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The Daily Rake

The Daily Rake's telegram channel.

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English Troonphobes Ban Puberty Blockers for Kids, CBC Experts Mentally Holocausted - The Daily Rake

CBC: Along-anticipated — and contentious — national review of gender-affirming care for youth in England was released last week, resulting in headlines across the U.K. saying that gender medicine is “built on shaky foundations.” The Cass Review, chaired by pediatrician Hilary Cass, was commissioned by England’s National Health Service (NHS) in 2020.  Even before the final report was published, the review has led to significant changes for youth gender medicine in England, where the debate over transgender care has become increasingly heated, with complaints of both long waiting lists and medical treatments being too readily available to youth. Last month, the Cass Review findings led […]

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Butthole Left Denounces Iran After Unprovoked Israeli Bombing of Iranian Consulate in Syria - The Daily Rake

The following video got recommended to me, apropos of nothing. YouSchlomosTube really wants me to get excited about Canada’s number one retard denouncing Iran. I haven’t bothered watching it, and I doubt I ever will. I can’t stand Trudeau, and I can’t stand the Lugenpresse in attendance. I don’t appear to be alone with in that sentiment, as the video is about as popular as a modern (((Hollywood))) product.   I did skim the video to get a shot or two of the crowd. At this point, I get the same combination of contempt and disgust when I see these mouthpieces […]

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I Showed up with my Lunch Pail and all I got was this Lousy Tetanus Shot - The Daily Rake

Today was my first day of roofing, and my entire body has the sort of deep fatigue that is normally reserved for extreme endurance events. My back is outright sore, and when I got home I was covered in a layer of dirt that made me look like I had a late summer tan. On the whole, I enjoyed the experience, although I doubt anyone would do this sort of thing without being paid. The first thing I learned about roofing is that roofs are like rollercoasters, not because they’re fun, but because they seem a lot steeper when you’re […]

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Dr Shekelstein Find Acceptable Employment - The Daily Rake

It’s been a long job search, but I’ve finally found work as a roofer. Or rather, a friend of mine connected me with a friend of his, who introduced me to his boss, and I got the job.  I was talking to this friend of a friend on Easter Sunday, and he told me to call his boss around 11 AM on the following Monday. I did so, and was told that I would get a call back at lunchtime. This call never came, which had me thinking the worst, but then just before 8AM on Tuesday morning I get […]

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CBC Now Promoting Loneliness as a Lifestyle - The Daily Rake

CBC: Nastasha Streiling says even though she’d like a relationship, she’s happy being single. The 28-year-old, who lives in Victoria, says she’s “not going to be with someone unless it enhances things.” She’s part of a growing number of single people in Canada and around the world. “There seems to be evidence that around the world people are staying single longer and sometimes staying single permanently,” said Geoff MacDonald, a psychologist at the University of Toronto whose lab studies the well-being of single people. In Canada, there’s been a drop in the number of people living together as couples from 1981 to 2021, according […]

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Gaza Gone Wild 2024: Shitlibs DeToothify Already Toothless NDP Whinefest Against Yidsrael, NDP Passes Anyway - The Daily Rake

This couldn’t be more timely, as I recently had yet another flareup of Hardcore Aryan Warriors on Telegram aggressively chastising anyone for supporting Hamas, using the term “shitskin” about five times per post. I came to this a bit late, and vanned everyone involved, but these types just keep coming back, like Herpes. You’d think that every single “far-left” Government in the Western world bending over backwards to support the genocide state of Israel would send them the right message, but apparently not. The gist of the argument was the complete and utter non-sequitur that, since zionists control levers of […]

🔥 11👍 1
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Alberta Town of Westlock Holocausts Pervert Flags, Crosswalks Over AIDS-Mayors Objections - The Daily Rake

This story is a full three weeks old, but I never got around to it at the time, and I still think it’s important. CBC: Shaylin Lussier remembers going numb and starting to cry after learning the results of a vote that will force a rainbow crosswalk brought forward by R.F. Staples Secondary School’s gay-straight alliance to be removed from town property. No matter how many times I write about Big Pervert, I never fail to experience that feeling of bafflement, mirth, and disgust all at the same time. After a while I get partially desensitized to their vicious buffoonery, but I […]

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I Hate the E-Right Part 22: Twinkmaxxing - The Daily Rake

On a recent article I wrote surveying the utter desolation of the modern internet, I got an interesting comment from “Paranoid Boomer.” I agree with most of it, and thought this part was worth reproducing. Maybe the breakdown of traditional monogamy makes men think that having S-tier looks is the only sure way to know women will love you and not cheat on you, but I can’t imagine that attracting women is the primary motivation for obsessing this much over your face. It reminds me of the beautiful ones from the Rat Utopia experiment. I believe that he’s actually referring […]

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Birthdays and Revolutions - The Daily Rake

It has become clear to me that this site needs more articles. It is after all, the daily Rake, and while I don’t feel compelled to live up to the name, I’ve decided that Monday-Friday will have short pieces scheduled for the morning. The weekend, and spare time during the week, will be used to write and edit the much longer works that are more important, but also far more time and effort to produce. I don’t want a situation like we have currently, where I’m working on a number of massive articles behind the scenes, with little to show for […]

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Matt Parrott's "Devolutionary Technology" is Absolute Nonsense - The Daily Rake

A little while back, someone recommended Matt Parrott’s theory of “Devolutionary Technology,” to me. I was skeptical, because Matt Parrott is a retard, but I decided to look it up and give Parrott a fair shake. The below article is the first thing I found. Matt Parrott Substack (2021): In each stage of the vaportrad historical process, the new order creates the conditions that will lead to their eventual undoing. The martial elite creates a complex social order that it’s not fit to manage. The managerial elite creates conditions for a complex economic market that it’s not fit to manage. The mercantile […]

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