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Nafisa Barnoeva (IELTS 7.0)

Shaxsiyblogimga xush kelibsiz😊 Teacher👩‍💻 Nafisa Barnoeva (IELTS 7.0) Ingliz tiliga oid video darsliklar Online kurslar Ingliz tilini samimiy ustoz bilan o’rganing

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1. People can adapt to changes in life by cultivating a growth mindset, being open to new experiences, staying flexible, seeking support from others, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on the positive aspects of change. Developing resilience and coping strategies can also help individuals navigate through transitions more effectively. 2. Some people quit and change jobs for various reasons, such as seeking better career opportunities, higher pay, improved work-life balance, a more fulfilling work environment, professional growth, or to pursue their passions and interests. Other factors may include dissatisfaction with their current job, conflicts with colleagues or management, or changes in personal circumstances. 3. Whether someone likes new things or changes in life can vary from person to person. Some individuals thrive on novelty and enjoy embracing new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Others may prefer stability and predictability and may feel uncomfortable or anxious about changes. Personal preferences and individual attitudes towards change play a significant role in how people respond to new things in life.
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PART-3 | TOPIC-34. CHANGES (Sep 2023-Apr 2024) 1. How can a person adapt to changes in life? 2. Why do some people quit and change jobs? 3. Do you like new things or changes in life?
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1. People use computers for a wide range of purposes, including work, communication, entertainment, education, research, creative pursuits (such as graphic design or video editing), online shopping, social networking, gaming, and accessing information and services on the internet. 2. The use of computers in schools can have both benefits and drawbacks. Allowing students to use computers at school can enhance their learning experience by providing access to educational resources, interactive learning tools, and online research opportunities. However, there are concerns about potential distractions, internet safety issues, and the impact on traditional teaching methods. The key is to find a balance and integrate technology effectively into the educational curriculum. 3. People who are addicted to playing computer games may face various challenges, including social isolation, neglecting responsibilities, physical health issues from prolonged sitting and screen time, and potential impact on mental health. It is essential for individuals with gaming addiction to seek help and support to address their behavior and find healthier ways to manage their time and interests. 4. Setting limits on children's screen time, including computer use, can be beneficial for their overall well-being. Excessive screen time can lead to sedentary behavior, sleep disturbances, reduced social interactions, and potential negative effects on physical and mental health. Parents should establish clear rules and boundaries around screen time and encourage a balanced lifestyle that includes physical activity, social interactions, and other offline activities. 5. People often have problems using new products due to various reasons, such as lack of familiarity with the technology, complexity of the product or user interface, unclear instructions or user manuals, technical glitches or compatibility issues, and resistance to change. Additionally, individual differences in learning styles, technological literacy, and comfort level with new gadgets can also contribute to difficulties in using new products. Proper training, user-friendly design, clear documentation, and troubleshooting support can help mitigate these challenges.
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PART-3 | TOPIC-48. SUCCESS (Sep 2023-Apr 2024) 1. In general, how do people judge or, assess the success of others? 2. Is money the only measure of success in your country? 3. Do you believe being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing? 4. How do people achieve success at school? 5. What are the factors that influence students' grades at school?
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1. People often judge or assess the success of others based on various factors such as wealth, career achievements, social status, personal happiness, and contributions to society. Success can be subjective and may vary depending on individual perspectives. 2. While money is considered a significant measure of success in many countries, it is not the only measure of success in my country. People also value factors like personal fulfillment, career growth, relationships, and overall well-being when evaluating success. 3. No, I do not believe that being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing. Success can be defined in different ways, including achieving personal goals, making a positive impact on others, finding happiness and fulfillment, and contributing to the greater good. Money is just one aspect of success. 4. People achieve success at school through a combination of hard work, dedication, effective study habits, time management skills, and seeking help when needed. Setting goals, staying organized, participating in class, and engaging with the material are also key factors in achieving academic success. 5. Several factors can influence students' grades at school, including the quality of teaching, students' motivation and effort, study habits, access to resources and support, family background, peer influence, learning environment, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Consistent effort, effective study techniques, and a positive attitude towards learning can all contribute to academic success.
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PART-3 | TOPIC-38. COMPUTERS (Sep 2023-Apr 2024) 1. What do people use computers for? 2. Should students be allowed to use computers at school? 3. What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computer games? 4. Should parents limit the amount of time that children spend using computers? 5. Why do people often have problems using new products?
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1. Yes, I do usually help people around me. I believe in the importance of supporting others and making a positive impact in their lives. 2. I help people around me in various ways. For example, I often lend a listening ear to friends who need someone to talk to, offer assistance with tasks or errands for my neighbors, and provide emotional support to family members during challenging times. 3. My parents have definitely played a significant role in teaching me how to help others. They have always emphasized the value of kindness, empathy, and generosity, which has influenced my approach to assisting those in need. 4. Yes, my parents have been very supportive and helpful throughout my childhood. They have provided guidance, encouragement, and assistance whenever I needed it, and their actions have shaped my understanding of the importance of helping others.
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PART-1 | TOPIC-13. HELPING OTHERS (SEP 2023-APR 2024) 1. Do you usually help people around you? 2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and friends? 3. Do your parents teach you how to help others? 4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young? ➥ @IELTS_Speaking_Assistant_App - Real IELTS speaking questions on Telegram!
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