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Sugar Withdrawal: Herbs that have a posative impact in reducing sugar craving. cinnamon helps to reduce sugar cravings by controlling blood glucose levels. This herb helps to minimize insulin spikes. Cinnamon helps to  control blood sugar levels. It can  also help control sugar spikes that often lead to food cravings. Fenugreek:  A great herb used for ailments ranging from anemia and stomach disorders to diabetes and heart health. Has  trace nutrients like  iron, manganese, copper and  plenty of  antioxidants. Fenugreek can be used to control blood sugar and sugar cravings effectively. Consuming cloves can help stop sugar cravings as well. Cloves contain Antioxidants, anthocyanins, and quercetin along with  an active component called eugenol, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory effects. Eugenol may help lower the risk of digestive tract cancers and reduce joint inflammation. These little spices also contain trace manganese, vitamins C and K, calcium, and magnesium. Ginseng is also an effective blood sugar stabilizer.  Can help boost the immune system, relieve stress, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and improve mental performance and wellbeing due to  strong antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Gymnema Sylvestre is an herb long used in  medicine. Consider  this herb for sugar cravings because it may help with blood sugar control and help  suppressing your cravings for sweets and sugary beverages. This herb can help in  addressing heart disease diabetes and arthritis. These health conditions  are linked to excess sugar consumption. Sugar withdrawal can be extremely  challenging, however it is  certainly not impossible to give it up. So why not try some of these home  remedies  and ward off the sugar withdrawal symptoms. What Are some of the  withdrawal symptoms you may find when giving up sugar? Headache Muscle ache Nausea Diarrhea Anxiety Hunger Fatigue Severe cravings Sleeplessness So try this.! Almond Butter Is Helpful in lowering cholesterol and helps maintain the blood sugar levels. However, when giving up sugar your blood pressure may also  be lowered  and this can lead to chills or even unconsciousness. Recipe.... grind half cup of almonds untill  thick and  creamy. Have one tea spoon of almond   butter whenever you are hungry or craving sweets. Mint and lemon Water will Help Stay Hydrated. Stay hydrated when giving up sugar, prepare a beneficial detox water. To one litre of water add thinly sliced lemon with a dozen or so mint leaves and let it  infuse for a few hours. Drink throughout the day and it will also  reduce anxiety. Garlic Prevents Diarrhoea & Indigestion Diarrhea is a major symptom of sugar withdrawal symptoms  as well as indigestion. Garlic can help, simply swallow 2-3 cloves of crushed gsrlic with water in the morning to strengthen your digestive system. Ginger Tea can relieve some common sugar withdrawal symptoms like nausea or cold. Boil a cup of water and add some ginger,  steep for about 5 minutes and drink lukewarm every day. Ginger is a analgesic, it can also help cure sugar withdrawal headache. Licorice Root  acts  as a natural sedative so you can take a teaspoon of dried licorice powder with one glass milk before sleeping for quick relief. Chamomile Tea is anti-inflammatory as well as soothing in nature, it helps calm your mind. Therefore, add a teaspoon of chamomile in a cup of water, boil for about 5 minutes and drink twice daily. It will help to overcome headache and other symptoms. For muscle cramps soak for 20 or 30 min in an epsom salt bath bath before bed, it will help to sleep and relax  you muscles. Many blessings Hans the Herbalist💕 .
