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transparent thoughts

basically is where I will be summarizing my day and sharing the way I perceive and accomplish things.

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👍 4🤣 3
Безмерные поливы хлопковых плантаций, как пишет Резниченко, вымывали из почвы гумус, который компенсировали ударными дозами удобрений. «Земля стала „банги“ [наркоман. — Г. Р.], без химии почти не родит. И в довершение бед, когда десятки лет сеют хлóпок по хлопку́, неудержимо плодятся сорняки и вредители. Их глушат ядами». Тонны химических удобрений, дефолиантов и пестицидов стекли с полей в сеть каналов, которые обеспечивают людей и землю самым ценным ресурсом — водой. В открытом доступе на Ютубе есть фильм 1963 года, в котором показаны бескрайние просторы Арала, ударное рыболовство, бурная растительность и, конечно, животные. Когда-то в степи вокруг моря жили огромные туранские тигры. Их истребили еще в царские времена безмерной неконтролируемой охотой. В период «Большой игры» очень важно было доказать британцам превосходство российских колониальных территорий. Фотографии с завидными трофеями служили подтверждением. В советское время исчезли гепарды, лошадка-кулан, большой рогатый баран — архар, полосатая гиена и многие другие звери и птицы, жившие на территории умирающего Аральского моря.
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👍 2💔 1
Ha mayli
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👾 3 2
У тебя новый анонимный вопрос: What do you do as a bioengineer? What will be their main job? Sure thing! So, sometimes bioengineers might mess up by doing genetic experiments on folks without really getting their say-so, kinda like that shady Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Then there's the whole deal with releasing modified critters into the wild without knowing what havoc they might wreak, like those modified mosquitoes causing a stir. And if someone gets crafty with gene editing for making nasty bugs on purpose? That's straight-up scary stuff, like something out of a sci-fi flick.
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👍 5🥴 4
У тебя новый анонимный вопрос: What do you miss a lot from your high school? People. Students, Teachers, Administration, Staff. They at some point became my family. So mostly I miss people rather than place but place is also something special. I really miss football pitch. Hopefully, we will play a lot when I will be back and have good time post matches. I also miss my classmates. I hope I will also enjoy my time with them when I will be back to Tashkent on 18th of May.
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👍 11
У тебя новый анонимный вопрос: Who sparked your interest in engineering? Initially I did not want to become an engineer, I wanted to become a diplomat. Then my parents said that politics is not worth it and all I will have to deal with tremendous problems if I were to pursue it. Then I went with a flow thinking I will study computer science. Then it felt very cliche and every other one is doing it so I thought I have to get more niche thing. My parents always wanted me to become a doctor but I personally was not that motivated to study/practice it. So I ended up choosing a path that closely relates to medicine. My mom always said that I will be successful in whatever field I will choose so she insisted that "that" field is worthy one and that I can make sensible impact there. But for now I still have an option of going to medical school after undergrad given I will have good gpa and mcat scores. We will see but it is unlikely that I will end up as MD. Rather likely I will end up as PhD in bioengineering.
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👍 7🦄 1
I want to introduce new type of posts in this channel, namely my weekly music discoveries. I are more than welcome to ignore these posts but I believe some people might find music worthy of being added to their playlist. You will be able to track then using #weeklymusic. Thank you! Dado - "Dado-Nado" Bolalar - "Kuzgi tunlar" John Denver - "Take me home, country roads" Tohir Sodiqov - "Sog'indim" Amr Diab - "Habibi ya nour el ein"
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DADO - Dado-Nado (Concert Video Ташкент 2000)

Dado — узбекистанский поп-дуэт, основанный в 1999 году в Ташкенте братьями Алишером и Рустамом Мадумаровыми MELOMAN on Google Play


👍 5 2
У тeбя новый анонимный вопрос: Can you describe a little bit of your childhood? How did you grow up to be so curious? I would not say I am curious about everything. I am curious only about things I am interested in. For example, I like football so I am very curious about how football clubs function, how this industry attracts millions of fans and players, how different leagues play different type of football and what makes successful team. I am interested in biology and bioengineering so I can be lost searching the web for different methods researchers tried to investigate type 2 diabetes, applications of stem cells in this research. I am not curious about, say, filmmaking, business, social studies. I think every child is curious about everything to a certain extent so I am no different than any other person in this channel. I had (still have) interest in history, development of civilizations in particular. I was very invested in strategic games, partially because my pc was not powerful enough to run triple A genre type games. I was very interested in reading fantasy. I mean I had very good upbringing for what I thank my parents. I was heavily exposed to arts, "народная хорегорафия" (choreography) specifically. So I lived in family of engineers being exposed to arts, sports, academics. So I can support dialogue if I will happen to be in any social circles.
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Роль народной хореографии в современной системе образования

Раскрывается роль народной хореографии как одного из важных факторов формирования многогранной и всесторонне развитой личности детей и подростков, а также как фактор сохранения национальной идентичности и фактор социальной экологии, который может способствовать культурному «выживанию» современного общества. Роль народного танца рассматривается через ряд аспектов: влияние на психофизическое состояние здоровья учащихся, на их эмоциональную и духовно-нравственную сферу. Предлагается введение народной хореографии в общешкольную образовательную программу. Приводится пример успешной реализации данной идеи в ФГБОУ Лицее РАО.

4👍 3 1
NYUAD today
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12👍 2
I did not know such service existed in instagram. I wonder whether they fact check US government news too.
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👍 10❤‍🔥 2💘 1