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Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield (@MasjidHudaSheff) on X

📽️ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐎 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗶𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝘂𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗮̄𝗵 ﷻ 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝘂𝘀❓ A question posed to Sh. Dr. Arafāt ibn Hassan al-Muhammadī [حفظه الله] @Arafatbinhassan on

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Abu Mu’ādh Taqweem (@AbuMuadhTaqweem) on X

Fasting the Day of ‘Āshūrā (The 9th & 10th of Muharram 1446 this year coincide with 15th & 16th July 2024) Via Shaikh @Arafatbinhassan

🎙️ [Important Measures for Maintaining Unity between Ahl Al-Sunnah] *Shaykh Dr. ‘Arafāt b. Hasan al Muhammadi (حفظه الله ورعاه):* Question 9: What is the ruling on those who compel brothers to boycott some Salafi brothers who have made some methodological mistakes, insisting we take a stance against them? If we don't take a stance, they associate us with them and treat us as innovators without any advice, even though they don't refer to the Salafi scholars to resolve these issues. هذا هو الداءُ، السؤال الذي قبله المرضُ هو التصدرُ، وهنا الداءُ لا يرجعون إلى المشايخِ ويتصدرونَ في الأحكامِ، يُحذّرُ ويبدّعُ ويلحقُ فلاناً بفلانٍ، وهذا أيضاً له علاقةٌ بذاك الجواب الذي قد مرَّ، كيف نعالج الخلاف بين السلفيين. Answer: “This is the disease. The previous question was about the love for prominence, and here the issue is that they do not refer to the scholars and take it upon themselves to make judgments, warning against, labeling, and grouping people together. This is also related to the previous answer on how to address disagreements among Salafis. فهؤلاء يُنصّبونَ أنفسهم ليحكموا على السلفيين ويمتحنونهم. فقد أجبت على هذا السؤال، والذي سبقه بالسؤال الرابع والخامس، عندما ذكرت كيف نعالج الخلافات بين السلفيين. These people set themselves up to judge Salafis and test them. I have already answered this question and the previous one in the fourth or fifth question when I mentioned how to resolve disagreements among Salafis.” Source:
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Umar Quinn

🆕💎We Praise & Thank Allah for Our Unity & Ask Him to Protect us from Potential Causes of Division (1 of 3) 🎙️ [Important Measures for Maintaining Unity between Ahl Al-Sunnah] Shaykh Dr. ‘Arafāt b. Hasan al Muhammadi (حفظه الله ورعاه) was recently asked a number of important questions about the typical kinds of differences that commonly threaten to split the ranks of Ahl al-Sunnah in various lands; he responded: "الأسبابُ للأسفِ تتعلّقُ بحظوظِ النفسِ، وهذه حقيقةٌ مرّةٌ وصعبةٌ. أصحابُ منهجٍ واحدٍ ويرجعونَ إلى صراطٍ مستقيمٍ يقوده علماءُ كبارٌ من فضلِ الله عز وجل، يقودونَ هذا المنهجَ ونرجعُ إليهم. Unfortunately, the causes are related to personal interests, and this is a bitter and difficult truth. Those who follow one Manhaj (methodology) and return to the straight path, led by great scholars who, by the grace of Allah, guide this methodology, and we turn to them. وعلماؤُنا هم علماءُ هؤلاءِ المختلفين، لكن دخلَ الشيطانُ وضخّمَ الأخطاءَ وحصلَ التجاوزُ، ولا يتغافلُ الأخُ عن أخيهِ. Our scholars are the scholars…

