🎙Exceprts from President of Russia Vladimir Putin's remarks at the meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry (June 14, 2024) 💬 President Putin: This is the task <...>: to outline a vision for equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation, and development on the Eurasian continent in the foreseeable future. What needs to be done to achieve this and on what principles? 👉 First, it is important to establish dialogue with all potential participants in this future security system. <...> 👉 Second, it is crucial to recognise that the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation. The threat to Europe does not come from Russia. The main threat to Europeans is their critical and ever-increasing dependence on the United States <...>. If Europe wants to continue being an independent centre of global development and a cultural and civilisational pole on our planet, it should definitely maintain good and friendly relations with Russia. Most importantly, we are ready for this. <...> 👉 Third, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organisations already operating in Eurasia to promote the idea of a Eurasian security system <...>. 👉 Fourth, we believe that the time has come to start a broad discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in Eurasia. At the same time, it is necessary, in the long term, to gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region. <...> 👉 Fifth, an crucial part of the Eurasian security and development system should definitely be the issues of the economy, social well-being, integration, and mutually beneficial cooperation <...>. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I instruct you to assist as much as possible in developing international agreements in all these areas. Read in full
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