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Stoic Christian Broadcasts

✝️ Content designed for Christ's Kingdom. ⚔️ To both edify & fortify God's men.

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Since the beginning of this project, I have had many people asking about how to conquer the sin in their life. The sin that seems to just hang around, no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. This sin will differ from person to person. Most of the time, its sexual immorality or sexual lust. But it may be a short temper, overeating, or being lazy. Whatever the sin is that keeps popping up in your life day after day, there is only one way to have victory over that sin. And that’s by feeding and exercising your spirit. How is this done? By reading the word of God, prayer, and edification from your Brothers in Christ. Any means of beating the sin in your life will fall short if it relies on you and your own strength. To see results, it takes time. You need to be spending time every day studying scripture and praying. Feeding your spirit on the word of God, and with prayer, will strengthen your spirit and weaken your flesh. Mix in regular time with other Christians intending to talk about God’s word and you’re on the best path to leave that sin behind. Here’s what I’ve found most amazing on my journey. One day, after getting consistent in my attempt to grow spiritually, I looked back and realized that sin had not reared its head in a very long time. You can have this freedom too! All it takes is for you to: Be in the word of God daily. Pray about everything. Spend time with your brothers in Christ. Take care of that and God will take care of the rest.
Lord willing, this week I'll be streaming the first podcast episode live. The plan is to talk about a subject and then answer any questions at the end which relate to the topic discussed. This will stream on Telegram and Instagram.
From "Victorious Christian Living" by Alan Redpath
Happy Lord's Day
God is never in a haste.
Whether or not you are married with children, the time to focus on Biblical manhood is right now and into the future. If you’re married, you need to work on it so that you can set the tone for your marriage to be as Biblical as possible. If you have children, the same applies so you can set the tone of family life for your children and your wife. But if you don’t have a wife and children, it’s still extremely important to focus on being the most Biblical man you can be. If you are not married, learning about (and practicing) what it means to be Biblically masculine will make you a more Biblical man. The benefits of this are massive, such as attracting Biblical women. The last thing you want to do is focus on God’s word. For you may end up with a non-believing wife or set the tone to one which is lackadaisical in your effort to be godly. When you work towards aligning your life with the Bible, you start marriages from there and raise children from there. Your Biblical masculinity will even influence all other endeavors. For those of you that are already married and have children, it’s going to be an uphill battle. We all have a battle against the flesh when we work to be more Biblical. But for you, as it is with me, you also have to fight against the flesh of your wife and children. If your marriage started out with a laid back approach to your roles as defined by God’s word, there’s going to be a lot of struggles. Your wife will be comfortable with the way things are. So she may claim you’re being “too strict” or that you’re “taking it too seriously”. But it’s not your job to keep her happy, it’s your job to assist her in being holy. It’s the loving thing to do and is exactly what Christ does for the Church. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." [Revelation 3:19 KJV] Brother, if you a wife and children, start putting in the effort to be a more Biblical man today. This way, you have more years living according to God’s role for you. If you don’t have either, you have even more reason to start today. For if you do, you may avoid much struggle and hardship with your future family.
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Sorry everyone, some family matters came up that I had to deal with. Please pray for guidance 🙏🏻
Being gentle does not equal being weak. And meekness is certainly not a weakness.
Live streaming the recording of the first ever podcast episode tonight at 9pm EDT. Right here in the Telegram channel!
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Idols may have the appearance of life, but they are empty and powerless. Trust not in the work of men's hands but in the living God who gives true life and meaning. ✝️💪
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🌄✝️ Be strong in your conviction 💪🏻 "Men who lack robust manliness have a gentleness that is weakness and they have no convictions, let alone any strong conviction." Embrace a strength that is both gentle and unwavering. Stand firm in your beliefs and lead with conviction.
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Blog cadence update: By popular demand I'm starting a podcast. So, starting this week I'll have a blog post on Wednesday and a an accompanying podcast of the same topic to release on Friday. As of right nowI do not have any long form content scheduled for Mondays.
