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🇷🇺🇲🇹 Russian Embassy in Malta

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🗓 On June 8, 1920 — 104 years ago — the most successful ace pilot of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, Three-time Hero of the Soviet Union and to Marshal of Air Forces Ivan Kozhedub was born. ⚔️ Ivan Kozhedub achieved his first aerial victory at the age of 23, on July 6, 1943, during the Battle of Kursk. During his 40th combat sortie at Kursk, he engaged in a battle 12 enemy aircraft and shot down a Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber, followed by another Stuka on July 7. On July 9, 1943, Kozhedub destroyed two Messerschmitt Me-109 fighters. On October 1-12, 1943, he shot down 14 German aircraft during dogfights over the Dnieper — a unique combat episode in the history of Soviet aviation. In August 1944, Kozhedub was appointed Deputy Commander of the 176th Guards Fighter Aircraft Regiment and started flying a new Lavochkin La-7 fighter. During the Great Patriotic War, Kozhedub flew 330 combat missions, engaged in 120 dogfights and shot down 62 enemy aircraft. After the Victory, he continued to serve with the Soviet Air Force and commanded a fighter aircraft division during the Korean War. Kozhedub was promoted to Air Marshal ahead of the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory. 🎖 Three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, Ivan Kozhedub received two Orders of Lenin, seven Orders of the Red Banner, one Order of Alexander Nevsky, one Order of the Great Patriotic War 1st Class, two Orders for of the Red Star, Orders for Service in the Soviet Armed Forces 2nd and 3rd Class, and multiple medals. #FacesOfVictory #WeRemember
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🗓 Today, on June 5, the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has kicked off. The main theme of the event is "The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World". Over the years, the Forum has become the world's leading platform for the business community to communicate and discuss key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets and the world as a whole. 👨‍💼👩‍💼 More than 17,100 people from 136 countries and territories, as well as 3,400 media representatives are participating in SPIEF-2024. The plenary session of the Forum will traditionally be addressed by Russia's President Vladimir Putin, who has previously sent greeting to the participants, organisers and guests of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. The SPIEF-2024 business programme consists of four thematic tracks: 🔹 The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy; 🔹 Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle; 🔹 Technologies for Leadership; 🔹 A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State. The programme includes more than 150 thematic sessions with over 1,000 moderators and speakers. In addition, events organised by the Russian Foreign Ministry will traditionally take place on the margins of the SPIEF: • On June 7, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing, as well as a session on "International and National Experiences of Artificial Intelligence Regulation: Best Practices"; • On June 8, The International Affairs, a magazine published by the Foreign Ministry, will hold a debate titled "Polycentricity: The Norm of a Future World without Colonies and Hegemons". 🤝 The programme of events of the SPIEF-2024 international track includes more than 10 business dialogues, including formats EAEU-ASEAN, #RussiaAfrica, #RussiaLatinAmerica, #RussiaChina, #RussiaSouthAfrica, #RussiaKazakhstan, #RussiaIndia, #RussiaIran, #RussiaBrazil and other bilateral meetings. The forum will last until June 8. #SPIEF2024
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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (May 30, 2024) 🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule 🔹 #SPIEF2024 🔹 Ukrainian crisis 🔹 Situation in Moldova 🔹 EU's anti-Russia sanctions 🔹 Poland’s decision to restrict Russian diplomats’ movement around the country 🔹 The 10th anniversary of the EAEU Treaty 📰 Read 📺 Watch *** #Ukraine Despite Paris's attempts to conceal the involvement of its military personnel in the conflict, the Kiev regime is deliberately publicising this turn of events in order to once again declare broad international support. <...> In addition to France, Poland and the Baltic countries also spoke about the possible deployment of their military contingents. What does that mean? That means that their original plan regarding Ukraine has completely failed. They are frantically looking for new ways to continue this campaign. They are still afraid to tell the truth to the citizens of Ukraine that they have become a hostage and now also a victim of NATO’s reckless gamble led by the United States. #EU #Sanctions On May 27, 2024, the European Union introduced another anti-Russia sanctions regime under a far-fetched pretext for alleged human rights violations, reprisals against civil society and the democratic opposition. <...> To call a spade a spade, they have created another openly discriminatory mechanism for punishing Russian citizens for their striving to live in a country free from foreign pressure, to uphold their national interests, to speak Russian, just to be citizens and to love their Motherland. It is surprising that those living in the blooming EU garden (as Josep Borrell once put it) fail to notice obvious things: Such self-exposing Russophobic stunts merely serve to further consolidate our society that clearly sees the real goals of the European Union and the West with regard to Russia.
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✍️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to organisers and guests of the Offering to St. Petersburg – From People to People concert by the Russian-Chinese Symphony Orchestra and Choir 💬 FM Sergey Lavrov: This year, Russia and China celebrate the 75th Anniversary of diplomatic relations. Over the past years, Moscow and Beijing have reached an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. Humanitarian contacts are a significant component of the multifaceted system of our interstate cooperation. Their importance in the context of efforts to strengthen mutual trust is hard to overestimate. The 2024-2025 Years of Culture of Russia and China declared by President of Russia Vladimir Putin and PRC President Xi Jinping are a case in point. I am confident that today’s event will perpetuate the glorious traditions of bilateral cultural exchanges, make a contribution to the development of Russian-Chinese humanitarian cooperation, and strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between our two nations. It is also certain to become a true festive occasion for inhabitants and guests of St. Petersburg as well as for all lovers of the beautiful. I wish success to the organisers and participants, and positive impressions, high spirits, and all the best – to the spectators.
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Repost from DocuPlanet
Is it possible to sail around the world in a small trimaran? 🤔 A group of Russian adventurers set off on a thrilling expedition, circumnavigating the globe in a trimaran. "Everyone told me I was dreaming, that it was mission impossible," one of the sailors acknowledged. Did they succeed in their ambitious quest? On World Ocean Day, jump onboard and join the excitement of these epic voyages. In this trilogy, you can experience the daring spirit and maritime prowess of these Russian explorers: 1. Sailing Seven Seas 2. The Circumnavigation. A Trimaran for Two. Part 1 3. The Circumnavigation. A Trimaran for Two. Part 2 🌟 docuplanet x artel.doc ➡️ Watch more documentaries like this on our platform
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Sailing Seven Seas

