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Aurora Astrology 🌓✨

“Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you” -Dane Rudhyar

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Repost from New Earth News 17
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Happy Strawberry Full Moon + Solstice ✨
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THE GREAT SEVERING As we are now immersed in the window of the Solstice, the energies of integration and merging can be deeply felt. No matter if you are celebrating the Summer or Winter Solstice, we reach a time of the “great severing”, where we are being gracefully but ruthlessly severed from the old world and the old operating system. The mind, matrix, 3D, illusion, etc., are all words to describe the same thing-a prison which has both been self-created and imposed onto us. We have spent the last 27,000 years in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual enslavement in which we were caught in an amnesia that is so deep its almost unfathomable. Yet, the light was inevitable, and now we have reached a critical and profound moment in both Humanity’s and the Cosmos’ her-story. When all darkness would return to light, and all anomalies would healed into wholeness. We are being now severed from the virus of the EGO mind and all of its illusionary systems and constructs. Simultaneously, we are merging with the upper realms, bridging sprit into matter…heaven into earth. Since the beginning of June, the first wavers have been transitioning into their light bodies and new operating system which is heart based technology. This is severing us from the old mind operating system and its structures. For all first wavers who have participated in this process, thank you for your work as you allowed this anchoring to be possible. Enough of us are now stabilizing into the new operating system to allow for crumbling of the old one. On June 21st, we celebrate the Solstice, the final integration of these new vessels and operating systems, officially declaring the old obsolete. Under this special day we will also celebrate the Full Moon in Capricorn at 1 degree. This is not just any Full Moon, but the beginning of a 30 day detox/severing/dissolvement of the “old” being purged from all aspects of our lives. This Full Moon kicks off the release at 1 degree Capricorn, and finishes on July 21st with a SECOND Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn. During these 30 days, we will be purging the entire spectrum of the old Capricorn archetype, which is currently ruling the old world and all of its systems of control, patriarchy, suffering, and limitation. Both Capricorn and his sister sign Cancer, represent the Divine Mother and Father archetype. These archetype are now coming into harmony and anchoring once again on Planet Earth. It is the return of the TRUE Divine Mother and Father blueprints. During this 30 day severing, we will be dissolving all remaining shadows of the Capricorn archetype in preparation for Pluto’s final return to the 29th degree from September 1st-November 19th. For the past 15 years, as Pluto transited the sign of Capricorn, he was ruthlessly opposing the sign of Cancer. During this transit, we saw the utter misuse of power wielded by the patriarchy (represented by Capricorn) to demonize anything that was not centered around work, status, money, control and power. In essence, we have been deeply suppressing our emotions and our hearts for so long, and many unconsciously selling their soul for these illusionary gains. Beginning on the Solstice, we will celebrate the first Cancer Season in its true form-an absolute immersion into our hearts. Cancer is a truly fearless leader, as she leads from the heart and not the mind, and she does not submit to any authority outside herself. We can anticipate that Humanity will be not only undergoing a 30-day severing from the mind and these old systems, but a returning home…to our Mother. We will be embracing, once again, our Divine Mother and all of her unconditional love that we had felt so denied of. A wave of unconditional love will be released to the planet during this time, and the best we can do is be in absolute surrender to it, and allow this wave of love to cleanse us all of our hardness, pain, and suffering. Full Article:
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The Solstice: The Great Severing

By: Aurora THE GREAT SEVERINGAs we are now immersed in the window of the Solstice, the energies of integration and merging can be deeply felt. No matter if you are celebrating the Summer or Winter Solstice, we reach a time of the “great severing”, where we are being gracefully but ruthlessly severed from the old world and the old operating system. The mind, matrix, 3D, illusion, etc., are all words to describe the same thing-a prison which has both been self-created and imposed onto us. We have

