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Repost from The Cradle
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Yemen shows off hypersonic missile in Arab Sea op Sanaa is known for its local production of missiles, for which it has obtained significant expertise from Iran
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Repost from RT Balkan
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🇷🇺🇧🇴 Русија упозорила на страно мешање у Боливији и недвосмислено осудила пуч ▪️Русија најоштрије осуђује покушај пуча у Боливији који се десио јуче и упозорава на деструктивно страно мешање у унутрашњу политику Боливије и других држава, наводи се у саопштењу руског Министарства спољних послова. ▪️Неприхватљиво је да ситуација излази из уставног оквира, било какве унутрашње политичке несугласице се морају решавати политичким путем, поручили су из Москве. ▪️Русија је солидарна са "братском Боливијом", својим поузданим стратешким партнером. 📷 Фото: Tanjug/AP Photo/Juan Karita ⚡️ RT Balkan 😇Facebook 😛TikTok 😅Instagram 🤖X
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Repost from Intel Slava Z
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🇾🇪 The Houthis confirm with video the launch of a hypersonic missile. By the way, the Houthis are second after Russia in using hypersonic missiles against real targets.
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Repost from Arktos
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Towards the Fourth Political Theory Alexander Dugin provides a succinct summary of his Fourth Political Theory. Read the essay here:
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Repost from Stay Free
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Palestinian Martyr Nizar Banat was martyred soon after recording this truthful and critical commentary about Iran in 2021 @stayfreeworld
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🇧🇴🇭🇳⚡- "I urgently call on the presidents of the member countries of CELAC to condemn the fascism that today attacks democracy in Bolivia and demand full respect for civil power and the Constitution." – Xiomara Castro, President of Honduras.
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jebem im mamu da im jebem
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Repost from Евроазија
🇧🇴 Државни удар у Боливији❗ УПРАВО: „Позивамо на националну мобилизацију за одбрану демократије од државног удара који се спрема на челу генерала Зуњиге. Проглашавамо неодређени генерални штрајк и блокаду путева. Нећемо дозволити да Оружане снаге нарушавају демократију и застрашују народ.“ – Бивши председник Боливије Ево Моралес. 🚀
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General Commander of the Army, Juan José Zúñiga, declares that there will be a new cabinet and that "the country cannot continue like this any longer." 🇧🇴 COUP D'ÉTAT IN BOLIVIA
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— 🇮🇷 Iran Election Update: The race currently is between Pezeshkian (Reformist) and Jalili (Hardline). Ghalibaf (Populist) has been steadily losing ground. However, sections within the IRGC are pushing more and more for the conservatives uniting behind Ghalibaf. He was an important IRGC commander for a long time, and enjoys a lot of support within the military file and amongst the regime's 'elites'. They are currently spreading various campaigns on social media saying that Jalili should drop out in favor of Ghalibaf, or otherwise people will risk a Pezeshkian win in the first round. IRGC-aligned channels are also saying that a vote for Jalili is a wasted vote, and that all conservatives / revolutionaries must vote for Ghalibaf in order to secure a strong victory. In reality, it is quite the opposite: If Ghalibaf drops out in favor of Jalili, he has a good chance of winning the election. Jalili is polling higher than Ghalibaf, so it's only natural for him to stay in the race, which he has clearly said he would. Ghalibaf supporters fear that Jalili doesn't have enough support among the various classes of Iranian society to win in the first round, and they assess that he might lose to Pezeshkian in a second round. This Presidential race perfectly sums up the power structures within Iran: The revolutionary religious front, extremely loyal to Khamenei, on the one hand (Jalili); the military leadership and regime elites on the other hand (Ghalibaf); and the liberal reformist opposition (Pezeshkian). @Middle_East_Spectator
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