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Karoche wisdom ni Aurelius dan ham oganman desam xato bo’lmaydi
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Because at the end of the day everyone who remembers you will eventually be gone too. What matters is how you live your life now, not how you are remembered.
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❤‍🔥 12💅 2
Seeking fame is pointless
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And plus zor joyi
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Accept life’s natural events death is also a natural part of life, like birth. It is not something to fear or see as a bad. Menga eng tinchlik bergan gap
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❤‍🔥 1
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Yana yoqqan joyi life ni easy olishga orgatadi
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Everything Happens for a reason, believe that everything happens is for the best, even if it’s not immediately clear why deydi. Qayta oqiyman va silagayam share qip turaman
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❤‍🔥 1
Xozir oylab oylab Invaluable Hub dagilaga oqishga berishga qaror qildim
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🔥 7
Kop zor narsalarni organganman
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