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Many young people spend a considerable amount of their day on their smartphones. This excessive use can be attributed to a shift in entertainment preferences and parental negligence. However, promoting better digital hygiene and increasing social awareness can help alleviate this issue. The latest trends in entertainment and parental negligence can explain children's electronic obsession. Firstly, various social media platforms, video hosting websites, and streaming services have made the internet a more attractive option for leisure than traditional television. The diversity of content and freedom of choice make it highly appealing to young people. For example, many children today enjoy watching popular YouTuber Mr. Beast, known for his high-quality and bizarre experiment and challenge videos, which might be censored on TV. As a result, children are more attached to their mobile devices, allowing them to watch their favorite content anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, children may resort to digital entertainment due to a lack of attention from their parents. Since parents tend to work long hours and handle household chores afterward, children are often left without much parental interaction. Feeling neglected, children find solace in cheap thrills, such as playing games or watching series on their phones and tablets. Consequently, this increases their daily screen time. Despite these concerns, children can be taught to spend less time on screens. Firstly, parents and caretakers should set daily screen time limits and moderate the content their children access. It is also important for parents to explain to their children the circumstances under which they are allowed to use mobile devices. For example, children can be permitted to use devices only after completing their homework and household responsibilities. This approach encourages children to finish their tasks promptly while ensuring they are safe from extended screen time and unwanted content. Secondly, parents should actively participate in their children's upbringing by setting a good example. Local communities and schools can collaborate with parents to raise awareness about issues such as reduced attention spans and clip thinking, which often arise in children prone to binge-watching. Therefore, it would be wise for parents to implement an "offline policy," encouraging quality family time at least once a week. This approach not only serves as a digital detox but also strengthens family bonds. In conclusion, children spend a considerable amount of time on their smartphones due to widely available content and parental negligence. This alarming tendency can be mitigated if parents, school authorities, and local governments work together. Ultimately, children should not be glued to their screens; instead, they should be encouraged to explore the amazing world around them.
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Bizning Writing bo'yicha qo'llanmamizdan olingan bu parchada, siz complex sentence order bilan nominalization kabi ko'nikmalarni mustahkamlashingiz mumkin.
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Repost from Exam Online-Edumo
Useful exercise
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Несмотря на жестокость, нельзя отрицать эффективность таких юридических процедур в поддержании общественного порядка и, в конечном счете, служении большему благу общества. Помимо сдерживающего аспекта, смертная казнь может приносить покой жертвам и их семьям. Это соответствует концепции "око за око", присущей этому предложению. Хотя насилие на насилие может казаться непрактичным, оно обеспечивает социальную справедливость и предотвращает другие формы возмездия, такие как линчевание. Несмотря на эти убедительные достоинства, смертная казнь также считается бесчеловечной и экономически обременительной. Во-первых, убийство считается самым гнусным преступлением среди народов мира, потому что оно лишает человека его естественного права на жизнь, как это поддерживается Декларацией прав человека. В философском контексте казнь убийцы не уменьшает количество убийц; она просто заменяет одного на другого. Во-вторых, с экономической точки зрения, расходы на содержание, апелляции и обслуживание дел по смертной казни выше, чем на пожизненное заключение с условно-досрочным освобождением. Сравнительные исследования различных правовых систем не показывают значительного эффекта на снижение уровня преступности, так как результаты довольно схожи. На мой взгляд, такой дорогой и морально спорный вердикт должен иметь место в правовых системах, но должен оставаться последним средством и быть тщательно обсужденным перед исполнением. В заключение, смертная казнь имеет двойственный характер, обеспечивая справедливость, но при этом лишая жизни и истощая финансовые ресурсы. Учитывая ее крайнюю природу, обсуждения остаются неопределенными, так как человечество еще не полностью осознало истинные отношения между жизнью и смертью. Хотя некоторые развитые страны практикуют этот вид наказания, другие общества должны тщательно взвесить все за и против перед его введением.