Our words shape thoughts and actions, but today's softened language often hides the true severity of sins. Terms like "affair" instead of adultery diminish their gravity. Use biblical terms to reflect the true nature of sin and foster a Christ-centered culture. Build strong Christian families as the foundation, and teach children God-honoring language to combat pagan influences and uphold faith integrity. Speak truth, build a godly legacy, and let your words reflect your faith. Read the full post here
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Happy Lord's Day! ✝️👑📜🏰
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A couple shout outs to channels that we like:
Anti-Christ is any being, or entity, that does not confess that Jesus is the Messiah come in the flesh. When we meet anyone, online or in person, that does not confess Jesus is Lord and Messiah; we must not let them into our circles. We must also not wish them well or bless them. For they are in the enemy's camp, and therefore, our enemy. Share the gospel with them, (Romans 10:9) and send them on their way. Otherwise, we become associated with their evil ways. Read 2 John 7-11
This is why I started writing ideas, notes, and todos out by hand again. I spent a full year doing everything digitally. This tought me a lot about myself. One thing I learned was that our mobile devices are a major distraction, even when using them for productive reasons. Now my digital notes are a storage for my ideas, notes, and creating content but not the place to capture ideas. Just as I did when I started journaling 19 years ago. The capturing now happens in a small, pocket sized, notebook throughout the day.
Read more here:
Hey brothers! I'm officially starting a podcast 🎉 Each one will have a video version on Youtube, an actual podcast link you can subscribe too, and I'll also cut some short 1-3 minute clips for posting here. Big thank you to everyone who filled out the survey it was a huge help in knowing where to take this project. If you want 3 months of free access to Journeymen (our monthly paid app tier) head over to the link below and fill out the form. To God be the glory!
It's best you learn to make peace with this fact of life, my brethren. This is a very common argument the pagans use against Christians. Often as an attack on our character and our King. A large part of the Christian faith is being aware that we break God's law every day. We try to obey God and his laws to the fullest, a task that is impossible. We fight this battle because Christ, our Lord, saved us from our sin. Not only do we try to follow and obey, but we also strive to make others aware of their same condition. Exposing the laws and commands that we ourselves sometimes break. But, if we as men were able to keep God's law, there would be no need for Christ. The would be no need for a savior. And if there is no need for a savior to free us from our perpetual sin. There would be no need for Christ, and then, Christianity would not exist.
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Do you love your wife enough to correct her as Christ does His Church? As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. (Revelation of John 3:19) The mode of correction is up to you, the husband, but it's often wise to treat her gently because her vessel is weaker than yours. Likewise, all of you husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)
If you like Twitter toss me a follow
Hey brothers, the Guild now has the feature set up to allow for all Journeymen to make posts. This is here to share your wins, encourage the brethren, and prayer requests. It's 100% private and hosted by the Stoic Christian project. To be part of this worldwide brotherhood, become a Journeyman at the link below. To God be the glory!
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The app is offline at the moment due to issues with MemberSpace (software I was using to handle logins.) Sorry for the inconvenience and please pray that God makes it clear what my next step is to be with the app and how it handles members.
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Self-discipline is essential for building character, integrity, and the ability to rise above chaos. (Proverbs 25:28) To rule over our spirit means having control over our passions and appetites, such as anger and food. A man with self-control is wise and virtuous, governing his thoughts, desires, and actions with reason and conscience. In contrast, a man without self-control succumbs to excessive eating, drinking, and uncontrolled emotions, leading to harm. Journaling daily helps process thoughts, emotions, and tasks, providing clarity and focus. Building routines and practicing "habit stacking" makes good habits automatic, freeing mental capacity for important work. Maintaining a proper diet, including high-protein meals and intermittent fasting, supports self-discipline and reduces overeating. Read more here:
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Posts by Guild members coming soon! (Don't forget to sign up and become a Journeyman.)
Christ took on a work that was more than human. Our Lord went to his execution, though perfect and underserving. This freed us from a life filled with the sacrifices of bulls and goats. Because those sacrifices were dead works, needing repeated over and over. Brothers, Christ's sacrifice washed us of our sins forever. Not so we can drive into new vices and filth. But so we can serve the only true and living God to the fullest. Until the blood of Christ washes us, nothing we do can be pleasing to God. No matter how noble our effort may be. "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" [Hebrews 9:14 KJV]
Happy Lord's Day, brothers.
