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Embassy of Russia in Singapore

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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (May 30, 2024) 🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule 🔹 #SPIEF2024 🔹 Ukrainian crisis 🔹 Situation in Moldova 🔹 EU's anti-Russia sanctions 🔹 Poland’s decision to restrict Russian diplomats’ movement around the country 🔹 The 10th anniversary of the EAEU Treaty 📰 Read 📺 Watch *** #Ukraine Despite Paris's attempts to conceal the involvement of its military personnel in the conflict, the Kiev regime is deliberately publicising this turn of events in order to once again declare broad international support. <...> In addition to France, Poland and the Baltic countries also spoke about the possible deployment of their military contingents. What does that mean? That means that their original plan regarding Ukraine has completely failed. They are frantically looking for new ways to continue this campaign. They are still afraid to tell the truth to the citizens of Ukraine that they have become a hostage and now also a victim of NATO’s reckless gamble led by the United States. #EU #Sanctions On May 27, 2024, the European Union introduced another anti-Russia sanctions regime under a far-fetched pretext for alleged human rights violations, reprisals against civil society and the democratic opposition. <...> To call a spade a spade, they have created another openly discriminatory mechanism for punishing Russian citizens for their striving to live in a country free from foreign pressure, to uphold their national interests, to speak Russian, just to be citizens and to love their Motherland. It is surprising that those living in the blooming EU garden (as Josep Borrell once put it) fail to notice obvious things: Such self-exposing Russophobic stunts merely serve to further consolidate our society that clearly sees the real goals of the European Union and the West with regard to Russia.
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks during Business Council meeting on #BRICS issues (Moscow, May 31, 2024) 💬 We have agreed to focus our today’s meeting on a most pressing issue – interaction within the BRICS association. BRICS is a unique interstate format where representatives of various countries of various religions, civilizations and cultures communicate, work and elaborate joint decisions, which are subsequently implemented. All this is done on the basis of equality, mutual respect, openness and search for a balance of interests. The purpose of cooperation is understandable: to provide for the creation of favourable conditions for the economic growth of member countries, to resolve social problems and to develop innovatory human potential. No doubt that the interests of all member countries coincide in this matter and meet the hopes of other Global Majority countries, which has been confirmed by doubling our association membership in 2023 (from five to 10). This is also confirmed by the fact that over 30 states have applied for rapprochement with BRICS in one form or another.   <...> The BRICS Summit is scheduled for October 2024 in Kazan. As early as next week we will hold a meeting of the BRICS Council of Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod to be attended by both full-fledged members and invited countries representing a variety of integration entities in the Global Majority as well as other partners in the BRICS+ format. <...> ☝️ We are going to give priority attention to strengthening contacts with business circles. It is because these issues just cannot be solved efficiently without you. We will encourage a direct dialogue between entrepreneurs within BRICS. The Business Council and the Women’s Business Alliance set up at Russia’s initiative are already operating. We will support your participation in these organisations in every way possible, especially this year when Russia holds the presidency. Read in full #BRICS2024
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1 June marks the 240th anniversary of Simferopol city foundation. The name Simferopol has a Greek origin. It is translated as "city of benefit", "city of common good", "guardian city". On the site of the city was found the mausoleum of King Skilur, the king of Scythians. He was buried in full battle attire and with a huge amount of gold. In Simferopol, the great doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was the first in the world to create a new system of care for the wounded with the help of nurses of mercy. In 1912 in Simferopol Kapellmeister Yakov Bogorad wrote the most famous military march - "Farewell of Slavianka". Also in Simferopol was created the antimicrobial drug Miramistin, thanks to which millions of people were able to cure themselves of diseases.