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We had quite the shift overnight as Mercury and Venus moved into Cancer, and the Moon moved into Scorpio… today is a very watery day and many may be feeling the sudden emotional shift from all of the previous air. I also wanted to share something that came to me yesterday as well about this upcoming Cancer season.. I personally have always struggled with Cancer Season as it opposes 4 of my natal Capricorn placements and for the last 15 years, we have had Pluto in Capricorn creating harsh oppositions during Cancer Season every year. In essence, our full emotional releases and that deep sense of emotional security that Cancer craves has been denied to us for 15 years. This was for a higher purpose of course, but this Cancer season will be the first without a Pluto opposition ! We can anticipate, maybe for the first time, finding that sense of deep emotional fulfillment and very opening. Of course the cosmos are providing us with two full moons in Capricorn during this season as well for balance but it will be interesting to see how we all feel during this month. Love to all the Cancer and Capricorn placements 😘 Aurora
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We are in the midst of some challenging energy this week but it’s assisting the big operating system changeover we are in.. Mars in Taurus will be in a tight square to Pluto in Aquarius this week, creating a deep tension between routine, consistency, and sticking with what we know and what works, and completely breaking the mold and rebelling against all forms of the “norm.” In many ways, this is a breaking out of the old version of reality to realize that a new reality is taking form and we can no longer rely on the past to understand the future. Do we cling to what is safe or do we jump into the unknown? Saturn in Pisces is also in a tense square to Mercury and the Sun in Gemini, giving us either a mental psychosis as the mind tries to figure everything out through logic and rational, or we experience a breakthrough to higher dimensional thought. A lot of illusionary thoughts are infecting the consciousness right now, so letting it all go and staying in the heart will allow this re-wiring to complete. Tomorrow, we begin our Light Body Activations under the Virgo Moon who will assist us in cleansing out all remaining resistances, toxins and psychic clutter. This is a big week of energy so focus on moving from the mind to the heart and letting the rest go ✨ Aurora
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Happy New Moon in Gemini loves! Today we have a beautiful cosmic line up in the skies aligning us with the 6/6 Portal. Every year on the 6/6 Portal we enter through a passageway of inner union, balanced harmonics, and harmony. It is through this gateway that we begin to come into synergy with both our inner masculine/feminine energies, as well as all aspects of ourselves. This New Moon is beautifully optimistic and fun-loving, as we have a parade of planets that will be aligning in the skies today. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all in Gemini, helping us to download our new operating system! Remember that this month is all about heart opening and expansion of Self. As this occurs, we set our intention for new aspects of ourselves to come into embodiment, new experiences, and new wisdoms. This month is all about the NEW and learning to navigate it, while we prepare for the Summer of Love! That is what my angels keep calling it... the summer of love. Where many of us will, for the first time, come to fall in love with ourselves again. Realizing the true God nature within us, and also falling in love with our lives again, our passions and our joy. Many of you may also be coming into divine unions this summer. Now i must mention that this New Moon is also under a tense square with Saturn in Pisces, which tells me that while we are receiving these beautiful new downlaods, insights, and harmonizing, Saturn will be bringing to our awarness anythng that was in a blind spot for us. This doesn't mean good or bad because remember that Pisces transcends dualistic thinking. Saturn will be showing us where we were in denial of something, or just couldnt quite see clearly. Once the fog is removed from our eyes we come to see the truth. For some, this could mean that we had a block to seeing where something was not alinging with us and our new operating system, whether that be a person, place, thing or belief and this could feel painful in the moment but truth is always the highest frequency. On the flip side, we could also realize that some sort of mental perspective was blocking us from realizing that all of the joy and magic was right in front of us the entire time but we missed it. No matter what is revealed to us under this New Moon Portal it is ultimatley to free us from all limitation-anything burdening us or holding us down because Gemini wants to fly free. Let's choose to see the magic and miracles today, the world has enough of those seeing only the darkness. Aurora
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Whew what a whirlwind June has been already! We’ve got the Sun, Mercury, Venus + Jupiter in Gemini which is re-wiring our new operating system with assistance from Pluto in Aquarius. This is all for the light body process that is happening in June! We will be doing a Light Body Seminar starting June 12th to complete on the Summer Solstice to align with these energies. Today, the Moon is coming up to a conjunction with Uranus, bringing some deep releases from the body which many of us are feeling. This is also an aftermath of the Mars/Chiron conjunction in Aries which brought up a lot of deep wounds around the masculine/feminine poles. On Thursday, the Moon will join the Gemini party under the New Moon happening on the 6/6 Portal! This is a huge integration day and one to set our intentions for what we wish to experience and create under this new operating system. Remember, the new system + light body will be completely different than the old system as they are based on heart technology rather than mind technology. Keep focused on the heart chakra and allowing it to stay open no matter what emotions are passing through it 🩷 How’s everyone feeling? Aurora
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Happy June to our Astrology Family ! Wow… what a month May was. It is sometimes hard to reflect on all that has happened in a month’s time, as it feels like time is no longer real and so much is happening simultaneously. Cosmically, April and May were whirlwind energies with so much change, so many catalysts, we haven’t really had a moment to gain our footing. Yet, here we are entering June, a Universal 5 month. We are in for a lot more change to come still, and I feel we are learning how to rapidly adjust and embrace the constant change without resisting it. “It’s time to have fun” is the message that has come through from the Galactics for me the past few weeks. And I agree, it is time to have some fucking fun. Everything has felt so serious the past few years, yet all was necessary and perfect as it was because we truly needed to dig deep and fulfill our first missions. We needed to be disciplined, responsible, and do what we needed to do. However, now it feels like we have crossed some sort of threshold and we didn’t have a moment to notice it. We passed the sign that said “You made it”, and we ignored it and just kept on trucking. We have made it, we are here at the precipice of the NEW and all we have to do is stop, open our hearts and our eyes and starting living it. The first week of June is cosmically quiet, but we are anticipating some more influxes of Solar Flares, Geomagnetic Storms, and CME’s. Space Weather reporters are saying that between June 1st-June 4th we may have another wave of Auroras lighting up the skies and our bodies with high frequency solar energy. On June 2nd, Jupiter in Gemini will create a perfect trine to Pluto in Aquarius, signaling that the new Quantum Operating System is now ONLINE. The Quantum Operating System is based on heart technology and now overriding the old operating system which was based on the EGO mind. June is the month of Light Body Activations + Integrations. While Jupiter in Gemini is re-wiring our nervous systems and brains, Pluto in Aquarius is re-wiring our consciousness and DNA. As we come into our Light Bodies this month, filled with heart openings and joy filled embodiment, we embrace the new energy with excitement and also compassion for ourselves during this process. This is not about perfection, or “getting it right”, it is about being so in love with who you are, that you share that love with the world. We have passed the point of talking about it, thinking about it, or planning it. It is now time that we LIVE IT. Full Article:
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June Astrology Report: Magical June

Happy June to our Astrology Family ! Wow… what a month May was. It is sometimes hard to reflect on all that has happened in a month’s time, as it feels like time is no longer real and so much is happening simultaneously. Cosmically, April and May were whirlwind energies with so much change, so many catalysts, we haven’t really had a moment to gain our footing. Yet, here we are entering June, a Universal 5 month. We are in for a lot more change to come still, and I feel we are learning how to rap

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Happy June babes 🌸🪺🌈
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