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LYME DISEASE; Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). Lyme disease. Symptoms randomly affect  parts of the body; these include, the muscles, joints, gastro-intestinal, brain, and neurological systems. Lyme disease is categorised as acute or chronic stages of disease, they each have varying symptoms. spiral-shaped bacterium. (Spirochetes). These  Spirochetes are very  invasive pathogens. They are difficult to detect, and are can imitate  other diseases like spirochetal disease and Leptospirosis. Lyme disease can often becomes chronic, as this is a multi-systemic and  extremely  debilitating illness it can affect the immune system and the entire physical body.  Lyme can affect every tissue and organ in the body. Lyme results from the bite of an infected tick Borrelia burgdorferi, however there can be  many co-infections because they can transmit multiple pathogens ( bacteria and viruses) via this single bite. I have included some herbs I use  for lyme , this list changes according to symptoms, conditions, male or female and location in the world you may be and I must say it can be quite complicated. Although it can take some time to overcome Lyme diaease, be persistent,  you will recover. If you want to experiment for yourself  here  are some herbs that positively works. Withania somnifera.  herbs help in reduction of the inflammation and management of  painful conditions of bones. Cat's claw; to raise CD-57 natural killers cell for fighting the Lyme bacterium. Chinese Skullcap; to combat Bartonella's influence on the CNS and an active Mycoplasma infection Cordyceps;  to decrease body's inflammatory response Curcumin; reduce inflammatory cytokines and symptoms Japanese Knotweed; specifically combat Lyme and Bartonella by reducing their inflammatory cytokines Motherwort;  for heart palpitations, mitochondrial protection, and chest pain. Olive Leaf; Extract for its antiviral properties Red Sage; to reduce spleen and liver inflammation caused by Babesia Teasel Root; to warm the blood and lure the Lyme bacteria out of hiding Andrographis; for its antibacterial properties against Lyme. And other herbs such as Terminalia Arjuna Azadirachta indica Tinospora cordifolia These herbs   can enhance the body’s immunity to fight bacterial manifestation as well as manage the symptoms very well. Stevia rebaudiana;  this  is the sweetner, it has been shown  to have some success against Lyme. You can mix and experiment with these herbs. I also make a Lyme blend and it is available on etsy if you dont want to make your own. Many blessings Hans the Herbalist 💕
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Inflammation; Its always a good idea to know how to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is your body healing itself from damaging elements. While doing so, it activates your immune response and a chain of quite a few bodily activities. Generally  this should stop when all is better and  the health threat is gone. What becomes a problem is when the inflammation continues even after there is no illness and this  can lead to diseases from many conditions  including  cancer and arthritis. If you are leading a busy and stressful lifestyle this  can cause chronic inflammation. So best get on top of any adverse condition early. How To Reduce Inflammation; Following  an Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Anti-inflammatory foods are powerful in preventing chronic inflammation as well as healing your body from it. Eat fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables. Have at least 3 servings of fruit daily. Eat plenty of nutseeds, and natural milks. Include fibre-rich foods in your diet, like oats. Enjoy the goodness of whole grains and add anti-inflammatory spices, like turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger. Eat Omega-3 rich foods like quality olive oil and avocados. Have probiotics like yogurt and kombucha and Sauerkraut. On the other hand, stay away from food that is alcoholic, processed, stale, and artificially flavoured. Refined products like white sugar and table salt are also best avoided. Sleep is the healer. Get Proper Sleep.  The  lack of proper sleep contributes to chronic inflammation. When you don’t sleep early and at regular timings, your stress levels are likely to skyrocket. This easily triggers the body’s inflammatory response and you  face the consequences. This can eventually increases the risk of conditions like asthma, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer. If you find it hard to sleep give these steps a go. Get out into the fresh air and sunshine and Lead An Active Lifestyle. Plenty of studies have linked a sedentary lifestyle with inflammation. Most of us spend long hours in front of the computer or TV and not enough time outdoors. At work, take frequent breaks to stretch your body. At home go on long walks, preferably in nature. For at least 30 minutes a day, do a physical activity like dancing, swimming, jogging, and so on. Herbs and spices are packed with medicinal substances that heal the body and bring it in tune with its natural state of being. Suffering  from chronic inflammation, use some of the following herbs such as: Turmeric Garlic Cinnamon Oregano Black pepper Rosemary Basil Sage Thyme One of the most important answers to how to reduce inflammation in the body is, “mange stress.” Stress can serve as the root cause of countless conditions, including chronic inflammation. Take the time to nurture yourself. Many blessings Hans the Herbalist 💕
