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do u know who is Attilla?
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Either you have a defect Didn't gray hair warn you? There is no doubt about his advice Nor is your hearing deaf But death called you Don't listen to the voice Are you afraid of missing out? He is careful and concerned
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The next time something or someone tries to pull you down, remember: you're in control. You can choose to engage or let it go. Just because something is in front of you doesn’t mean it deserves your attention. Your well-being, happiness and peace are more important.
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Когда был ниспослан аят: «Никогда не достигнете благочестия, пока не будете расходовать из того, что любите» (сура «Али Имран», аят 92), Иби Умар во имя Аллаха освободил свою рабыню по имени Румайса, сказав: «Клянусь Аллахом, больше всех людей на свете я люблю тебя, ты свободна и можешь идти (куда пожелаешь)». Хадисы и жизнь, 2 джуз
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one of the righteous predecessors said: “I fought with my nafs for 20 years before he got on the right path. if you strive for this for a long time, and repent every time you sin, then your nafs will become correct, but this is not something that happens in a few days or even months - it takes many years.” see “Hilyatul Awliya”, 7/5.
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⠀ at a time when every disobedience blocks your path, when every anxiety envelops your soul to extinguish the lights of hope in it. take refuge in a cave and Allah, he will protect you from worries, sadness, disobedience, passions and doubts that have settled in your heart. choose your “cave” in which you will find refuge and peace. maybe your cave will be two rak'ahs of prayer in the depths of the night and Allah| through it will dispel your sorrow. or perhaps your “cave” will be a good deed done in secret, which no one except Allah will know about. or the melancholy of someone who is in a difficult situation, which you will alleviate. or it will be piety towards your parents, or the reunification of family ties after you have interrupted them, or other good deeds... ⠀
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photo called: Lil sis must not see this
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