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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (June 26, 2024) 🔹 Ukrainian crisis 🔹 Seoul and Bucharest reach an agreement on the supply of South Korean howitzers to Romania 🔹 Ukraine’s attempts to manipulate the contents of the UN Secretary-General’s Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict 🔹 President Putin’s initiative to create new continent-wide security architecture in Eurasia 🔹 Dynamics of G20 countries’ economic growth 🔹 Negative consequences of anti-Russia sanctions for the socioeconomic situation in the countries that imposed these restrictions 🔹 The Republic of Korea’s response to Russia signing the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with the DPRK 🔹 UN Security Council’s restrictive regime regarding the DPRK 🔹 US sanctions against Kaspersky Lab 🔹 135th anniversary of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the International Day of Parliamentarism 📰 Read 📺 Watch *** #Ukraine Today’s Ukraine has long become a toxic state, rotten from the inside, which infects other countries with its corruption plague. This is something to be discussed on specialised platforms. Mutually beneficial cooperation with the Kiev regime (it is important for the Global Majority countries to realise this, too) will only do harm, because no one will ever be able to estimate the true scale of corrupt schemes implemented by Bankovaya street. They have clearly learned the trick by now. Their promises have brought huge gains to crime rings and arms barons around the world. In this sense, they feel like masters of the world right now. #Ukraine #TheRepublicOfKorea Given Seoul’s announced plans to reconsider its stance on supplying lethal weapons to the Kiev regime, we urge the Republic of Korea to avoid hasty actions that could irreversibly damage Russian-South Korean relations. Russia cannot tolerate South Korean weaponry and military equipment being provided to the Ukrainian neo-Nazis to attack Russian territory and kill civilians. #Sanctions Despite the apparently exorbitant cost of the sanctions for those who have adopted them, the West continues with its suicidal anti-Russia policy. I do not mean the West as an association of people but as the regimes that have joined hands to line their pockets while pushing their people towards the abyss. Leaders of the so-called "free world" are ruling in a world that is free from conscience and, now, money. While prioritising political considerations to the detriment of common logic and economic expedience, not to mention liberalism and economic freedoms, they are eroding the foundations of their own socioeconomic stability and the prosperity of their citizens.
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🎙 Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko’s remarks at the OSCE Annual Security Review Conference, June 26-27, 2024 Key points: 💬 The claims that were made here regarding the Ukraine conflict should not mislead anyone and obscure the main point that Washington had unleashed a hybrid war to preserve its global hegemony in a world that has undergone dramatic change and is increasingly vocal about the need for more change. • The political circus in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, clearly showed those who were reluctant to see things for what they are that all the Kiev regime’s Western curators want to accomplish is squeeze Ukraine dry for its resources, rather than achieve peace. Peace was an easy goal to attain through the Minsk agreements, which provided for the Lugansk and Donetsk regions reunification with Ukraine and respecting fundamental human rights in the process. • There is no such thing as security or cooperation in Europe. The United States has annihilated the political and military centrality of the OSCE. Arms control agreements that were of key importance to European and Euro-Atlantic security have been broken. The NATO members are having businesslike discussions about supplying the Kiev regime with ever more high-precision and long-range weapons and lifting restrictions on using them. • The economic dimension of the OSCE is collapsing under the weight of innumerable illegal sanctions imposed not only on Russia, but also on other countries which prefer to choose their partners on their own and to build mutually beneficial relations without anyone telling them what to do. • The humanitarian basket and the activities of the OSCE institutions have been eviscerated by Western double standards. Make your European choice publicly known, and you’ll get a free pass to all sorts of human rights violations all the way to unleashing war against your own people, which is what the Kiev regime did after the Maidan coup. 👉 All that remains of the OSCE is a shell, a framework for a political dialogue, but there is no dialogue in sight. ❓ Is there an alternative to sliding toward a point of no return? ❗️ Yes, there is. It is contained in President Putin’s proposals on ending the Ukraine conflict, which he articulated at a meeting with the Foreign Ministry senior officials on June 14. Read in full
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⚡️ Issue #3 of the Bulletin on our activities of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova to protect children during a special military operation (SMO) is available now in English on the official website of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Right. The document contains information about activities of the Russian Federation Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the realization of the rights and interests of minors affected by the military actions. The activities of the Commissioner are aimed at guaranteeing state protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children, the realization and observance of the rights and legitimate interests of children by state bodies, local government bodies, and officials. ✅ The Commissioner promotes: • restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of children; • improving legislation in the Russian Federation concerning the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children; • international cooperation in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of children; • improving the forms and methods of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of children. Another important area we are leading on the order of Russia's President Vladimir Putin is the reunification of children with their relatives in Ukraine, Russia and other countries. In total, we have already succeeded in reuniting 70 children with 52 families in Ukraine, not counting those children whose parents from Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kharkov regions and other territories in the fall of 2022 were sent by their own decision to the health camps in the Russian south and were unable to pick them up in time. Also, nine children were reunited with five families in Russia. ***
It doesn’t matter where or in what status a child is in Russia, in an orphanage, in a foster family, whether he or she has Russian citizenship or not. If he has a parent with full parental rights, the family has every opportunity to be reunited.
