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Mohammed Bin Salman, has chosen not to renew a security agreement with the US, set to expire on June 9, 2024. This means Saudi Arabia can now sell oil and other goods in currencies like the RMB, Euros, Yen, Yuan, and more, instead of just the US dollar. It's a big change because it challenges the dominance of the petrodollar system, which has been in place since the US stopped tying its currency to gold in 1972. This decision is expected to speed up the process of moving away from the US dollar.💵
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📰 So … all kinds of activity out there … in other news … 🔘Italy 🇮🇹 🔘Austria 🇦🇹 🔘European Parliament 🏰 🔘France 🇫🇷 🔘Belgium 🇧🇪 🔘Spain 🇪🇸 🔘Israel 🇮🇱 🔘Germany 🇩🇪 Italy - exit polls show right-wing party is set to win most seats Austria - Right-Wing surge; Freedom Party takes the lead in recent election, narrowly outpacing the Conservative People’s Party European Parliament - Marine Le Pen’s party is on target to become the largest single party in the parliament France - French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he’s dissolving the National Assembly & calls for snap elections on June 30 & July 7 Belgium - The PM, Alexander De Croo, announced his resignation after the defeat of his party in the European elections. “Tomorrow I will resign as Prime Minister,” announced De Croo. Spain - Spain’s center-right People’s Party (PP) came out on top in today’s European election, gaining 22 seats out of the 61 allocated to the country, and dealing a blow to the Socialist-led govt of Pedro Sanchez Israel - 4 resignations in less than an hour: Benny Gantz, Gadi Eisenkot, Avi Rosenfeld, Hili Tropper (all resigned). Israel is crumbling from within - Netanyahu wanted to avoid this by doing the massacre yesterday Germany - far-right gain in election stunning defeat to Germany’s Scholz Seems things are heating up & technically Summer hasn’t started yet 🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 EDIT: can’t forget Germany 🇩🇪
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WHH This is humanitarian project of significant magnitude. Background Africa is the most resource abundant continent, featuring: • 40% of the world’s gold • 97% of the world’s chromium • 90% of the world’s cobalt • 85% of the world’s platinum • 70% of the world’s cocoa • 60% of the world’s coffee • 65% of the world’s arable land • 10% of the planet’s internal renewable fresh water resource Yet Africa remains the poorest continent, with the lowest GDP per capita, lowest life expectancy. WTF!? There is a massive disconnect between richness of resources and quality of life. Typically, this is an indicator of extreme corruption reflecting a severely distorted playing field favouring a few elites at the expense of everyone else in the nation. The majority of the population is also UN/UNDER-banked. This inequity can only be addressed by implementing a tamper-proof system that ensures the value of the resource riches – did anyone say STELLAR? Jed McCaleb founded Stellar with the initial objective of providing the UN/UNDER-banked with the ability to transact with anyone else quickly, seamlessly and with a low level of technology. Stellar is clearly involved. As Stellar was founded in 2014, this would have been part of the plan since then. INTEL is not renowned for historical humanitarian work. There must be another influence at work. There have been several declasses featuring the “formula” for White Hats infiltrating, influencing and ultimately controlling companies using IBMs trojan horse oparating system software (the name of which currently escapes me). As Africa has the largest reserves of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) – these include Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium – all of which have been recently ICO’d by WHH. To offer the extraordinary benefits to QPs of these metal ICOs, controlling these metals means controlling the supply chain from source to vault. WHH fingerprints are all over this. So WHH has: a) motive, b) means, c) opportunity, d) prior form in this space.
Mostrar todo... 🚨The Tide is Turning 💥💥 Panic stations for Democrats as tech titans raise millions for Trump Tech titans who formally voted for Biden are now rallying behind former President Donald Trump, raising millions at a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco
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Panic stations for Dems as tech titans raise millions for Trump

Panic has gripped the Democratic party as tech titans rally behind former President Donald Trump, raising millions at a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco. What Crypto Investors Should Know As Tokenization Comes For All Assets On top of the innovation and wealth creation that blockchain and cryptoassets have created and spread across the world and financial markets these technologies and assets have also spurred a renewed conversation around how markets and payments will evolve moving forward. In the United States, especially, there has seemingly been a renewed vigor to these conversations as the Presidential election looms closer, but that misses the broader point. The benefits of blockchain and tokenized payments – faster, instantaneous, and cheaper transactions and record keeping – are evident to both individuals and institutions alike. What comes next in these conversations, the tokenization and digitization of all assets, represents a significant step forward for blockchain, cryptoassets, and the opportunities of tokenization in general. Also worth noting is the estimated size of this opportunity; for all of the promise and reality of cryptoassets that marketplace remains much smaller when compared to TradFi assets and marketplaces. Tokenization of said assets has the potential to change that; Blackrock estimates – and is investing in – programs to realize up to $10 trillion of value in real world assets (RWA) tokenization. Even with such investment and appetite, however, there is a need for some sort of regulation or guardrails to help these efforts succeed as advertised.
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What Crypto Investors Should Know As Tokenization Comes For All Assets

