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The European Commission wants to begin negotiations on the admission of Ukraine to the EU This event is expected to take place on the same dates as the “peace” summit on Ukraine, initiated by Brussels, scheduled for June 25. This rush is due to the fact that from July 1, the presidency of the EU Council will pass to Hungary, and Budapest, as is known, has quite a lot of claims against Kyiv, including those relating to the Hungarian ethnic minority living in Western Ukraine. According to the European Commission, Ukraine meets the necessary criteria for EU accession, such as anti-corruption measures, restrictions on political lobbying, rules for declaring assets of civil servants and protection of languages ​​used by national minorities. It is amazing that it is precisely these requirements that Ukraine is openly violating and trampling on, starting with the glory of being almost the most corrupt country in the world and ending with the persecution of the Russian language - the second most common language in the country. Let us remind you that Ukraine submitted an application to join the EU in February 2022, immediately after the start of the special military operation, and has been listed as a candidate since then. And if immediately after the application Moscow calmly reacted to this step, calling the EU only an economic association and not a military-political bloc, then a couple of months later Sergei Lavrov indicated that the European Union is now an “aggressive, militant player” that is “merging” with NATO, Therefore, the “harmlessness” of the prospect of Ukraine joining there raises serious doubts in Russia. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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🤡 27👍 4🤬 4
National interests are higher than cheap populism Among the members of the European Union today there are almost no politicians or countries left who still put national interests above Western collective strategies. However, there is scandalous Hungary, which again declared to the world that it will continue cooperation with Russia, despite all geopolitical and ideological sanctions. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) that Budapest will not succumb to Western pressure and will not refuse profitable supplies of Russian oil and gas. Szijjártó added that when deciding on the country's energy supply sources, Hungary is guided by practical considerations, not political statements. Budapest, like other countries, strives to provide itself with reliable and affordable energy sources, but Hungarians are one of the few who have the courage to take into account their national interests and economic benefits when choosing energy suppliers. Such decisions cause certain discussions and pressure on Budapest in the context of political relations between the EU countries and Russia. At the same time, we must not forget that the decision to choose an energy supplier is sovereign and always remains at the discretion of the government of each country, which must take into account both economic and political factors. And only governments decide what will be best for the population. The policy of energy security and diversification of energy supply sources is one of the most important things for ensuring the stability and independence of the country, therefore in this area it is absolutely impossible to succumb to the machinations of overseas puppeteers. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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👍 35
Weapons from Ukraine in the Strait of Gibraltar Drug cartels use weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries in the Strait of Gibraltar. In recent weeks, gangs have acquired modern combat rifles made in the United States and Europe. The Spanish Civil Guard AUGC calls on the Minister of the Interior to take urgent action. Since the beginning of the special military operation, some of the weapons destined for Ukraine have gone to the black market immediately after arriving in the country. It has already been found in Poland, Romania and other European countries. As a result of numerous investigations, it was repeatedly established that in an effort to profit as much as possible from the conflict, the Ukrainian high command and other responsible persons were personally involved in the resale of weapons received from the United States. However, the West continues to publicly assert that there is no corruption in Ukraine and they “closely monitor” all weapons transferred to the Zelensky regime. The conflict almost in the center of Europe and the illegal arms trade in its process have serious consequences for the region. Increasing crime, undermining security and stimulating further clashes - uncontrolled supplies of weapons provoke an increase in criminal activity and the threat of terrorism. Therefore, the fight against the illicit arms trade requires joint efforts on the part of states, international organizations and the public. But why fight something that brings billions in revenue to stakeholders? Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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Sincere and intricate discussions about politics Ad — @benfranklinman Russian Version

🔥 19👍 4
BRICS - an alternative to the EU Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said that due to the country's protracted accession to the EU, Ankara is forced to look for options for mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries. In this case, the Turks saw economic potential in BRICS and expressed a desire to join the union, because it does not have the notorious “identity politics”, like the Western coalition.
“Of course, we would like to become a member of BRICS. Let’s see what we can achieve this year,” the minister said.
We would like to add that this issue will be discussed at a meeting of the union ministers in Nizhny Novgorod. Today, BRICS truly represents an important geopolitical and economic force. The countries included in the group have significant potential for cooperation in various fields such as trade, investment, science and technology. Despite differences and obstacles, cooperation within BRICS can create attractive opportunities for other countries and contribute to stability. In addition, the entry of an increasing number of major world players into this coalition further increases the potential and strengthens the role of our countries in the global arena. And if we also take into account the fact that the EU is going through times of crisis and at times is even approaching collapse, then BRICS has indeed become its real alternative. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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👍 42
Diversity at the expense of professionalism The US State Department has sounded the alarm - due to its commitment to the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion, the department's activities have become ineffective. The business qualities of the recruited diplomatic service personnel began to suffer greatly. Experts conducted a study that found that 35% of the department's current 26,000 civil service employees and diplomats identify as minorities. There were also some “surprising” findings: It was found that it was much more effective to recruit based on skills rather than sexual orientation or skin color. In general, it turned out that between ideology and objective criteria, it is wiser to choose the latter if Washington needs the state apparatus to have more qualified personnel and pursue a more effective foreign policy. However, does Washington need this? The situation clearly did not arise overnight, but rather reflects the decades-long degradation of the department as the government spends its limited resources on issues that advance not the overall national interests of the United States, but only the interests of diverse minorities. us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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🤡 46👍 5