The Commissioner’s Office promptly assists all legal representatives of children. Such work has been done since the beginning of the SMO and is of an individual nature. ☝️ Since the beginning of the SMO, representatives of Ukrainian authorities have not officially contacted the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights. It should be noted that Maria Lvova-Belova is open to interaction with the Ukrainian side, and if official requests were received, they would be considered. Over time, a working channel of communication has developed between the Commissioner’s Office and Ukraine for the exchange of information, verification of data, and coordination of the reunification process. Work through this channel is regular and constructive. 📘 Read more about humanitarian projects and children's stories in the bulletin. * The first Bulletin was presented on April 4, 2023. * The second one — on October 13, 2023.
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🗓 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed around the globe on June 26. Uniting the efforts of the international community to counter the drug threat is extremely important. The World Drug Report 2024 was released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime today and states that the global drug situation has sharply worsened. ☝️ The Russian Federation believes that politicised field-specific cooperation caused by the propaganda of liberal drug use ideas by the US and its allies and actual termination of contacts with law enforcement agencies from undesirable countries are what mostly caused this aggravation. <...> 🇷🇺 Russia advocates a comprehensive and balanced approach to solving the global drug problem which combines effective law enforcement efforts with science-based prevention of drug addiction, treatment and rehabilitation of drug users. This approach is at odds with the legislative initiatives advanced by the US, Canada and a number of EU member states to lift the ban on the use and sale of marijuana, which create an illusion that drugs are harmless and pose a threat to promoting and protecting human rights, especially the rights of the children, who must be protected from the harmful effects of drugs. <...> 🤝 The #CSTO, which is expanding its interoperability with the countries of Asia, remains Russia’s key strategic partner in combatting the drug challenge. The anti-drug capability of the #SCO has noticeably improved, and another six-year 2024-2029 SCO Anti-Drug Strategy and an action plan to implement it will be approved soon. The anti-drug thrust is playing an increasingly tangible role in #BRICS. The 7th meeting of the BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group was held in Moscow on May 21-22 as part of Russia’s chairmanship. The anti-drug dialogue with #ASEAN is making strides based on the Joint Statement by the Leaders of Russia and the association’s Member States of October 2021. Read in full
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⚡️ On the human rights situation in Norway - Joint Report of Russia’s and Belarus MFAs 🇳🇴 Norway has positioned itself as a country with a developed democratic tradition, proclaiming the protection of human rights as one of the main priorities of state policy. ❗️While in recent years the Norwegian authorities have assessed the human rights situation in the country as relatively trouble-free, the fact that human rights violations take place in Norway is recognized by relevant national and international institutions. 📄 Read in full:
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⚡️ On the human rights situation in Norway - Joint Report of Russia’s and Belarus MFAs 🇳🇴 Norway has positioned itself as a country with a developed democratic tradition, proclaiming the protection of human rights as one of the main priorities of state policy. ❗️While in recent years the Norwegian authorities have assessed the human rights situation in the country as relatively trouble-free, the fact that human rights violations take place in Norway is recognized by relevant national and international institutions. 📄 Read in full:
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Human Rights Situation in Certain Countries (The Joint Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus): Norway

🇳🇴 Norway has positioned itself as a country with a developed democratic tradition, proclaiming the protection of human rights as one of the main priorities of state policy. While in recent years the Norwegian authorities have assessed the human rights situation in the country as relatively trouble-free, the fact that human rights violations take place in Norway is recognized by relevant national and international institutions. On 1 January 2023, a new Child Guardianship Services Act/Barnevern (adopted on 18…

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⚡️ Human Rights Situation in Certain Countries (The Joint Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus) The document aims to draw attention to the challenges and threats faced by the contemporary international community in the field of human rights. 👉 Read in full 📄 With regard to the human rights issues raised in the Report, our countries firmly believe that applying the so-called double-standards while assessing certain situations and phenomena remains a major challenge in this field. In this regard, it is very symptomatic that such an approach is increasingly being used by the countries of the collective West to fuel confrontation and exert pressure on sovereign States. <...> We have repeatedly pointed out in international human rights forums and in thematic reports on human rights that a number of countries are openly promoting racist ideas and values, provoking the upsurge of radical nationalism. And this is happening despite the fact that there are legal mechanisms in place within the United Nations, the OSCE and a number of other international organizations aimed at countering the glorification of Nazism, racism, xenophobia and related intolerance. ❗️ However, such connivance is nothing new, especially since Western "model democracies" are no strangers to racist and neo-colonial views – examples abound in our time, and even more so in the history of the twentieth century, and particularly of World War II. Such duplicity of the West was demonstrated by the events of 2022 and its declared "crusade" against the "Russian world". <...> In the emerging new world, which should be based on a fairer system of international relations, the full realization of the principle of the sovereign equality of States and the historical, cultural, religious and national particularities of each country is essential. Only on that basis would the negative effects of colonialism, neo-colonial thinking, racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance be fully eradicated. This would prevent unlawful attempts by certain countries to "bring to heel" the international law system and use its universal human rights mechanisms to suit their own parochial and vested interests. ☝️ The negative examples from both the present and the recent past cited in the Report, which, for the most part, we are all well aware of, are a very strong evidence of the need to mobilize the entire constructive-minded international community to successfully confront these challenges.
