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unikl miit confession

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to : everyone Sape² yg ada terambil parcel seluar kargo tu, tolong la pulangkan. Saya dah xde seluar nak pakai pegi kampus. 😭😭😭 - Owner Parcel
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to : course evaluation ni wajib ke sumpah dari last month nak buat but 😭😭 website gila seminit je terus crash lepastu ok buat balik AND THEN CRASH AGAINNNNNNN πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”« dah cuba guna data sendiri n wifi kat rumah wifi kat uni still crash je 😞 -
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to : Apa alternative sukiya yang sedap and recommended -
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to : tertanya tanya apa yang best sukiya yela perut masing masing dan duit masing masing kan tapi kenapa selalu sangat nampak student pergi sukiya banyak je option lain yang murah dan sedap untuk reward diri tu - hm
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unikl miit confession

to : Broke girls Before this parents i bagi montly pocket money 300 je and boleh je survive. But sekarang parent i bagi 800 sebulan kadang sesak jugak hujung2😭Mara dh 730. Tau tak kenapa, sebab mkin duit banyak, makin kita nak tambah montly comitment. Contoh skincare beli yg makin mahal haha. Tak kira lagi suki-ya sebulan 2 3 kali. Makeup pon nk beki mahal2. Dulu liptint 5 ringgit tahan 2 3 bulan. Sekarang liptint nak beli yg 50 hengget yg tahan sebulan ja. Jadi janganlah ulang kesalahan ni ye, nak patah balik dh susah HAHHA -

to : yg complain tu dengki kot tk dpt mkn time jamuan raya hihi -
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unikl miit confession

to : Anyone Tapi kan kalau you tengok src dari segi bad side "dah setengah tahun tapi baru sikit je gerak" based on manifesto diorang memang nampak sikit. You kena ingat src/mpp tempat lain pun manifesto macam macam tapi dapat tunaikan some of it je. But, if tengok dari good side diorang, you can see banyak jugak diorang buat. First time raya dekat campus yang ramai. Berbuka dekat campus. Dean list and macam macam lagi yang korang taknampak. Bukan nak backup tapi you guys cuba jangan jadi makcik pakcik kepoci nak batch semua benda. Maybe ada je manifesto diorang in progress? Dari sibuk tengok bad side, kadang kadang tengok good side okay. - Orang yang taknak jadi makcik pakcik bitter macam you guys

to : πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› lmfao sapa main kick ii dalam teams ni cam budak ii, grow up pls, dengki pa habaq mai la πŸ˜› - πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›
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to : "Sila hormati keputusan negara jiran capai keamanan" kata Anuar kepada Hamas Anuar pun pro israel. X boleh pakai Sejak Bila Palestine berjiran dengan Israel πŸ˜‚Israel tu yg pendatang -
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TikTok Β· Berita Pertiwi

54.7K suka, 8725 komen. "Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata pertemuan beliau dengan pemimpin H4mas, 15mail H4n1yeh dan Khal1d di Doha, Qatar minggu lepas adalah bagi memujuk mereka untuk tampil penyelesaian secara aman terhadap konflik di G4za. "Saya katakan kepada mereka, sila hormati keputusan negara-negara jiran anda dan cuba untuk capai keamanan, pertukaran tahanan dan terima penyelesaian dua negara. "Adakah itu satu kesalahan? Adakah saya menggalakkan keganasan? Tidak. Saya merayu kerana saya ada kelebihan, apa kelebihan saya? Saya kenal mereka, mereka anggap saya kawan," katanya. Anwar berkata demikian menjawab soalan mengenai pertemuannya dengan H4niyeh dan M3shaal baru-baru ini di Qatar pada sesi soal jawab semasa Forum Masa Depan Asia ke-29 Nikkei di sini pada Khamis. Sumber : BERNAMA”

to : Assalamualaikum and hi everybody We are UniKL MIIT students from the subject Professional English 2 (WEB20302) L01 conducting a survey on the topic Technology Revolution: Societal Challenges in the Digital Age. We greatly appreciate your willingness to take some time to answer this survey. All information collected is intended solely for survey and academic research purposes Thank you and please share this form to your friends! πŸ€— Google Form link : - Thank you so much
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Technology Revolution: Societal Challenges in the Digital Age

We are students from the subject Professional English 2 (WEB20302) conducting a survey on the topic Technology Revolution: Societal Challenges in the Digital Age. We greatly appreciate your willingness to take the time to answer this survey. All information collected is intended solely for survey and academic purposes. Thank you! πŸŽ€

to : Bole je complain. Masa student kena isi evaluation lecturer tu nnt - 🀍
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unikl miit confession

to : Is there a way to lodge a complaint towards a lecturer? She is going out of hand with complaining about us being incompetent in the week of FYP presentation, she is very rude and threatens to fail her students for having little to no time with FYP around the corner... gaargh. Her final assessment pun bagi requirements macam last minute that has not been briefed in the original briefing which leads to, in theory, a complete reconstruction of the our finished final assessment.. dah bagi requirements pelik2 mcm terpaksa tukar the whole content altogether. penat la -

to : omg course apa ni? my lecturer pun gitu.. -
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unikl miit confession

to : Is there a way to lodge a complaint towards a lecturer? She is going out of hand with complaining about us being incompetent in the week of FYP presentation, she is very rude and threatens to fail her students for having little to no time with FYP around the corner... gaargh. Her final assessment pun bagi requirements macam last minute that has not been briefed in the original briefing which leads to, in theory, a complete reconstruction of the our finished final assessment.. dah bagi requirements pelik2 mcm terpaksa tukar the whole content altogether. penat la -

πŸ‘ 2