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🇵🇱 11. новембра присуствовали смо пољском Маршу независности, највећем годишњем скупу родољуба из читаве Европе. Поред пољских, чешких и других суверенистичких покрета остварили смо контакт и са Студентском акцијом, односно омладином нове владајуће странке Браћа Италије. Ову прилику искористили смо између осталог, да стране пријатеље упознамо са стањем на Космету. КОРМИЛО СРБИЈА 🇷🇸
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"There is a zone which is reserved less to research than to the meditation of the supreme aims of life. Consequently, science starts from the data of experience but ends fatally in philosophy; and, only philosophy can illuminate the path of science and bring it to the vision of the Universal Idea." -Benito Mussolini
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Repost from Arta Gebeleizească
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Repost from Arta Gebeleizească
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Everyone is born to die once, honor and shame live forever — Petar II Petrović-Njegoš Revolutionary Arts Revolutionary Chat
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Vladimir "Vlado" Šipčić was the last active Chetnik guerrilla in Yugoslavia after WW2. He was the youngest and one of the fiercest fighters of the Foča brigade. Both his father and uncle were killed by communists after the capitulation of Italy in 1943. But Vlado swore to never surrender and so fought alongside other figures like Božo Bjelica and Srpko Medenica until 1951 and alone until 1957. It is said he was killed but his death was never proven. And so a popular legend in his native village says that he survived the decades long hunt of the communist occupiers and fled to France. At the time of his "death" he was 33 years old, having been fighting since 1941, when he was 17 years old. Revolutionary Arts Revolutionary Chat
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