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⚡️The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine (Report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) ❗️ This report continues the Ministry's efforts to draw the attention of the international community to the grave human rights situation in Ukraine. Right from the outset it should be noted that the human rights situation in Ukraine has been steadily deteriorating over recent years. It is quite clear by now that Ukraine is ruled by an openly Nazi regime committing countless gross and systematic violations of human rights in all spheres of public life. <...> Kiev's Nazi approaches are being fully realized with regard to Ukraine's Russian-speaking population. Ukraine has banned everything Russian (language, culture, education, printed matter and media). In the sphere of education, the process of derussification has reached its climax: 👎 Teaching in and study of Russian at schools is prohibited; 👎 All literature pieces of Russian and Soviet (except for Ukrainian) authors have been removed from the school literature programme; 👎 Books in Russian are withdrawn from libraries.; 👎 Schoolchildren and teachers are forbidden even to speak Russian not only in class, but also during personal communication at break; 👎 The government in Kiev not only supports but also authorizes attacks on churches of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. ❌ However, all these blatant human rights violations committed by Kiev are brushed under the rug or covered up by most Western NGOs and international human rights mechanisms. <...> ☝️ As regards the situation in Ukraine, at this point we can say that by its actions Kiev only confirms a total lack of independence and shows itself to be a "puppet regime", carrying out the instructions of external handlers to create a Russophobic project entitled "Anti-Russia" out of its own country. Read in full
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❗️The terrible tragedy caused by a heinous terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall on March 22, 2024, has shocked Russia and the international community. It has also put the issue of large-scale public terror back on the agenda <...>. The majority of countries worldwide demonstrated a natural human reaction to the tragedy, sending words of support and condolences to Russia and the Russian people. At the same time, several hours after the tragedy, before the preliminary results of the investigation were made public and disregarding the unequivocal international condemnation of the attack, the Western media and US, UK and EU officials launched an information campaign to deny the Ukrainian security services’ involvement in that crime. 🗞 The editorial offices of the mainstream Western media were instructed to promote the version of the ISIS (forbidden in Russia) involvement in organising the attack in Krasnogorsk, to deny the possible connection between the Islamists and the Ukrainian government or Western security services, to discredit the results of investigation, and to advance various conspiracy theories about the alleged involvement of the Russian security services in the tragedy. They were cautioned against showing sympathy and a humane attitude to the Russian people. An especially cynical part of the Western attempts to divert public attention from the real organisers and beneficiaries of the crime was the categorical instruction not to mention the real scale of the tragedy. <...> ☝️ However, the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack is far from the first terrorist attack on Russia in the recent past. Detailed desription of the committed [2022, 2023 (1, 2), 2024] and foiled [2022, 2023 (1, 2, 3), 2024] terrorist attacks All the facts regarding this barbaric terrorist attack will be thoroughly investigated. The masterminds, organisers, and accomplices, regardless of their whereabouts, will be identified, unmasked and will receive just punishment. 👉 READ IN FULL
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7️⃣9️⃣ years ago, on June 26, 1945, The United Nations Charter was signed, which became the main result of the San Francisco Conference.   This fundamental document was signed by 50 participating countries, including the USSR as well as its constituent entities: the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. On behalf of the USSR, the UN Charter was signed by Andrey Gromyko. The establishing of the UN – a universal international organization, the main goals of which are defined as the maintenance and strengthening of peace and security – was a natural consequence of the Second World War, an expression of the desire of the world community to resolve conflicts without global military action. 📃 The UN Charter is a fundamental international document mandating the main principles and norms of states’ international behaviour and regulating relations between states as well as the activities of UN agencies and organisations within its system.   🇺🇳 Today, the UN comprises 1️⃣9️⃣3️⃣ Member States, with its activities embracing every sphere of the planet’s international, political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian life through its specialised agencies, committees and sub-committees.   🇷🇺 Russia invariably remains committed to multilateralism and the UN’s coordinating role in world affairs, and is actively involved in the effort to reform and adapt the UN to new international realities. 🎙 From Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks during the UN Security Council open debate on "Effective Multilateralism through the Protection of the Principles of the UN Charter" (New York, April 24, 2023): 💬 It is our shared responsibility to preserve the UN as the enduring model of multilateralism and coordination of world politics. The key to success is working together, refusing to claim exclusivity and - I repeat once again - respecting the sovereign equality of states. This is what we all signed up to when we ratified the UN Charter. #UNCharterIsOurRules
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