Posts for Guild members coming soon! I've been working on new functionality for our app so members can, share ideas, seek help, like, and comment. It's turning out to be a cross between Twitter and a forum. You can join the Guild for free here:
Christ is the one true King. If you are a Christian, it's only him you are to bow down. "The Adventures of Robin Hood" by R. L. Green is a great analogy of our present role. In the book, the good king has been physically absent from his kingdom and it's been usurped by an evil ruler. This evil ruler forces his evil ways upon the people causing much anguish and death. Robin hood helps the people who have been wronged by this evil ruler. While, at the same time, recruiting nobles, knights, and others to join in keeping the kingdom for the one true king. It's our job to take ground from the enemy for Christ our King. For he is the one and only rightful king of this world. "The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all." [Psalm 103:19]
The umbrella image used to represent the Biblical family structure, despite being imperfect, does not conflict with Scripture. The criticism of the umbrella image based on its creator, Bill Gothard, does not invalidate the image's usefulness. Biblical imagery often defies human logic, yet still effectively conveys theological concepts like family hierarchy. Clearly defined roles for men and women in the family are essential for smooth operation, as outlined in the Bible. Children are under Christ's authority and covenant, as evidenced by the practice of baptism. The family unit, as created by God, assigns men the role of leadership with women as their supportive helpers. Husbands are tasked with protecting and providing for their families, a responsibility delegated by Christ.
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Since the beginning of this project, I have had many people asking about how to conquer the sin in their life. The sin that seems to just hang around, no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. This sin will differ from person to person. Most of the time, its sexual immorality or sexual lust. But it may be a short temper, overeating, or being lazy. Whatever the sin is that keeps popping up in your life day after day, there is only one way to have victory over that sin. And that’s by feeding and exercising your spirit. How is this done? By reading the word of God, prayer, and edification from your Brothers in Christ. Any means of beating the sin in your life will fall short if it relies on you and your own strength. To see results, it takes time. You need to be spending time every day studying scripture and praying. Feeding your spirit on the word of God, and with prayer, will strengthen your spirit and weaken your flesh. Mix in regular time with other Christians intending to talk about God’s word and you’re on the best path to leave that sin behind. Here’s what I’ve found most amazing on my journey. One day, after getting consistent in my attempt to grow spiritually, I looked back and realized that sin had not reared its head in a very long time. You can have this freedom too! All it takes is for you to: Be in the word of God daily. Pray about everything. Spend time with your brothers in Christ. Take care of that and God will take care of the rest.
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Lord willing, this week I'll be streaming the first podcast episode live. The plan is to talk about a subject and then answer any questions at the end which relate to the topic discussed. This will stream on Telegram and Instagram.
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👍 3
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From "Victorious Christian Living" by Alan Redpath
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Happy Lord's Day
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9🔥 2
God is never in a haste.
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🔥 14
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Whether or not you are married with children, the time to focus on Biblical manhood is right now and into the future. If you’re married, you need to work on it so that you can set the tone for your marriage to be as Biblical as possible. If you have children, the same applies so you can set the tone of family life for your children and your wife. But if you don’t have a wife and children, it’s still extremely important to focus on being the most Biblical man you can be. If you are not married, learning about (and practicing) what it means to be Biblically masculine will make you a more Biblical man. The benefits of this are massive, such as attracting Biblical women. The last thing you want to do is focus on God’s word. For you may end up with a non-believing wife or set the tone to one which is lackadaisical in your effort to be godly. When you work towards aligning your life with the Bible, you start marriages from there and raise children from there. Your Biblical masculinity will even influence all other endeavors. For those of you that are already married and have children, it’s going to be an uphill battle. We all have a battle against the flesh when we work to be more Biblical. But for you, as it is with me, you also have to fight against the flesh of your wife and children. If your marriage started out with a laid back approach to your roles as defined by God’s word, there’s going to be a lot of struggles. Your wife will be comfortable with the way things are. So she may claim you’re being “too strict” or that you’re “taking it too seriously”. But it’s not your job to keep her happy, it’s your job to assist her in being holy. It’s the loving thing to do and is exactly what Christ does for the Church. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." [Revelation 3:19 KJV] Brother, if you a wife and children, start putting in the effort to be a more Biblical man today. This way, you have more years living according to God’s role for you. If you don’t have either, you have even more reason to start today. For if you do, you may avoid much struggle and hardship with your future family.
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Sorry everyone, some family matters came up that I had to deal with. Please pray for guidance 🙏🏻
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🙏 6👍 1
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Being gentle does not equal being weak. And meekness is certainly not a weakness.
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🙏 3
Live streaming the recording of the first ever podcast episode tonight at 9pm EDT. Right here in the Telegram channel!
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