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#Avive - 社交网络证明协议 错过#BTC,错过#ETH,不能错过#Avive 👉点击此链接注册(请在浏览器中打开此链接): 新开的盘 vv币 空投 搞钱的 有需要搞钱的可以试一试 现在vv币还没有上市 趁现在还是没有上市快快薅羊毛
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"DANCE_MODE": "Dance Mode", "DASHBOARD": "Dashboard", "DEATHMATCH": "Deathmatch", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_ADD": "Add Global", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_BASE_ADDRESS": "Base Address:", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_ENABLE_FREEZING": "Enable Freezing", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_NAME": "Name:", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_NEW": "New Global", "DEBUG_GLOBALS_VALUE": "Value:", "DEBUG_GLOBAL_FREEZE": "Freeze:", "DEBUG_GLOBAL_FREEZE_TOGGLE": "Freeze", "DEBUG_GLOBAL_OFFSET": "Offset: %d", "DEBUG_GLOBAL_OFFSET_COUNT": "Number of Offsets:", "DEBUG_GLOBAL_SIZE": "Size:", "DEBUG_LOG_METRICS": "Log Metrics", "DEBUG_LOG_NATIVE_SCRIPT_HOOKS": "Native Script Hooks", "DEBUG_LOG_SCRIPT_EVENT": "Enable Script Event Logging", "DEBUG_LOG_SCRIPT_EVENT_FILTER_BY_PLAYER": "Filter by Player", "DEBUG_LOG_TREE_SCRIPT_EVENT": "Script Event Logging", "DEBUG_REMOVE_FROM_BAD_SPORT": "Remove from Bad Sport", "DEBUG_SCRIPTS_SUB_TITLE": "These scripts are responsible for all looped features.\nOnly disable if you know what you are doing.", "DEBUG_SCRIPT_EVENT_ARG": "Arg[%d]", "DEBUG_SCRIPT_EVENT_ARG_COUNT": "Script Argument Count:", "DEBUG_SCRIPT_EVENT_EVERYONE": "Send to everyone", "DEBUG_SCRIPT_EVENT_PLAYER_ID": "Player ID:", "DEBUG_SCRIPT_EVENT_SEND_EVENT": "Send Event", "DEBUG_TABS_LOGS": "Logs", "DEBUG_TAB_GLOBALS": "Globals", "DEBUG_TAB_LOCALS": "Locals", "DEBUG_TAB_MISC": "Misc", "DEBUG_TAB_SCRIPTS": "Scripts", "DEBUG_TAB_SCRIPT_EVENTS": "Script Events", "DEBUG_WINDOW": "Debug", "DECLOAK": "Decloak", "DEFAULT": "Default", "DEFAULT_CMD_PERMISSIONS": "Default Command Permissions", "DELETE": "Delete", "DELETE_TRAIN": "Delete Train", "DELETE_TRAIN_DESC": "You cant delete the train while in it.", "DERAIL_TRAIN": "Derail Train", "DESCENDING": "Descending", "DESYNC_KICK": "Desync Kick", "DIRECTION": "Direction", "DISABLE_CEO_MONEY": "Disable CEO Money", "DISABLE_CEO_MONEY_DESC": "Blocks CEO money drops across the entire session. This can also break other stuff, use with caution", "DISABLE_COLLISION": "Disable Collision", "DISABLE_ENGINE_AUTO_START": "Disable Engine Auto Start", "DISABLE_FILTER": "Disable Filter", "DISABLE_PEDS": "Disable Pedestrians", "DISABLE_TRAFFIC": "Disable Traffic", "DMG_MULTIPLR": "Damage Multiplier", "DONT_STOP": "Don't Stop", "DRIVER": "Driver", "DRIVE_TRAIN": "Drive Train", "DRIVING_STYLE": "Driving Style", "DRIVING_STYLE_SET_TO": "Driving style set to {}.", "DROWN": "Drown", "EMERGENCY_STOP": "Emergency Stop", "ENABLED": "Enabled", "ENABLE_SPECIAL_AMMO": "Enable Special Ammo", "ESP_BULLET": " BULLET", "ESP_EXPLOSION": " EXPLOSION", "ESP_GOD": "GOD", "EVENT_STARTER": "Event Starter", "EXIT_TRAIN": "Exit Train", "EXPLODE_ALL": "Explode Everyone", "EXPLOSION": "Explosion", "EXPLOSION_KARMA": "Explosion Karma", "EXPLOSION_LOOP": "Explosion Loop", "EXPORT_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Export To Clipboard", "FADE": "Fade", "FAKE_DEPOSIT": "Fake Deposit", "FILTERS": "Filters", "FIRE": "Fire", "FLIGHT_SCHOOL": "Flight School", "FORCE": "Force", "FORCE_HOST": "Force Host", "FORCE_MISSION": "Force Mission", "FORCE_SCRIPT_HOST": "Force Script Host", "FORCE_SESSION_HOST": "Force Session Host", "FORCE_SESSION_HOST_DESC": "Join another session to apply changes. The original host of the session must leave or be kicked. This feature is easily detectable by other mod menus, use with caution", "FORCE_SHOW_HUD": "Force show HUD", "FORCE_SHOW_HUD_ELEMENT": "Force show HUD element", "FORCE_SHOW_HUD_ELEMENT_DESC": "To force show a HUD specific element, click Hide all then click Show on the desired element.",