Setting off from Phuket, Thailand, the crew of adventurers, backed by the Russian Geographical Society, circumnavigated the globe in an inflatable catamaran. They first crossed the Indian Ocean, around India to the UAE, and then headed for the Seychelles, via Mauritius. Continuing around the tip of Africa, then across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil and finally across the Pacific, with the journey lasting over a year. What makes them risk their lives, in the face of adversity? Curiosity? The dream of witnessing things few others have seen?

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1 июня отмечается Международный день защиты детей🎈 Накануне праздника отвечаем на некоторые часто задаваемые вопросы, касающиеся оформления документов несовершеннолетним гражданам. #консульскийликбез #загс #паспорта
1️⃣ Ребёнок — гражданин России, родившийся за рубежом, и имеющий иностранное свидетельство о рождении. Нужно ли дополнительно оформлять российское свидетельство?
🔸По российскому законодательству, если документ, удостоверяющий акт гражданского состояния, совершённый за рубежом, выдан компетентными органами иностранного государства, он признаётся действительным в Российской Федерации (при наличии его легализации — если иное не установлено международным договором Российской Федерации). 👉🏻 Из этого следует, что повторная регистрация рождения уже по российскому праву является излишней.
2️⃣ Хотим в загранучреждении оформить ребёнку новый загранпаспорт. Срок действия старого паспорта истёк. Как быть?
🔸Если ребёнок достиг возраста 14 лет, в таком случае для оформления загранпаспорта необходимо наличие действительного внутрироссийского паспорта. При его отсутствии сначала подаётся заявление о проверке принадлежности ребёнка к гражданству Российской Федерации. 🔸Если ребёнку ещё нет 14 лет, наличие гражданства удостоверяется без проведения такой проверки при предъявлении одного из следующих документов: • внутрироссийский или заграничный паспорт родителя, в который внесены сведения о ребёнке, заверенные подписью должностного лица и печатью полномочного органа; • свидетельство о рождении ребёнка с отметкой о наличии гражданства (проставленной территориальным органом МВД России или российским консульским учреждением за рубежом); • свидетельство о рождении, выданное иностранным компетентным органом, с отметкой о наличии гражданства на переводе свидетельства на русский язык (проставленной территориальным органом МВД России или российским консульским учреждением). ☝🏻Также обращаем внимание на то, что личное присутствие ребёнка при подаче заявления о выдаче загранпаспорта обязательно независимо от возраста.
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Статья 13. Признание действительными документов о государственной регистрации актов гражданского состояния и удостоверение таких документов. Федеральный закон от 15.11.1997 N 143-ФЗ "Об актах гражданского состояния" (с изменениями и дополнениями) | ГАРАНТ