Tokenization is coming for all assets, and investors need to take note 🔣🔣 On that note, just another reminder that what we beleive in our 🥰🔡🔡🔡🔡🔡🔡 here in QSI alongside our beautiful Dev's is not crazy unrealistic fantasy, it's just the evolution of technology. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from 🔠🔡🔡🔡🔡." -Arthur C. Clarke Longevity expert: AI will help us become ‘biologically immortal’ from 2030 6th June 2024 Could dying from old age be just another disease humanity can cure? While it’s not a consensus view just yet, Venezuelan futurist Jose Luis Cordeiro says the evidence suggests death and aging really aren’t the inevitable facts of life most people imagine. A concept called “Longevity Escape Velocity” refers to the theoretical point where technology will be able to extend a person’s lifespan at a faster rate than they age. So even as you grow one year older, your lifespan might increase by two years. Cordeiro’s colleague David Wood predicts the watershed moment will happen before 2040, while Harvard Professor George Church tips 2037. But Cordeiro believes it will happen much earlier, in 2030. “If we make it to 2030, we will basically live long enough to live forever because we will gain one year per year we survive and more and more,” he says. People still don’t understand that aging is a curable disease and that we will cure it in 20 years.” He believes that by 2045, we will start to be able to reverse aging using rejuvenation therapies on cells and organs, making us as “young” as we choose to be. Artificial intelligence has enabled a massive expansion in our ability to analyze the human genome to understand the key ingredients of longevity and to consider huge arrays of drugs and compounds to zero in on effective treatments. He says there are already “immortal” cells in the human body and creatures on Earth that never age. If we can unlock their secrets, we can all live as long as we want.
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Longevity expert: AI will help us become ‘biologically immortal’ from 2030

Within six years, AI will help humanity reach Longevity Escape Velocity and achieve biological immortality, says futurist Jose Luis Cordeiro.

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A revolutionary vaccine against all types of cancer has been successfully tested in Russia The first testing of the drug was carried out on mice that had been artificially vaccinated with melanoma. After that, some rodents were given the vaccine, while others were not. On the 15th day, when the animals' immune system began to work, scientists saw a large difference in tumor size between vaccinated and unvaccinated mice. Those rodents that received the vaccine are alive. In the unvaccinated, a fatal outcome was recorded between the 19th and 22nd day. Ginzburg added that the experiment is currently ongoing. "Indeed, a universal technology has been created that allows us to solve literally all the problems of oncology. It is another matter how this will be implemented in practice," he noted. The scientist noted that the therapeutic vaccine was created on the basis of mRNA technologies. It will be administered to people who have already contracted cancer. It is noteworthy that the vaccines will be individual, that is, developed taking into account the specific characteristics of the patient. According to Ginzburg, it is planned that cancer patients in Russia will be injected with the vaccine intramuscularly or directly into the tumor, then the drug will be distributed evenly throughout the body. At the same time, the option of IV injection is not considered, because "all this falls into the liver." "Of course, the effectiveness depends on the method of administration. We will clarify the answer to this question in the near future," he explained. Earlier it was reported that Russian scientists have developed a unique technology that will defeat glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer. This method can radically change the principle of cancer treatment and become a real breakthrough.
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🔥 5👍 1 1 Businesses, get ready for eIDAS 2.0 eIDAS, short for electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Services, is a regulation established by the European Union to streamline and secure electronic transactions across member states. It ensures things like digital signatures and digital identities are recognized across borders, making online activities like signing documents or service access smoother. Recognizing the limitations of the original version, eIDAS 2.0 is set to be implemented soon. This update brings a stronger focus on security, expands the range of trusted electronic services, and introduces a standardized European Digital Identity Wallet for users to store their credentials. Overall, both eIDAS and eIDAS 2.0 aim to create a trustworthy and user-friendly digital environment within the European Union. eIDAS 2.0 elevates online security by mandating stronger user authentication for private services. This, coupled with the introduction of the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI), fosters a more user-friendly and secure digital landscape for both citizens and businesses
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Businesses, get ready for eIDAS 2.0

eIDAS is a regulation established by the European Union to streamline and secure electronic transactions across member states.

👍 2 Unlocking Crypto Airdrops: Identify and Prevent Airdrop Scams 5th June 2024 “Crypto Airdrops are a good way to reward loyal users and attract new ones,” said Chabgpeng Zhao, the founder and CEO of Binance. “It is similar to having a surprise birthday gift mailed directly to your home.” Airdrops in the crypto world are a marketing strategy used by Web3 companies to incentivize their active community or encourage adoption by depositing digital tokens directly into the wallets. This article explains what airdrops are, how they differ from ICOs and STOs, their potential threats, and how to avoid them simply and easily. Read on and discover one of the most astonishing topics of the crypto world. @PatriotQakes .... just as you predicted 😂😂😂
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Unlocking Crypto Airdrops: Identify and Prevent Airdrop Scams

This article explains what crypto airdrops are, how they differ from ICOs and STOs, their potential threats, and how to avoid them simply and easily.

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The New York Stock Exchange fixed the failure with the fall of Berkshire shares thousands of times
The New York Stock Exchange eliminated the failure that led to the collapse of shares of a number of companies, including Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Due to malfunctions, on June 3, the system showed that Berkshire Class A shares were trading at $185.1, while they were worth more than $600,000. The failure led to the fact that Buffett's fortune briefly decreased by $136 billion, notes the American Forbes
The New York Stock Exchange fixed the failure that led the system to mistakenly showing the collapse of shares of a number of companies, including Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, writes Bloomberg, citing a message from the trading platform. Due to a software failure on June 3, the system showed a 99% collapse in shares of a number of companies, including Berkshire Hathaway, Bloomberg writes. The cost of about a dozen transactions with Berkshire Class A shares was $185.1, while at the close of the trade on May 31 they were worth $627,400. The Exchange stated that all transactions that were concluded on these securities from 09:50 to 09:51 (16:50 - 16:51 Moscow time) on June 3 at a price below $603,718.3 will be canceled. Due to the failure, trading in about 40 shares was suspended, Bloomberg notes.
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