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"FORCE_TELEPORT": "Force Teleport", "FORCE_THUNDER": "Force Thunder", "FORCE_WANTED_LVL": "Force Wanted Level", "FORCE_WANTED_LVL_INFO": "Keep a specific wanted level active on yourself", "FREEZE_LOOP": "Freeze Loop", "FRONT": "Front", "FULLY_AUTOMATIC_SIGNAL": "Fully Automatic Signal", "FUN_VEHICLE_SEAT": "Seat ", "FUN_VEHICLE_SPEED": "Speed({})", "FUN_VEHICLE_TOP_SPEED": "Top Speed({})", "GAME_CACHE": "Game Cache", "GAME_CACHE_DONT_CARE": "I don't care, update in single player!", "GAME_CACHE_GO_ONLINE": "Update cache in online.", "GAME_CACHE_ON_INIT": "Update Cache On Init", "GAME_CACHE_SINGLE_PLAYER_DESCRIPTION": "You are currently in single player, you can force build the cache in single player but risk crashing when going into multiplayer or load online and cache.", "GAME_CACHE_UPDATE": "YimMenu requires a rebuild of the game cache. This may take up to one minute to generate.", "GAME_CACHE_UPDATE_CACHE": "Update Cache", "GAME_CACHE_UPDATING": "Updating cache, please wait...", "GAME_CACHE_WAITING_FOR_ONLINE": "Waiting for online to start cache update...", "GAME_CACHE_WAITING_FOR_SINGLE_PLAYER": "Waiting for single player to be loaded...", "GENERAL": "General", "GET_ALL_WEAPONS": "Get All Weapons", "GOD_MODE": "God Mode", "GOLF": "Golf", "GTA_BANNER": "GTA Banner", "GUI_TAB_BLACKHOLE": "Blackhole", "GUI_TAB_CONTEXT_MENU": "Context Menu", "GUI_TAB_CREATOR": "Creator", "GUI_TAB_DEBUG": "Debug", "GUI_TAB_ESP": "ESP", "GUI_TAB_GUI": "GUI", "GUI_TAB_HANDLING": "Handling", "GUI_TAB_HANDLING_CURRENT_PROFILE": "Current Profile", "GUI_TAB_HANDLING_SAVED_PROFILES": "Saved Profiles", "GUI_TAB_HOTKEYS": "Hotkeys", "GUI_TAB_LSC": "LS Customs", "GUI_TAB_MISSIONS": "Missions", "GUI_TAB_MOBILE": "Mobile", "GUI_TAB_MODEL_SWAPPER": "Model Swapper", "GUI_TAB_NEARBY": "Nearby", "GUI_TAB_NETWORK": "Network", "GUI_TAB_ORBITAL_DRONE": "Orbital Drone", "GUI_TAB_OUTFIT_EDITOR": "Outfit Editor", "GUI_TAB_OUTFIT_SLOTS": "Outfit Slots", "GUI_TAB_PERSIST_CAR": "Persist Car", "GUI_TAB_PERSONAL_VEHICLE": "Personal Vehicle", "GUI_TAB_PLAYER_DB": "Player Database", "GUI_TAB_PROTECTION": "Protection", "GUI_TAB_REACTIONS": "Reactions", "GUI_TAB_SELF": "Self", "GUI_TAB_
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{ "ADD": "Add", "ADVERTISE_YIMMENU": "Advertise YimMenu", "ADVERTISE_YIMMENU_DESC": "Advertise YimMenu by spoofing player names to differently colored variants of 'YimMenu'. You will not be able to customize the name with this option enabled", "ALL": "All", "ALL_PLAYERS": "All Players", "AMMO": "Ammo", "APPLY": "Apply", "ASCENDING": "Ascending", "AUTO_DRIVE": "Auto Drive", "AUTO_KICK_CHAT_SPAMMERS": "Auto-kick Chat Spammers", "AUTO_TP_TO_WP": "Auto-Teleport To Waypoint", "BACK": "Back", "BAD_SPORT": "Bad Sport", "BLAMED_FOR_EXPLOSION": "{} blamed {} for explosion", "BLIPS": "Blips:", "BLOCK": "Block", "BLOCK_JOIN": "Block Join", "BLOCK_JOIN_ALERT": "Block