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Uzbek Translation: O'lim jazosi jinoyatlar uchun eng og'ir jazo sifatida qo'llanilishi borasida bahs-munozaralar mavjud. Ba'zilar bu taklifni uning to'siq qo'yish ta'siri va adolat foydalari tufayli qo'llab-quvvatlasa, boshqalar uning noinsoniy tabiati va iqtisodiy zararli jihatlari tufayli qarshi chiqishadi. Men esa bu ikki ekstremal pozitsiya o'rtasidagi nozik yondashuvga ishonaman. O'lim jazosini huquqni muhofaza qilish tizimlariga qo'shish jinoyatlarni oldini olishi va jabrlanuvchilar va ularning yaqinlariga adolat hissini olib kelishi mumkin. Qotillik va qurolli hujum kabi dahshatli jinoyatlar uchun bunday og'ir jazoning mavjudligi kelajakda shunga o'xshash voqealarning oldini olish uchun huquqiy to'siq sifatida xizmat qilishi mumkin. Bu g'oyani qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan tarixiy kontekstlar, masalan, Hammurabi va Drakoning hukmronligi davrida jinoyatchilarga nisbatan hech qanday rahm-shafqat ko'rsatmagan siyosatlari mavjud. Zo'ravon bo'lsa-da, bunday huquqiy protseduralarning jamiyat farovonligi uchun xizmat qilishi va jamiyat tartibini saqlashdagi samaradorligini inkor etib bo'lmaydi. Bundan tashqari, o'lim jazosi jabrlanuvchilar va ularning oilalariga tinchlik olib kelishi mumkin. Bu taklifning o'zida mavjud bo'lgan 'ko'z uchun ko'z' tushunchasi bilan mos keladi. Zo'ravonlikka nisbatan zo'ravonlik noo'rin bo'lib ko'rinishi mumkin bo'lsa-da, bu ijtimoiy adolatni ta'minlaydi va linch qilish kabi boshqa qasos shakllarining oldini oladi. Ushbu ishonarli afzalliklarga qaramay, o'lim jazosi ham noinsoniy va iqtisodiy jihatdan zararli deb hisoblanadi. Avvalo, qotillik butun dunyo davlatlari tomonidan eng jirkanch jinoyat deb hisoblanadi, chunki insonning yashash huquqini olib qo'yishning o'zi inson huquqlari deklaratsiyasi bilan qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. Falsafiy kontekstda, masalan, qotilni o'ldirish bilan qotillar soni kamaymaydi; shunchaki bitta qotil boshqasi bilan almashtiriladi. Ikkinchidan, iqtisodiy nuqtai nazardan, o'lim jazosi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan uy-joy, apellyatsiya va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlari, shartli ravishda ozodlikdan mahrum qilish jazosi bilan solishtirganda, ancha yuqori. Turli xil huquqiy tizimlarni taqqoslash bo'yicha tadqiqotlar jinoyat stavkalarini kamaytirishda sezilarli ta'sir ko'rsatmaganini ko'rsatadi, chunki natijalar deyarli bir xil. Mening fikrimcha, bunday qimmat va axloqiy jihatdan bahsli hukm huquqiy tizimlarda o'rin egallashi kerak, ammo u so'nggi chora sifatida saqlanishi va ijro etilishidan oldin puxta muhokama qilinishi kerak. Xulosa qilib aytganda, o'lim jazosi ikki qirrali bo'lib, adolatni ta'minlaydi va shu bilan birga hayotni olib qo'yadi va moliyaviy resurslarni sarflaydi. Uning mohiyatiga ko'ra, hayot va o'lim o'rtasidagi haqiqiy munosabatni hali to'liq anglamaganimiz uchun muhokamalar noaniq bo'lib qolmoqda. Ba'zi rivojlangan davlatlar bu turdagi jazoni qo'llashayotgan bo'lsa-da, boshqa jamiyatlar uni amalga oshirishdan oldin barcha afzalliklari va kamchiliklarini sinchkovlik bilan o'rganishlari kerak. Russian Translation Существует спор по поводу применения смертной казни в качестве высшей меры наказания за тяжкие преступления. Некоторые поддерживают это предложение из-за его сдерживающего эффекта и предполагаемых преимуществ справедливости, в то время как другие выступают против него из-за его бесчеловечного характера и экономических недостатков. Я же верю в сбалансированный подход, находящийся между этими двумя крайностями. Включение смертной казни в системы правопорядка может сдерживать дальнейшие преступления и приносить чувство справедливости жертвам и их родственникам. Наличие столь сурового наказания за ужасные преступления, такие как убийство и вооруженное нападение, может служить юридическим сдерживающим фактором, предотвращая подобные инциденты в будущем. Исторические контексты, такие как правление таких правителей, как Хаммурапи и Дракон, которые проводили политику безжалостного отношения к преступникам, подтверждают эту идею.
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Some people advocate the death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty and give your opinion. There is a debate over the implementation of the death penalty as the ultimate sentence for major and severe crimes. Some support this proposal due to its deterrent effect and perceived justice benefits, while others argue against it because of its inhumane nature and economic drawbacks. I, however, believe in a nuanced approach that lies between these two extreme positions. The incorporation of capital punishment into law enforcement systems can deter further crimes and bring a sense of justice to victims and their relatives. The existence of such severe punishment for horrendous crimes, such as homicide and armed assault, can act as a legal deterrent, preventing similar incidents in the future. Historical contexts, such as the reigns of rulers like Hammurabi and Draco, who enforced no-mercy policies toward criminals, support this idea. Although violent, one cannot deny the effectiveness of such legal procedures in maintaining societal order and ultimately serving the greater purpose of societal welfare. In addition to its deterrent aspect, the death penalty can provide peace to victims and their families. This aligns with the 'eye for an eye' concept inherent in the proposal. While violence against violence may be seen as impractical, it ensures social justice and prevents other forms of retribution, such as lynching. Despite these persuasive merits, the ultimate sentence is also considered inhumane and financially draining. Firstly, murder is collectively regarded as the most heinous crime among world nations because it takes away one's natural right to live, as supported by the Human Rights Declaration. In a philosophical context, executing a murderer does not reduce the number of murderers; it simply replaces one with another. Secondly, from an economic standpoint, the expenses associated with hosting, appealing, and maintaining capital punishment cases are higher than those for life imprisonment with parole. Comparative studies of different legal systems show no significant effect on reducing crime rates, as the results are quite similar. In my opinion, such a costly and morally contentious verdict should have a place in legal systems but should be reserved as a last resort and thoroughly debated before execution. To conclude, capital punishment is dichotomous in nature, balancing justice while taking a life and draining financial resources. Given its ultimate nature, discussions remain vague, as humanity is yet to fully understand the true relationship between life and death. While some first-world countries practice this form of punishment, other societies should carefully weigh all pros and cons before implementation.
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