Статья 13. Признание действительными документов о государственной регистрации актов гражданского состояния и удостоверение таких документов. 1. Документы, выданные компетентными органами иностранных государств в удостоверение актов гражданского состояния, совершенных вне | Документ системы ГАРАНТ

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Vladimir #Putin on International Children’s Day: 💬 This holiday is filled with warmth, joy and sincere emotions, and is widely celebrated in our country, where good traditions of continuity between generations and true family values are honoured and treasured. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 What can be more important for any child than a close-knit and friendly family, loving parents, relatives, and care taken by their teachers, educators, and mentors who are ready to offer advice, help, and support, including in a difficult situation in life if that happens. I would like to wish all children happiness and joy. 🌟 May your friends always be loyal and reliable. My friends, go for it, follow your dreams, aspire to and reach new heights of knowledge, and you will succeed.
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya Segodnya (May 30, 2024) Key talking points: 💬 The deployment of US ground-launched intermediate and shorter-range missiles (IRBMs) in these regions [Europe and Asia Pacific] poses significant security challenges for Russia. <...> We will not hesitate to respond if the Americans move forward with their plans to deploy their ground-launched IRBMs. 🇷🇺🇨🇳 We have established a high level of mutual trust with China, which serves as a foundation for our military cooperation. By working together, Russia and China seek to reinforce international security in keeping with international norms. • We appreciate Beijing’s constructive approach to the Ukraine crisis. Our Chinese friends understand its root causes and the essence of the current developments. • The current ruling party in Kiev is the party of war, and their stated goal is to defeat Russia on the battlefield. It is difficult to imagine any peace talks taking place in that situation. ☝️ We said on numerous occasions, including at the highest level, that Russia remains open to negotiations. However, it should be clear to everyone that we will only discuss peace, not a ceasefire. • There is no denying that the OSCE is in a deep crisis. It has been caused by the fact that the West has trampled on the principles the organisation was built on. A total “Ukrainisation” of its agenda has practically brought to naught its activities in the traditional fields. • Supplying the Kiev regime with increasingly destructive types of weapons shows that the West is not interested in ending the conflict. The F-16 American fighters will not change the situation on the line of contact. ❌ From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that US statements are not to be trusted. <...> The Americans continue to make declarations about their commitment to a just solution to the Palestine problem, while at the same time generously adding fuel to the armed confrontation. Read in full
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🇷🇺🇺🇿 President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in the first meeting of the Council of the Regions of the two countries (Tashkent, May 27, 2024) Key talking points: • Regions play a key role in strengthening relations of comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance between Russia and Uzbekistan and make a significant contribution to expanding the entire range of our relations. • The agenda of the Council of the Regions is quite extensive. It includes such topical issues as the deepening of industrial cooperation, cooperation in agriculture, as well as introduction of innovations and digital technology. • Overall, 78 out of the 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation are engaged in mutually beneficial partnership with regions of Uzbekistan. • The contractual and legal framework of interregional cooperation and interaction is being continuously expanded and supplemented. The governments of the two countries’ regions have several dozen agreements. Over 20 agreements and commercial contracts, including those aimed at developing trade and mutual investment, are ready for signing in the Council. • To fund promising projects implemented in Uzbekistan with the participation of the two countries’ regions, they are establishing a special investment fund with a total amount of US$500 million. <...> The Russian Side is ready to put in its share that amounts to US$400 million. • We maintain diverse regional cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian area. Every year musical festivals and concerts, theatre guest performances, film screenings and museum exhibitions take place with the regions’ participation. • Naturally enough, the regions’ cooperation is giving an additional boost to the development of tourist exchanges between the two countries. The tourist flow doubled last year to reach 1.2 million trips. Russians are eager to visit historical and cultural centres of Uzbekistan – Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. 📄 Read in full #RussiaUzbekistan
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions, (Minsk, May 24, 2024)Question: How would you comment on Mike Johnson’s statement about the use of US-supplied weapons to strike Russia? 💬 Sergey Lavrov: They said for a long time that they were not supporting it. They also said they did not allow it and advised [Ukraine] against using it. But in fact, they are waging war against us. American weapons have already been used to strike various targets outside the conflict zone. Washington is trying to make reassuring statements for the local public or for NATO members, to pretend the decision has not yet been made. It is a trick. We are certain that American and other Western-supplied weapons are being used to strike targets on Russian territory, primarily civilian infrastructure and residential areas. They are responsible for what these weapons have done. ❓ Question: What is your assessment of the current state of relations between Russia and Belarus within the Union State? 💬 Sergey Lavrov: The Union State is the most advanced form of integration in the post-Soviet countries as well as in other regions.
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