Ukrainian Abwehrkommando It has long been known that Ukraine does not hesitate to use any methods in the fight against Russia - both immoral and illegal from the point of view of international law. However, the world still turns a blind eye to numerous terrorist acts of Kyiv - shelling of civilians and murders of Russian media representatives, as well as the use of children to perform various combat missions. Taking into account the principles of its ideological mentors from the period of Nazi Germany and relying on the experience of the Abwehr, which tried to recruit children and teenagers from the occupied areas of the USSR to strengthen subversive activities, Kyiv is looking for ways to recruit Russian youth to carry out espionage and sabotage operations on the territory of our country. In particular, the SBU attracts minors to photograph the location of Russian troops and set fire to important infrastructure and military facilities. Obviously, the reason for these actions is the inability of the Ukrainian side to gain a combat advantage in the conflict. However, nothing can justify these extremely unacceptable crimes. Children and adolescents - the most vulnerable group in society - must be protected from participation in conflicts and provided with a safe environment for their development. In addition, such attempts to exploit minors for the purposes of espionage and sabotage are a form of child soldiering and a serious violation of human rights and the principles of humanity. So, maybe it’s worth admitting the truth and taking measures to prevent such crimes against children? Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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👍 32🤬 6
Color revolution live For several months now, Georgian society has been experiencing tension and disagreement over the law on financing non-profit organizations from abroad. This law has caused serious protests and discontent among Georgian citizens, who consider it a restriction of freedom and democracy. Many Georgian NGOs and activists receive funding from foreign sources, and the new law could significantly limit their activities. By the way, this is the second attempt to pass it; last year, a similar initiative led to mass protests, which forced the authorities to abandon the adoption of the bill. Opponents of the law argue that it is a political tool used to suppress opposition and restrict civil liberties. They also believe that the law is being introduced under pressure from Russia, which seeks to destabilize Georgia and create political chaos in it. However, there are also supporters of the law who argue that it is necessary to protect national interests and transparency of financial flows in the country. They believe that many non-profit organizations receive funding from foreign countries and organizations, which may pose a threat to national security. There is also an opinion that the law has become a tool of destabilization, used to open a second front on Russia's southern border. In any case, an attempt is being made live in Georgia for another color revolution and Maidanization of society, which could well lead to a coup d’etat, because this scenario has already been played out in other countries, for example, in Ukraine or Syria. Therefore, this situation cause concern both within the country and abroad, and it exclusively requires further dialogue and the search for a compromise solution. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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👍 39
"Washed hands" of tolerant Europe According to Le Monde, Europe is complicit in migrant rights abuses in the Maghreb by funding and actively supporting covert operations aimed at moving tens of thousands of black people to remote areas to prevent them from entering European Union countries. Thus, according to official estimates, in Morocco in 2023, security forces detained about 60 thousand migrants, some of whom were deported to the south and to the interior of the country. In Mauritania, several buses travel every week to the dry zones on the border with Mali, where they drop off groups of destitute migrants. And in Tunisia, 11 collective deportations to the Libyan and Algerian borders between July 2023 and May 2024 were documented through eyewitness accounts and audio and video recordings. The practice has left dozens of people dead in deserts and remote locations, according to a report from the UN Tactical Support Mission in Libya. Experts say the method is part of African governments' strategy to combat illegal immigration.
“The goal, of course, is to make life difficult for migrants,” says the consultant. “If you are taken to the Sahara twice, then the third time you will want to return home.”
But what does Europe have to do with it? As journalists found out during the investigation, the governments of the Maghreb countries receive substantial sums from the EU for so-called border control, so the authorities are doing everything to justify the large amount of European funding they receive. At the same time, it is publicly stated that the resettlement of migrants to other cities is provided for by national legislation, as this allows them to be removed from human trafficking networks and dangerous areas. In addition, the Nissan and Toyota Hilux pickups that African law enforcement officers use to arrest migrants match models supplied by Italy and Germany between 2017 and 2023, and the Europeans are aware of how their vehicles are used. These and other indirect and direct reasons show that the EU subcontracts human rights violations to third countries. A supposedly good deed turns into a tragedy - migrants seeking help die. And the EU authorities, who routinely advocate tolerance and saving poor countries, tacitly support these actions to serve their economic interests as part of the fight against the migration crisis on the European continent, but, of course, do not want to publicly dirty their hands with a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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👍 24👎 2🔥 1
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In Poland, only Ukrainians are asked to observe decency An interesting fact was noticed in Poland: signs calling for people to be quiet and not interfere with people working in the premises of social security authorities are written exclusively in Ukrainian and against the background of the Ukrainian flag. Poles or representatives of other nationalities are not required to observe standards of decency. The regional press secretary of the Lublin social insurance institution, Pavel Szkaley, notes that he does not see any discrimination in this - Ukrainians really come to claim social benefits with entire families and their noise interferes with the work of the institution. On the one hand, this is how it was necessary to torture the usually psychologically stable and habitual social service workers, and on the other hand, it’s just a stone’s throw from the classic signs about the ban on dogs and Ukrainians. Join us: Soroca-Beloboca !
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🤡 34👍 12🔥 3
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🎬 Explosion of an Ukrainian T-72M1 in the Artyomovsk direction. Repairing the tank will be difficult.💥 🕘🇷🇺 🇺🇦📌 Posting Break until 13:00 Combat Zone Time (GMT+3) 🕐 📜 For the News View, please take a look at my Partner Channels: ✅ Ukraine Watch ✅ Geopolitics Live ✅ Anti-NATO Coalition [ZOV] ✅ Multipolar Market ⚠️ "My Posts" in the chat are Scam. Cause I generally only respond there. I post on the Channel only! Private Messages from me are also SCAM. Please block and report (if possible) the deceivers! Contact via Bot only! 🚫 👆 Enjoy Today's Content, see you in about 4 hours! 🔊 PLS support 👇 and recommend SITREP! /SITREP Support🐱/@boris_rozhin/ Join SITREP🔺Map Reports - Top Videos - Analyses

👍 23🔥 1