Repost from Umar Quinn
🆕💎We Praise & Thank Allah for Our Unity & Ask Him to Protect us from Potential Causes of Division (3 of 3) وتذكر الحديثَ المشهورَ لما قال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام في ذلكم العبد الذي أثنى عليه الأشعثُ الأغبرُ الذي أخذ بعنانِ فرسه أشعثَ رأسه مغبرّاً قدماه، قال: إن كان في الحراسةِ كان في الحراسةِ، وإن كان في الساقةِ كان في الساقةِ، إن استأذنَ لم يُؤذنْ له، وإن شفعَ لم يُشفعْ. Remember the famous hadith when the Prophet (peace be upon him) spoke about that servant who was praised: "That disheveled, dusty man who holds the reins of his horse. His hair is disheveled, his feet are dusty. If he is in the guard, he is in the guard. If he is in the rear guard, he is in the rear guard. If he asks for permission, he is not granted it. If he intercedes, his intercession is not accepted." فأثنى على هذا العبدِ الصالحِ التقيِّ النقيِّ، لا يعرفه أحدٌ، ولا يُبالي أين يكونُ، أهم شيءٍ يخدم الإسلامَ في الساقةِ في الحراسةِ، مع أنه قد يستأذنُ لا يُؤذنْ له، يشفعُ لا يُشفعْ، وهو عند الله عظيمٌ، لكن قد يُفتن الإنسانُ بحبِّ التصدرِ. He praised this righteous, pious servant who is unknown and does not care where he is as long as he serves Islam, whether in the rear guard or in the guard. Even if he asks for permission, he is not granted it, or if he intercedes, his intercession is not accepted, but he is great in the sight of Allah. ويُصابُ بهذا المرضِ فيُفتنُ ويكون من المفتونين، وزد إلى ذلك أنه معجبٌ بنفسه وكأنه ليس به مرضٌ، وهو مليءٌ بالأمراض. أرجعوا إلى الجواب الأول، هو له علاقةٌ بذلك. However, a person may be tested by a love for prominence and afflicted by this disease, becoming one of the tempted. Add to this that he is pleased with himself, as if he has no illness, while he is full of diseases. So, refer back to the first answer, as it is related to this. [Compelling Others to Take a Position Against Other Salafis] السؤال التاسع: ما حكمُ من يُلزمُ الأخوةَ بهجرِ بعضِ الأخوةِ السلفيين الذين وقعوا في بعض الأخطاءِ المنهجيةِ؟ فيلزموننا ببيانِ الموقفِ منهم، فإن لم تُبينْ وتأخذْ موقفاً يُلحقونك بهم، فيتعاملون معنا ومعهم معاملةَ المبتدعِ، وبدون نصيحةٍ مع العلم أنهم لا يرجعونَ إلى المشايخِ السلفيينَ لعلاجِ الأمورِ. Question 9: What is the ruling on those who compel brothers to boycott some Salafi brothers who have made some methodological mistakes, insisting we take a stance against them? If we don't take a stance, they associate us with them and treat us as innovators without any advice, even though they don't refer to the Salafi scholars to resolve these issues. هذا هو الداءُ، السؤال الذي قبله المرضُ هو التصدرُ، وهنا الداءُ لا يرجعون إلى المشايخِ ويتصدرونَ في الأحكامِ، يُحذّرُ ويبدّعُ ويلحقُ فلاناً بفلانٍ، وهذا أيضاً له علاقةٌ بذاك الجواب الذي قد مرَّ، كيف نعالج الخلاف بين السلفيين. Answer: “This is the disease. The previous question was about the love for prominence, and here the issue is that they do not refer to the scholars and take it upon themselves to make judgments, warning against, labeling, and grouping people together. This is also related to the previous answer on how to address disagreements among Salafis. فهؤلاء يُنصّبونَ أنفسهم ليحكموا على السلفيين ويمتحنونهم. فقد أجبت على هذا السؤال، والذي سبقه بالسؤال الرابع والخامس، عندما ذكرت كيف نعالج الخلافات بين السلفيين. These people set themselves up to judge Salafis and test them. I have already answered this question and the previous one in the fourth or fifth question when I mentioned how to resolve disagreements among Salafis.”
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Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield (@MasjidHudaSheff) on X


Statements from early and contemporary scholars on exercising leniency, wisdom and integrity between the people of

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طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.