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Embassy Comment Mr Zelensky’s personal involvement in the Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD) left us with the feeling of indignation. His speech in support of diplomacy was nothing else but a mockery of diplomacy. A vivid example is the so-called peace conference in Switzerland to be held in mid-June. Zelensky used his participation in SLD as a last resort to persuade the Global South to take part in this weird meeting, aimed at formulating and further on imposing an ultimatum on Russia. Zelensky and his bosses from the US and EU failed to understand that ultimatums are not diplomacy and will not end the hostilities, inflicted by the arms support from NATO. There is also no sense in discussion of nuclear security when Kiev continues its shellings of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and food security, when Black Sea Initiative collapsed due to the failure of the US, UN and EU to ensure that Global South will be able to receive grain from Russia even as a donation, not a purchase. And if you want to know how Ukraine protects children, just visit the Alley of Angels in Donetsk, which is a memorial to small human beings brutally killed by Ukrainian military. That is all you should know about how Kiev cares about children. Zelensky's words are nothing but a mess. So the impression of the 21st SLD is still soared and dire. IISS allows a once prominent forum to become a platform for anti-Russian narratives and a tool to pressure countries in Southeast Asia to support NATO and Ukraine. But we hope that the thousands-years-old wisdom currently enshrined in ASEAN-led architecture, will prevail and help the ASEAN member states to make the right choice in support of a new emerging multilateral global order.
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✍️ Russia's President Vladimir Putin sent congratulations to participants and guests of the events dedicated to International Children’s Day. 💬 President Putin: This holiday was established 75 years ago, in 1949, and is marked in many countries. Moscow is a traditional centre of celebrations in Russia. Today, it is welcoming guests from different regions of the country and from the Republic of Belarus and the People’s Republic of China. The children will enjoy colourful events, captivating excursions, and theatre shows. Without a doubt, they will meet interesting people, receive gifts, and enjoy surprises and friendly get-togethers. I would like to emphasise that children’s education and strong family values are a priority of the state and society in our country. It is important for every child to be surrounded by loving care, to grow up healthy and happy, and to develop their talents and gifts. The Russian Children’s Fund is making a significant contribution to this mass-scale joint work. Its charitable programmes in health care, education, outreach, and creativity deserve the deepest recognition.
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🇷🇺🇰🇿📞 Russia's President Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev spoke over the phone. The leaders discussed topical issues related to cooperation in trade, the economy, energy, transport, and logistics sectors. The discussion also focused on some international matters, particularly in the context of preparations for the Council of Heads of State of the #SCO, scheduled to take place in Astana this July. The Presidents also shared assessments of recent contacts with foreign leaders. 🤝 Both leaders reaffirmed their mutual commitment to comprehensively strengthen the Russian-Kazakhstani strategic partnership and alliance. #RussiaKazakhstan
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🇷🇺🇺🇳 On May 30 in Geneva, Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin held a meeting with Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Doreen Bogdan-Martin. 🌐 The discussion focused on strengthening ITU’s role in implementing the decisions of the Geneva and Tunis phases of the World Summit on the Information Society, including in the context of the Secretary-General's initiative on a Global Digital Compact. ❗️ Deputy Minister Vershinin emphasized the importance of preserving the Union’s technical mandate, as well as depoliticizing its leadership and expert bodies.
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks during Business Council meeting on #BRICS issues (Moscow, May 31, 2024) 💬 We have agreed to focus our today’s meeting on a most pressing issue – interaction within the BRICS association. BRICS is a unique interstate format where representatives of various countries of various religions, civilizations and cultures communicate, work and elaborate joint decisions, which are subsequently implemented. All this is done on the basis of equality, mutual respect, openness and search for a balance of interests. The purpose of cooperation is understandable: to provide for the creation of favourable conditions for the economic growth of member countries, to resolve social problems and to develop innovatory human potential. No doubt that the interests of all member countries coincide in this matter and meet the hopes of other Global Majority countries, which has been confirmed by doubling our association membership in 2023 (from five to 10). This is also confirmed by the fact that over 30 states have applied for rapprochement with BRICS in one form or another.   <...> The BRICS Summit is scheduled for October 2024 in Kazan. As early as next week we will hold a meeting of the BRICS Council of Foreign Ministers in Nizhny Novgorod to be attended by both full-fledged members and invited countries representing a variety of integration entities in the Global Majority as well as other partners in the BRICS+ format. <...> ☝️ We are going to give priority attention to strengthening contacts with business circles. It is because these issues just cannot be solved efficiently without you. We will encourage a direct dialogue between entrepreneurs within BRICS. The Business Council and the Women’s Business Alliance set up at Russia’s initiative are already operating. We will support your participation in these organisations in every way possible, especially this year when Russia holds the presidency. Read in full #BRICS2024
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🔴 #LIVE: Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on topical foreign policy issues 🔴 Ruptly 🔴 Facebook 🔴 X (ex-Twitter) 🔴 Russia's MFA website
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