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 Dementia and Alzheimer's These conditions are becoming more popular these days and it doesnt need to. Ideally varied physical activities will help grasp  those golden days gone by and  will strengthen your body, mind and brain.  In turn it will keep you away from all kinds of age related disorders. When your weight fluctuates dramatically  from the your normal range or when your blood sugar spikes often, or perhaps  your blood pressure or cholesterol level crash,  these conditions cause havoc inside your body. What does all this Chaos do to your body? It creates dis- ease and dis- harmony in the body. It  is important to adhere  to a diet  that will help to keep these at a normal range, this will  help you to be healthy. When cooking add  extra flavor  in the food. Spices are a healthy option in most cases. There are some amazing health benefits from spices  when used with seasonal meals,  spices such as cumin, cinnamon, pepper. Most importantly they also have polyphenol compounds and these offer major benefits for  memory and healthy sustenance of brain cells.  Seeds like flax seeds, sunflower seeds are rich in antioxidants as well as in nutrients like Omega 3s,  Vitamin E and Zinc  all maximising  health benefits specially regarding your brain cells. Conditions such as dementia, brain atrophy, and cognitive decline are also  linked to  homocysteine an aminoacid.  Vegetables  such as Sprouts, Broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, Cauliflower are high in Carotenoids and Vitamin B and these reduce the amount of homocysteine, this  helps to maintain healthy  brain cells. Omega 3s are fatty acids with DHA and these  significantly help the  brain to stay healthy. Olive oil and flax seeds are  foods rich with omega 3,  fresh not farmef salmon and tuna also are rich in omega 3 ( dont use farmed fish) Here are some things where you can help to r everse dementia naturally. Yes you can! start by reducing and rebalancing  your blood sugar with a whole-foods and a low low-glycemic diet. Eat healthy fats.  Green leafy vegetables are the number one food that fights dementia having  a strong, positive effect on cognitive health. Here are some teas  for brain health. Ginger Tea. Turmeric Tea. Green tea Pu-erh Tea Yerba Mate Peppermint Black Tea Vitamins E and C. Vitamin D. 5000 iu daily Zinc. Vitamin B group  B1 specifically Learn something new and  keep the mind active such as  crossword or other kinds of puzzles and learn  musical instrument for instance. Zinc is essential to healthy functioning of the body, including the brain. Many older adults tend to not have high enough levels of zinc in their bodies. Fruits such as oranges, bell peppers, guava, kiwi, tomatoes, and strawberries, contain high amounts of natural  vitamin C Here are some herbs to  increase brain function…Turmeric. Ginkgo biloba. Ashwagandha. Ginseng. Gotu Kola. Lemon Balm. I use some  of these herbs and others  in my cognative  blend. Pharmaceuticals  drugs are not helping. It takes a little time to turn dementia around however it can be done. Many blessings Hans the Herbalist 💕
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Thank you Miranda 💕 I received this beautiful card and ceramic mushroom and lady bug. This is so sweet. Thank you again, I will find a very special place for it to live. Many blessings Miranda Hans 💕
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They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;  Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.  At the going down of the sun and in the morning  We will remember them." We will ever forget! ☉ 3 RAR , CDT3, US Navy EOD  and Vung tau ferry;  I will remember them!  blessings . H 💕
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Cardiomyopathy ;❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ a condition that commonly results in an enlarged heart and reduced blood flow. Treatment depends on which type of cardiomyopathy someone has, how severe their condition is and their overall health. Talk to your doctor if you still trust him/her. If not try a new one. ☘️🌱🍃 Herbal supplements that may help your condition especially if coming off meds. Some that can be beneficial for heart health include: hawthorn berry which may be able to reduce angina, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, irregular heart beat and even congestive heart failure, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D3, cq10 and a magnesium supplement. Eat fruits,🍎🍐🍇 and vegetables, especially high-antioxidant types. Eat whole or ancient grain products not refined grain products. Eat foods that are low in saturated and trans-fats and without refined vegetables oils eg; sunflower, safflower, canola or corn oil. Have healthy fats and oils like olive oil. Where possible eat organic grass-fed meat, pastured-raised poultry, wild-caught fish, eggs and organic dairy products. Avoid high salt foods, especially if you have high blood pressure. Avoid foods with added sugar and manmade sweeteners. Consume probiotic foods, such as fermented veggies, yogurt or kefir. These are fun to make and are a power house of goodness. Take  herbal supplement Shilajit or drink organic bone broth, these  are rich in minerals that your body can easily absorb, a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, these can help to reduce inflammation. Limit caffeine, it can cause arrhythmias and act as a stimulant this will release of adrenaline. Avoid smoking. If you have dilated cardiomyopathy definitely reduce all alcohol intake. Adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) and astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) can also be very helpful when it comes to supporting overall health and helping you deal with physical and mental stress or fatigue. For swelling and fluid retention in your legs, feet, arms, etc. use natural diuretics such as, green tea, parsley, dandelion tea, golden rod, corn silk, hawthorn berry, celery, lemon juice, cucumber, asparagus, and ginger. Exercising lightly, do stretching and elevate swollen areas. Drinking plenty of water or preferably fresh squeezed juice throughout the day. Taking a magnesium-rich Epsom salt bath to soothe chest pain and muscle soreness. Heart loves Magnesium, can’t manage a bath then soak feet for 20 min 2 or 3 times a week, can be helpful for the temporary relief of aches and inflammation. Essential oils can also help reduce stiffness and muscle pains. Peppermint essential oil can be used topically to improve circulation and reduce muscle tension. Lavender oil is useful for promoting relaxation, easing tension and helping you fall asleep.