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The Absolute State of WN [TASOWN]

The Absolute State of White Nationalism

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AF Post (@AFpost) on X

House passes bill to define alleging Jewish involvement in Christ’s crucifixion as antisemitism, with 320-91 majority. Follow: @AFpost

🥱 4😁 1
Are you with BT?
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🤪 3🖕 1
Repost from N/a
Only a complete idiot could look at me and call me a "nonwhite" Hispanic. A total IDIOT. And I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering so there's that.
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🤡 1
Repost from N/a
And by the way GDL is still the number 1 coast to coast Pro-White organization in America. Not even close. BT/PF might get mad when I say that but HT has done as much as Rockwell albeit in a digital era and I beg anyone to try to argue he hasn't.
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Damn, the coping is off the charts here
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👍 2
wait for it... "I'm not hispanic" nah ese, you're half a taco - mexicans don't even get to be called "Hispanic", bottom tier beaner
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🤣 6
Repost from WARPIG memes
HOLY SHIT AJ calling out kikes? What is even going on?
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🔥 4
Repost from AntifaWatch
Robert Rundo was granted bail pending the 9th circuit review of the selective prosecution dismissal. Cormac J. Carney states that DoJ has violated Rundo’s 1st, 4th, 5th, and 8th amendment rights Rundo won't be released yet, as the 9th circuit has basically hijacked the CDCA district court and put an automatic 96 hour hold on any release order being implemented. Feds will almost certainly appeal to 9th circuit. Carney once again pointed out Antifa as responsible for the violence "Contrary to the government’s accusations, it was Antifa, a far-left extremist group, that posed the insidious threat to democracy." The release would be with a huge number of conditions including staying at a Salvation Army center, avoiding contact with certain persons, and location monitoring.
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You will never be a real white nationalist. You only attack right wingers, you never attack leftists, you use the MSM as your sources. You are a homosexual man twisted by CIA glowops and leftist dogma into a crude mockery of white nationalism. All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back right wingers mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your fake persona behind closed doors. Real white nationalists are utterly repulsed by you. A hundred years of honeypots have allowed men to sniff out larpers with incredible efficiency. Even leftists who are “anti-zionist” look uncanny and unnatural to a real white nationalist. Your gay porn memes are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to convince a white nationalist, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your rotting, HIV-infected axe wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you can infiltrate this time, but deep inside you feel the failure creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll write a post about how you’re actually a BernieBro, click send, watch the replies, and run off into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll ban you from the internet from the rest of your life, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a leftist exposed himself online. Your post history will decay, and all that will remain of your legacy is a post that is obviously leftist. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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🔥 11💩 11🥰 3👍 1😁 1
Repost from Mark Dice
Patriot Front marched again today, this time in Charleston, West Virginia. Of course every Leftst on Twitter is screaming about "nazis" while every Right winger is tweeting about how the Feds are on the march again. These misguided LARPers are only hurting whatever cause they think they're marching for every time they gather. (They're basically White nationalists or White identitarians, but they try to mask that, no pun intended, under very vague language on their website.) They serve as the boogeyman this election cycle that there is a secret society of "nazis" throughout America. Millions of White people have finally started to denounce antiwhiteism, but these guys turn 99.9% of White people off with their little flash mobs and militant-looking marches, which should lead the members who aren't Feds reevaluate their tactics, methods, and hobbies. Of course they're not all feds (but undoubtedly feds are in leadership positions and helping direct the group). The rest are just misguided and dissafected guys who are using this LARPing as an outlet for their frustrations about what has happened to America. But this is moronic and completely counterproductive to the causes they think they are standing up for. It's only going to make people more hesitant to denounce antiwhiteism and stand up for White people because they won't want to be lumped in with these clowns. They don't educate (Thomas Rousseau couldn't even name a single book he could recommend during his interview with Keith Woods), they don't inspire, they don't work as bodyguards to protect Americans from the communists at conservative events. They just LARP around for their viral moment chanting their banal and empty slogans and pat themselves on the back thinking they've done something for trending on Twitter. It may get them a few new disgruntled White members each time, but the cost is ostracizing 99.9% of other White people who just roll their eyes and are further discouraged from having anything to do with "pro-White" activities or White identity politics. Candace Owens has done more to expose antiwhiteism and promote White identity than these guys. A black woman! Sad.
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🤡 11🔥 10👍 2🤨 2👏 1