Join Alert", "BLOCK_JOIN_INFO": "Blocked {} from joining", "BLOCK_JOIN_PREVENT_PLAYER_JOIN": "Trying to prevent {} from joining...", "BLOCK_RID_JOINING": "Block RID Joining", "BLOCK_RID_JOINING_DESCRIPTION": "This will block anyone trying to join, kick or crash you with your Rockstar ID, including your friends", "BOOST_BEHAVIOR": "Boost Behavior", "BOUNTY": "Bounty", "BRING_CLOSEST_VEHICLE": "Bring Closest Vehicle", "BRING_PV": "Bring PV", "BULLET": "Bullet", "BULLETPROOF_TIRES": "Bulletproof Tires", "BULLET_IMPACT": "Bullet Impact", "BUSINESS_BATTLES": "Business Battles", "BYPASS_C4_LIM": "Bypass C4 Limit", "CAMHEDZ": "Camhedz", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "CAPTURE": "Capture", "CEO_ABILITIES": "CEO Abilities", "CEO_BULLSHARK": "Bullshark Testosterone", "CEO_MONEY": "CEO Money", "CHALLENGES": "Challenges", "CHANGE_PLATE_NUMBER": "Change Plate Number", "CHANGE_PLAYER_MODEL": "Change Player Model", "CHANGE_STATE_IMMEDIATELY": "Change State Immediately", "CHAT": "Chat", "CHAT_COMMANDS": "Chat Commands", "CHAT_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS": "Chat Command Permissions", "CHECKPOINTS": "Checkpoints", "CHECK_ALL": "Check all", "CHROME": "Chrome", "CLASSIC": "Classic", "CLEAR_OVERRIDE": "Clear Override", "CLONE_PV_PLATE": "Clone PV Plate", "CLOSE": "Close", "CLOSE_ALL_DOORS": "Close All", "CMD_EXECUTOR_CMD_TEMPLATE": "{} - {} - {} | {} Args", "CMD_EXECUTOR_MULTIPLE_CMDS": "You can execute several commands at the same time by separating them with \";\"", "CMD_EXECUTOR_NO_CMD": "No commands could be found. :(", "CMD_EXECUTOR_TITLE": "YimMenu Command Executor", "CMD_EXECUTOR_TYPE_CMD": "Type your command", "COLLISION": "Collision", "COLOR_OPTIONS": "Color Options", "COPY": "Copy", "COPY_SESSION_INFO": "Copy Session Info", "CREATOR_INFINITE_MEMORY": "Infinite Model Memory", "CREATOR_INFINITE_MEMORY_DESCRIPTION": "Infinite Model Memory is only useful if dev mode is not activated", "CREATOR_JOB_CREATE_FILE": "Create Job File", "CREATOR_JOB_FAILED_METADATA_FETCH": "Could not download job metadata", "CREATOR_JOB_FILENAME": "Job Name", "CREATOR_JOB_FILENAME_HINT": "Ex: My Cool Job", "CREATOR_JOB_IMPORT": "Import", "CREATOR_JOB_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION": "Job Import", "CREATOR_JOB_IMPORT_SUCCESS": "Job Import successfully done", "CREATOR_JOB_LINK": "SocialClub Job Link", "CREATOR_JOB_UGC_QUERY_FAILED": "UGC QueryContent failed", "CREATOR_LAUNCH": "Launch Creator", "CREATOR_LOAD_FROM_FILE": "Load From File", "CREATOR_OPTIONS": "Creator Options", "CREATOR_SAVED_JOBS": "Saved Jobs", "CREATOR_SAVE_TO_FILE": "Save To File", "CREATOR_STORAGE_CANNOT_OBTAIN_JSON": "Cannot obtain JSON data", "CREATOR_STORAGE_SAVE_JOB": "Save Job", "CREW": "Crew", "CRIMINAL_DAMAGE": "Criminal Damage", "CUSTOM": "Custom", "CUSTOM_VEHCOLOR": "Custom VehColor", "CUSTOM_WEAPONS": "Custom Weapons", "DAMAGE_KARMA": "Damage Karma",
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▫王者体验服 ▫自瞄·绘制 ▫永久免费 ▫青莲剑仙 ▫@GOTOPJ ▫UI ▫
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⚜️Hacker Pubg 新模组 32 位 Gl ⚜️32 位世界的新模式 ⚙️2.4 版本/2.4 版本⚙️ 📱特点/特点 🔥ESP/🧍🏽乘客观景区 🎯Bullettrack/子弹轨迹 🚗飞行汽车/飞行汽车 🏆Moree./更多的东西 ✅没有安全/我不保证任何人的帐户 💎始终尝试 3 到 5 场比赛 首先是假账户 ᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔ 不会闪退 有美化 也是给你们发了,好吧? 卡密被我24k删了 所以没有卡密 ᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔ 📱加入新模式频道⌲ ☆
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