💕💕💕💕 Herbal supplements that can be beneficial for heart health include: hawthorn berry which may be able to reduce angina and high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, irregular heart beat and even congestive heart failure, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D3, Vitamin K and transdermal application of magnesium, e.g. Epsom salts bath. These few ideas will make you heart happy and loved.  blessings Hans the Herbalist💕
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Muscular tension and spasm: Cramp bark has a richly deserved reputation for relaxing muscular tension and spasm, it has two primary areas of use: cramps of the voluntary muscles and uterine muscle condition. Cramp bark is perhaps most thought of as a women’s herb for helping with painful menstruation, but it is worth noting that there are lots of other traditional uses that show it has a general effect on spasm and tension elsewhere in the body. For example, Cramp bark has been historically used for migraine, asthma, biliary colic (from gall stones), renal colic (from kidney stones), and numerous different kinds of indigestion or bowel disturbances where cramp is the key feature.💕 You can trust Cramp bark's relaxing action without having to have any worry about it being at all sedating or having any kind of side effects. Cramp bark is an extremely safe herb that can be used with great confidence that it will do no harm .  Blessings Hans the Herbalist 💕💞
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CRAMP BARK by Hans the - Etsy Australia

This Herbs & Spices item by SonnengartenOrganics has 9 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from Australia. Listed on 18 Oct, 2023

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Thyroid health 🌿 Eating well, management  of  stress levels, herbal  medicine if required  and your posative   intention on outcome  can be ever so helpful for  managing the symptoms of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.  This protocol  may  also be key part in restoring health back to normal. Here are some herbal choices. Eleuthero;  suitable for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, this includes both Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Graves’ Disease. This herb doesn’t directly impact the thyroid gland, but instead impacts the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, this herb  helps the body to adapt to stressful situations,  also provides immune system support. Adrenal problems, are common in people with thyroid and autoimmune  conditions, Eleuthero is considered to be an adaptogenic herb. Bladderwrack; those with hypothyroidism taking this herb can help restore the health of those with hypothyroidism. If one is taking synthetic pharmaceuticals or natural thyroid hormone it may be possible  to stop taking these drugs. Bladderwrack  and Ashwagandha can stimulate the production of thyroid hormone in some people with hypothyroid conditions. This is not to say that most people with hypothyroid conditions can stop taking thyroid hormone medication and substitute it for Bladderwrack and Ashwagandha. It is always useful to address the underlying cause of the condition. This herb and herbs like Irish moss do not include iodine, some people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis don’t do well when taking this herb. However, there are others  with Hashimoto’s that manage quite well. Some  will  try and avoid it out of fear it may inflame their condition. This herb shouldn’t be taken by those with hyperthyroidism, and is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Ashwagandha; An  adaptogen herb for people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions,  this herb has  many different benefits. The great things about most herbs, they usually benefit the body in many different ways if used appropriately. Ashwagandha helps the body to cope with stress by affecting the HPA-axis, and is also beneficial for the immune system. Another benefit, it has  anti-inflammatory effects. Gotu Kola. Another great apoptogenic herb that supports brain health, nerves, and mood. It is considered one of the safer adoptogenic herbs. Cordyceps sinensis, a fungus, is also often found in hypothyroid formulas. It is a wonderful adaptogenic herbal choice for patients that are extremely fatigued. With the additional bonus that it can help with insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health. Some supplements that are also helpful   Selenium 100mcg, zinc 20mg,  b12 0.1 mg, tyrosine 500mg. plenty of sunshine, fresh air  and 2 or 3 times a week soak your feet in a bucket of warm water with 2 cups of Epsom salts . Soak for 30 min and relax. Relaxation is the key to all health conditions, so give yourself some love and relax.  Many blessings   Hans the Herbalist 💕
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